HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-06-16-SC-min-Evening   LSC  Meeting  Minutes  6/16/2015         1   LEXINGTON  SCHOOL  COMMITTEE  MEETING   Tuesday,  June  16,  2015   Clarke  Middle  School  Auditorium   17  Stedman  Road     PRESENT:    Superintendent  Dr.  Paul  Ash,  Chair  Jessie  Steigerwald,  Vice  Chair  William   Hurley,  Alessandro  Alessandrini,  Judith  Crocker,  Margaret  Coppe   Student  Representative  Abigail  Schwartz     The  Minutes  were  taken  by  Christine  Ashness,  Recording  Secretary   The  meeting  convened  at  7:06pm       Call  to  order  and  welcome:    Chair  Jessie  Steigerwald  called  the  meeting  to  order,  and   introduced  committee  members.     Public  Comments:   Pamela  Tames,  26  Bertwell  Road:    She  is  a  parent  of  three  school  age  kids,  one  currently   part  of  Lextended  Day,  and  two  previously  attended  the  program.    She  is  also  the  President   of  Lextended  Day’s  Board.    During  her  remarks  at  the  last  meeting  she  had  some  questions   regarding  the  data  provided  by  the  school  district.    Tonight  she  has  2  questions.    While   Bridge  hosts  the  Elementary  Instrumental  group  Thursday  afternoons,  why  can’t  after   school  care  still  be  provided?    People  would  love  to  have  a  6th  site.    While  the  district’s   contract  with  Lextended  Day  provides  a  classroom  at  Bowman,  why  has  the  district  refused   use  of  the  space  for  after  school  care?    If  these  2  issues  were  resolved,  90%  of  the  families   on  the  wait  lists  would  have  after  school  care  for  their  kids.    They  are  asking  that  the   program  be  allowed  to  use  more  space  in  the  schools.         Malka  Berndt,  57  Spring  Street:    She  attended  last  week’s  meeting.    Lextended  Day  would   be  ready  to  expand  for  fall  if  more  space  was  released.    The  assumption  was  they  wouldn’t   be  ready,  but  Lextended  day  is  ready,  willing  and  able  to  accommodate  at  Bridge  starting   this  fall.    She  hopes  that  the  School  Committee  could  look  into  that.    If  space  is  opened  up,   they  will  be  ready  to  go.    A  giant  portion  of  the  waiting  list  could  be  helped  by  just  one  small   step.    Many  families  would  appreciate  it.     Superintendent’s  Announcements:   Earlier  this  week  Dr.  Ash  sent  the  School  Committee  a  recommendation  to  hire  an  outside   auditing  financial  review  firm  to  put  in  place  a  review  of  our  operations  and  controls.     Given  the  transition  from  one  financial  officer  to  another,  it  is  prudent  to  examine  them  in   order  to  gain  an  understanding  of  all  aspects.    The  auditor  will  then  make   recommendations  for  improvement.    He  believes  they  are  running  quite  well.    The  purpose   is  that  during  the  transition  period  it  is  important  for  accountability  and   planning/reviewing  of  items  needing  improvement.    The  cost  would  be  $40,000-­‐$45,000.     The  town  agrees  it  would  make  sense.    The  School  Committee  took  no  action  and  said  they   would  add  it  to  a  future  agenda.       LSC  Meeting  Minutes  6/16/2015         2     School  Committee  Member  Announcements:   Judith  Crocker:    Thank  you  to  DiNisco  and  Hill  companies.    The  teams  have  been  doing  a   great  job  delivering  their  presentations.    The  building  process  is  online  on  the  school   website  and  recorded  meetings  are  also  available  on  LexMedia.         William  Hurley:    He  and  Kate  Colburn  have  also  been  attending  all  of  the  DiNisco   presentations  and  the  Permanent  Building  Committee  meetings.    He  thanked  DiNisco  for   their  work.     Jessie  Steigerwald:    Reviewed  upcoming  meetings.  On  June  22nd  there  will  be  an  Executive   Session  with  the  Selectmen  and  then  a  short  meeting  afterwards.    There  will  be  another   meeting  on  July  7th  at  7:00  pm  and  a  Summit  on  July  14th  and  July  16th.     Agenda:   Report  on  2014-­‐2015  District  Goals   Dr.  Ash  explained  that  we  heard  from  school  principals  a  couple  of  meetings  ago  when  they   presented  their  School  Improvement  Plans.    The  District  Goals  and  Schools  Improvement   Plans  are  aligned  and  have  synergy  in  the  education  area.       