HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-10-02-CONCOM-min TOWN OF LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS CONSERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES Monday October 2, 2017 6:30 P.M. Parker Room, Town Office Building 1625 Massachusetts Ave Chair Phil Hamilton opened the meeting at 6:30pm in the Hudson Room. Commissioners Present: Duke Bitsko, Phil Hamilton, Dick Wolk, Kevin Beuttell, Ruth Ladd, Alex Dohan Others present: Karen Mullins, Conservation Administrator 6:30pm Request for Informal Meeting: Marshall Road Pump Station, Town Engineering Department Dave Pavlik- Town Engineer, Kevin Olsen- Sanitary Consultant Mr. Pavlik explained that town has a plan to upgrade sewer pump stations all over town. The next on their list is a pump station at the end of Marshall Road. The existing pump station is within the buffer to perennial stream and associated wetlands. The proposed new station will be within 30ft. of the stream. They are proposing a restoration planting plan. The new station will have a backup generator and will be diesel fueled. Standard BMPs will be practiced during and after construction. Mr. Olsen stated that they will be filing a formal NOI in the coming months. Questions and comments from the Commission: The commission asked if there is any way to move the structure further from the stream. Mr. Pavlik explained that they are very limited as to where they can place it for multiple reasons. The commission asked if there is flood zone issues. The consultant stated that there are not. The commission asked about the lifetime of the generator. The consultant explained that it is at least 20 years. The commission confirmed that the stream is perennial. The consultant explained that they are working within riverfront area. The commission asked for a formal planting plan as part of the NOL The applicant agreed. 6:49pm Request for Insignificant plan change: Clarke School, DEP 201-1014, BL 971 Fred King- Schofield Brothers Mr. King explained that the Fire Department has requested that a stone dust path be built to the field from the gym exit to the existing bridge and into the field. Mr. King explained that in case of a fire, it is better to have a defined path to lead people away from the building. There are also some handicapped students who would benefit from the path to the fields. The grading is very flat and spot grades have been added to the plan. Motion to approve the insignificant plan change made by Mr. Beuttell and second by Mr. Wolk. Vote: 6-0 in favor. 6:56pm Request for Insignificant plan change: 18 Constitution Road, DEP 201-884, BL 843 Venkata Bhupatiraju- homeowner Mr. Bhupatiraju explained to the commission that they originally had proposed to add a two car garage to the property. However, the scope of the work has changed and they are now proposing to just add a parking pad. The same stormwater plan will be implemented. Additionally, they are proposing to put a small retaining wall in the yard rather than grade yard as originally proposed. Engineering has signed off on the retaining wall, but no test pits have been done in the area of the infiltration system. The commission stated that test pits would need to be done before this can be approved. 7:03pm Request for Insignificant plan change: 430 Concord Ave, DEP 201-938, BL 897 Rich Kirby, LEC Environmental Mr. Kirby explained that they are proposing three changes to the approved plan. The first is that they have to implement a remediation plan do to some contamination found on site. The second change is that there are a few overhangs that extend within the 50 ft. buffer that were not originally approved. They have submitted revised plans showing the relatively minor change. Additionally, as mitigation for the addition roof area, they are proposed to restore an additional 1700 sq. ft. This mitigation area is proposed on the town owned land adjacent to the property. Questions and comments from the Commission: The commission asked for clarification regarding the location of the mitigation area. Mr. Kirby explained that the area is directly next to the property. It was an area that was formally part of the property but was taken by eminent domain by the town. Mr. Kirby explained that the state does allow for offsite mitigation, but it has to be done at a 2:1 ratio. The commission asked what the status of the project is. Mr. Kirby explained that they are currently implementing the RAM plan. The rough grading of the restoration area will be next as well as the construction of the retaining walls. The planting is anticipated to be done next spring. The commission stated that they did not think encroachment into the 50ft. buffer is a minor change. They are concerned about the precedent that this will set. Mr. Kirby explained that this is a unique situation because the buffer is extending from a replicated wetland area rather than a natural one. He is not prepared to approve as insignificant since it was within 50. Motion to approve the insignificant plan change made by Mr. Beuttell and seconded by Mr. Bitsko. Vote: 4-0 in favor. 