HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-03-14-SC-min SC Meeting 032414 Page 1 LEXINGTON SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING Monday, March 24, 2014 Cary Memorial Building, Estabrook Hall 1605 Massachusetts Avenue PRESENT: Dr. Paul B. Ash, Superintendent; Jessie Steigerwald, Mary Ann Stewart, Alessandro Alessandrini and Judy Crocker ABSENT: Margaret Coppe, Chair; and Sam A. Lehn, Student Representative The Minutes were taken by Jean M. Curran, Recording Secretary The Meeting convened at 6:30 p.m. I. Call to Order and Welcome Jessie Steigerwald called the meeting to order and explained this evening’s agenda. Ms. Steigerwald then invited public comment. Alice Meade, parent in Lexington, has twin freshman in High School and a daughter who graduated in 2013 came this evening to express a desire for the School Committee and the Town to begin to consider switching the start times at the High School and the elementary schools. The suggestion is have the elementary schools start at 7:45 a.m. and the High School at 8:45 a.m. Ms. Mead shared the reasoning and data behind this request and she specifically is looking for a new subcommittee to be formed to research the issue. Alessandro Alessandrini shared that the Ad Hoc Committee for Youths at Risk is reviewing the same proposal and they will be coming before the School Committee with their recommendations at a future meeting. II. School Committee Member Announcements Judy Crocker shared on March 17, she, Ms. Steigerwald, Dr. Ash and the Hastings PTA spent time discussing enrollment issues, class size, class load, teacher ratings, homework and student stress. Dr. Ash provided a review of the working group, and discussed how these issues affect the community and all schools. Mary Ann Stewart welcomed Judy Crocker as a new member of the School Committee. Ms. Stewart reported that she was not at the last Committee meeting because she had been in Washington D.C. where she met with the members Massachusetts Legislature Delegation to the Massachusetts Congressional Delegation. They discussed education, health, safety and wellbeing from a Federal perspective. She will prepare a liaison report and share with the Committee at a later date. Ms. Stewart shared that Margaret Coppe is attending a family event out of town and is not here this evening. Jessie Steigerwald shared that on April 10, Glenn Koocher, Executive Director of the Massachusetts Association of School Committees (MASC) will hold a public meeting in Lexington to conduct a training session for a superintendent search. Earlier in the day, Mr. Koocher will hold a training session for members of School Councils. Anyone considering running for any school based councils should consider attending. Another training session will be held next fall. The School Advisory Council shared the facility use policy with respect to the new Estabrook gymnasium. III. Superintendent Announcements Dr. Ash announced that he has met with Carl Valente, Town Manager regarding the new Estabrook Elementary School. He will convey the needs of the School Committee for school use and the possibility of sharing with the municipal needs to Mr. Valente. Dr. Ash also shared that today he received from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) regarding the final coordinator review report. This is the process the DESE goes through about how compliant the school district is and he was happy to report that Lexington received an outstanding report. Dr. Ash will arrange for the report to be uploaded onto the School Website and will hand out copies to the Committee on Wednesday. Jessie Steigerwald shared that Town Meeting Members Association held a bus tour which included the new Estabrook School and thanked Pat Goddard and the PBC for making that possible. III. Agenda 1. School Committee Position on Town Meeting Article 30 – Amend Zoning By-Law – Medical Marijuana Treatment Centers The Committee engaged in discussion regarding the pros and cons of proposed Article 30 and the Fenn Amendment and what are the best interests of the students. The discussion revolved around the placement of the facility, the 500’ buffer zone, and whether or not the Committee should take a position because some members believe it is a zoning issue and not a School Committee issue. Motion for the School Committee to take a vote in support of the Fenn Amendment (Steigerwald, Crocker) The Committee engaged in further discussion. Motion for School Committee take a vote in support of the Fenn Amendment (Steigerwald, Crocker) The Motion Failed (2-2) Coppe absent. Motion for School Committee to support Article 30 (Crocker, Alessandrini) The Motion was Approved (4-0) Coppe absent 2. Discussion of Town Meeting Articles The Committee discussed Article 2 - Cary Memorial Building Upgrades and whether this project may take away from future school projects. The members discussed whether or not the Committee should take a position on this Article. Motion for School Committee to not take a position on Article 2 - Cary Memorial Building Upgrades as presented by the Special Town Meeting (Stewart, Alessandrini) The Motion was Approved (3-1) Coppe absent The Committee discussed Article 3 – Amend Article 5 of November 4, 2013 Special Town Meeting , Renovation to Community Center and whether or not youth programs are currently being offered, the Carriage House and town youth programs. Motion for School Committee not take a position on Article 3 (Stewart, Alessandrini) The Motion Failed (2-2) Coppe absent There was further discussion by the Committee. Motion for School Committee to support the community center (Crocker, Steigerwald) The Motion Failed (2-2) Coppe absent Judy Crocker agreed to speak to Article 30 as written. The Committee will take no position on Articles 2 and 3 The Committee discussed whether to support Article 27 – Amend Zoning Bylaw – Allow For- Profit Educational Uses in the Neighborhood Business and Residential Districts; Article 28 – Amend Zoning Bylaw – Allow for Profit Educational Uses in the Neighborhood Business and Article 29 – Amend Zoning Bylaw – Allow for Profit Educational Uses in the Neighborhood Business District. Motion that we oppose Articles 27 and 28 which allows for profit educational uses in residential neighborhoods (Alessandrini, Stewart) The Motion Failed (2-2) Coppe absent The Committee decided to postpone taking a position on Article 29. 3. PARCC Update (if time is available) Carol Pilarski, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction and Professional Development provided an update on the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC). The updated included the percentage of communities participating, which schools are participating, which Lexington schools will be participating, test results, and types of testing. There were comments and questions regarding implementation. IV. Consent Agenda 1. School Committee Member Reports a. Liaison Report for the PTA/O Presidents Council (PPC) Mary Ann Stewart requested pulling this item out for a future vote. b. Curriculum Work Group 2. Vote to Accept a $342 Donation from Wilson Farms’ Shop at Wilson Farms School Fundraiser to Be Deposited in the Bridge School Gift Account Consent Agenda Item 1(a) will be moved to a future meeting date. Motion to Approve Consent Agenda Items 1(b) and 2 Above (Alessandrini, Stewart) The Motion was Approved (4-0) Coppe absent V. The School Committee will remain in session and reconvene on Town Meeting floor, to adjourn when Town Meeting adjourns. Motion to Adjourn (Alessandrini, Crocker) The Motion was Approved (3-0) Coppe, Stewart absent Meeting adjourned at 9:47 pm. The next meeting of the School Committee is scheduled for Wednesday, March 26, at 6:30 p.m. in the Cary Memorial Building, Estabrook Hall, 1605 Massachusetts Avenue. Meeting Materials: Meeting Agenda; Lexington Town Meeting Articles; Letter dated February 2014 to Parent and Guardians of Lexington Students from Carol A. Pilarski re PARCC; PTA/PTO Presidents’ Council Minutes March 5, 2014; Curriculum Working Group minutes dated January 14, 2014; Letter dated March 18, 2014 from Meg Colella, Principal Bridge Elementary School to Lexington School Committee re $342 donation from Wilson Farms Voted by the School Committee May 13, 2014