HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-10-22-SC-min SC Meeting 10.22.13 Page 1 LEXINGTON SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, October 22, 2013 Lexington Town Office Building, Selectmen’s Meeting Room 1625 Massachusetts Avenue Present: Dr. Paul Ash, Superintendent; Margaret Coppe, Chair; Bonnie Brodner, Vice-Chair; Alessandro Alessandrini, Jessie Steigerwald and Mary Ann Stewart; Sam A. Lehn, Student Representative The Minutes were taken by Jean Curran, Recording Secretary The Meeting Convened at 7:30 p.m. I. Call to Order and Welcome The Chair called the meeting to order and invited public comment. Judy Crocker, Safe Routes to School (SRS) Coordinator shared that SRS annually provides an update to the School Committee, Board of Selectmen (BOS), and Police and the general audience. Ms. Crocker read the summary presented to the Committee this evening. Ms. Crocker thanked Dr. Ash for allowing a distribution of a bookmark containing safety tips. All 9 Lexington schools are now partnered with the Massachusetts Department of Transportation’s Safe Routes to School Program. The Department of Public Works (DPW) was awarded a Metropolitan Area Planning Grant to evaluate school zones, and the DPW has contributed to the LPS School Study and accompanied all engineers on site visits. II. Superintendent’s Announcements Dr. Ash announced that each October he has the honor of announcing the recipients of the Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents Certificate for Academic Excellence to two high school students that exemplify our characteristics for outstanding academic and community and must be in the top five per cent of their class. Lexington added community service and high character. The first award goes to Nicholas James who is musical, intelligent and ambitious. Nick has excelled in AP Economics, AP Physics, and AP Calculus. He is described as an exceptional student with excellent ideas. Nick’s true passion lies in the sciences. Nick received the highest score in the state in a Spanish examination. He plays violin, is a member of the LHS Chamber Orchestra, the Longy Youth Chamber Orchestra and was selected for the Northeast Senior Festival Orchestra. Nick serves as a club officer on LHS Improve Troupe. He enjoys playing classical music; he tutors and serves as a counselor at the Longy School of Music. Nick is an exceptional student and talented musician. The second award is given to Celina Hsieh. Celina is an intelligent, ambitious, compassionate woman, both academically and personally. Celina receives straight A’s in all her classes but her true passion is for learning math and science. She is a member of the Math Olympiad SC Meeting 10.22.13 Page 2 team, the Science Olympiad team and is Co-President this year of the Math Club. Celina plays the flute in the LHS orchestra. III. School Committee Member Announcements Margaret Coppe announced that the Lexington Education Association (LEA) Trivia Bee will be held on Wednesday, November 6 at 7:00 p.m. at Battin Hall. The School Committee will have a team, the 12 O’clock Scholars, and Sam Lehn will assist in putting together a team. Ms. Coppe announced a Special Town Meeting will be held on November 4 at 7:30 p.m. in Battin Hall. The Committee will meet on November 4, 2013 to take positions on Warrant Articles. There may also be an information night regarding modular classrooms proposed for the high school. Mary Ann Stewart clarified that if it was the will of the Committee there could be a pre- School Committee meeting before the Town Meeting and she would be able to brief the Committee on the six resolutions to be considered by the 2013 MASC Delegate Assembly. Ms. Stewart would also like to bring forward a few bills that are currently in the state legislature that school committees should be aware of at the November 5 School Committee meeting. Ms. Stewart will send copies of these bills to Committee members. IV. Agenda 1. Traffic Safety and Mitigation Policy Discussion Mary Ellen Dunn, Assistant Superintendent of Business and Finance presented the draft Traffic Safety and Mitigation Policy and Guidelines. Ms. Dunn shared that the policy and guidelines are ready for public discussion and recommended a process to adopt the policy. Ms. Dunn also shared that there were 125 individuals who were chosen due to their expertise in traffic safety, interest in safety, mitigation or multi-modal traffic models or management or experience of traffic on school property to take an online survey. The groups were asked to provide feedback on (i) ease of management, (ii) ease of enforcement, or (iii) meeting constituency needs. These individuals were also invited to forward the document to others for feedback through an electronic tool to collect comments. The data will be analyzed once 40% of