HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-02-23-SC-minLSC Meeting Minutes of 2.23.16 - Approved by SC 3.30.16 1 LEXINGTON SCHOOL COMMITTEE OPEN MEETING Tuesday, February 23, 2016 Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room 1625 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, MA PRESENT: Jessie Steigerwald, Chair; Bill Hurley, Vice Chair; Judy Crocker, Clerk; Alessandro Alessandrini; Margaret Coppe, Mary Czajkowski, Superintendent Student Representative Abigail Schwartz Alessandro Alessandrini arrived at 6:16 p.m. OTHERS PRESENT: Carol Pilarski (Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction and Professional Development); Pat Goddard (Director of Facilities); Ian Dailey (Interim Director of Finance and Operations); Ellen Sugita (Director of Special Education); Charles Horning (Planning Board) The Minutes were taken by Paula McDonough, Executive Assistant to the School Committee Steigerwald called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. in Open Session. Call to Order and Welcome: Chair Jessie Steigerwald called the meeting to order, and introduced committee members. At 6:05 p.m. Ms. Steigerwald stated: “I move that the School Committee to go into Executive Session under Exemption 3 to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining pertaining to Lexington Education Association LEA Unit and LEA Unit C,D, Tech to return, to open session. Further, as chair, I declare that an executive session is necessary to protect the negotiating and bargaining position of the School Committee.” (Hurley seconded the motion) Alessandrini –Absent; Crocker -AYE; Hurley -AYE; Steigerwald -AYE; Coppe-AYE The Motion was approved 4-0 by a roll call vote. Alessandro Alessandrini arrived at 6:16 p.m. At 6:05 p.m. the Motion was approved 4-0 by a roll call vote, and the minutes for the Executive Session are in a separate document. 6:05 PM Executive Session Convened 6:56 PM Executive Session Ends and Return to Open Session 7:03 PM Return to Open Session and The Chair called the Public Session back to order and invited public comments. Public Comments: None LSC Meeting Minutes of 2.23.16 - Approved by SC 3.30.16 2 Superintendent’s Announcements: • Requested a moment of silence for two educators who had recently died from illness. • Thanked the Town Meeting members, Appropriation Committee, Capital Expenditures Committee, Board of Selectmen and School Committee for their unanimous support to appropriate $1.5 million dollars for the Hastings Feasibility Study. Special thanks to Pat Goddard and Louis Lipsitz for their efforts in the SOI submitted to MSBA. • Dr. Czajkowski acknowledged Goldin Foundation For Excellence in Education Award – a non-profit organization dedicated to recognizing educators for their outstanding achievements and contributions in classrooms, schools and communities. Carol Pilarski is a recipient for this award and will be honored with other educators on April 28th at the annual regional Educators Forum, which we will host this year at Battin Hall at 7:00 p.m. • Educators visiting from Kuwait – March 9 (meeting with central office staff and then visiting two of our schools. Study tour sponsored by the World Bank and the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences. MESPA has provided training to almost 200 principals in Kuwait over the past 3 years. Visit successful schools including Lexington, Burlington, and Brookline – to better understand how central office works, curriculum oversight and supervision. Each district will receive a $1,000 honorarium for their participation. • Dr. Czajkowski met with Andrew Baker and the two middle school principals today to discuss the current pilot intervention/enrichment program at each middle school. Our plan will be to meet with the staff at both schools and discuss the educational impact of the pilot. The LEA will be scheduling a vote to determine whether this will be implemented in our middle schools. • Thursday, February 25, 2016 Dr. Czajkowski along with Representative Kaufman and Barbara Hamilton will be attending the METCO Legislative Breakfast on Beacon Hill. • Channel 4 reporter Lauren Leamanczyk reached out to Dr. Czajkowski for an interview on enrollment and residency of students in Lexington. Interview will be Wednesday, February 24, 2016 in the morning. The Chair asked everyone to join her in giving a standing ovation to colleague Margaret Coppe for her 9 years of service on the School Committee. The Chair invited the community to attend a reception