HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-03-25-SC-min   LSC  Meeting  Minutes  3/25/2015         LEXINGTON  SCHOOL  COMMITTEE  MEETING   Wednesday,  March  25,  2015   Lexington  High  School,  Library  Media  Center   251  Waltham  Street     PRESENT:    Superintendent  Dr.  Paul  Ash,  Chair  Jessie  Steigerwald,  Vice  Chair  William   Hurley,  Margaret  Coppe,  Judith  Crocker   Member  Absent:    Alessandro  Alessandrini   The  Minutes  were  taken  by  Christine  Ashness,  Recording  Secretary   The  meeting  convened  at  6:30pm       Call  to  order  and  welcome:    Chair  Jessie  Steigerwald  called  the  meeting  to  order,  and   introduced  committee  members.    Steigerwald  noted  that  Mr.  Alessandrini  had  called  to  let   her  know  that  he  had  expected  that  he  would  arrive  late  to  the  meeting,  but  encouraged  us   to  begin  on  time  and  he  would  join  when  possible.     MOTION  to  go  into  Executive  Session  Exemption  3,  to  discuss  strategy  with  respect  to   potential  litigation  regarding  a  student  residency  issue,  and  to  return  to  open  session,   further  the  chair  declared  that  it  would  be  detrimental  to  the  School  Committee’s   litigation  position  to  hold  the  conversation  in  an  open  session.    (Steigerwald,  Hurley)     The  Motion  was  approved  4-­‐0  by  a  Roll  Call  Vote:   Margaret  Coppe:    AYE   Judith  Crocker:    AYE   William  Hurley:    AYE   Jessie  Steigerwald:    AYE       The  committee  Returned  to  Open  Session  at    6:44  pm.     Public  Comments:   None     Superintendent’s  Announcements:   Dr.  Ash  received  a  call  from  Mr.  Valente  regarding  an  action  by  the  Board  of  Selectmen.     They  voted  to  put  $600,000  less  into  the  “Other  Post  Employment  Benefits”  (OPEB)   account.    They  want  to  instead  put  the  funds  in  the  same  account  that  would  provide  the   ability  to  help  sustain  programs  in  the  event  that  state  or  federal  budget  cuts  have  a   detrimental  impact  on  the  school  or  municipal  budget.    They  were  going  to  place  $160,000   in  the  account,  but  will  now  allocate  $760,000.    It  is  in  a  reserve  fund.    It  could  potentially   give  the  School  Committee  more  flexibility  the  state  cuts  impact  the  school  budget.       This  is  time  of  year  we  begin  to  receive  information  to  plan  Kindergarten  numbers  for  the   fall.    Dr.  Ash  is  most  concerned  about  Fiske.    As  of  yesterday’s  report,  there  could  be  89   students  in  the  Kindergarten  grade,  and  he  had  anticipated  in  the  70s.    89  is  manageable   with  our  guidelines.    We  would  need  to  assign  an  over-­‐max  aide.    If  the  numbers  are  larger,     LSC  Meeting  Minutes  3/25/2015         a  full-­‐time  aide  might  be  helpful.    This  may  be  preferable  compared  with  taking  a  music  or   art  room.    Some  students  are  on  the  census,  and  some  are  actually  registered.    It  is  possible   the  numbers  could  grow  within  the  next  month.    If  we  need  a  fifth  kindergarten,  we  may   need  to  take  a  music  or  art  room,  or  redistrict.    This  is  an  item  that  may  need  to  be  on  the   agenda  in  the  next  month.    It  is  a  separate  discussion  from  any  other  questions  about  future   or  long-­‐term  redistricting.     Regarding  the  search  for  the  Assistant  Superintendent  for  Finance  and  Business   Operations:    The  search  committee  interviewed  3  candidates.    On  April  2nd  they’ll  interview   candidates  again.    