HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-10-20-SC-minLSC Meeting Minutes 10.20.15 Approved 12.15.15 1 LEXINGTON SCHOOL COMMITTEE OPEN SESSION Tuesday, October 20, 2015 Lexington Town Office Building, Selectmen’s Meeting Room 1625 Massachusetts Avenue PRESENT: Superintendent Mary Czajkowski, Chair Jessie Steigerwald, Vice Chair William Hurley, Margaret Coppe, Alessandro Alessandrini, Judy Crocker, Student Representative Abigail Schwartz The Minutes were takes by Ana Paula McDonough, Executive Assistant to the School Committee The meeting convened at 6:33PM Call to Order and welcome: Chair Jessie Steigerwald called the meeting to order, and introduced committee members. Executive Session: MOTION to go into Executive Session under Exemption 3, to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining pertaining to LEA, Unit D; and SEIU, to return to open session at the conclusion. Further, the Chair declared that it would be detrimental to the bargaining and negotiating positon of the School Committee. (Jessie Steigerwald/William Hurley) At 6:33 p.m. the Motion was approved 5-0 by a roll call vote, and the minutes for the Executive Session are in a separate document. The School Committee returned to Open Session at 7:02pm. Others present: Carol Pilarski, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction and Professional Development; Ian Dailey, Interim Director for Finance & Operations; Robert Harris, Assistant. Supt. For Human Resources and Paula McDonough, Executive Assistant to the School Committee Return to Public Session and Welcome The Chair called the Public Session to order and called for a recess for a town report photo. At 7:08 pm recess ended. There were no public comments. Superintendent’s Announcements Superintendent Dr. Mary Czajkowski presented the Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents Award for Academic Excellence to three (3) Lexington High School Students, Steven Karson, Tom Spiers and Emily Zitkovsky. 1. Dr. Czajkowski referred to the agreement with the Lexington Education Association for all Unit A members regarding the commitment to look at the term “exemplary” and determine what constitutes “exemplary” in the evaluation ratings for this school year. LSC Meeting Minutes 10.20.15 Approved 12.15.15 2 This was also discussed in a joint council meeting on September 29, 2015 and she will update the committee. 2. Telephone Communication System – CODE-ED: Some principals and central office administrators expressed concerns regarding the use of CODE-ED. Dr. Czajkowski is investigating other options. 3. Dr. Czajkowski met with Principal Laura Lasa, and John Murray, Associate Principal to discuss security and safety at the high school and is working with department heads in the school and municipal departments to make the building more secure. Superintendent Dr. Mary Czajkowski will keep the committee informed. 4. The milestone ceremony on October 22, 2015 at 3:45PM will honor employees with 20 plus years of service to Lexington Public Schools. 5. On October 21, 20115 Dr. Czajkowski will meet with the KoLex Parents. 6. Dr. Czajkowski attended a City Year event with Bill Hurley. School Committee Member Announcements Mr. Alessandro Alessandrini: On October 23, 2015 the committee met in Boston with METCO parents and Mr. Alessandrini thanked the parents who shared their stories, and also Cristina Lin, co-PTA member of the Bowman who brought her daughter. On October 23, Mr. Alessandrini joined Ms. Coppe to learn about actions being taken in regards to suicide ideation based on the Sources of Strength Program. Lexington Public Elementary School Social Worker Cindy Veatch and Jonathan Cuna – are offering a course on Parenting in the Age of Technology. The Lexington Asian Committee Alliance (includes Chinese American Association of Lexington, Indian Americans of Lexington and KoLex) is holding a meeting on November 3 “Academic Burnout vs. Academic Success”. Margaret Coppe: Added that the Sources of Strength program from the Lexington Youth and Family Services is funded through a combination of CHNA grants and private funding, and she thanks them for their support. Jessie Steigerwald: Added that volunteers are still needed and that interested people can contact Lexington Youth Family Services. Student