returns are reached. There were questions and comments from the Committee (i) would you consider school Council representatives; (ii) make sure both principals and designees are empowered in areas of authorization;(iii) clarification of role of police on school property; (iv) on pages 6 and 7, steps 4 and 5 is it possible to change the words “and/or” to “and”; (v) concerns about approval by the School Committee on traffic pattern changes; do principals have any input into that; (vi) page 2, line 3 – during school hours – do we have consensus with School Transportation and Safety Study Committee (STS) on the hours; (vii) page 3, line 11, license plate information to grant permissions and privileges suggesting that the School Committee maintain a list of cars and license plates at every school; (viii) page 2, line 24 remove the word “color of vest” and just have “OSHA vest”; (ix) take guidelines out of policy and make broader statements; (xi) is a motion needed; and (xi) are there any budgetary requests. SC Meeting 10.22.13 Page 3 Andrei Radulescu-Banu, 86 Cedar Street, asked that the definition of domesticated animals on school property be clarified. He asked about traffic intersections near abutting properties. Dawn McKenna, 9 Hancock Street, shared her thoughts regarding (i) Page 1, lines 43 and 44; (ii) Page 2, line 4, lines 20, 22, 23 and 24, and lines 31 and 32; (iii) Page 3. Richard McDonough, 83 Grant St. shared his thoughts on (i) Page 3 line 32. 2. Vote to Approve Superintendent’s Professional Practice and Student Learning Goals Margaret Coppe shared that the Committee put off the vote on these goals until the results of the meeting between Dr. Ash and Phyllis Neufeld, President, LEA which was held on October 15. The Committee now has the results. Motion to Approve Superintendent’s Professional Practice and Student Learning Goals (Steigerwald, Stewart) Alessandro Alessandrini shared that based on one of his concerns that the goals should be more unique to Lexington and he will abstain from the vote. Phyllis Neufeld, LEA President shared that she and Dr. Ash met and then went before a subcommittee made up of principals, teachers and Carol Pilarski. Dr. Ash’s goals were put out to Administrators, the LEA, LEA Executive Board and Representative Council and it was well received. The walkthroughs will be non-evaluative, Administrators will observe. The Committee engaged in further discussion. Motion to Accept Superintendent’s Professional Practice and Student Learning Goals (Steigerwald, Stewart) The Motion was Approved (4-0-1) Alessandrini abstained 3. Superintendent’s Evaluation for 2013-2014 – Vote on Indicators for Each Standard The Committee engaged in discussion regarding Dr. Ash’s Evaluation for 2013-2013 on Indicators for each Standard. Motion to Accept the from Standard 1, Indicators B3 and C1; Standard 2, A3 and C2; Standard 3, B2 and C2, and from Standard 4, F 1, 2 and 3 as Evaluators for the Superintendent (Brodner, Alessandrini) The Motion was Approved (5-0) At 8:53 p.m. Bonnie Brodner and Sam Lehn left the meeting. 4. Recommended FY15 Capital Budget (Technology) Thomas Plati, Director of Education Technology and Assessment presented the Technology FY2015 Capital Improvement Projects to the Committee. Mr. Plati reviewed each of the SC Meeting 10.22.13 Page 4 projects and the requested costs, the justification and/or benefit of each project and the impact if these projects are not implemented. The projects included (i) Technology Workstations (desktops, laptops, mobile devices) $575,000; (ii) expanding one-to-one mobile technology initiative at the High School $270,000; (iii) Technology peripherals $35,000; (iv) maintaining and updating the schools’ LAN networks $170,000; and (v) interactive projector/whiteboards units $160,000. Dr. Ash thanked Tom Plati and his department for their vision to the department and feels this has changed teaching and learning in the classroom and this is an essential tool for students to access curriculum. Dr. Ash will include these projects in his operating budget to hire teachers and technical advisors. There were comments and questions from the Committee (i) Mr. Plati’s presentation addressed how much the landscaping is changing and being able to create with iPads; (ii) happy to hear Mr. Plati’s presentation and would like to hear more about blended learning as the Committee goes forward; (iii) prepared to implement the PARCC Assessment (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Career); (iv) when are students learning keyboarding; (v) interesting to see how kids worked together on whiteboards but with iPads they were all working independently; (vi) the community should know that iPads at the high school are part of a pilot program; (vii) where is success with laptops and how do know if the investment