honoring Ms Coppe on March, 24, 2016 at 4:00 p.m. in the Central Office in conference room 2. School Committee members, Student Representative Abigail Schwartz and Dr. Czajkowski all acknowledged and thanked Ms. Coppe for her nine years of service to the School Committee. LSC Meeting Minutes of 2.23.16 - Approved by SC 3.30.16 3 School Committee Member Announcements : Steigerwald: • Thanked Town Meeting for supporting the Hastings project. Thanked Principal Louise Lipsitz, Hastings community, Pat Goddard and Dr. Czajkowski for their work and support. • Coalition Update…. Please see notice in February/March Colonial Times • Next Steering Committee 3/2/16 at 11:30 a.m. location t/b/a. Noted Maureen Kavanaugh for PowerPoint highlighting Youth Risk Behavior Survey results related to the three areas of mental health, substance abuse prevention, and reducing unhealthy stress • Lexington Community Coalition Youth Initiative will hold a meeting on March 9, 2016 at the Grace Chapel – 59 Worthen Road from 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Hurley: None Coppe: Took a moment to thank the Town of Lexington and the students of Lexington. Alessandrini: None Crocker: None Consent Agenda: 1. Approve Minutes a) Vote to Approve and Not Release Executive Session Minutes of March 25, 2015 b) Vote to Approve Minutes of May 20, 2015 (as amended) c) Vote to Approve Minutes of October 27, 2015 d) Vote to Approve and Not Release Executive Session Minutes of December 1, 2015 e) Vote to Approve Minutes of December 1, 2015 f) Vote to Approve and Not Release Executive Session Minutes of January 19, 2016 g) Vote to Approve Minutes of January 19, 2016 (as amended) h) Vote to Approve Minutes of January 12, 2016 (as amended) i) Vote to Approve Minutes of January 23, 2016 j) Vote to Approve Minutes of February 2, 2016 2. Accept Youth Services Council Liaison Report – Margaret Coppe 3. Accept Update from Community Coalition – Jessie Steigerwald 4. Accept Permanent Building Committee Liaison Report – Judy Crocker MOTION to approve consent agenda. (Alessandrini/Hurley) The Motion was approved (5-0). LSC Meeting Minutes of 2.23.16 - Approved by SC 3.30.16 4 Agenda: A.1 - Agenda Item Title: - Planning Board Update on Proposed Zoning Amendments for Spring Town Meeting Involving Accessory Apartments and Two-Family Dwelling (10 minutes) Presenter: Charles Hornig Summary The Planning Board has some upcoming proposals for Annual Town Meeting that may impact planning for future student enrollment. More information on web: http://www.lexingtonma.gov/planning-department/pages/two-family-homes; http://www.lexingtonma.gov/planning-department/pages/accessory-apartments There were questions and comments from the School Committee: • Are there any restrictions in terms of the square footage to the two family developments? Answer: Two family dwellings would be held to the same regulations as single family dwellings. • Fair Housing laws. Answer: We are not considering the presence of children in these houses as we make our decisions. Their purpose is to create more affordable housing. • 20/20 vision committee survey – included diversity of houses and town values. Student Representative Abigail Schwartz: Asked Mr. Hornig whether his report suggests an increase or decrease in enrollment? Answer: Mr. Hornig said it was inconclusive. Chair – Being aware of this possible change in housing stock is something to keep track of as the administration creates projections for future enrollment. A.2 - Agenda Item Title: Superintendent Mid-Cycle Progress Review Presenter: Dr. Mary Czajkowski Summary: As part of the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Educator Evaluation system, the Superintendent presented her mid-cycle progress review. School Committee Members received a flash drive of the Superintendent’s Mid-Cycle Progress Review and a binder is located in the School Committee’s office. Dr. Czajkowski has made some revisions on her goals. She thanked Alessandrini and Coppe for their work on the sub-committee as part of the superintendent evaluation. Student Representative Abigail Schwartz: • Clarification of what a walk through means? Answer: A learning walk through is an opportunity for teachers and administrators to come together in a focused inquiry to look at instruction practice and provide feedback. • Are you observing teachers in the classroom? Answer: No, it’s not part of the observation process. The specific focus is to observe practices rather than teachers. • A concern being raised by students