HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-10-28-SC-minLSC Meeting Minutes 10.28.14 – Approved 6.21.16 Page 1 LEXINGTON SCHOOL COMMITTEE Tuesday, October 28, 2014 Lexington Town Office Building, Selectmen’s Meeting Room 1625 Massachusetts Avenue PRESENT: Dr. Paul Ash, Superintendent; Margaret Coppe, Chair; Alessandro Alessandrini, Jessie Steigerwald, Judy Crocker and Abigail Schwartz, Student Representative The Minutes were taken by Jean Curran, Recording Secretary The Meeting convened at 7:30 p.m. I. Call to Order and Welcome The Chair called the meeting to order and invited public comment. There were no public comments II. Superintendent’s Announcements Dr. Ash had no announcements. III. School Committee Member Announcements Judy Crocker announced the School Committee was invited to the faculty and staff recognition ceremony and thanked everyone for their dedication to Lexington Public Schools Ms. Crocker also thanked the Bridge PTA on enrollment last week. Jessie Steigerwald shared that the Youth Services Council, along with a psychologist, is working on an initiative and the Committee may want to ask someone from that group to provide an update. Margaret Coppe asked for a moment of silence for Adam Dobbs, a former Lexington student who died this afternoon. Ms. Coppe asked for a moment of silence for those victims in Washington that were killed. IV. Agenda 1. Vote to Approve the Charge for the Superintendent Search Committee Margaret Coppe made an amendment to the Charge included in the packet which increased the number of members from 10 to 11. The Term of the Superintendent Search Committee will be the month of December and four meeting times have been laid out in the Charge. The Superintendent Search Committee will be dissolved upon the selection of the superintendent. Judy Crocker requested an additional change to add a confidentiality clause. Members agreed. Motion to Approve the Charge for the Superintendent Search Committee, as amended (Crocker, Steigerwald) The Motion was approved (4-0) LSC Meeting Minutes 10.28.14 – Approved 6.21.16 Page 2 2. Vote to Appoint Members to the Superintendent Search Committee Margaret Coppe provided the background and categories for the appointment of members to the Superintendent Search Committee. Forty-two applications were received. Ms. Coppe thanked all who applied and stated that it was a very difficult decision. Motion to appoint the following individuals be appointed to the Superintendent Search Committee: Alessandro Alessandrini, Jessie Steigerwald, Eileen Jay, Charles Lamb, Susie Lee Snell, Louise Lipsitz, Phyllis Neufeld, Lynne Perry, Richard Shay, Ellen Sugita, and Hua Wang (Steigerwald, Alessandrini) The Motion was approved (4-0) Margaret Coppe asked if Alessandro Alessandrini and Jessie Steigerwald would agree to act as Co-Chairs of the Superintendent Search Committee. Both Mr. Alessandrini and Ms. Steigerwald accepted. 3. Update of K-12 Space Needs Judy Crocker requested to have the Committee discuss the following four policies which directly mention education specialists: art, music, physical education and library services. These policies will be reviewed by the Committee as part of the Policy Manual Review, however, it may be useful to take them up earlier since they connect to the use of facility space and that topic is under current discussion. As the Committee considers future space needs, she suggested that it would be useful to review and clarify IHA, IHAE, IJL and IJLA first. The Committee discussed Ms. Crocker’s request and agreed to begin their review tonight. Motion to approve the First Reading of the IHA – Basic Instructional Program; IHAE- Physical Education; IJL - Library Materials Selection and Adoption; IJLA – Library Resources (Steigerwald, Crocker) The Committee engaged in further discussion of the motion made by Ms. Steigerwald which included adding language to the Basic Instructional Program and Library Resources with respect to dated materials and materials referred to as “unattractive” being removed. Members agreed that the issue was to keep resources current and useful and agreed to amended language. Motion to Approve the First Reading of the IHA – Basic Instructional Program; IHAE- Physical Education; IJL - Library Materials Selection and Adoption; IJLA – Library Resources, as amended (Steigerwald, Crocker). The Motion was approved (4-0) Margaret Coppe shared that the Committee has been working with the