is paying off; (viii) are there ways to shift computers across the district for the overcrowded classrooms; (ix) replacement cycle; (x)use of personal iPads; and (xi) what happens to computers that are replaced. David Kanter, Capital Expenditures Committee (CEC) reminded the Committee that the CEC is looking faster work on implementing technology. Margaret Coppe commented on David Kanter’s comments. Jessie Steigerwald commented on David Kanter’s comments. Richard McDonough, 83 Grant Street provided his comments on technology, expenses, what kind of property controls are in place to prevent theft and what kind of property inventory management system is used. 5. Recommended FY15 Capital Budget (Facilities) Patrick Goddard, Director of Public Facilities presented the FY2015-2019 Capital Improvement Projects which included the description of each project, the justification/benefit of each project and the impact if not completed. The projects include (i) Roof Master Plan; (ii) School Building Envelope and Systems Program; (iii) LHS Heating Systems Upgrade Phases 2 & 3; (iv) School Building Flooring Program; (v) School Window Treatments Extraordinary Repair; (vi) School Paving Program; (vii) Interior Painting Program; (viii) LHS Overcrowding – Phase 4; (ix) Diamond Energy Improvements; (x) Middle School Science and Performing Arts Spaces; (xi) Hastings School Renovation/Replacement; (xii) Middle School Nurses Stations; (xiii) Clarke Elevator Upgrade; (xiv) Clarke Elevator Upgrade; (xv) SC Meeting 10.22.13 Page 5 Renovation & Update of Diamond Kitchen and Cafeteria; (xvi) Finance Office Reconfiguration; (xvii) Clarke Gymnasium Dividing Curtain; (xviii) Clarke Gymnasium Lockers; and (xix) Clarke Auditorium Audio Visual System. There were questions and comments from the Committee (i) what is the widest range of renovation for the Jonas Clarke Middle School auditorium; (ii) what is the cost of modernizing furniture in the LHS cafeteria; (iii) heating at the high school; (iv) would there be any impact if the high school is not addressed for the next 10-17 years; (v) should there be more signs from the BOS that they agree and that this might be the time to as the BOS and School Committee are in agreement; (vi) Clarke elevator – does this address the Commission on Disabilities concerns and what is the status of the elevator and will this bring it into compliance; (vii) can the Clarke audio/visual be wired for LexMedia; (viii) Hastings Elementary School – is this for replacement or renovation; and (ix) would you clarify the school building envelope at Clarke. 6. FY13 4th Quarterly Financial Report Mary Ellen Dunn, Assistant Superintendent of Business and Finance presented the FY13 4th Quarterly Financial Report. The School Department returned $1,702,584 or 2.22%. $1,659,181 was carried forward to fund open encumbrances. The School Department projected a 3rd quarter surplus for FY2013 in the amount of $185,000. $391,325 held in reserve for 23 high risk placements for May and June; and $190,000 held in reserve to cover use of substitutes (long-term and daily subs) expenses for May and June. There were questions and comments from the Committee (i) can you give the Committee a breakdown on legal fees; (ii) how much money is going into settlements and costs of litigation. Andrei Radulescu-Banu, 86 Cedar Street shared his thought on in-district and out-of-district tuition and transportation costs. Dawn McKenna, 9 Hancock Street shared her thoughts on legal services deficit, legal service settlements and the Essex Agricultural School. 7. Update on K-5 World Language Process Carol Pilarski, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction and Professional Development provided an update on the status of the World Language Committee. Ms. Pilarski’ s update included the composition of the committee which will have 26 representatives from (i) Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, & Professional Development: Carol Pilarski, Chair; (ii) Two School Committee members: Alessandro Alessandrini and Mary Ann Stewart; (iii) Two World Language Department Heads: Cathy Brooks (grades 6-8) and Marie Murphy (grades 9-12); (iv) Two Middle School World Language teachers: Joan Yarmovsky and Sarah Franford; (v) One High School World Language teacher: Rebekah Bray; (vi) One-Two Elementary Principals and/or Assistant Principals: Rebecca Brogadir, Estabrook Elementary School; (vii) Two Middle School Principals and/or Assistant Principals; (viii) Eight elementary general and/or special educators: Katie Bettencourt, Karen Kishpaugh, Ruth Litchfield, Deirdre Schadler, Julie SC Meeting 10.22.13 Page 6 Selhub, Len Swanton, Holly Stumpf and Karen Thompson; (ix) Seven Lexington residents: Dr. Nabila Baba-Ali, Sara Felton, David Frohman, Humaira Kirmani, Gina Leto, WenShuai Liao and Harvey Simkovitz; and (x) Others: as the need arises. Ms. Pilarski reviewed (i) topics to be researched and studied; and (xi) impact/implications to consider. There were questions and comments from the Committee. Andre Radulescu-Banu, 86 Cedar Street asked if the plan of the committee is to engage discussion and how many parents expressed interest in being part of the committee. Dawn McKenna, 9 Hancock Street appreciates the work and wanted to know (i) are these meetings going to be publically posted meetings; (ii) wants notice to be sent out to let people know about the meetings; and (iii) requested an additional membership person, Kathy Sullivan, School Liaison for Lexington’s sister city Antony. 