We  are  moving  forward  and  hope  that  we  can  make  a  recommendation   in  a  few  weeks.     School  Committee  Member  Announcements:     Judith  Crocker:    Saturday  is  the  first  annual  parent  academy,  and  it  will  be  held  at  Clarke.    It   will  be  a  mini-­‐classroom  setting  for  the  day.    You  can  pick  and  choose  your  topics  of   interest,  and  there  is  something  for  everyone.    It  starts  at  8:30  am.    Lexington  Education   Foundation  (LEF)  is  holding  their  annual  gala  on  Saturday  March  28th  from  7-­‐11:00  pm  at   the  Burlington  Marriott.    Margaret  Coppe  and  Jessie  Steigerwald  will  be  attending.    Dr.   Mary  Czajkowski  is  also  going  to  attend.     Jessie  Steigerwald:    The  March  30  Town  Meeting  will  include  a  ceremony  for  high  school   students  and  on  April  6  the  Diversity  Award  will  be  presented.    These  will  take  place  early,   at  7:15  p.m..    April  7  will  be  our  meeting  with  Dorothy  Presser.           Mary  Ellen  Dunn:    Last  night  we  held  our  Student  Safety  event.    The  protocol  of  our  ALICE   program  was  introduced.    LexMedia  videotaped  the  presentation  and  it  will  be  available  on   the  LPS  webpage.    A  link  will  also  be  sent  to  parents  through  school  newsletters  and   information  from  the  question  and  answer  session  will  be  available  in  text  format.     Between  50-­‐70  parents  attended,  as  did  several  principals  and  representatives  from  the   Police  Department.    This  is  a  very  sensitive  topic  and  the  format  worked  well  to  a   constructive  discussion  and  an  engaging  presentation.     Jessie  Steigerwald:    Alessandro  Alessandrini  requested  some  additions  to  committee   minutes  from  February  25.    Ms.  Ashness  is  willing  to  review  the  tape  and  do  it  if  this  would   be  helpful.     Agenda:     Discussion  of  Town  Meeting  Articles   MOTION  to  rescind  the  prior  vote  on  Special  Town  Meeting  to  article  5.    (Steigerwald,   Hurley)      The  committee’s  intent  was  to  support  a  fund  allocation  covered  by  Article  17.   The  Motion  was  approved  4-­‐0.     MOTION  to  support  Article  17.    (Coppe,  Hurley)   The  Motion  was  approved  4-­‐0.     LSC  Meeting  Minutes  3/25/2015           Mary  Ellen  Dunn  explained  that  the  committee  should  have  been  supporting  Article  17   instead  of  Article  5.    It  is  a  clerical  correction  from  last  year’s  Town  Meeting  (2014).     Special  Town  Meeting  #1,  Article  2  Update  and  Discussion   Jessie  Steigerwald  thanked  the  following  for  their  help  on  the  presentation:    all  of  our   principals,  Jon  Himmel,  the  Permanent  Building  Committee,  consultants  Symmes,  Maine,   Mckee  &  Associates  (SMMA),  the  Enrollment  Working  Group,  and  Pat  Goddard.    The  next   step  is  to  work  with  the  Permanent  Building  Committee  (PBC).    There  are  permanent   members  of  the  PBC,  and  then  there  will  be  a  more  school-­‐project  specific  sub-­‐committee.     Funds  have  now  been  allocated  to  pursue  the  design  studies  we  requested.    Dr.  Ash  shared   that  we  can  appoint  two  members  to  serve  on  the  sub-­‐committee  related  to  our  project.     Members  agreed  to  request  letters  of  interest  be  submitted  by  April  2nd  and  people  will  be   selected  by  April  6th.    They  are  preferably  looking  for  people  who  have  a  background  in   architecture,  engineering,  and  construction.    