HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-02-26-SC-min SC 02/26/13 Page 1 LEXINGTON SCHOOL COMMITTEE Tuesday, February 26, 2013 Lexington Town Office Building Selectmen’s Meeting Room 1625 Massachusetts Avenue Present: Dr. Paul Ash, Superintendent, Margaret Coppe, School Committee Chair; Alessandro Alessandrini, Vice Chair; Members Bonnie Brodner, Jessie Steigerwald and Mary Ann Stewart; and Sam Alpert, Student Representative The Executive Minutes were taken by Margaret Coppe, Chair The Meeting Minutes were taken by Jean Curran, Recording Secretary The Meeting convened at 7:00 p.m. I. Call to Order: The Chair called the meeting to order and moved to go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing Exemption 3 – Collective Bargaining Regarding Teachers’ Contract. The Chair moved to go into Executive Session and a roll call vote was taken: Alessandro Alessandrini “Aye” Mary Ann Stewart “Aye” Bonnie Brodner “Aye” Jessie Steigerwald “Aye” Margaret Coppe “Aye” II. Executive Session: Exemption 3 – To Discuss Collective Bargaining The Chair moved to return to Public Session and a roll call vote was taken: Alessandro Alessandrini “Aye” Mary Ann Stewart “Aye” Bonnie Brodner “Aye” Jessie Steigerwald “Aye” Margaret Coppe “Aye” III. Return to Public Session and Welcome: The Chair called the Public Session to order at 7:30 p.m. and invited public comment. SC 02/26/13 Page 2 There were no public comments. IV. Superintendent’s Announcements: Dr. Ash announced to the Committee that an important meeting will be held this Thursday with the architect hired by Patrick Goddard, Director of Public Facilities, Laura Lasa, Principal, Lexington High School, Linda Chase, Director of Student Services and others to discuss the space needs at the high school. The purpose of the meeting is to pull together data through a variety of sources to be analyzed by the architect to project the spaces that will be needed at the high school for at least the next three years and beyond. Dr. Ash has already spoken with the Committee for the need to have a Special Town Meeting in the fall to fund modular classrooms at the high school. Dr. Ash is looking at demographic and historical data from the last renovation in 2000. They will be assessing the enrollment projections that were done in 2000 and what has happened since 2000 and what the enrollment projections are for the next three years out based upon the current middle school enrollment numbers. By Dr. Ash’s calculations, the high school enrollment will increase by an additional 150 students. This group will also look at what the space needs are for the special education student enrollments at the high school. After the meeting and having analyzed the information, Dr. Ash will provide a report to the Committee. There were questions and comments from the Committee. Patrick Goddard, Director of Public Facilities shared that TBA Architects, Inc. has been hired on a school system wide basis and has been working with us for the past two years on the multi-year space mining project at the high school, as well as on some smaller projects throughout the town. V. Members’ Reports / Members’ Concerns: Bonnie Brodner announced that the school is currently in the process of searching for a new Special Education Director and a finalist has been chosen. The public is invited to meet with the finalist on Thursday, February 28, at Lexington High School in Room 217 from 9:00 – 9:45 am. Jessie Steigerwald shared that the Youth Service Commission meets next Wednesday from 3:00-4:00 p.m. and there are two new students that will be introduced at this meeting. The Master Planning Committee meets tomorrow morning. Ms. Steigerwald also shared the new 300th Anniversary book mark that Dr. Ash and Carol Pilarski, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum, Instruction and Professional Development approved will be going home in backpacks. It includes civics information on the back of the bookmark and on the other side is more information for the next event, March 16 and 17, Incorporation Weekend. Work from our schools will be on display and will include (i) K-5 social study lessons; (ii) a mock town meeting at Cary Hall for grade 8; and (iii) videos made last year in LHS US History classes and from media classes. SC 02/26/13 Page 3 Alessandro Alessandrini shared that the Committee received a copy of the Musket in their packet and he inquired if the Committee receives a free subscription. Mr. Alessandrini suggested that if it is not free, that the Committee consider purchasing a subscription to the Musket and any other student publication to support these activities. Another item Mr. Alessandrini suggested for discussion was to put some of the money used for Committee Professional Development as a scholarship of some sort for compensation for the 12 students that come before Town Meeting each year. Mary Ann