HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-05-10-SC-minLSC Meeting Minutes 5.10.16 – Approved by SC 6.21.16 1 LEXINGTON SCHOOL COMMITTEE OPEN SESSION Tuesday, May 10, 2016 Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room 1625 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, MA Present: Chair, Bill Hurley; Jessie Steigerwald; Judy Crocker; Alessandro Alessandrini; Eileen Jay; Mary Czajkowski, Superintendent Student Representative Abigail Schwartz Others Present: Ian Dailey, Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Operations; Carol Pilarski (Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction and Professional Development), Maureen Kavanaugh (Director of Planning and Assessment); Pat Goddard, Director of Public Facilities; Priya Sankalia, Applied Geographics The Minutes were taken by Paula McDonough, Executive Assistant to the School Committee The meeting convened at 6:33 p.m. Call to Order and Welcome: Chair Bill Hurley called the meeting to order, and introduced committee members. Motion to go into Executive Session Mr. Hurley stated: “I move that the School Committee go into Executive Session under Exemption 3 to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining pertaining to SEIU Unit, and to return open session. Further, as chair, I declare that an executive session is necessary to protect the negotiating and bargaining position of the School Committee.” (Steigerwald seconded the motion) The Motion was approved (5-0) by a Roll Call Vote Steigerwald -AYE; Crocker -Absent; Hurley -AYE; Alessandrini-AYE; Jay –AYE 6:33 p.m. Executive Session Convened 7:02 p.m. Executive Session Ends and Return to Open Session Steigerwald -AYE; Crocker -AYE; Hurley -AYE; Alessandrini-AYE; Jay -AYE The Motion was approved 5-0 7:03 PM Return to Open Session and Welcome The Chair called the Public Session back to order and invited public comment. The minutes for the Executive Session are in a separate document. The School Committee returned to Open Session at 7:03 p.m. LSC Meeting Minutes 5.10.16 – Approved by SC 6.21.16 2 Public Comments: Kathleen Lenihan, 60 Bloomfield Street – YES campaign is happy about successful debt exclusion. Urges that the School Committee consider all other proposals for elementary capacity to be put on the ballot with Hastings. Next year may be the last chance to secure elementary space for a long time. Bromte & Michael Abraham, 22 Hudson Road – Michael, who attends LABB at LHS, read a letter about Best Buddies, Special Olympics on May 11, barbeque & bike event on June 4 to raise funds for Best Buddies. Sandy Beebee, 10 Page Road – Harrington PTA. Asked that consideration be given to the impact of redistricting high-density areas to Harrington. Suggested waiting on Liberty Heights and Woburn St. components until next year. Asking School Committee to implement buffer zones or give Superintendent authority to redistrict students. Hien Nguyen, 17 Holland Street – Liberty Heights; Asked the School Committee not to redistrict Liberty Heights which is in walking distance to Bowman. John Dugan, 7 Hancock Avenue – Consider downside of children not knowing where they will go to school and potential of diminishing neighborhood feel of many streets. Mr. Dugan asked the School Committee for clarification on buffer zone proposals. Matt Snyder, 34 Oak Street - Liberty Heights; Mr. Snyder was asked to speak on behalf of the Liberty Heights neighborhood. Mr. Snyder is requesting buffer zone policies. What happens in 3yrs when Hastings comes aboard? Superintendent’s Announcements: 1. Thank you to the YES campaign chairs and volunteers, as well as the townspeople who voted for the debt exclusion. Students will be the beneficiaries. Also, thank you to Town Meeting for supporting purchase of Pelham property. 2. I will be going with Ian Dailey, Maureen Kavanaugh, and Cheryl Kelleher to visit Brookline Public Schools to learn about their Central Registration process on May 17. Will report to School Committee on May 24. 3. Will continue interviewing candidates on May 11 for Diamond School principal position. The Search Committee will interview 3 candidates. 