Representative Abby Schwartz: Ms. Schwarz suggested that LYFS connect with the high school if they would like to recruit student volunteers. Vice Chair William Hurley: LSC Meeting Minutes 10.20.15 Approved 12.15.15 3 Mr. Hurley, along with members of the school committee, attended a meeting with architect Ken DiNisco and some of his staff as well as the Hill Company regarding proposals for the renovations to the middle schools. Mr. Hurley thanked everyone who took time to come to the two (2) hour presentation and encourages more people to attend those meetings. The more people that understand what is needed and what is being asked, the better it will be when the request is taken to the town. Judy Crocker: Special thanks to Ms. Pilarski and Len Swanton for a orchestrating the second annual Lexington Learns Together on October 10. It was a full day of academic professional experience for all staff. She expressed gratitude for the invitation to participate and enjoyed the session she attended. October 17, was the official ribbon cutting for the opening of the Community Center, She thanked Karen Simmons (Recreation Department), Sheila Butts (Executive Director), Carl Valente (Town Manager), Linda Levine (Assistant Town Manager) and the Board of Selectmen for putting together a wonderful program. Saturday, October 24, will be the official opening of the renovated Cary Memorial Building. Ms. Crocker attended the Lexington Education Foundation (“LEF”) Grant Reception for faculty and staff who were awarded grants. LEF grants support everything from Math and Science to Sociology, Language to Art and is a wonderful resource in the community. Ms. Crocker congratulated Clarke for their Fall Safe Routes To School Walk and Roll which was supported by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation. More than 300 students participated. Elementary schools participated in the International Walk To School Day. Ms. Crocker thanked Ms. Kavanaugh and Ms. Pilarski for work on the Redistricting Committee which met last Thursday evening. Unfortunately the meeting conflicted with the DiNisco Public Forum about Clarke and Diamond. Ms. Crocker passed along a request from the Retailer’s Association to invite people to participate in their upcoming Trick-Or-Treat in the Center event, and to be cautious about safety. Jessie Steigerwald: Steigerwald thanked Mr. Harris for the Milestone Event for teachers who reached professional status. She attended this event with Ms. Coppe, Ms. Crocker and it was impressive to see the commitment the teachers have made to Lexington. Steigerwald thanked Ms. Hamilton and her staff for the METCO meeting in Boston. October 28th from 4-7PM there will be a flu clinic at Diamond Middle School. Steigerwald thanked everyone who came to the Estabrook ceremony to name the gym after Mr. Jim Banks. The School Committee appreciated everyone who shared input. LSC Meeting Minutes 10.20.15 Approved 12.15.15 4 Steigerwald expressed appreciation for the Department of Public Facilities, Mr. Goddard and his staff for the multiple capital projects they had supported. She noted that Community Center and Cary Hall projects began while the department was also overseeing Bridge and Bowman. The Community Coalition meeting has a logo, designed by Cristina Burwell, which you can see throughout the town. Steigerwald thanked everyone who attended the October 7th Kick-Off event. There is a Lexington Community Coalition Youth initiative Facebook page. A Chairs “Plus One” meeting was held yesterday with Dr. Czajkowski, Carl Valente (Town Manager), representatives from School Committee, the Selectmen, Capital Expenditures Committee (“CEC”) and Appropriation Committee (“AC”). Steigerwald and Crocker attended for the School Committee. Key dates discussed to allow time for each group to prepare reports prior to a Town Meeting vote on school capital projects included:  Special Town Meeting on November 2  Special Town Meeting November 9 session to focus on other town business  November 16 information session on the school projects  December 2 open up with school article and reach a conclusion that night.  