HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-03-20-CONCOM-min TOWN OF LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS CONSERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES Tuesday March 20, 2018 6:30 P.M. Parker Room, Town Office Building 1625 Massachusetts Ave Chair Philip Hamilton opened the meeting at 6:30pm in the Parker Room of the Town Office Building Commissioners Present: Phil Hamilton, Alex Dohan, Dick Wolk, Kevin Beuttell, Ruth Ladd Others present: Karen Mullins, Conservation Administrator and Jennifer Gingras, Land Use, Health and Development Department Assistant 6:30pm Town of Arlington Reservoir Master Plan and Trail Remediation Pilot Project Plan, John Marshall, Recreation Director Jon Marshall- Town of Arlington Recreation Director Mr. Marshall explained that he wants to give the Commission an update on the Arlington Reservoir master plan. Phase one is going to consist of replacing the existing pump house and launching a pilot trail project. The pilot trail project will be partially within Lexington. They are proposing to pave some trails to make them more accessible. Work is expected to begin in 2019 with the pump house being replaced and then trail work. Phase two will begin at a later date and will mostly involve making the site more accessible. They are hosting a public information meeting on 4/3/2018 for those interested. Questions and comments from the Commission: The commission stated that if the Town is proposing trail work, they should get in contact with the GCC to discuss the ACROSS trails in that area. The commission stated that as part of the engineering phase, the wetlands should be delineated. Request for Insignificant Plan change: 430 Concord Ave, DEP File 4 201-938, BL 897, Modify stream crossing grading at sewer crossing (Replication Area Outlet, SK-3 dated 3/2/18) Rich Kirby- LEC Environmental, Mike Novak- Meridian Associates Mr. Kirby explained that they had proposed a restoration area on the side of the property. As part of the restoration, they were going to create a stream that would flow into a pipe and outlet onto the neighboring town owned wetland. During construction, it was discovered that the previous owner brought some additional fill into the area and now the stream will not flow into the pipe. Showed presentation. Proposing stream that goes beneath sewer access road. They found that the previous owner had brought fill in when Artis took control of the property in 2017. The fill was put in where the pipe was supposed to go. They are proposing to remove some fill and regrade the area so that the stream will flow into the pipe. Questions and comments from the Commission: The commission asked what the approximate limit of fill is and if there was fill in the wetland area. Mr. Novak explained that they only know the level of fill in the area where they are working. They did not want to disturb the rest of the site. Motion to approve the insignificant plan change made by Mr. Beuttell and seconded by Ms. Dohan. Vote: 4-0 in favor. 6:52pm 98 East St. Request for Insignificant Plan Change. Modify the plan to construct a second story above garage within the 200-foot Riverfront Area and 100-foot buffer zones from wetland and bordering land subject to flooding Mike Novak, Meridian and Sean Kennedy, owner Mr. Novak explained that they were taking a phased approach to the construction on the house. The sports court and shed have been constructed. They are now proposing to add a second story to the garage. There is no increase in impervious area. The contractor will not have to change the limit of work line to do this phase of construction. Questions and comments from the Commission: The commission stated that there is a lot of construction happening in a sensitive area. The applicant stated that the contractor is very aware of the limit of work line. The commission asked if the restoration piece has been completed. The applicant explained that this will be done in the spring. The commission asked if the snow fencing and silt sock were still in place. The applicant stated that they are. The commission stated that it appears there is an overhang off the second story addition. The applicant explained that the perceived overhang is actually the first floor. The second story is slightly smaller. The commission asked if any other work is proposed on the site. The applicant explained that just some siding work is proposed. They will keep in touch with Ms. Mullins. Motion to approve insignificant plan change made by Ms. Ladd and seconded by Ms. Dohan. Vote: 4-0 in favor. Request Certificate of Compliance: 115 Grant Street DEP 201-991, BL 948 This will be discussed at the next meeting. Approve minutes from 3/5/18 meeting Motion to approve minutes made by Mrs. Dohan and seconded by Ms. Ladd. Vote: 4-0 in favor. Schedule site visits for 4/3 meeting Site visits were scheduled for Saturday, March 31, 2018. Planning Board project comments: Definitive Special Permit, 443 Lincoln Street Permeable surface for area that is not used for normal traffic. Planning Board project comments: Warrant Article 42 The commission stated that they will write a memo regarding their recommendations. Reports: Ms. Dohan reported that architect Colin Smith has taken some photos of the Wright Farm Barn and hopes to have sketches ready for the 4/28 event. The interior of the ban will have to be completely renovated. 