Stewart had a clarifying question for Dr. Ash, Ms. Pilarski or Ms. Neufeld about Readiness Centers. Dr. Ash responded that Readiness Centers are set up for Level 3, 4 and 5 schools. Their mission is not to serve Levels 1 and 2. “Levels 1-5” are designations of the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Lexington Public Schools are “Level 1” schools. Margaret Coppe updated the Committee that she had been in conversation with Glenn Koocher, Executive Director for Massachusetts Association of School Committees (MASC) regarding the new superintendent evaluation and had asked Committee members for their availability and it looked like March 20 from 6:00 -7:30 p.m. would work for everyone. Jessie Steigerwald announced she could not make the March 20th date. Margaret Coppe stated that she would reschedule. VI. Anticipated Topics: 1. Update from School Transportation and Safety Study Committee Mary Ellen Dunn, Assistant Superintendent for Business and Finance shared that the four bullet points A-D in the original study have been made into three separate presentations for the Committee (i) emergency readiness; (ii) traffic and transportation safety update; and (iii) school safety improvements by Patrick Goddard. Ms. Dunn then shared that Judy Crocker, Coordinator, Safe Routes to School Committee will cover two subcommittees for the school department. A. Emergency Readiness Update. Mary Ellen Dunn presented a mid-year update to the district emergency response planning efforts. Ms. Dunn shared that the New Emergency Response web site: Creating Safe Schools can be found on the Lexington Public Schools main page and on each school page. The website and its contents were funded from Lexington’s Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (REMS) grant initiative. The Lexington Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (REMS) Advisory Committee have recommended the following (i) Institutionalize Annual Crisis Team Training (every August); (ii) update to Emergency Operations Plan (admin) and Emergency Procedures (classroom/office guide) for Automated External Defibrillator (AED) locations in schools; (iii) review use of quarterly fire drills and semi-annual bus evacuation and add annual Lockdown/Secure SC 02/26/13 Page 4 and Hold drill to emergency response planning; (iv) Principals, Department of Public Facilities (DPF) and School Administration review and update visitor entrance procedures; and (v) recommendation for Crisis Management Plan policy modification to be in compliance with the Commonwealth’s Multi-Hazard Evacuation Plan (MHEP) and the Medical Emergency Response Plan (MERP) requirements for schools. Ms. Dunn then shared the next steps which included (i) approving Crisis Management Plan policy recommendations; (ii) requesting funding for annual Crisis Team Training in August; (iii) requesting funding for replacement of “clock and bell/public address system” with a “rapid communication system” as required by the Commonwealth’s MERP; (iv) securing funding for conducting annual training of Crisis Team Members; (v) providing time for the administrative team, DPF, Police and Fire to work with recommendations of the REMS Advisory Committee and answer parent questions; and (vi) formalizing processes, procedures and protocols, centralize information in secure location, and each Crisis Team to designate a records keeper and receive training. Ms. Dunn thanked the police, fire and town departments, crisis team members, and principals that are all working on emergency planning. There were questions and comments from the Committee regarding (i) funding needed for training and finding the time for training; (ii) where the bullying page on the school’s website is located; (iii) how were parent representatives chosen; (iv) levels and/or skill sets; (v) automatic external defibrillators and whether they are in each school; and (vi) lockdowns, holds and universal emergency language. Mary Ellen Dunn shared that there is supposed to be a bullying curriculum and one requirement should be to have a policy and reporting process with forms available online that are accessible to students so they do not have to request the form from a teacher. Ms. Dunn stated a year ago we had an update from Valerie Viscosi, Director of Guidance and she can provide an update and status on that information. Linda Chase, Director of Student Services commented on Valerie Viscosi and her work on the bullying protocol and how both of them are waiting on the State to provide curriculum. If the State does not provide curriculum on bullying then they will develop that curriculum. There are forms available via a link on the school website and that link needs to be verified it is working. There were further questions and comments from the Committee. B. School Signage and Traffic Patterns. Mary Ellen Dunn presented a PowerPoint presentation on traffic safety