The debt exclusion may be some time in April. The CEC and AC gave a verbal list of questions which Crocker and herself have not had an opportunity to type out. Steigerwald asked if another member would volunteer to work with her to help answer the questions from the finance committees. Coppe expressed concerns regarding the “Plus 1” meeting as she was not included and does not know what she would be volunteering for. Steigerwald shared more information from yesterday’s meeting. Mr. Hurley would volunteer but would first want to know the questions. Ms. Crocker volunteered to type the questions and email them to the Committee. Ms. Crocker volunteered to help answer the questions. She further explained that a Chairs Plus One meeting was when you have meetings between the Chair and one additional (“plus” one) member of the committee, the Superintendent, Town Manger and two financial committee members to establish timelines and agendas and answer basic questions. Consent Agenda 1. Vote to Approve Student Health Advisory Council Liaison Report – Margaret Coppe 2. Vote to Approve School committee Minutes of September 25, 2015 3. Vote to Approve School committee Minutes of October 5, 2015 4. Vote to Approve and Not Release School Committee Executive Session Minutes of September 15, 2015 2015 Motion to approve Consent Agenda (Steigerwald, Hurley). Alessandrini asked to table #4 to submit edits. Steigerwald withdrew her motion LSC Meeting Minutes 10.20.15 Approved 12.15.15 5 Motion to table item #4 from the Consent Agenda (Alessandrini, Coppe). The motion was not approved (2 - 3) Motion to approve Consent Agenda (Steigerwald, Hurley). The motion was approved (3 – 2 ) Agenda 1. Human Resources Department Update Robert Harris, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources addressed continuing efforts to increase employee diversity in the school district and maintain a stable workforce. Reference: October 15, 2015 memo to the Town of Lexington School Committee Members regarding Human Resources Update (FY16) (PK. Committee discussion included: Committee discussion included: Thanked Mr. Harris for his hard work and looks forward to see growth in this area. What is included in the category “Adult Education” on the list of different employees, Unit A non-represented, Unit C & Unit D which represent different bargaining units, facility coaches, ALA, Tech Unit, Principals. Does it include teachers who may offer one class in the Community Education program? Mr. Harris stated that it is Lexington School Education Program and to the best of his knowledge they are not overlapping positions. Community members ask why Lexington doesn’t have more diverse teaching staff? Mr. Harris answers that Lexington compares favorably to other communities. Asked that next year we see how we appear in comparison with our benchmark community. 2. Enrollment Projections and School Building Capacity Ms. Kavanaugh presented a K-5 Analysis FY16 to FY20 as of 10/20/15. A table analysis explains the projections. A table analysis explains the projections. (HO. 3. Middle School Capital Projects Update a) Feedback from October 15, 2015, Public Forum Regarding Building Projects b) Middle Schools: Intensive Learning Program Space, Cafeteria, Traffic Plan Mr. Goddard reviewed a PowerPoint presentation regarding the two (2) Middle Schools; Clarke Middle School and Diamond Middle School. (HO. Committee discussion included: moving Clarke sidewalk near to abut tennis courts in proposed parking lot and extend bus lane sidewalk; Size of middle school team mean is 95 students and the eighth grade has 90-100 students/team. Team size would decrease by adding an additional team; The add/alternate list should include for Clarke: LSC Meeting Minutes 10.20.15 Approved 12.15.15 6 Brookside/Waltham St improvements and second elevator; for Diamond: driveway expansion at Hancock St and car turn around near current loading dock; Diamond courtyard possibilities; the mechanics of replacing and soundproofing Clarke’s triangular walls. The impact if middle school improvements are not made at Diamond include: • Class size will grow to 28-30 students • Cafeteria will need a fourth lunch period therefore resulting in 15 minutes of loss academic time • Special education will have inadequate space • Science programming without the eight room will have 29-30 students/class • English may have to travel between science rooms • Not all students will be able to take PE • Art and music classes will have to be split At Clarke: • 11 teams will be required (3 full teams/grade plus 0.5 team • Class size 28-30 students • Teachers may be forced to team different sections into different classrooms • May need to consider “unteamming” classes – Junior High model • Deficient science labs • Traffic flow issues Kate Colburn, 44 Forest St – inquired about the capacity of each school. 