HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-07-26-SC-min-draft LEXINGTON SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, July 26, 2016 School Administration Building Central Office Upper Level Conference Room 146 Maple Street PRESENT: Superintendent Dr. Mary Czajkowski, School Committee Chair William Hurley, School Committee Members – Judith Crocker, Alessandro Alessandrini, and Eileen Jay School Committee Member Jessie Steigerwald joined the meeting at 9:09. The minutes were taken by Miriam Sousa, Executive Assistant to the Superintendent of Schools The meeting convened at 9:05 a.m. Call to Order and Welcome: Chair William Hurley called the meeting to order and introduced committee members. Public Comment – There were no public comments. Superintendent Announcements: Dr. Czajkowski welcomed everyone to the meeting and briefly discussed the summer activities of the schools (i.e., closing out the school year, continuing the hiring process, and preparing for the upcoming school year). Upon the arrival of LexMedia at 9:10, School Committee Chair William Hurley called a recess so LexMedia could setup their recording equipment. The meeting reconvened at 9:13 a.m. and Chair Hurley asked Dr. Czajkowski to reiterate her announcements. Dr. Czajkowski’s announcements included: 1. A letter from Governor Baker notifying Lexington of the METCO grant in the amount of $1,557,604. Dr. Czajkowski thanked Barbara Hamilton for her efforts in preparing and submitting this grant. 2. Dr. Czajkowski thanked and read a letter from Board of Selectmen Chair Suzie Barry and Chair of Lexington Human Rights Committee Shawn Osborne which discussed two incidents of hate crimes in Lexington. 3. Dr. Czajkowski acknowledged the Lexington Community Coalition under the leadership of Jessie Steigerwald who is working with Claire Sheth to secure a screening of the film Beyond Measure. She gave the School Committee the proposed screening schedule of the film and a copy of Chapter 3 of the book. 4. Dr. Czajkowski discussed her work with Dan Krupka and the 2020 Vision Committee and bringing representatives from the Diamond Bar School District to Lexington on September 29 and 30. Diamond Bar has similar demographics as Lexington and faces some of the same challenges faced by high performing districts. She will share outcomes of these visits with LSC Meeting 7/26/16 Page 2 the community. She is also working with Lexington Youth and Family Services and the “Sources of Strength” student group, which will participate in the discussion with the Diamond Bar representatives on September 29. 5. A list of new administrators was given to School Committee members. Dr. Czajkowski briefly discussed the leadership induction program, which is required by statute. 6. A list of nine Task Forces and three Joint Labor Management Committees was read and given to Members. Judy Crocker suggested opening up these Committees to interested School Committee members, as well as adding a tenth Student Assignment Committee. 7. Dr. Czajkowski read two communications from parents regarding Buffer Zones. 8. Dr. Czajkowski told the Committee that they maximized space in the schools for Lextended Day and were narrowing down the waitlist. Thanked teachers and principals for locating space for Lextended Day. 9. Dr. Czajkowski discussed and gave Members a draft agenda for the Administrative Retreat on August 8 and 9 and identified some of the school priorities she would like Members to address. 10. Dr. Czajkowski announced the theme for the 2016-17 school year, “Listen, Reflect, Respect, and Connect.” 11. As required by School Committee Policy GBEB, which states all staff have a responsibility to familiarize themselves with the laws of the state and the policies of the School Committee as they affect their work, Dr. Czajkowski and Bob Harris discussed and described the process and procedures used to make available electronically selected School Committee policies to new and veteran staff and to verify that these policies have been read by staff. These procedures are followed during the hiring process and as part of the annual mandatory training at the beginning of the school year. School Committee Member Announcements: Chair Bill Hurley – 1. As it relates to the elementary restructuring and design, the Chair asked that a discussion as to whether to move forward on implementing an elementary foreign language program be put on a future agenda. 2. Mr. Hurley passed around a thank you note from former Committee member Margaret Coppe for the send off reception that was given her. Mr. Alessandro Alessandrini – As a member of the Community Center Program Committee, Mr. Alessandrini informed the School Committee that their first official meeting was on September 9. The Community Center Program Committee evaluates programs that are being introduced at the Center and they are thinking about potential uses for the Carriage House. People have been talking about a possible use as a teen center. Mr. Alessandini encouraged the Committee and community to send any ideas to him. Ms. Jessie Steigerwald – LSC Meeting 7/26/16 Page 3 1. Ms. Steigerwald spoke about the Lexington Community Coalition and stated that a suggestion was raised about the Coalition being able to offer a “Lexington Unplugged.” Ms. Steigerwald would like time at the next meeting to talk about what’s involved. 