4. Announced Assistant Superintendent candidate and Director of Technology candidate. Both candidates will attend the May 24 School Committee meeting. 5. District Improvement Plan 2015-16 and proposed draft of DIP for 2016-17. Met with leadership team today to go through current plan. Would like to place the 2016-17 goals on one of the agendas prior to the end of the school year to gather feedback from School Committee. I will also share the progress on our goals for this year. 6. Will attend Special Olympics tomorrow at 9:00am at the LHS track and invite any School Committee members to join me at the event if your schedule permits. 7. Plans to attend screening of the film On the Line: Where Sacrifice Begins on Sunday, May 15th at 3pm at the Lexington Venue. The film, by a former Lexington METCO student, will be shown as part of the METCO Scholarship Fund Anniversary Celebration. 8. Food recall on frozen fruit and vegetables. Whitsons Food Service is not affected by this. LSC Meeting Minutes 5.10.16 – Approved by SC 6.21.16 3 9. Climate survey going out from LEA. This survey is an imperfect tool, so this is the last year it will be used. For the future, they may look for another tool and/or use focus groups. This year’s surveys will be reviewed by administrators over the summer and they will give feedback to Dr. C. on areas for growth and goal-setting. School Committee Member Announcements: Hurley: Thanked everyone who voted in support of the debt exclusion and acknowledged those who voted No for various reasons, including personal financial impact. Also thanked Town Meeting for supporting Pelham property. Mr. Hurley let Ms. Crocker know that the Permanent Building Committee (PBC) will be on the 19th. Steigerwald: Thanked everyone in the YES campaign and those who voted. May 19th at 2 p.m., is Public Works Day. Ms. Steigerwald acknowledges the public works employees. High School musical “Curtains” is this weekend. Ms. Steigerwald thanked everyone for their emails on redistricting. Alessandrini: Thanked everyone in the YES campaign and those who voted. The purchase of the Pelham property and its options has him re-thinking the redistricting proposals. Crocker: Friday is last day to sign up for the bus. May 26 & 27 – 50th anniversary of LHS Spring Pops. Sat. May 28 begins 4th annual Bike, Walk & Bus week. Safety program for kids at Community Center. Will be away on May 19 for PBC meeting, so another SC member can cover, if available. The new Policy Subcommittee Buffer Zone committee (Judy Crocker, Eileen Jay, Ian Dailey, Maureen Kavanaugh, Sandy Trach) has begun working on developing a new policy on buffer zones, in parallel with AppGeo, SAC and Maureen K’s work on identifying zones. Hope to have one or two sets of public hearings in the fall and SC readings in November or December. Jay: Last Saturday, Ms. Jay attended the new member training for School Committee members held by the Massachusetts Association for School Committees. As liaison for the School Health Advisory Council (SHAC), Ms Jay attend their meeting where Jennifer Wolfrum announced her retirement to the group. Julie Fenn and others are forming an Alcohol & Substance Abuse Subcommittee of SHAC, and will coordinate their work with the Coalition. At the fourth community-wide Coalition meeting on May 4th, participants generated suggestions for specific actions which the Steering Committee will review and compile as activities for next year. Consent Agenda (5 minutes): a) Accept Permanent Building Committee Liaison Report dated 4/14/16 – Judy Crocker b) Vote to Accept a $450 Donation to Hastings School from Wilson Farms’ Shop at Wilson Farms Fundraiser c) Vote to Accept a 2016 Intel Science Talent Search School Award in the Amount of $1,000 from the Society for Science & the Public to Be Used to “support excellence in science, math and/or engineering education” at Lexington High School Motion to approve consent agenda Items a, b, c. (Steigerwald/Alessandrini) The Motion was approved (5-0). LSC Meeting Minutes 5.10.16 – Approved by SC 6.21.16 4 Chairman Hurley stated that he would be taking the agenda out of order for tonight’s meeting. Agenda: A.1 -Agenda Item Title: Vote to Appoint Voting Representative to the EDCO Collaborative Board of Directors Presenter: Chair, William