7:OOpm Continued Hearings DEP 201-1093, BL 1050 NOI, Whipple Hill Con Area Applicant requested to continue to 4/3/18 Agenda. Motion to continue hearing to 4/3/2018 meeting at the applicant's request made by Ms. Ladd and seconded by Mr. Beuttell. Vote: 4-0 in favor. 7:03pm New Hearings DEP 201-1094, BL 1051 NOI, Hayden Woods Conservation Area Owner: Town of Lexington Applicant: Lexington Conservation Stewards Project: Trail and boardwalk improvements Jordan McCarron- Lexington Conservation Steward Coordinator, Mike Tabazinski- Conservation Steward Documents: NOI package 2/27/2018 Mr. McCarron explained that they have received a State grant for this project. The project consists of improving the existing trail and renovating existing boardwalks. Portions of the trail will be rerouted to be out of wetland areas. The applicant explained that the existing trail is 400ft. in length. In addition to repairing boardwalks, they will also be repairing a dilapidated bridge crossing. This particular trail is heavily used and is an important connection to other trail systems. For part of the boardwalk replacements, they will be using a new technique to construct. Questions and comments from the Commission: The commission asked for more details regarding the new technique for boardwalk construction. Mr. McCarron explained that the technique reduces the amount of contact with the soil. If this technique is successful, they will use it in other projects. The commission asked how they will get the lumber to the site. Mr. McCarron explained the lumber company will access the trail from 45-65 Hayden Ave and drive the lumber up as far as possible. The Lexington track team will help carry the lumber the rest of the way. Mr. McCarron stated that they will have to replace the bridge before the lumber can be brought in. Motion to close the hearing made by Mr. Beuttell and seconded by Ms. Ladd. Vote: 4-0 in favor. Motion to issue the Order of Conditions made by Ms. Dohan and seconded by Ms. Ladd. Vote: 4-0 in favor. 7:15pm DEP 201-XXXX, BL XXXX NOI, Minuteman National Park, Parker's Revenge Owner/applicant: US Department of the Interior, National Park Service Project: Boardwalk installation Margie Coffin Brown- Minuteman National Park Documents: NOI package and plans 2/27/2018 Ms. Brown explained that they are proposing to build a short boardwalk within the Parker's Revenge battle site so they can observe the battle scene without causing disturbance. The boardwalk will be within a wetland area as well as the buffer to wetlands. A viewing platform is also proposed. Questions and comments from the Commission: The commission asked for the size of the platform. Ms. Brown stated in is 10'x16'. This size is much reduced from what was originally proposed. The commission stated that they want a detail of the gravel. Motion to close the hearing made by Mr. Beuttell and seconded by Ms. Dohan. Vote: 4-0 in favor. 7:23pm DET 18-6 RDA, 30 Dewey Road Owner/applicant: Niranian Sathiyavanthan Project: Second story addition with front porch overhang Bruce Ricciardelli- builder and Niranian Sathiyavanthan- owner Documents: RDA package 2/27/2018 Mr. Ricciardelli stated that they are phasing the entire project. This first phase is just for a second story addition. They will come back to the commission in the future for the remainder of the work. Staging will be done in the front of the house. They will only need access around the house for when they are doing the siding. Ruth—The commission asked how close to the wetland the project. The applicant stated that from the back of the house, it is about 60ft. to the wetlands. Motion to issue a Negative Determination with Conditions made by Ms. Ladd and seconded by Ms. Dohan. Vote: 4-0 in favor. 