2. Beyond Measure strongly supports shifting academic competiveness as one of its goals, as well as reducing alcohol and substance abuse, supporting mental health and reducing suicide. These are the three goals of the coalition. If anyone in the community has action steps they can suggest to support these goals, Ms. Steigerwald asked that they connect through her or anyone who is on the coalition. Ms. Judy Crocker – 1. Ms. Crocker gave the PBC Update from June 30, 2016, to Committee members. She also discussed and gave to Committee members the joint letter from Board of Selectmen Chair Susanne Barry and Lexington Human Rights Committee Chairman Sean Osborne regarding the two recent incidents of hate. 2. Ms. Crocker briefly discussed the 2020 subcommittee on Asian Communities and mentioned the 2020 Committee Diversity group is working on a town-wide survey. Agenda: Vote to Approve for a Period of One Year, Beginning September 12, 2016, the application process for the Operation of the Tremont School in Lexington Dr. Czajkowski explained to the Committee the State requirement for approving private schools operating within a town’s boundaries. Dr. Czajkowski talked to the Committee about the composition of the Tremont school and stated that they are an existing school operating under the leadership of Head of School Bill Wilmott that is making a move from Weston to Lexington and will be occupying space on the site of the Minuteman Vocational School. She described the materials provided by Mr. Wilmott in his application. During the upcoming year, the next step would be to delegate the responsibility to the new Assistant Superintendent Kelly Chase to visit the school and make a recommendation to the School Committee for ongoing approval. Dr. Czajkowski asked for School Committee support to approve the application process of the Tremont school for a period of one year so they may open their doors on September 12. Chair Hurley reiterated that based on Massachusetts law, the responsibility of the School Committee is to allow the Tremont School to open their doors and operate within Lexington. Ms. Crocker clarified that this was not a Charter school, but a private school, and commented on the school’s curriculum. Mr. Wilmott addressed the Committee and described the school, the enrolled students, its curriculum, and the approval process they previously went through in Weston. Mr. Alessandrini asked what communities were served by the school. MOTION to vote to approve for a period of one year, beginning September 12, 2016, the application process for the operation of the Tremont School in Lexington (Hurley, Alessandini) LSC Meeting 7/26/16 Page 4 The motion was approved 4-1-0, with Jessie Steigerwald voting no. Vote to Approve Clarke Middle School Drama Company Trip to the World Festival of Children’s Theatre in Toyama, Japan, July 30 – August 4, 2016 Anna Monaco, Principal of the Clarke Middle School, addressed the Committee. She explained that the Clarke Middle School drama group that performed the “Jungle Book” this past spring and summer was invited to Japan to participate in the World Festival of Children’s Theatre. Ms. Monaco told the Committee there were children coming from 30 different countries to perform and experience the culture of Japan. There were 56 people going on the trip, including 30 Clarke students and only 10 students going without family members. Dr. Czajkowski acknowledged the work of the drama club. She said she was proud to have the group represent the Commonwealth and stated her support for the trip. There were comments from School Committee members and concerns regarding the world climate and the sustainability of international trips, especially for middle school students, in the future. Mr. Hurley suggested that a broader discussion of international trips, especially at the middle school level, be put on a future School Committee agenda. Ms. Monaco answered questions and concerns from Committee members about affordability and access to the trip by any drama group member who was interested in going. MOTION to vote to approve Clarke Middle School Drama Company trip to the World Festival of Children’s Theatre in Toyama, Japan, July 30 – August 4, 2016 (Alessandrini, Jay) The motion was approved 4-0-1, with Jessie Steigerwald abstaining. MOTION to accept a $1,000 award from the National Science Bowl (NSB) to the Clarke Middle School Science Department for future support of the NSB work (Hurley, Crocker) The motion was approved 5-0. Discussion of Priorities to Meet Space Needs Dr. Czajkowski explained the agenda item and introduced Director of Public Facilities Pat Goddard, who handed a chart to Committee members, which listed various building options to address increasing enrollments. Mr. Goddard discussed options for increasing space in upcoming years for pre-kindergarten (Lexington Children’s Place), including the history behind the options and past discussions with the School Committee. There were questions from the School Committee. Mr. Goddard