Hurley Motion to appoint Dr. Czajkowski to serve as the voting representative to the EDCO collaborative Board of Directors as of July 1, 2016. (Jay/Alessandrini) The Motion was approved (5-0). A.2 -Agenda Item Title: Vote to Appoint Voting Representative to the LABBB Collaborative Board of Directors Presenter: Chair, William Hurley Motion to appoint Dr. Czajkowski to serve as the voting representative to the LABBB Collaborative Board of Directors as of July 1, 2016. (Crocker/Steigerwald) The Motion was approved (5-0). A.4 -Agenda Item Title: Vote to Approve the Acquisition and Installation of a Buddy Bench at Hastings Schools Presenter: Louise Lipsitz Summary: The Hastings Fifth Grade class would like to present the gift of a “Buddy Bench” to the school. The bench would be installed at our current playground with the plan that it could be stored and installed again after a new school is completed. The Buddy Bench concept is that children would use the bench as a place to sit and make new friends. (See http://buddybench.org/) Motion to approve the gift of $1,000.00 to the Hastings School that will be donated in the form of a Buddy Bench, installed at the school playground. (Steigerwald/Alessandrini) The Motion was approved (5-0). A.5 -Agenda Item Title: Vote on School Choice Presenter: William Hurley Summary: Per the Massachusetts General Law, the School Committee is required to vote annually as to whether the school district will participate in the School Choice Program. This vote is required to be submitted to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Motion that the Lexington Public Schools will not participate in the School Choice Program for the 2016-2017 school year. (Hurley/Steigerwald) The Motion was approved (5-0). LSC Meeting Minutes 5.10.16 – Approved by SC 6.21.16 5 A.3 -Agenda Item Title: EDCO Collaborative: Overview and Articles of Agreement amendment Presenter: Colleen Dolan, Executive Director Summary: Ms. Dolan provided a brief overview of EDCO and explain changes to the Articles of Agreement prior to the SC vote on the amendment. School Committee members shared questions and comments for Ms. Dolan. Motion to approve the EDCO Collaborative Articles of Agreement, dated 5.19.2016, as amended by a vote of the EDCO Collaborative Board of Directors 4.28.2016. (Steigerwald/Alessandrini) The Motion was approved (5-0). School Committee members thanked Ms. Dolan for her work and acknowledged that EDCO program was a wonderful resource of professional development. A.8 -Agenda Item Title: Update on Enrollment Presenter: Maureen Kavanaugh Summary: Ms. Kavanaugh provided the requested district enrollment reports as of May 4, 2016, including: • Monthly Enrollment for FY16 • Snapshot of FY17 Enrollment Before and After Student Assignment Changes The latter report summarizes a count of enrollment applicable to the 2016-17 school year and attempts to demonstrate the impact of student assignment change. These counts are based on pre- registration data for kindergarten and promotion of our current students into the next grade (e.g. all current second graders are counted as third graders). However, enrollment activity is expected to continue throughout the spring and summer leading into the next school year (see Monthly Enrollment for FY16 for example). Student enrollment, particularly at the kindergarten level, is highly likely to change as families register for the upcoming FY17 school year. Using the Monthly Enrollment for FY16 chart, Dr. Czajkowski noted that for 2015-16 the actual elementary enrollment of 3024 in Oct 2015 and 3121 in May 2016 has exceeded the Enrollment Working Group (EWG) projection of 3029 by 3%, a significant increase. The EWG projection for next Oct 2016 of 3113 students has already been exceeded as of today. Mr. Hurley: Comparing May 2015 elementary enrollment of 2897 to May 2016 enrollment of 3121, there has been an 8% increase in total. A.9 -Agenda Item Title: Redistricting – Final Recommendation Presenter: Mary Czajkowski Summary: Dr. Czajkowski presented a Presentation of Final Recommendation for Redistricting for September 2016 LSC Meeting Minutes 5.10.16 – Approved by SC 6.21.16 6 A PowerPoint presentation was presented to