7:28pm DEP 201-1020, BL 977 AOOC, 24 Hancock Street Owner/applicant: Kevin and Leslie Sargis Project: Amend drainage plan Fred Russell-project engineer, Kevin Sargis- home owner Documents: Plan 3/19/2018, Drainage analysis 1/12/2018 Mr. Russell explained that originally one infiltration system was proposed to capture the roof runoff from the garage. During construction, the contractor was unable to get all of the roof runoff to the proposed system, so he installed an additional system. The second system is not functioning properly because it is in the groundwater. Mr. Russell is proposing to increase the size of the original system to capture the roof runoff as well as the runoff from the impermeable patio. Mr. Hamilton entered the Engineering report into the record. Questions and comments from the Commission: The commission asked if the expanded infiltration system has been installed. Mr. Russell stated that it has not been installed. Once they get approval they will install it. The commission stated that they would like to see FENO markers placed along the 25 ft. buffer and across the finger of land that extend far behind the house. They are concerned about mowing in the wetlands area. The applicant stated that they will not mow in that area and are open to FENO markers. Motion to close the hearing made by Mr. Beuttell and seconded by Ms. Dohan. Vote: 4-0 in favor. 7:28pm DEP 201-XXXX, BL XXXX NOI, 23 Hill Street Owner/applicant: Kazumi Wada Project: Raze and rebuild SFD Scott Smyers and Jonathan Shuster- Oxbow Associates Documents: NOI package 2/28/2018, Plan2/26/2018, Drainage analysis 2/26/2018 Mr. Smyers explained that the applicant is proposing to raze and rebuild a single family home. The home will be in the same location as the existing house. The wetland is just off of the property line. Infiltration systems are proposed. FENO markers are proposed along the 25.ft. buffer. Mr. Hamilton entered the engineering report into the record. Questions and comments from the Commission: The commission asked how far the house is from the wetlands. The applicant stated that it is 56 ft. away. The commission stated that they will need to do another site visit to review the wetland line because it was snow covered. Motion to continue the hearing to 4/3/18 at the applicant's request made by Mr. Beuttell and seconded by Ms. Dohan. Vote: 4-0 in favor. 7:49pm DEP 201-XXXX, BL XXXX NOI, 151 Grove Street Owner/applicant: Marcel P.J. Gaudeau Project: Raze and rebuild SFD Scott Smyers- Oxbow Associates, Marcel P.J. Gaudeau- homeowner Mr. Smyers explained that this property has been in front of the commission in the past, but did not receive an Order of Conditions. The new project proposes to tear down the existing house and rebuild a single family home. The new home will be outside of the 50ft. buffer. The wetlands line has not changed since the last time the commission reviewed this project. A few trees will have to be removed to install the infiltration system. They are proposing restoration of the 25 ft. buffer. Questions and comments from the Commission: The commission stated they are comfortable with the wetlands line because they have been out there when there was no snow cover. The commission stated that they want to see FENO markers proposed. The commission stated that they need calculations regarding buffer zone disturbance. This will factor into where they want to see the FENO markers Phil—this was a wetland that was previously inspected by the commission. They can't close the hearing because of DEP number but if there is snow on the ground, do they have to wait before they approve the wetland line? Phil comfortable with Wetland line and also Kevin and Alex. Questions and comments from the audience: Bill Mix, 153 Grove Street, asked about tree removal. The applicant explained to Mr. Mix which trees were to be removed. Motion to continue the hearing to 4/3/18 at the applicant's request made by Mr. Beuttell and seconded by Ms. Dohan. Vote: 4-0 in favor. Continued Hearings DEP 201-1084, BL 1041 NOI, 23 Coolidge Road Owner/Applicant: Timothy and Lauren Weeks Project: Home addition and associated site work Motion to continue the hearing to 4/3/18 at the applicant's request made by Mr. Beuttell and seconded by Ms. Ladd. Vote: 4-0 in favor. DEP 201-1084, BL 1041 NOI, 23 Coolidge Road Owner/Applicant: Timothy and Lauren Weeks Project: Home addition and associated site work John Morin- wetland scientist Documents: Plan 3/20/2018 Mr. Morin explained that the one remaining issue was soil test pit results. They have had a certified soil evaluator do the test pits. The test pits resulted in them raising the infiltration system one foot. Mr. Hamilton entered the engineering report into the record. Questions and comments from the commission: The commission asked for the geotextile fabric to be removed from the bottom of the infiltration system. The commission explained that situations like this are why they require test pits. Motion to close the hearing made by Ms. Ladd and seconded by Mr. Beuttell. Vote: 4-0 in favor. 8:30pm Motion to adjourn made by Ms. Ladd and seconded by Mr. Beuttell. Vote: 4-0 in favor. Respectfully submitted, Casey Hagerty Conservation Department Assistant Approved 4/3/2018