HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-02-20-HPB-min Lexington Housing Partnership
Meeting Minutes for Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Attendees: Harriet Cohen, Nancy Corcoran-Ronchetti,Jeri Foutter, Mary Haskell, Paul Linton,Wendy
Manz, Rich McDonough, Bob Pressman (via telephone), Melinda Walker, Betsey Weiss
Absent: none
The meeting was chaired by Melinda Walker and minutes were taken by Harriet Cohen.The meeting
was called to order at 7:37 pm.
1. Approval of minutes of January 9,2018
The LHP agreed on several minor changes to the minutes.The minutes, as amended,were approved
unanimously. Ms. Corcoran-Ronchetti moved the motion and Mr. Linton seconded the motion.The
motion was approved with five in favor and one abstention.
2. Recap: Manor House Lottery/ Ms. Corcoran-Ronchetti
At the invitation of Elizabeth Rust of the Regional Housing Services Office, Ms. Corcoran-Ronchetti
represented LHP at the lottery for the six'first-time home buyers' units at the Manor House. Ms.
Corcoran- Ronchetti 'pulled the numbers'for the lottery winners.Although they did not have to be
present, Ms. Corcoran-Ronchetti did meet some of the lottery winners. If any of the first six lottery
winners do not acquire the units, the units will be offered to the next qualified person or persons on
the waiting list.
3. Guest Presentation on a "Citizen's Article:Special Permit Residential Developments"/Matt
To strengthen the Special Permit Residential Development (SPRD) process, Mr. Daggett put forward
a proposal with three major goals:
• Stronger focus on affordable housing
• Inclusion of age-restricted housing
• Preservation of more open space
The age-restricted housing aspect of the proposal may be removed for Town Meeting, since it is not
clear that state and federal laws or regulations allow requirements for the particular form of age-
restricted housing proposed.
His proposal combines public benefit development and balanced housing to create a new type of
SPRD with guidelines as to the number and size of the units in the SPRD. Currently,there is no
guidance around the number of units. Also as part of the proposal, affordable housing is required. At
the 1.5 multiplier, 15%would have to be affordable.There is also a 2x multiplier, with 20%
Per the proposal,the houses will have Gross Floor(GFA) restrictions.
The differences between Mr. Daggett's proposal and the existing public benefit development/
balanced housing zoning are the affordable housing requirement,the GFA restrictions, and the
requirement for open space.
Lexington Housing Partnership
Extensive modeling and financial analysis indicates that the proposal is a viable option for the
developer and may be preferable to the by-right zoning.
Mr. Daggett will be making changes to reflect the input he has received. He will be presenting the
updated proposal at the Planning Board meeting on Feb. 28. He anticipates the proposal will go
before the Board of Selectmen on March 19.
4. Update on National Development's proposal for"senior housing"/Mr. McDonough
National Development has proposed 184 housing units in total, with 15% of the units targeted for
affordable housing.The proposal is for both independent living and assisted living units.The last
presentation to the Planning Board was in June 2017.
5. Busa Update/Mr. Pressman
Mr. Pressman reported that the Lowell Street units are out for construction bid. LexHAB is
requesting additional funds based on the bids. LexHAB will be coming to the CPC for the additional
funds.The funds are necessitated in part because LexHAB is now required to engage in public
bidding process and to follow prevailing wage standards.
6. CPC Update/Ms. Walker
Ms. Walker reported that the Community Preservation Committee will continue reviewing funding
requests for Annual Town Meeting at their March 8 meeting. There is currently about$500,000.00
in the 'housing bucket.'
New Business
Ms. Foutter informed the Partnership that Miss Cohen is now the Treasurer of the Lexington
Housing Foundation (LHF); Ms. Foutter will continue serving as the President of the foundation. Ms.
Foutter said that she is in the process of obtaining a P.O. Box at the Lexington Center Post Office;
the mailing address for the Foundation will no longer be in c/o of the Hancock Church.
7. Set next meeting date
The next meeting will be on March 20.The focus of the discussion will be on plans for the future and
possible fundraising ideas. There will also be a continued discussion on Article 42, Mr. Daggett's
special permitting proposal.
8. Meeting adjournment
Ms. Ronchetti moved adjournment of the meeting, Ms. Weiss seconded the motion.The motion
passed unanimously.