recommended that it be included in the capital plan that is brought to the March 2017 Town Meeting to do a study for design and construction for LCP. This would be accomplished by releasing some of the funds appropriated in 2015. LSC Meeting 7/26/16 Page 5 Mr. Goddard discussed the process of working with MSBA in the design and construction of the new Hastings School and possible ways the process could be accelerated. Dr. Czajkowski inquired about MSBA’s Model School Program as a possible way of accelerating the process of constructing a new Hastings School. Mr. Goddard told the Committee they are still working with the goal of opening the new Hastings School in September of 2019, although without having opportunities for acceleration it could be December of 2019 or possibly the spring or September of 2020. There were questions from the Committee regarding the timeline for LCP. Mr. Goddard said there would be three votes for Town Meeting in March of 2017: (1) Hastings construction, including design funding; (2) LHS HVAC system construction; and (3) design funding for LCP. Mr. Goddard discussed with Dr. Czajkowski and School Committee members options for locations for LCP and construction timelines. Dr. Czajkowski said she would like to inquire from Preschool Director Liz Billings-Fouhy about future space needs for LCP, as well as looking at projected enrollment growth from the Enrollment Advisory Group and Maureen Kavanaugh. Mr. Hurley inquired about the possible use of the Central Office for LCP. Mr. Goddard indicated it would cost $12,500,000 to bring the Central Office up to code to accommodate LCP. Other Committee members commented and had questions on the possible use of the Central Office for LCP. There was a discussion about the square footage that the school administrative offices currently occupy and actually need. Mr. Goddard explained that the goal for today’s meeting is for an understanding that the School Committee knows the options that are being explored. He told the Committee that the consultants need to give an overall assessment. Mr. Goddard recommended the need to have good information for the community, budget summits, and Town Meeting. Dr. Czajkowski and the School Committee discussed other options to maximize space, including land swaps, a seventh elementary school, recreation swing space, larger class sizes, redistricting, and buffer zones. Mr. Goddard summarized the discussion and next steps regarding the space options for addressing increasing elementary enrollment, LCP, Central Office functions, and central registration. Also under Agenda Item #8, “Discussion of Priorities to Meet Space Needs,” Mr. Hurley introduced the discussion of the CORI process for the contractors currently working at Clarke and Diamond Middle Schools and then turned the discussion over to Dr. Czajkowski. Dr. Czajkowski referenced School Committee Policy ADDA – Background Checks and pointed out the materials that were contained in the agenda packet relative to CORI Procedures for Contractors for School Building Projects. She told the Committee she had discussed these procedures with Bob Harris and Pat Goddard and noted the estimated costs associated with CORI checks and fingerprinting contractors working on the school projects was $264,000. LSC Meeting 7/26/16 Page 6 Dr. Czajkowski described to the Committee the “Revised CORI Procedures for Contractors and Their Laborers.” Dr. Czajkowski reference the FAQ prepared by Attorney Colby Brunt pertaining to fingerprint-based criminal background checks. Dr. Czajkowski further stated to the Committee that Pat Goddard assured her that the areas in which the contractors will be working will be cordoned off. She also stated they would not be subject to working in areas where there are children. Dr. Czajkowski recommended that we adhere to the new CORI procedure included in the packet. Ms. Steigerwald thanked the administration for bringing the discussion to the attention of the Committee, but acknowledged that since this was an administrative procedure, it did not have to be approved by the Committee. There were other Committee Member questions and discussion. 2016-2017 Academic Calendar – Elementary Conference Date Change Assistant Superintendent Carol Pilarski addressed the Committee and explained that the elementary school conference dates changed to the first two Wednesdays and Thursdays in the month of April 2017 in order to be in compliance with the Lexington Education Association, Unit A, contract. Ms. Pilarski told the Committee the updated calendar would be posted on the district website the afternoon of July 26 and would be sent to all school principals. Update on Buffer Zone Policy Development Ms. Jay gave a brief overview of the work of the Buffer Zone Policy Manual Subcommittee, which is comprised of Judy Crocker, Eileen Jay, Maureen Kavanaugh, Sandy Trach, and Ian Dailey. Ms. Jay to ld the School Committee the Buffer Zone Subcommittee began meeting in May and June. Their primary task was to begin drafting the language for a Buffer Zone Policy. Ms. Jay referenced and described the materials contained in the agenda packet. As part of the Subcommittee’s work, school districts that have