Goal  1:    Improve  Academic  Performance  for  All  Students   Goal  2:    Improve  Social  and  Emotional  Program  Supports  for  All  Students   Goal  3:    Improve  Safety  for  All  Students  and  Staff   Goal  4:    Improve  the  District’s  Capacity  to  Respond  to  Enrollment  Increases     Vote  on  2015-­‐2016  District  Goals   Abby  Schwartz:    Students  are  more  concerned  with  having  the  current  technology  work   properly  than  having  newer  technology.    The  goals  do  not  mention  fixing  what  is  broken   and  the  plan  to  fix  them.    The  Math  and  Science  building’s  Internet  works  well  but  there  is   difficulty  getting  into  educational  software  in  science.    The  Wi-­‐Fi  in  the  Main  Building  cuts   out  constantly  while  students  are  doing  research  on  laptops.    Students  and  teachers  are  not   allowed  to  download  updates  to  programs  such  as  Flash,  which  is  a  problem.         Added  amendment  to  Goals:    Address  the  policy  and  infrastructure  required  to  fully  take   advantage  of  our  existing  technology  and  expand  our  capacity  to  more  effectively  use   mobile  devices.     MOTION  to  approve  the  2015-­‐2016  District  Improvement  Goals,  as  amended.    (Hurley,   Alessandrini)   The  Motion  was  approved  5-­‐0.     Consent  Agenda   Items  will  be  done  individually  not  as  a  consent  agenda.     Members  had  some  questions  and  comments  about  the  number  of  chaperones  on  the   different  field  trips,  the  amount  of  school  days  missed,  keeping  up  with  schoolwork,  and   helping  students  who  cannot  afford  to  pay  for  the  trips.    They  thanked  the  teachers  for  the   hard  work  and  time  needed  to  take  students  on  these  trips.     LSC  Meeting  Minutes  6/16/2015         3     MOTION  to  Approve  2015-­‐2016  Clarke  Middle  School  Grade  8  Spanish  field  Trip  to  La   Guacima  de  Alajuela,  Costa  Rica,  March  2-­‐11,  2016  (Coppe,  Crocker)   The  Motion  was  approved  5-­‐0.     MOTION  to  Approve  2015-­‐2016  Clarke  Middle  School  8th  Grade  Mandarin  field  Trip  to   Shanghai,  Jinhua,  Beijing  China,  April  6-­‐17,  2016  (Alessandrini,  Coppe)   The  Motion  was  approved  4-­‐1,  with  Steigerwald  opposing.     MOTION  to  Approve  2015-­‐2016  Clarke  Middle  School  8th  Grade  French  field  Trip  to   Quebec  City,  Canada,  June  8-­‐10,  2016  (Hurley,  Alessandrini)   The  Motion  was  approved  5-­‐0.     MOTION  to  Approve  2015-­‐2016  Diamond  Middle  School  Grade  8  Spanish  Field  Trip  to   La  Guacima  de  Alajuela,  Costa  Rica,  January  27,  2016  –  February  5,  2016  (Crocker,   Alessandrini)   The  Motion  was  approved  5-­‐0.     MOTION  to  Approve  2015-­‐2016  Diamond  Middle  School  8th  Grade  French  Field  Trip  to   Quebec  City,  Canada,  May  31,  2016  –  June  3,  2016  (Steigerwald,  Crocker)   The  Motion  was  approved  5-­‐0.     Vote  to  Appoint  Ian  Dailey  as  the  Chief  Procurement  Officer  for  the  Lexington  Public   Schools   Dr.  Ash  explained  that  there  is  extensive  training  for  this  position  and  special  certification.     Ian  Dailey  has  completed  the  training  and  is  just  waiting  for  the  certificate.   Steigerwald  would  rather  wait  until  the  certificate  is  received.    Hurley  would  like  to  wait  at   least  until  the  meeting  on  the  22nd.      Coppe  believes  waiting  is  a  bad  idea,  as  it  would  hold   up  purchase  orders.    Steigerwald  asked  for  confirmation  that  Ms.  Dunn  was  planning  to   remain  at  work  through  the  end  of  June.    Dr.  Ash  confirmed  that  Ms.  Dunn  would  be  here   and  would  be  handling  the  purchase  orders.    The  committee  will  wait  until  Monday  June   22nd  to  vote  and  hopes  the  certification  is  received  by  that  meeting.     Update  on  Youth  Coalition  Planning   Steigerwald  and  Hurley  provided  updates  from  the  meeting  that  was  held  earlier  on  June   16th.    The  next  steps  were  planning  for  two  fall  meetings.    On  October  7th  there  will  be  an   evening  meeting  to  hold  a  community  wide  conversation  on  “what  goals  do  you  have  for   Lexington  youth  that  you  could  better  accomplish  by  working  with  others.”    Participants   will  then  prioritize  1,  2,  or  3  actionable  goals  and  agree  to  work  on  these  as  a  coalition.    On   October  21st  there  will  be  a  daytime  meeting  on  the  priorities  that  were  selected  by  the   coalition  in  order  to  develop  an  implementation  plan.     