Members  agreed  that  a  schedule  of  how  the   committee  meets  and  how  much  of  a  commitment  is  needed  should  be  provided  before  the   committee  invites  letters  of  interest.    These  dates  may  be  revised  based  on  when  we  have   that  information.     School  Committee  Member  Liaison  Update  –  Ad  Hoc  Committee  for  Youth  at  Risk   Jessie  Steigerwald  stated  that  since  December  there  have  been  many  different  meetings  in   relation  to  Youth  at  Risk.    She  suggested  dedicating  a  future  meeting  night  to  the  topic  at   which  the  committee  can  also  receive  the  Guidance  Curriculum  Review  report.    Margaret   Coppe  suggested  dissolving  the  Ad  Hoc  Committee  for  Youth  at  Risk  and  setting  up  a  new   committee  or  task  force  when  we  identify  the  next  steps.     Policy  Manual  Review:   a. Review  Plan  for  Sections  G  and  H  of  Policy  Manual:  Personnel  and   Negotiations.     Judith  Crocker  and  Jessie  Steigerwald  met  with  Dr.  Ash  and  will  bring  his  changes   forward  to  the  full  committee.     b. Approve  in  Form  Policy  IHA:  Basic  Instructional  Program   Margaret  Coppe  suggested  changing  the  word  “children”  to  “students”  and  Dr.  Ash   suggested  changing  “Foreign  Language”  to  “World  Language”.     MOTION  to  approve  Policy  IHA  in  form,  as  amended.    (Hurley,  Coppe)     The  Motion  was  approved  4-­‐0.     c.  Policy  JIC:  Student  Discipline  –  Second  Reading   Pulled  until  next  week.    One  change  was  a  space  between  “are”  and  “expected”  (last   sentence).     d. Policy  JII:  Student  Complaints  and  Grievances  –  Second  Reading   Change  space  between  “respect”  and  “too”.       LSC  Meeting  Minutes  3/25/2015           MOTION  to  approve  second  reading  of  Policy  JII  Student  Complaints  and  Grievances.     (Coppe,  Crocker)   The  Motion  was  approved  4-­‐0.     e. Policy  JK:  Student  Conduct  –  Second  Reading   Need  a  space  between  publish  and  its,  and  a  space  between  reasonable  and  verbal.     Motion  to  approve  second  reading  of  Policy  JK  Student  Conduct.    (Hurley,  Crocker)   The  Motion  was  approved  4-­‐0.     School  Committee  Liaison  Assignments,  Updates   Committee  agreed  that  Steigerwald  will  become  the  Lexington  Education  Foundation  (LEF)   liaison.    The  rest  of  liaison  assignments  will  be  discussed  at  Monday’s  school  committee   meeting.     Consent  Agenda   Vote  to  Approve  School  Committee  Minutes  of  December  4,  2014   Vote  to  Approve  School  Committee  Minutes  of  December  11,  2014   Vote  to  Approve  School  Committee  Minutes  of  January  15,  2015   Vote  to  Approve  School  Committee  Minutes  of  January  22,  2015     MOTION  to  approve  consent  agenda    (Hurley,  Coppe)   The  Motion  was  approved  4-­‐0.     The  school  committee  will  remain  in  session  and  relocate  to  Lexington  High  School   Auditorium  for  the  purpose  of  participating  in  Town  Meeting.     Meeting  Materials:    Agenda;  12/4/2015,  12/11/2015,  1/15/2015  and  1/22/2015  Minutes;   Policy  IHA  Basic  Instructional  Program;  Policy  JIC  Student  Discipline;  Policy  JII  Student   Complaints  and  Grievances;  Policy  JK  Student  Conduct;  School  Committee  Liaison   Assignments;  Lexington  Parent  Academy  handout;  Emergency  Information  Guide  for  Parents   &  Guardians  handout;  Thinking  Not  Drinking  handout;  Forum  on  Marijuana  handout;   Emergency  Readiness  handout;  Memo  from  Mary  Ellen  Dunn  to  the  School  Health  Advisory   Council