HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-05-25-REPSC-min Residential Exemption Policy Study Committee (Ad Hoc)
Meeting minutes
Friday, May 25, 2018
Hudson Room, Cary Memorial Building
Mark Andersen - chair, Vicki Blier, Sara Bothwell Allen(acting secretary), Howard Cloth, Katie
Cutler, John Zhao, Joe Pato, Selectman Liaison, absent: Thomas Whelan
Resident observers: Bob Pressman, Pamela Tames
Mr. Andersen called the meeting to order at 8:32AM
Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the May 11, 2018 meeting will be reviewed at the next meeting.
Public Comment Period
Ms Tames reported there has been a lot of curiosity about the Public Hearing announcement on
Lexington List—anticipate engaged attendants at hearing.
Mr Pressman expressed that the Committee is early in its exploration and not yet ready to discuss
a final report to Selectmen
Final Preparation for May 29 Public Hearing
Logistics—Mr. Pato previously requested LexMedia cover the event and will check back with
them to confirm.
Hearing timeline was revised at the last meeting and agreed upon.
Public awareness of upcoming hearing—Ms Cutler reported that some public feedback has been
impression that a decision to implement a Residential Exemptions has been made, therefore we
need to be careful of our tone/language so that people understand this is an exploratory
committee with nothing yet determined by BoS. Mr. Zhao reports conversation among the
Lexington Chinese community reflects understanding this is an ongoing exploration. Ms Blier
suggested making FAQ available ahead. Mr Andersen reports Glen Parker suggested people
come to meeting to get materials rather than ahead of time. In the context of Committee
members observing many questions in community groups about RE and about the hearing, Mr.
Pato reminded that Committee members cannot discuss Committee work outside of open
Discussion of FAQ document—committee members gave Ms Blier feedback for FAQ revisions.
Review of presentation and slides
Mr Zhao initiated a conversation about sticking to facts versus hypotheticals in the presentation
before he needed to depart the meeting. This conversation continued, covering areas of
uncertainty with regard to potential indirect effects of Residential Exemption implementation,
likely variable levels of familiarity with RE in the upcoming hearing's audience, defining our
goals for the public hearing, and where the Committee's progress is relative to its charge. With
limited time and no more Committee meetings between today and next Tuesday's public hearing,
Mr. Cloth suggested we postpone holding the hearing until we are more prepared. Mr, Pato
advised we could postpone the hearing, likely until fall, but that we should still plan to present a
status report to the BoS on June 25. Ms. Bothwell Allen suggested, given the degree of public
interest in this hearing, it would be better to hold the hearing but narrow our focus to explaining
RE and soliciting public input. General consensus was agreement with refocusing the hearing on
explaining and illustrating how RE works, listing the areas of potential indirect effects, allowing
as much time as possible for public input, and that 5min be inserted into the public hearing
schedule (between Mr. Pato's introduction and Mr. Andersen's presentation of the main content)
for Mr. Cloth to share his personal testimony regarding why he is serving on this committee. Mr.
Cloth agreed to speak. The slideshow presentation was substantially revised,primarily by
removing content outside the refocused scope, but also with suggested edits to retained slides.
Future Committee Work Gathering public input at the upcoming hearing is a priority, and will be
discussed at the next Committee meeting. Also to be discussed at the next meeting will be
defining areas of novel data to collect, for which data gaps we may be able to fill. This future
work plan will help focus the upcoming status report to the BoS. Mr, Pato recommends the status
report should include 1) Where are we in our work plan, and 2) What did we learn from the
public hearing.
Future Meetings Schedule
May 29 7-9PM Public Hearing
June 1 & June 8 8:30-10AM Committee meetings
June 25 7-9PM Selectmen's meeting
Mr. Andersen will create an agenda for the June 1 meeting; Ms Blier will serve as acting chair
for June 8 meeting in Mr. Andersen's absence.
Mr. Zhao departed at 9:1 OAM.
The meeting was adjourned by Mr. Andersen on behalf of the Committee at 10:05AM.