on the homework policy is that the current policy is not being followed. What will you be doing to ensure that the new homework policy is followed? Answer: The language that is contained in the current policy is too specific and very difficult to monitor and ensure that it’s being followed. Dr. Czajkowski feels that the policy should be more general, and not as specific. The School Committee should take a position on the value of homework and leave it up to the administration to LSC Meeting Minutes of 2.23.16 - Approved by SC 3.30.16 5 implement the homework policy and practices based upon feedback from students, staff and parents. • Concerned that a deeper discussion of values would not have any bearings on the number of minutes of homework, or whether or not projects are assigned over vacation for students. I am here to bring the student’s perspective – they want a specific policy. Answer: One of the things at the last Coalition Meeting I had asked for more feedback from the students. Part of homework is that the teacher must have the freedom and the flexibility. It is very hard to dictate a policy that you will enforce that says everybody must give x amount of homework this limits the freedom of teachers. • Time if also valuable and so is sleep. Answer: Dr. Czajkowski asked that something be submitted to her in writing from the student’s views. • “Superintendent house calls” are they for struggling students or community members who are involved? Answer: They are not for any particular student. It was a way for me to introduce myself to parents and the community in a very non threatening way. How to partner with parents and schools. Dr. Czajkowski has attended five house calls. • Metric to measure your success is the number of meetings you attended – do you feel this is a good measure for your success. Answer: I did not indicate that as a measure of success. I don’t look at the number of meetings as the measure or indicator. Looking back at the goal, the indicator gave me a snapshot of how many meetings I am attending. I don’t use the number as much as the content. There were questions and comments from the School Committee: • Homework – community needs real dialogue. Members talked about need for discussion of value and also specifics about vacations and other limitations. • Technology Director – Dr. Czajkowski mentioned there are 3 internal candidates, are there any external candidates? Answer: Yes • Thanked Dr. Czajkowski for the Mid-Cycle Progress Review. Is there one area in particular that if you looked back and could do differently what would that be? Answer: Looking through these goals and reflecting more, I would have preferred to spend more time in schools with teachers and principals. • This evaluation is not one that the School Committee devised – this is a State Evaluation. • Meeting totals – could there have been fewer meetings accomplishing the same goals? Answer: As a new superintendent there is a lot of demand for people to meet me. Being visible is important. • Binder was extremely helpful for referencing. Steigerwald moved that the School Committee accept Dr. Czajkowski February 1, 2015 revision of her performance goals 2015-2016 (Hurley seconded) The Motion was approved (5-0). LSC Meeting Minutes of 2.23.16 - Approved by SC 3.30.16 6 A.3 - Agenda Item Title: Fiscal Year 2016 Second Quarter Financial Report Presenter: Ian Dailey (Interim Director of Finance and Operations) Summary: The current balance projected as of the Second Quarter report is a surplus of $1,567,200. The projection assumes all budgeted positions are filled and assumes all program budgets are fully expended. The major source of these funds causing the surplus in Salaries and Wages is turnover in staff, unpaid leaves of absence, and vacancy gaps. The major drivers for the deficit in the Expense portion of the budget are Special Education Out-of-District Tuitions, Special Education Transportation, and Homeless Transportation. Each of these topics was reviewed and supporting materials are included in the packet. Salaries & Wages: A detailed listing of the Salaries and Wages portion of the budget projection can be found attached. Projections are based on known positions and estimated wage settlements for units with unsettled contracts. The FY16 general fund operating budget included a total of 1,035.73 FTE system-wide. At this time, the current general fund operating budget has increased to a total of 1,050.49, an increase of 14.76 FTE. This is partially attributable to FTE transfers