buffer zones were contacted. Ms. Jay told the Committee that while the Buffer Zone Policy was being developed, there would be four other parallel paths going on, such as the Student Assignment Committee, Central Registration, redistricting, and the capital building projects. Ms. Crocker thanked Maureen Kavanaugh, Ian Dailey, and Sandy Trach for sharing their expertise and time on the development of this policy. Ms. Crocker then began her PowerPoint presentation. She explained to the Committee there would be many stakeholders impacted by the new policy. Ms. Crocker read the Draft Buffer Zone Policy to the Committee. Ms. Crocker showed the Committee an Arlington attendance map containing examples of buffer zones. She went on to explain the impact buffer zones will have on the community, citing the benefits and potential concerns. Ms. Crocker closed her presentation by discussing the next steps in developing and adopting a Buffer Zone Policy and opened up the discussion to the Committee. School Committee members discussed the draft policy development, posed questions and concerns, and made suggestions for developing buffer zones. LSC Meeting 7/26/16 Page 7 Dr. Czajkowski thanked Ms. Crocker and Ms. Jay for their work on the buffer zone policy. She posed questions for the subcommittee and suggested areas that may need clarification. Dr. Czajkowski briefly discussed the new central registration, which she hopes to have in place by September 2017. She also mentioned that the contract with AppGeo has ended and asked that the School Committee give her the authority to go out to bid to contract with a vendor to work with the Schools in this capacity. The School Committee continued to discuss the Buffer Zone policy and possible buffer zone options. Ms. Crocker told the Committee there would be an article published in the Colonial Times informing the community about the public forums to discuss the Buffer Zone Policy. Ms. Crocker said the policy subcommittee was operating under a timeline for approval of the Buffer Zone Policy by December 1. The School Committee and Superintendent continued to discuss buffer zone options, impact, and culture change of the buffer zone policy. Update on Beyond Measure Filming for Students in the Community Dr. Czajkowski told the Committee that this agenda item was addressed previously in Superintendent’s and School Committee Announcements. Discussion of District Improvement Plan 2016-2017 Dr. Czajkowski opened the discussion of the 2016-2017 District Improvement Plan by explaining to the School Committee that she has received numerous feedback from the leadership team, administrators and principals, in its development. She will be bringing the District Improvement Plan forward for the August 23, 2016, agenda for approval by the School Committee. Ms. Crocker had comments regarding the District Improvement Plan and suggested several edits. Other School Committee members joined in on the discussion and also made suggested changes. Ms. Crocker suggested that under Goal 3 she would like to see the addition of Bus Captains. Dr. Czajkowski asked Assistant Superintendent Ian Dailey to appropriate funding in the FY17 budget for bus captains. Assistant Superintendent Carol Pilarski noted the suggested edits and will incorporate them into an updated District Improvement plan. Review of School Committee Norms and Role of the Student Representative to the School Committee Because the meeting had gone beyond the allocated time, Chair William Hurley recommended these agenda items be discussed at a later time. School Committee Secretary / Administrative Assistant Position LSC Meeting 7/26/16 Page 8 Dr. Czajkowski acknowledged Miriam Sousa for doing double duty by filling in for the School Committee Executive Assistant. Dr. Czajkowski told the Committee that she asked Ms. Sousa to keep a log of her additional hours beyond the regular workday, so she may be compensated for the additional work. Dr. Czajkowski discussed posting the School Committee Executive Assistant position as soon as possible internally for five days and if there were no internal candidates, then posting the position externally. There was School Committee discussion regarding Dr. Czajkowski’s decision to post the position only internally versus posting it externally as well. Ms. Steigerwald said she would prefer that the position be posted openly, externally as well as internally. Ms. Steigerwald told the Committee that she would like to see stated in the job description that the School Committee work is the priority of the position. Ms. Steigerwald also suggested there should be language regarding confidentiality between the School Committee and Superintendent. Dr. Czajkowki said she would follow up with Attorney Brunt to include a confidentiality clause. The Committee discussed the interview process and suggested changes to the job description. The Committee suggested that the job description should include a statement regarding attendance at evening School Committee meetings. There was discussion regarding the wording of the first part of the title for the position, i.e., “Executive” Assistant to the School Committee versus “Administrative” Assistant to the