HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-09-06-SC-min1 LSC Meeting 9/06/16 LEXINGTON SCHOOL COMMITTEE Tuesday, September 6, 2016 Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room 1625 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, MA Present: Chair, William Hurley; Vice Chair, Alessandro Alessandrini; Judy Crocker; Eileen Jay; Jessie Steigerwald; Superintendent, Dr.Czajkowski; Student Representative, Matt Campos The minutes were taken by Sara Calvino, Executive Assistant to the School Committee and Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent The meeting convened at 7pm Call to Order and Welcome: Chair, Bill Hurley called the meeting to order, and introduced committee members. Public Comments: Kate Colburn, 49 Forest Street. – Mrs. Colburn expressed her concerns regarding the $415,000 DiNisco proposal as it looks as though these studies have already been done in the last two years. She finds this proposal timeline of 13 months troubling, as the Elementary projects are not complete. Mrs. Colburn looks forward to hearing the discussion on the DiNisco proposal and the School Committee’s thoughts. Superintendent’s Announcement: Opening of schools went smooth. Thank you to our administration, staff, transportation office and Kristin Lee for allowing me to ride bus # 13. Dr. Czajkowski and Special Assistant, Sandy Trach continue to monitor both Diamond and Clarke School with the new interim traffic patterns. A big thank you to the Lexington Police Department for the extra detail, and the administration and staff of both schools. Dr. Czajkowski received a Letter from MSBA, stating that the Joseph Estabook Elementary School has been approved to become one of Massachusetts School Building Authority’s new model schools. The Town of Lexington will be moving forward with a plan to install a new traffic cross walk on Lowell Street near the Harrington school. In the interim, LPD will have a crossing guard and large flashing signage at the Lowell Street crosswalk. On September 7th, there will a workshop at Central Office with Glenn Koocher regarding Minutes. Dr. Czajkowski met with Carl Valente, Bill Hurley and Suzie Barry regarding the Joint BOS/SC meeting that will take place on Tuesday, September 13th at DPF Cafeteria at 6PM. The upcoming School Committee Retreat with Rob Evans will be held on Wednesday, September 14th at 9AM – 12PM in the Upper Level Conference Room in the Central Office. On Wednesday, September 21st at 7PM there will be Special Town Meeting. A Public Forum on Buffer Zone Policy will take place on Saturday, September 24th at 10AM at Bowman Elementary School. School Committee Member Announcements: J. Crocker: Thanked the Colonial Times for giving an overview of the upcoming buffer zone public forums on Saturday, September 24th at Bowman and Wednesday, September 28th at Hastings. Both meetings on the buffer zones are identical and Ms. Crocker plans to take minutes. Minuteman articles are forthcoming. Ms. Crocker presented Lifelong learner opportunities with 3 brochures, the Minuteman Tech Continuing Ed, the Lexington Public Schools Continuing Ed., and the programs offered by the Recreations 2 LSC Meeting 9/06/16 Department. Ms. Crocker gave a reminder that it is the law to stop for all buses displaying their flashing lights and to utilize cross walks for safety. It is a dual responsibility of the driver and the person walking thru the cross walk to ensure safe passage. Ms. Crocker also welcomed Student Representative, Matt Campos and Executive Assistant to the School Committee, Sara Calvino. E. Jay: The community Coalition with the support of Dr. Czajkowski will be having two events around the book, Beyond Measure. On September 27th, there will be a discussion that will focus on Chapters 2 and 3 (homework and time). The location for this discussion is yet to be determined. On October 18th, screenings of the film will take place at Cary Hall. More information to come as the dates get closer. J. Steigerwald: Ms. Steigerwald spoke about safe driving and stopping for buses. On newsstands now is Boston Magazine and they have rated Lexington High School very high again at number 2. A round of applause went out to the administration, staff and students at Lexington High School. Consent Agenda: 1. Vote to Approve School Committee Minutes of March 8, 2016 2. Vote to Approve School Committee Minutes of March 23, 2016 3. Vote to Approve School Committee Minutes of July 26, 2016 Motion to approve consent agenda items 1-3 as amended. (Steigerwald/Alessandrini) The Motion was