Enrollment Working Group (EWG) and the Ad Hoc School Master Planning Committee (AhSMPC) to help address these issues. The Committee has contracted with the SMMA architectural firm to prepare a Phase I plan for the schools which was delivered on October 21 in draft form. Phase II –describing the possibility and costs to add modulars to three schools and moving the Pre-K to another location-- is due on October 30. Phase III – to produce an overall Master Plan that will accommodate the 10 year population and create an environment which promotes and enhances teaching and learning. The options at that point will address all grade levels and will be available in January 2015. Class size and space use needs to be decided by the Committee before the next steps are taken, and the order in which to take these steps must also be determined. Ms. Coppe also shared that the Committee is aware that they are under a very tight deadline to get an appropriation for work to be completed by September 2015 if that is the decision the Committee makes. LSC Meeting Minutes 10.28.14 – Approved 6.21.16 Page 3 Margaret Coppe shared the discussion she had with the Chairs of the Board of Selectmen (BOS), Appropriations Committee (AC) and the Capital Expenditures Committee (CEC) regarding working the timeline backwards and the need to speak with Patrick Goddard, Director of Public Facilities to see if the timeline will work for him and for his team. Their consensus was that if this is the route the Committee would like to take, it must be decided by next Monday for all relevant committees to review all the materials in time to seek the appropriation. The Committee will need to decide how best to address the space needs of the K-12 population. Members engaged in discussion of (i) use of current art and/or music rooms; (ii) use of gym space; (iii) whether to permit class sizes to exceed guidelines and whether to add additional teachers/aides; (iv) to redistrict; and (v) to add modular classrooms. The Committee engaged in discussion about the ramifications of deciding any of the above recommendations which included (a) 3-year lease for modulars in order to study the best solution for the overcrowding and looking for high quality class spaces; (b) what would be the added class size and explore the number of students per class to reach lower class size; (c) redistricting, recommendations from the Superintendent and concerns from parents; (d) concerns from members of the public about the Committee only thinking about short term solutions instead of looking for long term solutions; (e) the SMMA presentation on September 17, 2014 wherein the consultants made it clear that the best practice for what they do in educational architectural consulting is you have to consider art and music rooms as a safety net. It was pointed out that SMMA is not currently stating that there is an acute situation for September. AhSMPC individual members pointed out that two schools are not at capacity and still have capacity somewhere and there may not need a modular for September anywhere, specifically at the Estabrook and Hastings Elementary Schools; (f) concerns regarding costs for three modulars; (g) concerns about using music and art rooms; (h) does it make sense to wait until the Phase II report is available in January 2015; (i) need to communicate effectively to the BOS, AC and CEC; (j) modular space at Fiske for the ILP program; and (k) debate over whether to place modulars or to construct brick-and-mortar wings. Dr. Ash recommends redistricting the 5th Grade at the Fiske Elementary School to the Estabrook Elementary School. The Committee is opposed to redistricting one grade, especially the 5th grade because that caps off their elementary school career. Instead, they favor receiving options for redistricting of the K-4 student population or entering students/new families. Eamonn Sheehan, K-12 Coordinator Physical Education and Wellness, shared his concerns regarding reducing the size of the gyms at Bridge and Bowman elementary schools because it will have an impact on student’s health and wellness. Mr. Sheehan also shared the National Association for Physical Education and Sport’s recommendations and shared those space guidelines which recommend 110-120 square feet per student. Currently, at the Bridge and Bowman Elementary Schools, the square footage is 65 square feet per student. This is before any proposed partitioning of the gym. Mary