on school property. The presentation included (i) who is the official property owner of school property and who is responsible for setting policy and usage controls including access and egress; (ii) who are the stakeholders; (iii) whether posted roadway signage violations are unenforceable because police have no jurisdiction on school property except for violators of disorderly conduction and the need for traffic rules and traffic policy; (iv) review of the Hastings SC 02/26/13 Page 5 Elementary School property line showing what is owned by school and the traffic patterns which work correctly; (v) the need to give police the power to enforce traffic on school property; (vi) establish safety centers for traffic access and flow; (vii) enforced and enforceable safety rules; (viii) change culture of rule enforcement; (ix) who is working on the traffic safety: (a) Traffic Safety Advisory Committee (TSAC), (b) Safe Routes to Schools (SRTS), and Ad Hoc Transportation and Safety Study Committee (STS); (ix) TSAC Recommendations (a) School Committee establish traffic control and mitigation policy and protocol that mirrors the Board of Selectmen (BOS) using TSAC as the same filter for review, (b) TSAC request for the School Committee to take immediate action on the following three recommendations: 1. Bridge Elementary School – recommendation to add no parking signs for 25 feet along the entrance and exit driveways intersecting with Middleby Road, with police enforcement privileges/rights. 2. Bowman Elementary School: recommendation to install no parking signs with police enforcement privileges/rights on the curve of driveway. 3. Maria Hastings Elementary School: recommendation to install no parking signs on Crosby Road (school property only) as previously recommended by TSAC as part of a traffic mitigation plan, with police enforcement privileges/rights. C. School Safety Improvements and Ad Hoc School Transportation and Safety Study (STS). Judy Crocker, Coordinator, Safe Routes to Schools (SRTS) presented a PowerPoint presentation to the Committee which included (i) SRTS charge and members; (ii) SRTS overview and communication calendar; (iii) SRTS’ support of the January 15th memorandum and recommendations for TSAC review; (iv) new car counts in March; (v) School Zone Grant; (vi) Bike Walk ‘N Bus Week May 5-11; (vii) STS charge and membership; (viii) STS Update on charge, article, safety greeter kits, bus discipline, update on status of bylaw proposal and March 12 School Meeting on bus registration and marketing update; (ix) STS Recommendations (a) communicate school hours to parents, (b) evaluate arrival/dismissal procedures, (c) uniform drop-off and pick up procedures and penalties, and (d) communication and reinforcement; and (xi) action items. Ms. Dunn shared STS’ action items which included: 1. Approve TSAC recommendation for Bowman, Bridge and Hastings Elementary Schools; and 2. Approve school district to move forward with work necessary to achieve traffic codification on school property by the opening of school 2013. There were questions and comments from the Committee regarding (i) endorsement of the TSAC model process; and (ii) clarification on what the Committee is being asked to support; Captain Manuel Ferro, Lexington Police Department, clarified the process which the Committee would formalize an agreement and how signs erected would have to meet MUTCD criteria to enforce those laws. The police do have the ability to enforce fire lanes and handicap parking but the glitch comes when areas of concern regarding no SC 02/26/13 Page 6 parking areas and crosswalks, and intersections with bottlenecks of traffic and the police are looking to partner with School Committee. No full authority to enforce crosswalks on school property and looking to clarify and codify using the TSAC process and to partner with the schools. There were further questions and comment from the Committee regarding (i) were the principals on board with these changes; (ii) would the Committee look into changing the one-way street on Rockville Extension to help traffic flow; (iii) would creating laws preventing sex offenders onto school property be under this jurisdiction; (iv) is Worthen Road and no parking signs what the Committee is voting on tonight at the Bowman Elementary School; (v) Bridge Elementary School and Middleby Road no parking signs; (vi) Hastings Elementary School no parking signs and parking for events; (vii) School Zone Grant; (viii) would having uniform dropoff penalties be enforceable and who would make the recommendation; (ix) getting administration and parents together on the same page; (x) having common start times. Motion to Approve Recommendations for Bowman, Bridge and Hastings Elementary Schools as described in the memorandum from February 15th to the School Committee (Stewart, Steigerwald) The Motion was Approved (5-0) Motion to Approve