the School Committee: Page 1: Student Re-Assignment as of 5/2/82016 – Phase I – Final Recommendation: Fiske exiting:1; Harrington entering 12 (from Fiske & Bowman), exiting 6 (from Center); Bowman exiting 18; Bridge exiting 4; Hastings entering 17 (from Harrington, Bridge, Bowman), exiting 6 (from North Hastings); Estabrook entering 6. Total K Impacted: 35 Page 2: Fiske Component Woburn Street – Current District: Fiske; Proposed New District: Harrington Page 3: Harrington Component Lexington Center – Current District: Harrington; Proposed New District: Hastings Page 4: Bowman Component E of Mass Ave – Current District: Bowman; Proposed New District: Harrington Page 5: Bowman Component Liberty Heights – Current District: Bowman; Proposed New District: Harrington Page 6: Bowman Component Lexington Ridge Avalon and April Lane – Current District: Bowman; Proposed New District: Hastings Page 7: Bridge Component South of Rte. 2 – Current District: Bridge; Proposed New District: Hastings Page 8: Hastings Component North – Current District: Hastings; Proposed New District: Estabrook Page 9: Hastings Component North – Current District: Hastings; Proposed New District: Estabrook The proposed redistricting would affect only incoming Kindergarten students with no older siblings already attending an elementary school, and incoming students in grades 1-5 who are new to the LPS system. All elementary school students currently attending Lexington Public Schools (LPS) will remain in their current school. School Committee members engaged in an in-depth conversation regarding all the scenarios presented in the PowerPoint presentation. Members asked for clarification on the scenarios from Ms. Kavanaugh, Ms. Sankalia and of Dr. Czajkowski. Dr. Czajkowski and Ms. Kavanaugh reviewed the Snapshot of FY17 Enrollment Before and After Student Assignment Changes (Based on Kindergarten Pre-Registration + Promotion of Current Students to Next Grade as of May 4, 2016). (A.8) A.8 -Agenda Item Title - Update on Enrollment. Ms. Kavanaugh explained that every school has experienced increases; growth is highest in Estabrook, Fiske, Bridge, and Bowman. Pre-registration for kindergarten at Bowman is particularly high with 84 students registered as of May 4. There is strong interest on the part of the administration, the School Committee, and the Student Assignment Committee to explore the possibility of establishing buffer zones. The Policy Subcommittee has been working in conjunction with three school administration representatives to begin drafting a buffer zone policy. The anticipated timeline is to hold several public hearings on the policy in the fall and bring forth the draft policy to the School Committee in December 2016 (amended to November 15). In parallel with the policy development, the administration, consultants, and Student Assignment Committee would work next year on outlining the actual proposed buffer zone areas. LSC Meeting Minutes 5.10.16 – Approved by SC 6.21.16 7 Motion to develop a recommended buffer zone policy no later than November 15, 2016 with implementation of said policy in August 2017. (Steigerwald/Alessandrini) Steigerwald -AYE; Crocker -AYE; Hurley -AYE; Alessandrini-AYE; Jay -AYE The Motion was approved (5-0). The superintendent reminded the committee that the original goal of the SAC was to fill 2 vacant classrooms at Estabrook and 1 at Hastings. Earlier attempts to do that which were shared with the committee in prior meetings proved to be not feasible for several reasons. The goal in this final recommendation was to avoid the overcrowding resulting from enrollments for kindergarten at Bowman next year which might require a 5th K classroom. The Student Assignment Committee (SAC) read out loud a statement they presented from all the parents involved in the committee which supported the superintendent’s recommendation to redistrict 35incoming K students18 of which would be redistricted from Bowman.; Alison Stevens, Bowman; Cathy Swan, Bowman, Mark Maguire, Bridge; Laura Schroeder, Bridge; Karen Griffiths, Estabrook; Gretchen Reisig, Estabrook; Jeanine Ferrick, Fiske; Daniel Voss, Fiske; Elaine Ashton, Harrington; Julie Fuhrer, Harrington; Curt Barrentine, Hastings