7:20pm DET 17-27 RDA, 87 Hill Street Owner/applicant: Lexington Housing Authority Project: Deck replacement and new stairs The applicant explained that they are proposing to rebuild the existing deck and add a set of stairs off the rear. New sonotube footings will be poured and the soil will be brought off site. Questions and comments from the Commission: The commission asked that the trash be picked up in the rear of the property. The applicant agreed. The commission asked that erosion controls be installed. The applicant agreed. The commission asked if it was possible to turn the stairs 90 degrees to the side lot line. The applicant stated that they could do that. Motion to issue a negative determination with conditions made by Mr. Beuttell and seconded by Ms. Ladd. Vote: 6-0 in favor. 7:29pm DEP 201-1071, BL 1028 NOI, 39 Middleby Road Owner/applicant: John Franson Project: New patio Mark Salvatti- attorney, John Franson- homeowner Mr. Salvatti explained that his client is proposing to put an impervious patio in the backyard. He stated that they are working with an engineer, but do not have his calculations yet. The patio is about 70ft. from the wetlands on site. Questions and comments from the commission: The commission stated the engineering review is needed for approval. They will have the calculations by the next meeting. Motion to continue the hearing to 10/17/2017 at the applicant's request made by Mr. Beuttell and seconded by Ms. Dohan. Vote: 6-0 in favor. 7:33pm DEP 201-1011, BL 968 Amended Order of Conditions, 37 Justin Street Owner/applicant: Muhammed Rahman and Paula Karim Project: after the fact changes to approved plan Saade Barbar- builder, Aziz Ramon- homeowner Mr. Barbar explained that there was some miscommunication between himself, the engineer, and the surveyor which resulted in several changes to the approved plan. The size of the porch was increase, an overhang was added over a door way, and a sump pump was installed. He explained that they would like to keep those changes and are offering additional plantings as mitigation. Questions and comments from the Commission: The commission discussed whether plantings would be sufficient because of the sensitivity of the site. The commission stated that they would need to see the plantings on a plan in order to approve it. The commission asked for more details regarding how the mistakes were made. Mr. Barbar stated that there was miscommunication between architect, engineer, and surveyor. The commission discussed their options. The applicant stated that they would come back with an adjusted plan. Motion to continue the hearing to 10/17/2017 at the applicant's request made by Ms. Ladd and seconded by Mr. Wolk. Vote: 6-0 in favor. 7:48pm DEP 201-1072, BL 1029 NOI, 23 Hamblen Street Owner/applicant: LexInvest Project: Raze and rebuild SFD Rich Kirby- LEC Environmental, Al Gala-project engineer, Dan Taylor- owner/builder Mr. Kirby explained that his client is proposing to raise and rebuild the existing home. They originally filed a Request for Determination. Mr. Kirby stated the wetland is across the street from the home. Only a small portion of the house is within the buffer. The current house is within the groundwater table. The new house will be bigger, but will manage the stormwater on the property. The basement will be above the ground water table. They are proposing some site grading to ensure that rainwater will also be captured by the system. The system has redundancies to ensure the longevity of the system. Mr. Hamilton entered the Town Engineering report into the record. Questions and comments from the Commission: The commission how the owner would access the rear of the house to maintain the infiltration systems in the rear? There is enough room for a small excavator to get back there. The commission for more detail regarding the heights of the retaining wall in relation