Anton, Principal, Bowman Elementary School empathized with the Committee about having to decide the best practice and said she is looking at making hard choices and whether it makes sense to wait for long term solutions. Dr. Anton shared that she was asked to look at the possibility of dealing with an extra section at Bowman Elementary School. Dr. Anton shared that her concern is long term and to keep in mind that the Bridge and Bowman Elementary Schools will be viable for the 20-25 years. Dr. Anton’s solutions included (a) splitting the gym into two places and have dedicated music and gym LSC Meeting Minutes 10.28.14 – Approved 6.21.16 Page 4 space; or (b) space mining. Dr. Anton provided a detailed description of her proposed solutions to the Committee and reviewed the proposal. Dr. Anton took questions from the Committee including (i) what will be the gym spaces look like after whatever is decided to be built; (ii) wouldn’t a modular ease the overcrowding at her school without limiting the music and gym space; (iii) what happens to the art space. Margaret Coppe suggested to the Committee that they draft an outline for the next meeting to discuss this issue on Monday and also decide on indicators and long-term and short-term solutions. Judy Crocker requested a tour of each elementary school to help better understand the space needs. Jessie Steigerwald suggested Dr. Anton meet with Mr. Pinelli and the architect before next Thursday. Ms. Steigerwald also requested a report on the impacts of splitting the gym on community and school events held at the school including whether parent-teacher-student events would be possible. Alessandro Alessandrini shared that he would like to see temporary modulars in place for next fall while the Committee plans for a long term solution. Katie Wipke, 53 Asbury Street, asked if Dr. Anton considered using the library space. Lynne Murray, 5 Butler Avenue, shared her thoughts and experience regarding one year solutions for the art, music and gym space. Margaret Coppe announced that next Monday at the Clarke Middle School Auditorium there will be a School Committee meeting dedicated to this issue and asked the public to hold any further questions until Monday. 4. School Committee Policies Jessie Steigerwald and Judy Crocker presented the Lexington Public School Policy Manual for Sections C and D. Ms. Steigerwald and Ms. Crocker thanked Mary Ellen Dunn, Assistant Superintendent for Business and Finance, Norman Cohen of the BOS and Dr. Ash for providing input to Sections C and D. Ms. Crocker read the title and Ms. Steigerwald took comments and questions from the Committee for the following: a. Review and Approve in Form Section C of Policy Manual: General School Administration • Administration Goals, File CA – no comments • School Superintendent, File CB – no comments • Superintendent’s Contract, File CBD – no comments • School Committee Evaluation of Superintendent, File CBI – no comments • Organizational Chart, File CCA – Ms. Steigerwald shared that the chart will be included and if the superintendent makes any change to the Chart, any updated version would be brought to the Committee before the Manual is formally adopted. The original file CCA will be held in the Central Office until a final version is adopted at the end of this process. Margaret Coppe suggested Ms. Steigerwald and Ms. Crocker draft a list of those policies that will need to be reviewed each year and include the list in the School Manual. Ms. Crocker shared that she had received a comment from Patrick Goddard, Director of Public Facilities, who wanted to make sure his position is tied to the Town of Lexington LSC Meeting Minutes 10.28.14 – Approved 6.21.16 Page 5 and not the school system. This should be added to the chart as the Superintendent makes any other updates. • Line and Staff Relations, File CCD – change to the 4th paragraph • Administrative Councils, Cabinets, and Committees, File CE- no comments • Policy Implementation, File CH – one change to second paragraph • Development of Procedures, File CHA – no comments • Policy Procedures Dissemination, File CHC – need to add sentence at the end and Ms. Steigerwald read the sentence to be inserted. • Approval of Handbooks and Directives, File CHCA – change second sentence to change school council to school based council • Administration in Policy Absence, File CHD – change all caps to initial cap • Administrative Reports, File CL – no comments • School District Annual Report, File CM – no comments b. Review and Approve in Form Section D of Policy Manual: Fiscal Management • Fiscal Management Goals, File DA – Ms. Dunn worked with Ms. Steigerwald and Ms. Crocker on Section D and are very grateful to her. • Annual Budget, File DB – no comments • Budget Deadlines and Schedules, File DBC – question regarding which date should be used and Mr. Hardy provided guidance. • Budget Planning, File DBD – Change to second sentence of third paragraph. Ms. Dunn is currently reviewing the fourth paragraph. • Summit Meetings – including summit meeting as a way we develop budgets and if discontinued we would have to revise the paragraph. Dawn McKenna, 9 Hancock Street, shared her thought on not using the word “summit”. • Budget Adoption Procedures , File DBG – no comments • Budget Transfer Authority, File DBJ – increased the dollar amount that the Superintendent would need to seek Committee approval. • Funding Proposals and Applications, File DD – change of one word “keep” to “stay” in second paragraph • Authorized Signatures, File DGA - need to have Ms. Dunn and Mr. Cohen provide feedback and are currently pulling it out at this time • Bonded Employees and Officers, File DH – no comments • Fiscal Accounting and Reporting, File DI – no comments • Audits, File DIE –change is that the Committee will receive a copy of the audit. • Purchasing, File DJ –under item (c) State Office of Minority Business Assistance will be spelled out. • Purchasing Authority, File DJA – no comments • Bidding Requirements, File DJE –Mary Ellen Dunn responded to a question on why the change and the statutory regulations. • Vendor Relations, File DJG – no comments • Payment Procedures, File DK – no comments • Expense Reimbursements, File DKC – question regarding expenses – this policy is for all employees and not just School Committee. LSC Meeting Minutes 10.28.14 – Approved 6.21.16 Page 6 Jessie Steigerwald requested to pull out File DGA and looked for a motion from the Committee. Motion to approve in form Sections C and D excepting File DGA, Authorized Signatures (Alessandrini , Coppe) The Motion was approved 4-0 c. Policy IHA: Basic Instructional Program – First Reading; Committee did not discuss d. Policy IHAE: Physical Education – First Reading; Committee did not discuss e. Policy IJL: Library Materials Selection and Adoption – First Reading; Committee did not discuss f. Policy IJLA: Library Resources – First Reading; Committee did not discuss g. Policy JIC: Student Discipline – First Reading Correction to ell to all caps (ELL) h. Policy JII: Student Complaints and Grievances – First Reading Ms. Steigerwald made the Committee aware of the last sentence. i. Policy JK: Student Conduct – First Reading One change important to note, the language in the fourth paragraph of the MASC template did not feel as if it applied to the Lexington Community. Ms. Steigerwald read the added words. Question regarding the definition of “conduct” and any discrepancies from school to school. Dr. Ash spoke to the intent of the code of conduct and where a physical layout may be different from school to school. Motion to approve the First Readings of Policy JIC - Student Discipline, Policy JII - Student Complaints and Grievances and Policy JK - Student Conduct (Coppe, Alessandrini) The Motion was approved (4-0) Ms. Steigerwald requested a date to discuss the policy manual in the future. Ms. Steigerwald requested that Sections E & F be reviewed together. Ms. Coppe will review and get back to Ms. Steigerwald and Ms. Crocker about a date. Dr. Ash requested a copy of the changes be sent to him for distribution. LSC Meeting Minutes 10.28.14 – Approved 6.21.16 Page 7 V. Adjourn Motion to Adjourn (Steigerwald, Crocker) The Motion was approved (4-0) The Meeting adjourned at 10:08 p.m. Meeting Materials: Meeting Agenda; Charge for Superintendent Search Committee; Sections C, D, File IHA, File IHAE, File, IJL, File IJLA, File JIC, File JII, File JK, of the School Policy Manual; Elementary Schools Relief Valves; Town of Lexington Ad hoc School Master Planning Committee meeting minutes dated September 23, 2014; Pre-K to G12 Enrollment Options by Judy Crocker draft dated October 2014 The next meeting of the School Committee is scheduled for Monday, November 3, 2014, at 7:30 p.m. in the Clarke Middle School Auditorium, 17 Stedman Road. Place on Consent Agenda 6.21.16 Voted Approved by the School Committee 6.21.16