4. Recommended FY 17 Capital Budget – Facilities, Technology and Schools Mr. Ian Dailey, Interim Director of Finance and Operations presented the FY2017 Capital Request includes the total of three capital requests for the School Department and 18 requests for the Department of Public Facilities. 1. Furniture and Equipment Replacement Program ($185,343) 2. Technology Program ($1,290,000) – Tom Plati 3. Design Fund for School Traffic Safety Migration ($40,000) 4. Department of Public Facilities ($6,317,149) Committee discussion included: how to finance further school traffic plans and designs and how will they fit into the tax levy; need to finalize Bridge infrastructure traffic changes and address last year’s allocation to study LHS. 5. 2015 MCAS Report Ms. Kavanaugh presented a presentation on the 2015 MCAS Highlights: MCAS English Language Arts; Mathematics: All Students; Special Education, African American grade 5, 8 & 10 (HO. Ms. Kavanaugh congratulated the teachers, administrators, families and students. 6. Transportation Update LSC Meeting Minutes 10.20.15 Approved 12.15.15 7 Mr. Ian Dailey updated on the School Bus Transportation. (PK. The Lexington Public Schools Transportation program continues to grow annually and has reached record levels this year. There are 3,427 riders successfully registered for the bus. Ridership is distributed over 73 routes and 28 buses. Feedback from parents and building principals has initiated some modifications to routes to accommodate the large loads and timelines to routes. The changes made are: (1) added two trips to the high school to accommodate increases in ridership (2) added bus to address overcrowding and waitlist at Bowman and Clark (Bus #25). 7. FY 15 4th Quarterly Financial Report Mr. Ian Dailey presented the FY 2015 – 4th Quarter Financial Report dated October 16. 2015. (PK. The School Department returned $1,351,127 to the general fund at the close of the Fiscal Year. 8. Report for the Massachusetts Association of School Committees’ (MASC) Resolutions Committee. In preparation for the upcoming MASC retreat, Steigerwald proposed the committee take formal positions on the resolutions so Ms. Crocker could represent our committee’s perspective while serving and voting as our committee’s delegate. Resolution 1 – Regarding High School Starting Times. Steigerwald, Crocker (5-0) Resolution 2 – Poverty and Children. Steigerwald, Hurley (5-0) Resolution 3 – Tying Test Scores to Chapter 70 Funding. Hurley, Alessandrini (5-0) Resolution 4 – Support for an equitable and sustainable placement program for students covered under the McKinney-Vent to Homeless Education Assistance Act. Steigerwald, Crocker (5-0) Resolution 5 – Tax Reform Ballot Question. Coppe, Hurley (5-0) Resolution 6 – Membership of School Committee Member on the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education. Steigerwald, Crocker (5-0) Resolution 7 – Relative to the Teaching Strategies Gold Assessments for Kindergarten Students. Hurley, Crocker (5-0) LSC Meeting Minutes 10.20.15 Approved 12.15.15 8 I. Adjourn Motion to Adjourn (Hurley, Crocker) The motion was approved (5-0) The meeting was adjourned at 10:47 p.m. Meeting Materials: Meeting Agenda; Student Health Advisory Council (SHAC) dated October 5, 2015; Lexington School Committee Meeting dated September 25, 2015 & October 5, 2015; Human Resources Update (FY16) dated October 5, 2015; FY2017 Capital Requests – Transmittal Form dated October 16, 2015; FY 2017 Technology Capital Budget Request dated October 15, 2015; School Bus Transportation Update dated October 15, 2015; FY 2015 – 4th Quarter Financial Report dated October 16, 2015; Report of the resolutions committee; 2015 MCAS Highlights; K-5 Analysis FY16 to FY20 as of 10/20/15; School Committee Multiple Schools construction Project of the Two Middle Schools. Voted Approved by the School Committee December 15, 2015