approved (5-0). Agenda: 1. – AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Consider Committee Position – Minuteman High School Election for School Project. The School Committee strongly endorses the Building Projects at Minuteman High School. Chair, Bill Hurley invited David Horton, Representative to the Minuteman School Committee to address the committee. Mr. Horton thanked the School Committee members for the past support of the Minuteman Regional Vocational High School in Lexington. He gave an update on the Minuteman School Building Project and the district wide vote of 16 towns that will take place on Tuesday, September 20th from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. Mr. Horton explained to the committee the great deal of impact it would have on the Town if the Committee would support the Lexington Minuteman Technical High School Building Project. The Minuteman district absorbs the cost for this election of $130,000. A post card was sent out to all Lexington residents with the list of the 16 towns that will vote. The simple majority will determine the vote. Members agreed that the Minuteman Vocational High School is an outstanding career preparatory school that the School Committee supports. It is critical for the community to hear Mr. Horton’s message and vote in favor of this Building Project. David Kanter, Capital Expenditure Committee - Urged the Lexington Community to have a strong turn out on Election Day to ensure that communities that are opposed to this building project and are leaving Minuteman don’t affect how the aggregate vote is going. Motion to support Lexington Minuteman School Building Project. (Steigerwald/Crocker) The Motion was approved (5-0). 2. – AGENDA ITEM TITLE: DiNisco Design Study Proposal for Lexington Children’s Place, Central Administration, and an Elementary Study to Address Enrollment Capacity, as Requested by the School Committee on July 26, 2016. 3 LSC Meeting 9/06/16 DiNisco Design has submitted a proposal in the amount of $415,000 to provide designer services for a phased study, beginning with Lexington Children’s Place (September through December 2016), followed by Central Administration for central registration (January through March 2017), and then concluding with the 7th elementary School (April through September 2017.) Mr. Pat Goddard, Director of Facilities, gave an overview of the primary analysis on the Lexington Children’s Place that the School Committee requested at the July 26th School Committee Meeting. He discussed the next steps regarding space options for addressing increasing elementary enrollment, LCP, Central Office functions and central registration. Dr. Czajkowski stated that we would only be looking at Central Office if it would have a positive impact on supplying more elementary space. Questions arose from all committee members about previous studies that have already been done on possible Lexington Children’s Place sites. Mr. Alessandrini did recall from the previous study, Harrington was said to be the best place for a free standing LCP behind Central Office and that the traffic patterns would adapt. Members discussed whether to continue studying Pelham, Laconia and other sites. Mr. Goddard explained that there is logistical space to put a playground and LCP free standing on the property of Harrington, attached to Harrington or in Central office but no study has been done to address how this would impact the current programs, facilities and traffic/parking. Dr. Czajkowski understood that the intent of Mr. Goddard presenting these charts was to show what has been previously done and what DiNisco is able to do. This process is so that the School Committee could narrow down their options and decide which sites the committee would like to study. All agreed that Lexington Children’s Place was the priority followed by elementary space. Another conversation will be had on which possible sites to study for the Lexington Children’s Place facility to have a space available by September 2019. Motion to recommend that the Board of Selectmen release $415,000 from the March 2015 Special Town Meeting Article 2 appropriation to be used under the direction of the Superintendent of Schools to study Lexington Children’s Place, Central Administration, and a 7th Elementary School space needs. (Hurley/Steigerwald). The Motion was approved (5-0). 3. – AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Special Town Meeting 2016-5 – September 21, 2016 3.a. Article 3 Supplement Appropriation for Middle Schools Motion to recommend that Article 3 of Special Town Meeting 2016-5 be indefinitely postponed. (Hurley/Steigerwald) The Motion was approved (5-0). 