to the infiltration system. The applicant explained that they will add a poly sheet against the wall to protect it if the system overflows. The commission asked if the proposed method of cleaning out the infiltration system will work because of the distance from the road. Mr. Gala explained that the trucks have long hoses that will be able to reach the rear of the property. The commission expressed concern about the difference in height between the property and the abutting property. The applicant explained that they are capturing all the water on site. Rain water will either be directed to the infiltration system or it will infiltrate on site. The commission stated that they want to condition a foundation as-built plan. The commission stated that they want to condition that the owner submit a yearly maintenance report. Mr. Hamilton entered abutters' letters into the record. Questions and comments from the audience: Anne Marie Tan, 17 Hamblen Street, expressed concern regarding potential flooding as a result of the construction. She added that there is historical flooding in the area. Walter Allen, 20 Homestead Street, also expressed concern about flooding in the area. George McCormack2l Hamblen Street, explained that before new construction in the area, they never had any water issues. They have now had to install sump pumps. He expressed concern that the proposed retaining walls will affect his existing stockade fence. Mr. Kirby explained that the block style retaining wall that they are putting in is not invasive during construction. Motion to close the hearing made by Mr. Beuttell and seconded by Mrs. Dohan. Vote: 6-0 in favor. 8:34pm DEP 201-1073, BL 1030 NOI, 15 Oxbow Road Owner/applicant: JMG Development Corporation Project: Raze and rebuild SFD Mike Novak and Chris Gajeski- Meridian Associates, Joe Geolmini- owner/builder Mr. Novak explained that they are proposing to demo the existing single family home and build a larger one. The home will be 71 feet away from the wetlands at the closest point. An impervious patio is proposed in the rear of the house. The run off from the patio and house will be captured by a stormwater system. They are proposing to place FENO markers along the 25 ft. buffer and allow that area to renaturalize. Questions and comments from the Commission: The commission asked if it is possible for the applicant to save a large beech tree in the rear. The applicant explained that the retaining wall will be placed in the area where that tree is. He stated that he is going to try to save another tree on the site. The commission stated that the one year storm rates are just on the line. The applicant should keep this in mind if any changes arise. The commission asked that the poly sheet detail be added to the plan. Motion to close the hearing made by Mr. Wolk and seconded by Mr. Beuttell. Vote: 6-0 in favor. Continued Meetings/Hearings DEP 201-1022, BL 979 NOI, 138 Laconia Street Owner/Applicant: DEBCO Properties, David Burns Project: New Single Family Home Motion to continue the hearing to 12/11/2017 at the applicant's request made by Mr. Wolk and seconded by Ms. Ladd. Vote: 6-0 in favor. Issue Certificate of Compliance: 10 Churchill Road, DEP 201-1021, BL 978 Motion to issue the certificate of compliance made by Mr. Wolk and seconded by Ms. Dohan. Vote: 6-0 in favor. Issue Certificate of Compliance: 39 Sherburne Road, DEP 201-920, BL 880 This request is not ready Issue Certificate of Compliance: 48 Brandon Street, DEP 201-1018, BL 975 Motion to issue the certificate of compliance made by Mr. Beuttell and seconded by Ms. Dohan. Vote: 6-0 in favor. Approve minutes: 9/5/2017, 9/18/2017 Motion to approve the minutes of 9/5/2017 made by Mrs. Dohan and seconded by Ms. Ladd. Vote: 6-0 in favor. Motion to approve the minutes of 9/18/2017 made by Mrs. Dohan and seconded by Ms. Ladd. Vote: 6-0 in favor. Schedule site visits Site visits were scheduled for 10/14/2017 at 9am. Steep Slope Regulations The commission discussed the edits to the draft regulation from Town Counsel. They will recirculate the draft in order to finalize it. 100 foot buffer zone regulation discussion The commission discussed the most recent draft of the regulation. They are going to revisit section 5 of the existing regulations. Ms. Mullins will circulate the electronically. 9:25pm Motion adjourn made by Mr. Wolk and seconded by Mr. Beuttell. Vote: 6-0 in favor. Respectfully Submitted, Casey Hagerty Conservation Department Assistant Approved 10/30/2017