from grants (during Fiscal Year 2015 and 2016), the increase in hours for Full-Day Kindergarten Assistants (15 hours per week to 18 hours per week), and supplemental positions not included in the original budget developed last fall. The Fiscal Year 2015 First Quarter Financial Report included an FTE increase of 24.82 FTE. Therefore, in Fiscal Year 2016 this data point has improved. This has a direct effect on the projected balance in the Salaries & Wages portion of the projection. Expenses: The overall expense budget currently projects a deficit of $261,183. At this time the projection assumes all program budgets will be fully expended. Additionally, a detailed review of Transportation and Tuitions is conducted as these are the largest single expense items and are the largest drivers of budget variability in the Expense budget. Details in report. Line 41 – Tuition: The Fiscal Year 2016 budget included a 50% reduction to the High Risk category of tuition, effectively lowering the tuition budget by $773,580. This had a direct affect to Line 41 of the budget above. This budget line is being monitored very closely, as such a detailed breakdown can be seen in the packet. As seen in the packet when comparing the budget to the current tuition projection a deficit of $892,271 is being projected. This deficit assumes all of the current High Risk Budget will be realized. After a detailed review of this information with the Special Education Department, it is anticipated the $300,734 of the $938,721 currently held in High Risk will not be realized. Based on this adjustment, this lowers the projected deficit. Additionally, upon review of expense accounts after the close of the Fiscal Year 2015 budget, an anticipated one-time transfer of $576,716 will be completed to further offset the projected deficit. LSC Meeting Minutes of 2.23.16 - Approved by SC 3.30.16 7 Based on the data discussed before, the Fiscal Year 2017 budget re-establishes the High Risk portion of the Tuition budget at 100%. A table analyzing the high risk budget and budget surpluses (deficits) each year has been compiled to identify trends. This table can be seen in the packet. There were questions and comments from members about the report. Specifically, substitute teacher deficit, adjusted projected deficit, METCO surplus, and thanked Ms. Sugita for improving Special Education budgeting practices and Mr. Daily for mentioning Budget Transfer Policy. Line 42 – Transportation: Special Education: The Fiscal Year 2016 budget is projecting a $96,869 deficit. The Fiscal Year 2016 Special Education Transportation budget was assembled using 182 students (99 In district and 83 Out of District). At this time a total of 196 students (108 In District and 88 Out of District) are riding in the program, an increase of 7.7% in total. This increase in ridership has triggered the currently projected deficit in this budget line. Line 42.1 – Transportation: Homeless: The Fiscal Year 2016 budget is projecting a $25,220 deficit. Details in report Line 47 – Teacher Substitutes: The Fiscal Year 2016 budget is projecting a $124,273 deficit. Details in report. Budget Transfers: Mr. Dailey reviewed the transfers he recommended as necessary to address anticipated deficits. The below table was assembled to outline all program level budget transfers necessary in the FY16 expense budget at the time of issuing this report. This information is being presented per School Committee Policy (DBJ: Budget Transfer Authority), which requires School Committee approval for those program to program line transfers in excess of $75,000. LSC Meeting Minutes of 2.23.16 - Approved by SC 3.30.16 8 Grant Summary: Throughout the fiscal year grants are monitored since awards are often not known at the time of building a budget. A summary of budget, actual awards, and projected balances can be seen in the packet: There were questions and comments from School Committee members in regards to the Fiscal Year 2016 Second Quarter Financial Report. Move to approve the transfers outlined in the Budget Transfers section of Mr. Daily’s report, per School Committee Policy DBJ, for Fiscal Year 2015-16. (Crocker/Alessandrini). The Motion was approved (5-0). A.4– Agenda Item Title: Multiple School Capital Project & A.4.a - Discussion of Anticipated Debt Exclusion for School Projects Presenter: School Committee and Administration Summary: A.4 Multiple School Capital Project Updated - Special Town Meeting will meet February 22, 2016 and it is anticipated that Dr. Czajkowski and members