School District to Move Forward With Work Necessary to Achieve Traffic Codification on School Property by the Opening of School 2013 (Brodner, Stewart) The Motion Was Approved (5-0) 2. Lexington Parent Presentation on Student Stress Ann Redmond of the Collaborative to Reduce Student Stress, a group of parents and other members of the Lexington community who are working to reduce unhealthy student stress shared that this is a community concern and they are helping to raise awareness by partnering with the Committee and the Administration. Ms. Redmond recognized Laura Lasa, Principal, Lexington High School, Jennifer Wolfrum, Lexington High School P.E. and Wellness Teacher, Julie Fenn, Lexington High School Social Worker, P.E. and Wellness, and the School Health Advisory Council. The presentation included (i) sources of stress; (ii) what college admissions directors are saying; (iii) finding a healthy balance; (iv) Academic Courses; (v) academic workload; and (vi) school culture; Sion Harris, spoke to the resiliency and mindfulness portion of the presentation which included (i) How Children Succeed by Paul Tough; (ii) what predicts a child’s future success; (iii) emotional intelligence and social intelligence; (iv) cognitive intelligence (IQ) vs. emotional/social intelligence (EQ/SQ); (v) how should children be educated; (vi) promoting social and emotional learning for school life success; (vii) social and emotional learning (SEL); (viii) how to handle effectively and ethically; (ix) 5 core social and emotional competencies (i.e., resiliency); (x) SEL outcomes; (xi) how to promote SC 02/26/13 Page 7 social and emotional competency; (xii) SEL Programs and what predicts success; (xiii) more keys to success; (xiv) why SEL; (xv) typical prevention approaches by schools; (xvi) benefits of a coordinated, comprehensive SEL Framework for K-12; (xvii) mindfulness training; (xviii) teacher training; (xix) participant comments (professional and student impact); (xx) suggestions moving forward. Ms. Harris then presented the communication portion of the presentation including (i) proactive communication with the community by school system is vital; (ii) 2012-2013 LPS System Goals; (iii) what the community wants to know; (iv) ways to communicate; and (v) working collaboratively. Andrei Radulescu-Banu, 86 Cedar Street, requested that the PowerPoint presentation be made available by email or posted on the school website. There were questions and comments from the Committee regarding (i) school excellence and stress reduction; (ii) limits on AP or Honors classes; (iii) professional development classes focused on SEL; (iv) common core standards and collaboration with the community; (v) open circle; and (vi) homework policy. Jessie Steigerwald asked to establish a School Committee Subcommittee to pursue the recommendations in the report and presentation. Dr. Ash thanked the Collaborative for their outstanding presentation but hopes that they understand that this cannot be done overnight. Dr. Ash shared that at the principals meeting this afternoon they spoke about homework. Dr. Ash then stated that he is very serious about these issues and will continue to work on them. Carol Pilarski, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction and Professional Development answered questions from the Committee regarding professional learning courses, limiting AP courses and open circle. 3. School Safety Patrick Goddard, Director of Public Facilities, presented the safety recommendations in response to the recent tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut. He shared that all nine principals have reviewed their capabilities to respond to an emergency resulting from an intruder intent on harming students and staff and each principal developed a list of priorities for their school. Mr. Goddard stated that he has reviewed each of the recommendations and developed a planned implementation strategy (Plan) for the Committee’s review and approval. This plan has been shared with Mark Corr, Chief of Police, and Joseph O’Leary, Captain Lexington Fire Department and they support moving forward and will advise the School Committee and he of any changes as needed. Mr. Goddard then shared the five parts of the Plan which include the following: A. Classroom Lockdown. Need to standardize the hardware in each classroom so staff can easily and efficiently secure individual classrooms in the event of a call to shelter-in-place. Mr. Goddard recommended several sources of funding for the security system upgrade. SC 02/26/13 Page 8 B. Communication. Reliability of communication equipment during an emergency needs improvement. Mr. Goddard shared that the schools will continue to work towards improved communication with cell phones, walkie talkies, and the new voice over internet protocol (VOIP) phone systems. Both the schools and the facilities department will