and Sharon Musto, Hastings. The School Committee discussed many factors and considerations including: enrollment projections, recent kindergarten registrations, neighborhood density, new developments and housing complexes, impact from incoming students in upper grades, existing and potential school capacity, the uncertainties in school-by-school forecasting, and how components will fit into a future buffer zone plan. After long deliberations and many questions, the School Committee requested to amend the suggested motions. A proposal was made to remove Liberty Heights from the redistricting plan. Some of the members’ concerns included (a) the impact on Harrington of moving a large neighborhood there given other factors such as the uncertainty of the Woburn Street complex, (b) with more in- migration and last-minute added growth to Bowman from Lexington Ridge and April Lane which will be moved to Hastings in the plan, there is some relief for Bowman even without Liberty Heights, (c) the need for increased capacity on south side of town, and (d) uncertainty about how Liberty Heights will factor into the buffer zone area analysis, so it may be prudent to not to move it now and review next year. Motion that all currently registered Incoming Kindergarten children, with no older siblings in the 2016-17 school year, will be re-assigned according to the recommended revised scenario which eliminates the portion southwest of Massachusetts Avenue as indicated on slide 5 of the May 10, 2016 Applied Geographics presentation. Therefore, any new family entering LPS after May 10, 2016 with an elementary aged child (K-5) will be assigned based on the new assignment lines described in this recommended revised scenario. (Alessandrini/ Steigerwald) The Motion was approved (4-1). Mr. Hurley opposed Steigerwald -AYE; Crocker -AYE; Hurley -NAY; Alessandrini-AYE; Jay -AYE LSC Meeting Minutes 5.10.16 – Approved by SC 6.21.16 8 Notices to the reassigned families will be distributed in the Kindergarten screening results to be mailed on May 20, 2016. The Committee discussed having the town cover of the cost of bussing for students who are reassigned by the redistricting. The intent of the administration was to offer one year of free bussing for the students who are redistricted. Motion that the Lexington Public Schools will incur bussing costs for the 2016-2017 school year only for any child who is re-assigned under the May 10, 2016 redistricting as long as they register for transportation by July 1, 2016. (Jay/Alessandrini) The Motion was approved (5-0). Dr. Czajkowski thanked the Student Assignment Committee for their work this year and that this task has been concluded. The next task is the buffer zones proposals for the School Committee. The School Committee members also thanked the Student Assignment Committee. A.7 -Agenda Item Title: Multiple School Projects Update Presenter : Pat Goddard, Director of Public Facilities Summary: Pat Goddard provided an update on several projects. Permanent Building Committee (PBC) has asked the School Committee to consider an alternate design for the Clarke stair from the parking lot to the Clarke main entrance for construction cost savings. Mr. Goddard presented a Power Point presentation on the Clarke Front Patio Plan and a memo dated May 5, 2016 to Dr. Czajkowski regarding Multiple School Projects Update: (1) Clarke and Diamond locker room renovations $3,684,253 was reviewed and supported at PBC on April 29th. Work is scheduled to be completed for September 2016. (2) Clark and Diamond early site package $12,047,613 was reviewed and supported at PBC on April 29th. DPF will begin processing this contract amendment. (3) Bond schedule has mobilization at both schools beginning May 16th. Delivery of site trailers, storage containers, and trash bins are in process. (4) PBC suggest School Committee consider alternate Clarke design from parking lot to main entrance. Alternate design is estimated as delivering a construction cost savings of $63,000, but will require reviewing the change with Conservation commission and require design change cost of up to $24,500. (5) Reviewed traffic signage and striping plan with Traffic Safety Group (TSG) on April 29th and