will discuss the action taken by Town Meeting at that meeting. Members appreciated support from Town Meeting. Mr. Goddard provided some schedule updates. Members reviewed timeline for applications for PBC School Committee Appointment for Hastings. Line #Program FY13 Actual FY14 Actual FY15 Actual FY16 Budget (approved by ATM) Adjustments to report FY16 Budget (adj) 23 9-12 Math 22,325$ 106,468$ 68,184$ $70,512 -$5,200 $65,312 23.1 9-12 Math Team $0 $5,200 $5,200 25 9-12 Social Studies 39,705$ 37,482$ 37,315$ $40,261 -$728 $39,533 25.1 Debate & Competitive Speech 2,124$ 71,361$ 70,618$ $69,668 $728 $70,396 29 K-12 Curriculum 541,391$ 400,614$ 421,481$ $808,467 -$260,956 $547,511 37 Early Childhood Education 45,249$ 45,887$ 60,186$ $71,025 $2,346 $73,371 39.2 6-8 Counseling -$ $4,100 -$4,100 $0 39.3 9-12 Counseling 8,128$ 12,375$ 13,459$ $8,169 $7,831 $16,000 39.4 K-12 Counseling 6,824$ 14,343$ 62,365$ $78,080 -$7,831 $70,249 40.1 K-5 Special Education 73,364$ 89,793$ 49,457$ $35,141 $14,903 $50,044 40.2 6-8 Special Education 27,961$ 53,256$ 20,428$ $114,362 -$81,959 $32,403 40.3 9-12 Special Education 3,407$ 13,100$ 9,008$ $30,416 -$5,963 $24,453 40.4 PreK-22 Special Education 63,925$ 136,774$ 107,114$ $258,271 -$135,707 $122,564 41 Tuition 4,420,666$ 4,415,327$ 4,736,414$ $4,782,238 $576,716 $5,358,954 43 Special Educ. Consultants 460,479$ 480,758$ 281,686$ $492,283 -$117,283 $375,000 48 Administration 404,117$ 460,080$ 566,978$ $538,656 -$538,656 $0 48.1 School Committee $0 $18,909 $18,909 48.2 Superintendent $0 $159,157 $159,157 48.3 Finance and Operations $0 $76,545 $76,545 48.4 Human Resources $0 $344,048 $344,048 Grand Total 6,119,665$ 6,337,617$ 6,504,694$ 7,401,648$ 48,000$ 7,449,648$ LSC Meeting Minutes of 2.23.16 - Approved by SC 3.30.16 9 At the prior night’s meeting (Feb. 22), members reviewed updated Elementary Capacity charts from Mr. Goddard. The conversation continued. Members received two alternate suggestions from Town Meeting members and reviewed feedback from Ms. Kate Colburn and Ms. Elaine Ashton. Dr. Czajkowski suggested she, Mr. Hurley and Ms. Steigerwald meet to review the input and bring back an updated chart. A.4.a. Discussion of Anticipated Debt Exclusion for School Projects -At the February 10, 2016 joint meeting of the School Committee and Selectmen, and the Summit that immediately followed, the Selectmen invited input from School Committee members about the anticipated May Debt-Exclusion vote to support school projects, including the Diamond and Clarke renovation, additions and Diamond HVAC. At last night’s Selectmen’s meeting, the Board reviewed three possible ways they might structure a Debt-Exclusion vote. The vote is tentatively going to take place May 3, 2016. Options: - Bundle Middle School projects, Elementary projects, and Pelham property purchase together - Bundle Middle School and Elementary school projects. Pelham as separate question. - Structure with three separate questions: middle schools, elementary, and Pelham No decisions were reached by the Selectmen. Members discussed the options. A.5.a - Agenda Item Title: Policy Subcommittee Recommendation Regarding Second Reading of Two Policies and to Vote: Policy: (JLDBA) Lexington Public Schools Intervention, Prevention, and Postvention Suicide Policy Presenter: Judy Crocker and Margaret Coppe Summary: SC Policy JLDBA has been reviewed and revised by the Director of Guidance Val Viscosi and Social Worker Stacy Glickman, the Superintendent, counsel, and the School Committee Policy Manual Subcommittee. The revised draft Policy received its second reading by the School Committee. Motion to approve, as amended, the Second Policy Reading for Policy JLDBA Intervention, Prevention, and Postvention Suicide Policy. (Crocker/Coppe). The Motion was approved (5-0). A.5.b-Agenda Item Title: Policy Subcommittee Recommendation Regarding Second Reading of Two Policies and to Vote: Policy: (JKAA) Restraint of Students Policy Presenter: Judy Crocker and Margaret Coppe Summary: SC Policy JKAA has been reviewed and revised by the Massachusetts Association of School Committees, the Director of Special Education Ellen Sugita, the Superintendent, counsel, and the School Committee Policy Manual Subcommittee. The revised draft Policy received its second reading by the School Committee. Motion to approve of Second Policy Reading for Policy JKAA Restraint of Students. (Crocker/Coppe). The Motion was approved (5-0). LSC Meeting Minutes of 2.23.16 - Approved by SC 3.30.16 10 A.6-Agenda Item Title: Appointment of Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Operations Presenter: Dr. Mary Czajkowski Summary: This item seeks School Committee approval to appoint Ian Dailey to the position of Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Operations effective July 1, 2015. Members expressed appreciation for Mr. Dailey’s work in general, his work on the budget in particular, his communication skills and his public presentations. Move to appoint Ian Dailey to the position of Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Operations effective July 1, 2016. (Crocker/Alessandrini). The Motion was approved (5-0). A.7-Agenda Item Title: Appointment of Chief Procurement Officer Presenter: Dr. Mary Czajkowski Summary: This item seeks School Committee approval to appoint Ian Dailey as the School Department’s Chief Procurement Officer effective July 1, 2016. School Committee Policy DJ was reviewed and followed: There were questions and comments from the School Committee: Move to appoint Ian Dailey as the School Department’s Chief Procurement Officer effective July 1, 2016. (Coppe/Steigerwald). The Motion was approved (5-0). A.8 - Agenda Item Title: Vote to Authorize Expense of up to $ _____ for Superintendent- School Committee Team - Building and Retreat with Rob Evans Presenter: Jessie Steigerwald / Bill Hurley / Dr. Czajkowski Summary: At the February 2, 2016 meeting Dr. Czajkowski and members agreed to move forward with planning for the next retreat to include the superintendent and members, and to work with Rob Evans in designing a retreat to focus on team-building and welcoming any new member. The Committee could return to work on School Governance with Dorothy Presser at MASC for goal-setting. Dr. Czajkowski shared that she was making contact with Mr. Evans and provided a handout with questions she suggested everyone answer about the prior work with Ms. Presser and to use this as input in designing the next retreat. Members agreed. Members asked whether a vote was required to authorize the expense and Mr. Dailey and Dr. Czajkowski indicated they did not require a vote. Mr. Dailey noted that the expense fit within existing categories in the budget, including professional development. LSC Meeting Minutes of 2.23.16 - Approved by SC 3.30.16 11 There were questions and comments from the School Committee – Dr. Czajkowski asked to put this on the next School Committee agenda on March 8, 2016. Dates we are holding are: 3/29/16 – Tuesday – 6-9:30 p.m. 3/31/16 – Thursday - 6-9:30 p.m. 9:07 p.m. Adjourn: On a motion made by Alessandrini and seconded by Coppe the School Committee voted unanimously 5-0 to adjourn at 9:07 pm. Meeting Materials: Meeting Agenda; A.1 Agenda Item Summary Form: Planning Board Update on Proposed Zoning Amendments for Spring Town Meeting Involving Accessory Apartments and Two-Family Dwelling; accessory_apts_motion_2016-01-14; motion_2016-01-14 ; A.2-Agenda Item Summary Form: Superintendent Mid-Cycle Progress Review; Memo dated February 11 from Dr. Czajkowski to the School Committee; Superintendent’s February 1, 2016, Revised Performance Goals and Self-Assessment; A.3-Agenda Item Summary Form: Fiscal Year 2016 Second Quarter Financial Report; Q2 FY2016 Salaries and Wages Projection Detail; A.4-& A.4.a -Agenda Item Summary Form: Multiple School Capital Project & Discussion of Anticipated Debt Exclusion for School Projects; A.5-Agenda Item Summary Form: Policy Subcommittee Recommendation Regarding Second Reading of Two Policies and to Vote; DRAFT – Second and First Reading SC Policy JLDBA Intervention, Prevention, and Postvention Suicide Policy; A.5.b.- Agenda Item Summary Form: Policy Subcommittee Recommendation Regarding Second Reading of Two Policies and to Vote; DRAFT – Second and First Reading - SC Policy JLDBA Intervention, Prevention, and Postvention Suicide Policy; A.6-Agenda Item Summary Form: Appointment of Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Operations ; Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Operations Job Description; A.7-Agenda Item Summary Form: Appointment of Chief Procurement Officer; A.8-Agenda Item Summary Form: Vote to Authorize Expense of up to $ _____ for Superintendent-School Committee Team - Building and Retreat with Rob Evans; HO.1 Alternate suggestions LPS Elementary Capacity charts from Ms. Kate Colburn and Ms. Elaine Ashton; HO.2 Memo from Dr. Czajkowski regarding Rob Evans – Retreat dated February 23, 2016. Place on Consent Agenda for SC Approval 3.21.16 Voted Approved by the School Committee 3.30.16