8. Discuss and Vote the School Committee’s Position on Special Town Meeting Warrant Articles Margaret Coppe led the discussion on Warrant Articles for the upcoming Special Town Meeting to be held on November 4. Ms. Stewart reminded everyone of a TMA information Session on October 29 in Battin Hall. The Committee discussed Article 2 – Amend FY2014 Operating, Enterprise Fund and Community Preservation Budgets, that appropriates $86,554 lost in federal grants FY14. Motion for School Committee to speak in favor of Article 2, specifically for the $86,554 which would be used to make up for lost federal grants. (Steigerwald, Stewart) The Motion was Approved (4-0) Brodner absent Bonnie Brodner indicated to Ms. Coppe earlier that she supports Article 2. The Committee discussed Article 4 – Appropriate for Modular Classrooms at the High School. Motion for School Committee to speak in favor of Article 4 for modular classrooms at the High School (Stewart, Alessandrini) The Motion was Approved (4-0) Brodner absent Bonnie Brodner indicated to Ms. Coppe earlier that she supports Article 4. The Committee discussed Article 5, Appropriate For Renovations to Buildings to be Acquired at 39 Marrett Road. Ms. Coppe shared that Bonnie Brodner indicated she would be in favor of postponing the vote on Article 5 until the November 4 meeting. The Committee decided to postpone the vote until November 4. Ms. Coppe asked for volunteers to speak on Warrant Articles at Town Meeting. Ms. Stewart agreed to speak to Article 5 and Mr. Alessandrini will speak to Article 2. David Kanter, Capital Expenditures Committee (CEC) shared his thoughts on the Article 3(j) Capital Projects/Debt Service Reserve/Building Renewal Fund SC Meeting 10.22.13 Page 7 The Committee discussed Article 3(j). Motion for School Committee to speak in favor of Article 3, Section (j) (Steigerwald, Stewart) The Motion was Approved (4-0) Brodner absent Jessie Steigerwald agreed to speak to Article 3, Section (j). V. Consent Agenda 1. Vote to Accept a Donation to Bridge School from Target Corporation’s Take Charge of Education Fundraising Program in the Amount of $393.51 2. Vote to Accept a $1,000.00 Donation from Raytheon Company’s “MathMovesU” Grant to Support Diamond Middle School Mathematics Education 3. Vote to Approve School Committee Minutes of September 10, 2013, as amended 4. Vote to Approve Lexington High School Community Service Field Trip to Golfito, Costa Rica, February 17-26, 2014 Motion to Accept and Approve Consent Agenda Items 1-4 above (Steigerwald, Alessandrini) The Motion was Approved (4-0) Brodner absent VI. Adjourn Motion to Adjourn (Stewart, Steigerwald) The Motion was Approved (4-0) Brodner absent The Meeting Adjourned at 10:38 p.m. The next meeting of the School Committee is scheduled for Tuesday, November 5, 2013, at 7:30 p.m. in the Town Offices Building, Selectmen’s Meeting Room, 1625 Massachusetts Avenue. Materials: Meeting Agenda; Memorandum dated October 17, 2013 from Mary Ellen Dunn to Dr. Paul Ash re Traffic Study and Mitigation Policy Implementation Plan and Discussion Document; Town of Lexington FY 2015-FY-2019 Capital Improvements Projects dated 9.30.13 from Tom Plati; Memorandum dated October 16, 2013 from Mary Ellen Dunn to Dr. Paul Ash re FY2013 4th Quarter Financial Report; Memorandum dated October 22, 2013 from Carol A. Pilarski to Dr. Paul Ash re Elementary World Language Committee; Dr. Paul Ash Goal Setting Form; Superintendent Rubric At- A-Glance; LHS Modular Construction School Committee October 22, 2013; Letter dated September 23, 2013 from Margaret Colella, Principal, Bridge Elementary School to Lexington School Committee re gift in the amount of $393.51 from Target to be placed in to Bridge School’s gift account; Raytheon awards Lexington MA middle school student a $1,000 scholarship “The MathMovesU”; Lexington School Committee Meeting Minutes of September 10, 2013; Lexington Public Schools Field Trip Request Form from LHS CAST Club for trip to Golfito, Costa Rica February 17 through February 22, 2014, Town Warrant Articles for Special Town Meeting Voted by the School Committee December 19, 2013