construction circulation plan with Traffic Safety Group (TSG) on May 6th. Traffic Safety Group (TSG) will discuss at their committee meeting and provide comments. Traffic Safety Group (TSG) will also review the project traffic study and provide comments on the potential neighborhood impact in September of 2017 related to the proposed Diamond single stream traffic entering from Hancock Street. (6) Final GMP to be reviewed in August, after filed sub-bids received. LSC Meeting Minutes 5.10.16 – Approved by SC 6.21.16 9 Both the school administration and facilities department prefers the original Clarke Front Patio design with canopied stairs next to the school, rather than the alternate design, due to traffic flow, safety, and weather protection. Steigerwald moves that the School Committee approves retaining the original design for the Clarke stair. (Alessandrini seconded) The Motion was approved (4-0-1) Hurley opposed Ms. Crocker proposed to defer discussion of the Diamond traffic plan until the next School Committee meeting, after the Traffic Safety Group has met and made their recommendation. Mr. Goddard showed slides indicating the Diamond and Clarke Construction Site Plans during the construction phase. Elementary School Modular Classrooms: (1) Documents available for bidding May 11th and due on May 26th. (2) Schedule requires completion for December 1, 2016. (3) Bidding strategy is to instruct the bidders to price five classrooms as the base price, and the sixth classroom for an added cost.(4) Appropriation of $3.0M anticipated a construction contract of $2.7M, or less. If proposals exceed this amount, the appropriation language was broad enough to allow the $520,000 identified as potential funds for Hastings Schematic Design (no longer required with invitation into MSBA program. Lexington Children’s Place/Harrington: (1) Bids due on May 11th. (2) Construction to begin after the last day of school, June 23, 2016. (3) Occupancy by August 22, available for furnishing August 15th. (4) General contractors have been instructed to include costs of electrical and plumbing, bid date extended one week. Hastings: (1) Eligibility period submission completed. (2) Design enrollment for the project has been certified as 645 students. (3). Anticipate that the MSBA Board will vote to invite Lexington into the Feasibility and Schematic Design Period at their May 25th meeting. (4) May 26th Lexington can place advertisement in Central Register to Request Proposals for Owners Project Manager Services. (5) Anticipate Owner’s Project Plan (OPM) selection process to be finalized at the August 1st, MSBA Owner’s Project Plan (OPM) Panel Review meeting. (6). Anticipate Designer Selection submittals to be reviewed at the September 27th MSBA Designer Selection Panel meeting, interviews potentially October 11th. (7). MSBA process has been modified since the 2011 process we experienced with Estabrook and reaching a Project Scope and Budget Agreement is expected to take 10/12 months after contracting Designer. (HO.2)-May 10, 2016 – Multiple Construction Projects – School Committee Updated, Pat Goddard: (1) Clark and Diamond; (2) Elementary Modular Classroom; (3) Lexington Children’s Place and (4) Hastings Elementary There were questions and comments regarding to the Power Point presentation from the School Committee members to Mr. Goddard. A.7 – (HO.1) – Agenda Item Title: - School Committee Authorization of Town Manager Presenter: Pat Goddard LSC Meeting Minutes 5.10.16 – Approved by SC 6.21.16 10 Summary: On Friday afternoon, we received an update from MSBA on the Feasibility Study Agreement. School Committee needs to delegate full authority to the Town Manager to execute agreements related to the MSBA process and the Hastings School There were questions and comments from School Committee members. Mr. Goddard stated that the School Committee needs to give full authority to the Town Manager to execute agreements related to the MSBA process and the Hastings School Hurley moved to delegate full authority and responsibility to the Town Manager to agree to terms and conditions, as he sees fit, and to award and execute all contracts for the Hastings Elementary School Project, with the