Members  thanked  Abby  Schwartz  for  attending  one  of  the  planning  meetings,  Steigerwald   for  coordinating  the  recent  meetings,  and  the  ad  Hoc  Committee  for  their  report.   The  Selectmen  are  doing  their  goal  setting  on  July  1st.    Steigerwald  reported  that  the  School   Committee  sent  their  goals  to  the  selectmen  and  highlighted  which  ones  would  be   beneficial  to  work  on  together.     LSC  Meeting  Minutes  6/16/2015         4   Funds  previously  allocated  for  Andy  Beck  would  soon  be  expended  ($3,500).    Steigerwald   asked  the  committee  if  they  wished  to  authorize  additional  expenses.    Hurley  suggested  an   allocation  for  FY15  and  also  for  FY16.     MOTION  to  authorize  up  to  an  additional  $1,000  to  be  expended  for  FY15,  and  up  to   $1,000  to  be  expended  for  FY16  for  School  in  Maine  Institute  to  pursue  the  coalition   work.    (Hurley,  Crocker)   The  Motion  was  approved  5-­‐0   Coppe  requested  that  Steigerwald  approach  the  chair  of  the  Board  of  Selectmen  for  the   higher  cost  funding  in  the  future.     MOTION  to  co-­‐sponsor  the  October  7th  and  21st  meetings  (Hurley,  Steigerwald)   The  Motion  was  approved  5-­‐0.     Update  on  Allocation  of  School  Space  for  Before-­‐and  After-­‐School  Child  Care   Steigerwald  recognized  Crocker  and  Coppe  for  an  update  from  the  last  meeting.    Last   Friday  a  meeting  of  a  small  working  group  that  included  Crocker  and  Coppe  took  place.     The  central  document  to  review  is  a  vendor  contract.    The  school  system  is  not  required  to   lease  space.    Members  had  questions  and  comments  about  data  on  where  the  people  on  the   waiting  list  are  located  (which  school  site);  if  possible,  having  a  committee  to  have   something  feasible  happen  by  September;  whether  there  are  other  staff  members  that  can   look  into  this  considering  Ms.  Dunn’s  departure  date,  and  whether  it  could  happen  by   September;  looking  to  see  if  the  Recreation  Department  could  possibly  hold  before/after   school  care.     Dr.  Ash  agreed  that  there  is  a  real  problem.    He  strongly  believes  that  the  schools  belong  to   the  entire  community  and  if  we  could  fully  use  these  assets  we  would  like  to.    The  parents’   needs  are  genuine.    The  real  problem  is  that  it  is  June  16th  and  he  and  Mary  Ellen  Dunn  have   very  few  days  left.    He  does  not  think  it  is  wise  to  ask  Ms.  Dunn  to  focus  her  energies  on  this   when  she  is  dealing  with  a  lot  of  financial  work  right  now.    He  knows  of  no  one  in  the   district  who  could  go  through  the  RFP  book  and  have  the  skill  set  to  figure  it  out.    Someone   is  going  to  eventually  get  up  to  speed  but  that  won’t  happen  fast.    Principals,  the  music   director,  and  athletic  director  all  need  to  be  involved.    If  this  conversation  happened  a  few   months  ago  we  could  have  tried  to  figure  something  out.         Coppe  and  Crocker  will  continue  to  work  on  this  issue.     Crocker  recognized  Debra  Harvey  as  she  has  been  working  on  these  contracts.    She  has   been  great.     Pamela  Tames  26  Bertwell  Road:    This  is  not  a  new  issue.    This  is  a  crisis  now  because  there   hasn’t  been  action  until  now.    They’ve  been  talking  for  a  long  time.    A  formal  letter  was  sent   to  the  School  Committees  in  March  and  a  heads  up  was  given.    Because  there  has  been   media  coverage  it  is  now  a  bigger  issue.    Yes  there  are  many  complexities  and  issues  but  the   Bridge  suggestion  would  solve  90  percent  of  their  parents’  issues.    This  can  be  simplified   and  partially  addressed  before  the  next  school  year.     LSC  Meeting  Minutes  6/16/2015         5   It  will  be  put  on  the  July  7th  agenda.     Capital  Update   Update  from  Permanent  Building  Committee  (“PBC”)   Hurley  and  Crocker  provided  an  update.    The  PBC  have  met  once,  and  will  meet  again   tomorrow  to  go  over  evaluation  criteria.    They  are  trying  to  think  of  evaluation  criteria  to   quantify  the  pros  and  cons  of  the  many  proposals  and  will  try  to  have  a  weighted  scoring   component  to  assist  in  making  these  hard  decisions.     