3. b. - AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Article 4 Supplement Appropriation for School Facilities Capital Projects Mr. Goddard reviewed the Power Point Presentation for adding 6 modular classrooms as opposed to 5 at Bridge, Bowman, and Fiske Elementary Schools and the additional costs. Members agreed that the sixth modular was necessary and support the funds required to install all six. 4 LSC Meeting 9/06/16 Dr. Czajkowski asks the School Committee to keep in mind when making the decision between 5 or 6 modular classrooms that Fiske makes up most of Lexington’s Special Educational programs. Motion to recommend that Article 4 Special Town Meeting 2016-5 request funds in the amount of $1,430,000 so that six (6) modular classrooms can be constructed and installed, two (2) each at Bridge, Bowman, and Fiske Elementary Schools. (Steigerwald/Hurley) The motion was approved (5-0). 4. – AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Vote to Appoint Official Voting Delegate and Alternate Voting Delegate to the MASC Annual Business Meeting Mrs. Steigerwald moved to appoint Mrs. Crocker to serve as the Official Voting Delegate and Mr. Alessandrini to serve as the Alternate Voting Delegate to the MASC Annual Business Meeting. (Hurley/Steigerwald) The motion was approved (5-0). 5. – AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Preliminary 2016-2017 Enrollment Update Members reviewed and discussed the FY17 enrollment snapshots as of the first day of school compared to the enrollment snapshots of FY16 first day of school. Middle schools have surpassed the projection numbers for this year with the possibility of more enrolling by October 1st. Lexington High School has also surpassed projection numbers for this year so far. Administration continues to monitor the numbers in each school while looking to maintain class size but with the next month that could change. The projection numbers for this year were based off of actual numbers from the FY16 and the over flow is the newly enrolled students. Ms. Steigerwald recommends adding a Pre-K line to the totals to make it easy for people to compare with prior years. Given the current Middle School numbers, the school committee needs to begin thinking about extra space for Lexington High School and adding more Special Education room as well. Student Representative, Matt Campos commented on the traffic of students in the main lobby and in the halls of Lexington High School. Mr. Hurley recommended Matt to speak with the Administration at Lexington High School about his concern. 6. – AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Vote to Approve FY18 Budget Guidelines and Calendar Members reviewed and discussed Budget Guidelines and the following amendments to the Budget Guidelines were made: 1. Remove the word “those” in number 7 2. Remove the word “those” in number 8 3. Change the word from “review” to “evaluations” in number 9. Mr. Alessandrini recommends using the $50,000 from the money that is allocated for the World Language Program for number 12 on the Budget. The $50,000 is under the discretion of the Superintendent for use. Members agreed that it is up to the Superintendent to determine a funding source for number 12, and did not specify any source. 5 LSC Meeting 9/06/16 Motion to Approve FY18 Budget Guidelines and Calendar as amended. (Steigerwald/Hurley) The motion was approved. (5-0) 7. – AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Vote to Approve 2016-2017 District Improvement Plan Members agreed to change Bullet number 3 under Goal 1.B, Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment to ‘Allocate .25 position to continue to investigate World Language options’ and to delete the three bullets in the Proposed Action Step for this bullet. Motion to Approve 2016-2017 District Improvement Plan as amended. (Steigerwald/Crocker) The motion was approved (5-0). 8. – AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Vote to Approve High School, Middle School, and Elementary Handbooks. The elementary, middle school, and high school handbooks have been reviewed by Attorney Colby Brunt and updated to reflect all recently approved LSC policies. Mrs. Crocker recommended the following suggestions: 1. Update World Language Department Head of the Lexington High School Handbook 2. All School handbooks should list their school hours – Diamond is the only school that lists their actual school hours 3. All school handbooks should include a school map – Clarke is the only school with a school map 4. Update all Elementary Handbooks to be the revised 2016 addition Motion to Approve Lexington High School, Clarke Middle School, Diamond Middle School, and Elementary Handbooks for 2016-2017 as updated by Attorney Brunt and with updates specified above. (Steigerwald/Jay) Motion was approved (5-0). 9. – AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Vote to Approve 2016-2017 School Committee Goals The School Committee discussed School Committee goals at its meeting of August 23, 2016. Eileen Jay incorporated School Committee member feedback to form the School Committee Goal document. Goal 1.B: Support, through providing resources, professional learning to align with district goals. Monitor by requesting reports on: Members agreed that the goal should read; Support, through providing resources, professional learning to align with district goals. Monitor and review administrative reports on: Goal 2.A: Participate in the Lexington Community Coalition – Youth Initiative to help strengthen collaboration among schools, town government, community organizations, and families to address the following goals for our youth: Members agreed that the goal should read; Participate in the Lexington Community Coalition – Youth Initiative to help strengthen collaboration among schools, town government, community organizations, and families to address the Coalition’s identified goals for our youth: Goal 2.B: Bullet 3: Conduct a survey to identify reasons for staff and student stress 6 LSC Meeting 9/06/16 Members agreed that the goal should read; Receive Superintendent’s report on staff feedback regarding school culture and any recommendations to reduce staff stress. Goal 4: Ensure Infrastructure that Supports School & District Needs Members agreed to add a bullet F. to read; Monitor elementary school modulars. Goal 4.C: Identify a location for Lexington Children’s Place Members agreed that the goal should read; Identify a location for Lexington Children’s Place and develop plans for additional elementary school space. Goal 5.A: Bullet 1: Study enrollment projections Members agreed that the goal should read; Study enrollment projections and the impact of enrollment growth on operating budget. Goal 5.C: Work with Assistant Superintendent of Business and Finance to revise budget reporting to the School Committee Members agreed to combine this goal with the first bullet under Goal 5.C. to read; Work with Assistant Superintendent of Business and Finance to review warrant approval procedures for School Committee. Members agreed to remove Bullet number 2 under Goal 5.C. Goal 6.D: Bullet 2: Review best practices for archiving School Committee minutes to preserve a historical record; ascertain cost of making minutes accessible to members and the public Members agreed that the goal should read; Review best practices for archiving School Committee minutes to preserve a historical record; ascertain cost of making past minutes accessible online to members and the public. Mr. Alessandrini would like to add a goal on receiving feedback from Lexington community about bringing back World Language. Although this was not agreed upon by the other members, who felt that feedback had been shared in prior public meetings. Dr. Czajkowski did state that she and Special Assistant, Sandy Trach are currently working on a feedback system from the community to be placed on the Lexington website called “Lexington Listens” and the World Language certainly can be a topic for feedback. Motion to Approve 2016-2017 School Committee Goals as amended. (Jay/Crocker) Motion was approved 4-0, with A. Alessandrini abstaining. Motion to adjourn. (Hurley/Steigerwald) The Motion was approved 5-0. The meeting was adjourned at 9:38pm. Meeting Materials: Agenda; A.1- Agenda Item Summary; A.2- Agenda Item Summary, DiNisco Proposal, School Committee project matrix updated July 26,2016; A.3 – Agenda Item Summary, Power Point Presentation; A.4- Agenda Item Summary, Official Delegate Form; A.5- Agenda Item Summary, FY17 Snapshot of Enrollment By Section/Team as of August 31, 2016, FY17 Snapshot of Enrollment By Grade/School as of August 31, 2016, FY16 Snapshot of Enrollment By Section/Team as of September 2, 2015; A.6- Agenda Item Summary, FY18 Budget, FY18 Budget Calendar; A.7- Agenda Item Summary, 7 LSC Meeting 9/06/16 2016 – 2017 District Improvement Plan – Revised July 27,2016; A.8- Agenda Item Summary; A.9- Agenda Item Summary, 2016-2017 School Committee Goals; HO- Article 2, STM #1