Monday April 30, 2018
6:30 P.M.
Parker Room, Town Office Building
1625 Massachusetts Ave
Chair Philip Hamilton opened the meeting at 6:30pm in the Parker Room of the Town Office
Commissioners Present: Phil Hamilton, Alex Dohan, Dick Wolk, Ruth Ladd, Kevin Beuttell,
Duke, Bitsko
Others present: Karen Mullins, Conservation Administrator and Casey Hagerty, Conservation
Department Assistant
Hartwell Ave Zoning Changes presentation by Economic Development Coordinator, Megan
Ms. Zammuto explained that the Economic Development Office has been tasked with creating an
initiative to balance the commercial tax base with the residential tax base. They have identified
the northern section of Hartwell Ave as a location to redevelop. They are proposing commercial
developments that will capture the natural environment, diversify transportation, and enhance
streetscapes and lighting. They are going to change the zoning to allow for different setbacks and
building heights to increase density. They are imaging the build-out of this area to be 20-30 years
in the future. There are significant wetlands in the area, so they are interested in receiving initial
feedback from the Commission.
Questions and comments from the Commission:
The Commission stated that they are concerned with how people will get to the area. They stated
Bedford Street already has a great deal of traffic in that area.
The commission stated that there are currently large parking areas right next to the wetlands.
They stated that this could be an area to look at for restoration.
The commission stated that an obstacle to development in this area is flood plain.
The commission stated that building trails within the wetlands can be very expensive and
difficult to permit.
DET 18-8
RDA, 489 Concord Ave
Applicant/owner: The Cotting School
Project: Increased use of existing path
Meg Buczynski- Activitas, Bruce Embry- Attorney,
Ms. Buczynski stated that on the Cotting School property, there is currently a path that connects
the existing Cotting School property to their newly acquired property. Ms. Buczynski explained
that the path has always existed. The Cotting School has historically used the path to access the
tennis courts. The family that lived in the single family home that the Cotting School acquired
also used the path to access the tennis courts. Because the Cotting School now owns both
properties, there will be increased use of the path. There are no changes proposed to the path. It
will be hand shoveled in the winter and will be checked twice a year for erosion.
Questions and comments from the Commission:
The commission stated that they are concerned with how the path will be maintained. Based on
pictures, it looks like the path was plowed last winter.
The commission is concerned that the path has been altered since they were last out there. The
applicant explained that there have been no changes to the path.
The commission asked exactly what the change in use of the path will be. Ms. Buczynski stated
that previously, the path was for residential use. Now it will be for school use.
The commission asked if there will be lights on the path. The applicant stated that there will be
some lights in the parking area. The commission stated that they will need to see the lights on a
The commission asked if there are other plans for the property. The applicant stated that in the
future they will be using the property, but there are no plans at this time.
The commission stated that they would like to see some sort of barrier to demarcate the edge of
the path. The commission suggested boulders or a metal edge.
The commission stated that they would be open to a more pervious surface for the path. The
applicant stated they would like to stick with gravel.
The commission stated that they will require an as-built plan.
The commission stated that they want the applicant to provide them with a specific list of
proposed uses so they can better write the conditions.
The commission stated that they want a snow management plan.
Questions and comments from the public:
Meryl Fink, representing Alyssa Goodman of 485 Concord Ave, stated that she is concerned that
the abutter notification was not sufficient. She stated that the abutter notification just mentioned
maintenance of an existing path and not increased use. She stated she is concerned about the
School's intentions for the path and the lot.
Leon Goodman, representing Alyssa Goodman of 485 Concord Ave, stated that he is concerned
that the path will be used for vehicular use. He explained that the right of way that the school
used to access the lot will not be sufficient for commercial use and they will use the path to move
cars back and forth.
Motion to continue the hearing to 5/14/2018 at the applicant's request made by Mr. Wolk and
seconded by Ms. Dohan. Vote: 6-0 in favor.
Request Certificate of Compliance: 57 Ablemarle Road DEP 201-915, BL 875
Motion to issue Certificate of Compliance made by Mr. Wolk and seconded by Ms. Dohan.
Vote: 6-0 in favor.
Approve minutes from 4/17/2018 meeting
Motion to approve minutes made by Ms. Dohan and seconded by Ms. Ladd. Vote: 6-0 in favor.
Continued Hearings
DEP 201-1092, BL 1049
NOI, 7 Ledgelawn Ave
Owner/applicant: Jian Shao
Project: Raze and rebuild SFD
Scott Henderson- Henderson Consulting, Jian Shao-homeowner
Mr. Henderson explained that they have architecturally changed the plans so the new house is
not any closer to the brook than the existing house. At its closest point, the house will be 53.2ft.
from the brook. They are proposing mitigation plantings in the 25 ft. buffer. He explained that
the wetlands consultant talked to DEP about this project and it is considered a mixture of a
redevelopment plan and new construction.
Questions and comments from the commission:
The commission stated that it was their understanding of the Riverfront Act that a project must
be considered either redevelopment or new construction, not both. Mr. Henderson stated that he
will talk to the wetlands consultant regarding this.
The commission stated that closest point to the brook should be measured from the foundation of
the existing house not the deck. The commission also stated that the new house cannot be any
closer than any part of the existing house.
Motion to continue the hearing to 5/14/2018 at the applicant's request made by Mr. Wolk and
seconded by Ms. Ladd. Vote: 6-0 in favor.
Request for an insignificant plan change to install heat within the new existing driveway within
the 200-foot Riverfront Area: 92 Grant Street, DEP 201-1008, BL 965
John McGeogh- owner/builder, Dr, Chang- engineer
Mr. McGeogh explained that he has a buyer interested in purchasing the house, but they want a
heated driveway installed. Mr. McGoegh stated that over the course of the winter, he has to use
large amounts of chemicals to de-ice the driveway. The heated driveway would keep the
pavement around 35 degrees. Light snow will evaporate and heavier snow will drain into the
system. They are proposing an electric system. Dr. Chang stated that there will be no change on
the infiltration system. Decrease flows will be seen because the snow will slowly met rather than
all at once.
Motion to approve the plan change made by Ms. Dohan and seconded by Mr. Beuttell. Vote: 6-0
in favor.
Issue Order of Conditions: DEP 201-XXXX, BL XXXX, NOI, Minuteman National Park,
Parker's Revenge
This will be issued once it has a DEP number.
Issue Order of Conditions: DEP 201-1097, BL 1054, NOI, 45 Bedford Street
Motion to issue Order of Conditions made by Mr. Wolk and seconded by Mr. Beuttell. Vote: 6-0
in favor.
Schedule Site Visits for the 5/14/2018 Meeting
Site visits were scheduled for 5/12/2018.
Planning Board Comments/Updates
The commission discussed the Hartwell Ave proposal.
Ms. Dohan reported on the Wright Farm event. She also showed the commission some proposed
drawings of the barn renovations done by an architect.
Motion to adjourn made by Mr. Wolk and seconded by Mr. Buettell. Vote: 6-0 in favor.
Respectfully Submitted,
Casey Hagerty
Conservation Department Assistant
Approved 5/14/2018