continue to work with the police department to identify if a direct emergency notification system can be implemented. C. Access Control. Access control for school buildings is critical for maintaining security. Mr. Goddard shared that capital funding is expected for FY 2014 to complete the new access controls in all ten buildings. Mr. Goddard then shared the various types of identification cards to be used along with standardized policies and procedures on the wearing of these badges. D. Security Cameras. Security cameras will enhance the security of a building. In buildings which already have security cameras it has been shown to decrease vandalism and bullying. The elementary and middle schools will have cameras in the main offices and visitors will have to request admittance and have legitimate reason to be in school. The high school will not have security cameras for access due to the number of doors for entrances. The installation should be completed in FY2014. E. Shades. There is a multi-year project to install shades on all first floor classrooms throughout the district beginning in FY 2012 and additional funding for this project is expected in FY 2014. There were questions and comments from the Committee regarding (i) what kind of shades, (ii) how many schools have double access doors and will both doors be locked, (iii) what did law enforcement recommend, (iv) ID access controls and security cameras, (v) who can view the security tapes and will they be used in court, and (vi) updating the PA systems. 4. School Committee Input for the Master Planning Process The Committee discussed (i) preschool; (ii) central office and renovations and costs of the central office; (iii) moving the central office; (iv) Cary Hall and town office buildings; and (v) Lexington High School; (vi) timing of school projects; (vii) the master planning process; (viii) Committee vote taken in January, 2013 regarding Hastings Elementary School, the high school and when to submit an SOI; and (ix) the relocating of various school and town office space in the future. 5. Vote to Accept a $500.00 Donation from Burwen Technology, Inc. in Support of the 2013 LHS Science and Engineering Fair SC 02/26/13 Page 9 Motion to Accept with Gratitude, a $500.00 Donation from Burwen Technology, Inc. in Support of the 2013 LHS Science and Engineering Fair (Stewart, Brodner) The Motion was Approved (5-0) 6. Vote to Approve School Committee Minutes dated December 18, 2012 Motion to Approve School Committee Minutes of December 18, 2012 (Stewart, Alessandrini) The Motion was Approved (5-0) 7. Vote to Approve School Committee Minutes dated January 8, 2013 Motion to Approve School Committee Minutes dated January 8, 2013 (Stewart, Alessandrini) The Motion was Approved (5-0) The Public Session Adjourned at 11:20 p.m. VII. Executive Session: Exemption 3 – Collective Bargaining The Chair moved to go back into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing Strategy on Exemption 3 – Collective Bargaining Regarding the Teachers’ Contract and to return to public meeting only in order to adjourn. A roll call vote was taken: Alessandro Alessandrini “Aye” Mary Ann Stewart “Aye” Bonnie Brodner “Aye” Jessie Steigerwald “Aye” Margaret Coppe “Aye” Motion to Adjourn (Stewart, Brodner) The Motion was Approved (5-0) The Meeting Adjourned at 11:50 p.m. Documents: Meeting Agenda; Traffic & Transportation Safety Update; Emergency Readiness LPS February 26, 2013; Memorandum from Mary Ellen Dunn to Dr. Paul Ash dated February 15, 2013 re Update on School Traffic; Memorandum from Mary Ellen Dunn to All Principals dated January 15, 2013 regarding Traffic Safety Advisory Committee (TSAC) Liaison Report; Memorandum from Mary Ellen Dunn to Mr. Paul Ash dated February 15, 2013 re Update on Emergency Response Planning (REMS); Memorandum from Patrick Goddard to Dr. Paul Ash dated February 8, 2013 regarding Safety Recommendations in Response to Recent Tragedy in Sandy Hook, Connecticut; Transportation, and Signage Around our Schools; PowerPoint Slides – Reducing Stress and Building Resiliency in Students by Collaborative to Reduce Student Stress dated February 26, 2013; Challenge Success dated 2012 “Changing the Conversation About SC 02/26/13 Page 10 Homework from Quantity and Achievement to Qualify and Engagement”; Homework Practices to Consider; Links to Articles on Homework and Student Stress; Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL) Guidelines for Social and Emotional Learning; School- Family Partnership Strategies to Enhance Children’s Social, Emotional and Academic Growth; Letter from Burwen Technology, Inc. to Lexington School Committee dated January 3, 2013 regarding Donation to 2013 LHS Science Fair; Lexington School Committee Meeting Minutes dated December 18, 2012; Lexington School Committee Meeting Minutes dated January 8, 2013 Voted by the School Committee May 14, 2013