Update  on  Superintendent  School  Assignment  and  Capacity  Advisory  Committee   Steigerwald  asked  the  committee  for  clarification  on  whether  they  wished  to  have  only   elementary  parent  representatives,  or  also  middle  school  representatives  as  a  middle   school  parent  expressed  willingness  to  serve  if  needed.    Members  agreed  to  only  have   elementary  parents.     Alessandrini  is  concerned  about  what  the  function  of  this  committee  is.         Dr.  Ash  explained  that  after  the  summit  you  are  able  change  your  mind  about  whether  you   want  to  add  middle  school  representatives.    The  2  functions  of  committee  are  to  advise  on   the  amount  of  space  needed  and  redistricting.    After  the  summit  you  can  revisit  if  middle   school  parents  need  to  be  there.     Presentation  from  DiNisco  Design  Team   Members  had  some  questions  and  comments.    DiNisco  will  be  back  for  the  summit   meetings.     Superintendent  Transition   Hurley  and  Steigerwald  spoke  about  having  transition  days  for  the  new  superintendent.     They  met  Dr.  Czajkowski  and  she  identified  at  least  2  dates  she  can  be  available.      They   would  like  to  allocate  funds  to  authorize  up  to  4  days.    The  rate  is  based  on  salary  divided   by  number  of  days.  It  would  be  $980.77  per  day.    Dr.  Ash  supported  the  recommendation   and  said  it  would  be  helpful.   MOTION  to  approve  the  allocation  of  up  to  $4,000  for  up  to  4  days  at  a  per  diem  rate  for   Dr.  Czajkowski  to  perform  duties  related  to  her  transition  into  the  Lexington  Public   Schools  and  to  authorize  the  chair  to  sign  a  Memorandum  of  Agreement  to  that  effect     (Hurley,  Alessandrini)   The  Motion  was  approved  5-­‐0.     Superintendent  Evaluation  Update   Steigerwald  said  the  committee  would  review  a  draft  at  next  Monday’s  meeting.    If  she  gets   all  of  the  individual  evaluations  she  will  try  to  email  a  draft  to  members  by  5:00pm   Thursday.  She  asked  members  to  watch  for  the  document  and  said  it  will  be  on  the  agenda   Monday.       Munroe  Center  for  the  Arts  Appointment  Update     LSC  Meeting  Minutes  6/16/2015         6   Steigerwald  shared  that  Thomas  Griffiths  had  served  on  the  Munroe  Center  for  the  Arts  for   the  School  Committee  but  notified  her  that  he  has  been  appointed  as  a  regular  member  on   their  board.    The  School  Committee  has  been  asked  to  recommend  someone.    Steigerwald   has  asked  for  more  information  about  when  the  meetings  take  place.  It  will  be  helpful  if   members  will  keep  this  in  mind  and  start  thinking  about  whether  they  would  like  to  serve   or  if  they  can  think  of  someone  who  would  be  a  good  match.         Review  and  Approve  in  Form  the  Following  Policies:   BDFA  –  Site-­‐Based  School  Councils   BDFA-­‐E-­‐3  –  Conduct  of  Site-­‐Based  School  Council  Business   CCA  –  Organizational  Chart   CE  –  School  Committee  Administrative  Councils,  Cabinets  and  Committees   DGA  –  Authorized  Signatures   DJ  –  Purchasing   DJA  –  Purchasing  Authority   DO  –  Scholarship  and  Award  Funds   GCCD  –  Domestic  Violence  Leave  Policy   JCAA  –  Redistricting   JIC  –  Student  Discipline   JII  –  Student  Complaints  and  Grievances   JK  –  Student  Conduct   JQ-­‐A  –  Financial  Assistance   JQ-­‐R  –  Demand  for  Payments     MOTION  to  approve  in  form,  the  above  Policies  from  sections  B,  C,  D,  G,  J,  as  amended   (Hurley,  Coppe)   The  Motion  was  approved  5-­‐0.     MOTION  to  approve  in  form,  Policy  JFAB,  as  amended,  (Hurley,  Coppe)   The  Motion  was  approved  4-­‐1  with  Alessandrini  opposing.     Hurley  left  at  11:04pm   MOTION  to  adjourn  (Alessandrini,  Coppe)   The  Motion  was  approved  4-­‐0.   The  meeting  was  adjourned  at  11:05pm.   Meeting  Materials:    Agenda;  LPS  Report  on  the  2014-­‐2015  District  Improvement  Plan;  2015-­‐ 2016  District  Improvement  Plan;  Memo  from  Joyce  Emmett;  DiNisco  presentation;  Policies  B,   C,  D,  G,  I,  J;  Clarke  Field  Trip  Request  for  Costa  Rica;  Clarke  Field  Trip  Request  for  China;   Clarke  Field  Trip  Request  for  Washington  DC;  Clarke  Field  Trip  Request  for  Quebec;  Diamond   Field  Trip  Request  for  Costa  Rica;  Diamond  Field  Trip  Request  for  Quebec;  Meeting  notes  for   allocation  of  space  for  before/after  school  care     Voted by the School Committee July 7, 2015