Massachusetts School Building Authority, for the feasibility study, and continuing through design, construction, and project close out. (Steigerwald seconded) The Motion was approved (5-0) Mr. Goddard requested that draft minutes of the May 10, 2016 be signed by the Chairman Hurley for submission to the MSBA as the interim document by mid next week. Once the minutes have been approved in open session they will be certified and submitted to the MSBA. A.6 -Agenda Item Title: Discussion of 2017-2018 School Calendar Presenter: Carol A. Pilarski Summary: The “Before-Labor Day start” calendar for the FY18 (academic year 2017-2018) will be presented to the School Committee for their review and considerations. Typically, two calendars have been presented (the before AND after Labor Day start, however, this year, the LEA has agreed, in advance, that the before Labor Day start that has been followed for the past nine (9) years, should continue. First day of school for teachers would be August 28, 2017; August 29th all students report to school and the anticipated last day of school is June 14, 2018. School Committee members shared questions and comments for Ms. Pilarski and thanked her for her dedication and accommodations. They requested that the Academic Calendar be placed on the next School Committee meeting for a vote. It was also asked that the DRAFT 2017-2017 Academic School Calendar be placed on the web for the communities’ input and the Chair would respond to inquiries made. 11:38 p.m. Adjourn: On a motion made by Hurley and seconded by Steigerwald, the School Committee voted unanimously (5-0) to adjourn. Meeting Materials: Agenda; C.1a-Agenda Item Summary: Accept Permanent Building Committee Liaison Report dated 4/14/16-Judy Crocker; C1.b-Agenda Item Summary: Vote to Accept a $450 Donation to Hastings School from Wilson Farms’ Shop at Wilson Farms Fundraiser; C1.c-Agenda Item Summary: Vote to Accept a 2016 Intel Science Talent Search School Award in the Amount of $1,000 from the Society for Science & the Public to Be Used to “support excellence in science, math and/or engineering education” at Lexington High School A.1-Vote to Appoint Representative to the EDCO Collaborative Board of Directors; A.2-Agenda Item Summary: Vote to Appoint Representative to the LABBB Collaborative Board of Directors; A.3-Agenda Item Summary: EDCO Update; PowerPoint presentation; Memo dated April 28, 2016 to the EDCO Board of Directors and Advisory Council members; Memo dated April 29, LSC Meeting Minutes 5.10.16 – Approved by SC 6.21.16 11 2016 to the EDCO Collaborative member School Committees; EDCO Collaborative Articles of Agreement; A.4- Agenda Item Summary-Vote to Approve the Acquisition and Installation of a Buddy Bench at Hastings School; Memo from Louise Lipsitz, Principal dated April 25, 2016; A.5- Agenda Item Summary-Vote on School Choice; A.6- Agenda Item Summary-Discussion of 2017-2018 School Calendar; DRAFT 2017-2018 School Calendar; A.7- Agenda Item Summary- Capital Project Update, Memo from Pat Goddard to Mary Czajkowski, Superintended of Schools dated may 5, 2016; PowerPoint presentation of the Clarke Front Patio Plan; HO.1-Agend Item Summary-School Committee Authorization of Town Manager; HO.2-PowerPoint Presentation dated May 10, 2016-Multiple Construction Projects, School Committee Update-Pat Goddard; A.8- Agenda Item Summary-Update on 2016-2017 Enrollment Numbers; Monthly Enrollment for FY16 as of May 4, 2016; Snapshot of FY17 Elementary Enrollment Before and After Student Assignment Changes as of May 4, 2016; A.9- Agenda Item Summary-Redistricting – Final Recommendation; Memo From Mary Czajkowski to the School Committee dated May 5, 2016; PowerPoint presentation-Student Re-Assignment as of 5/2/2016 Phase I – Final Recommendation; HO.3-Memorandum from Dr. Czajkowski dated May 10, 2016 regarding Climate Survey; HO.4-Memorandum from Dr. Czajkowski and Andrew Baker, dated May 10, 2016 to All LEA Members; HO.5- Revised: DRAFT 2017-2018 Academic Calendar; HO.6- Memo from The Parent Members of the Superintendent’s Ad Hoc Student Assignment Committee to the Chairman and Members of the School Committee Place on Consent Agenda 6.21.16 Voted Approved by the School Committee 6.21.16