School Committee. Dr. Czajkowski told the Committee she would like to get someone from MASC to come in and work with the person hired for this position for some training and to discuss what is required in taking meeting minutes. The School Committee continued the discussion regarding the title of the School Committee assistant position. MOTION to call the position Executive Assistant to the School Committee and Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent (Steigerwald/Crocker) The Motion was approved 3-2, with Bill Hurley and Eileen Jay voting no. Discussion of School Committee Vice Chair Position Mr. Hurley opened the discussion regarding the need for a vice-chair position explaining to the Committee that because of some health issues that could cause him to step down in the future, there should be a person who could take over as Chair. Ms. Steigerwald discussed with the Committee that she would like them to articulate what the roles of the Vice Chair would be. There was Committee discussion regarding responsibilities of the Chair and the possible division of tasks. There was School Committee discussion regarding the handling of the first reading of minutes as to whether this was a responsibility of the Chair, if this task could be divided among all members, or if it should be assigned to someone such as a “Clerk” to the School Committee. LSC Meeting 7/26/16 Page 9 Dr. Czajkowski told the Committee she viewed the role of the Vice Chair of the School Committee as someone who would serve as a temporary back up to the Chair in the Chair’s absence. The Chair should be able to delegate responsibilities to the Vice Chair as necessary. After more School Committee discussion, a motion was made to elect a vice chair. MOTION to elect Alessandro Alessandrini as Vice Chair to the School Committee (Jay, Hurley) The motion was approved 5-0. Review School Committee Norms Dr. Czajkowski suggested that members review the School Committee norms and send suggested revisions to Bill Hurley. The School Committee agreed to discuss revisions to the norms at the next School Committee Retreat. The Committee also agreed to include the following topics on the agenda of the next retreat: continue team-building, work on an instrument to facilitate a School Committee self-evaluation, and how to be supportive of the Chair. Discussion of School Committee Goals Dr. Czajkowski told the School Committee that she would like to start the 2016-2017 year with an alignment of School Committee Goals with the District Goals. Ms Steigerwald suggested that two members look at the goals, update them, and email a draft to the other members. At the conclusion of the meeting, Dr. Czajkowski thanked the Committee for the discussion of the School Committee secretary position. She added that it is very important to have a good working relationship with the new secretary, herself, and the School Committee and it is critical to success in moving forward this year. Dr. Czajkowski told the Committee she wants to make sure that this person knows they are working for the Lexington Public Schools under the supervision and evaluation of the Superintendent to support the work of the School Committee. Ms. Crocker thanked Carol Pilarski, Ian Dailey, Eileen McMahon, Kelly Chase, and Ellen Sugita for being in attendance. MOTION to adjourn (Steigerwald, Jay) The Motion was approved 5-0. The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 pm. Meeting Materials: Agenda; Jonas Clarke Middle School Field Trip Request Form and Backup Material; Letter from Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education and Copy of $1000 award check; Lexington Public Schools Position Description for “Administrative Assistant to the LSC Meeting 7/26/16 Page 10 Lexington School Committee and Superintendent of Schools; Operating Norms for the Lexington School Committee – Approved by the School Committee September 29, 2015; School Committee Goals for 2015-2016; 2016-2017 District Improvement Plan; Memo to the School Committee from Dr. Czajkowski Re: CORI Procedures for Contractors for School Building Projects and attachments; Working Buffer Zone Definition 7.13.16; New Policy Process; 2016-2017 Updated 7.26.16 School Calendar; Memo to Dr. Mary Czajkowski and Lexington School Committee from Carol Pilarski Re: Application for Approval of Private School with attached backup material; Materials distributed at the meeting included: PBC Update dated June 30, 2016; Letter from Suzanne E. Barry and Sean D. Osborne with attached newspaper clippings; Pre-K (LCP) Options/School Uses – Evaluation chart; Educational Program / LCP Program (Pre-K) chart; Options/LCP @ Harrington School Site; Central Office Options/Site Evaluation chart; Elementary Evaluations to Add Capacity; Letter from Governor Baker regarding the FY17 METCO Grant; Proposed Lexington Beyond Measure Screening Schedule; “Beyond Measure” Chapter 3; New Administrators FY17 list; Lexington Public Schools Task Forces & Joint Labor Management Committees 2016-2017; Administrative Retreat Agenda for August 8 and August 9, 2016; School Committee Policy GBEB; DRAFT Buffer Zone Policy presentation Voted Approved by School Committee: September 6, 2016