HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-02-28-SC-min SC 02/28/2012 Page #1 LEXINGTON SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, February 28, 2012 Lexington Town Office Building, Selectmen’s Meeting Room 1625 Massachusetts Avenue Present: Dr. Paul B. Ash, Superintendent; Mary Ann Stewart, School Committee Chair; Alessandro Alessandrini, Vice-Chair; School Committee Members Bonnie Brodner, Margaret Coppe, and Jessie Steigerwald, and Noah Coolidge, Student Representative The minutes were taken by Jean Curran. The Meeting Convened at 7:30 p.m. I. Call to Order and Welcome The Chair called the meeting to order and invited Public Comment. There were no public comments. II. Superintendent’s Announcements Dr. Paul B. Ash announced that on the evening of February 16th, a concerned citizen notified the school system that computers were left on at the Clarke Middle School. An investigation was performed by Thomas Plati, Director of Educational Technology and Assessment and Marianne McKenna, Director of Technology. They determined that computers were left on in the library and in the computer labs. In an effort to address the situation and prevent future occurrences, a review of LPS standard practice and procedures were discussed with faculty and staff in all buildings. Mr. Plati takes this situation seriously and will continue to monitor building situations regarding technology energy consumption. Mary Ann Stewart pointed out that Marianne McKenna routinely sends out reminders that all computers need to be shut down. Principal Steve Flynn also reviewed these procedures with his faculty and staff. III. Members’ Reports/Members’ Concerns Jessie Steigerwald announced that this Thursday at 9:00 a.m. the Ad Hoc School Transportation and Safety Study Committee (STS) will be meeting at the Town Office Building. Also, there will be School Site Council training on Thursday evening. Glenn Koocher, Executive Director of Massachusetts Association of School Committees, will be the featured speaker. She also updated the Committee on the Town’s 300th celebrations noting that 5th graders will be participating in a mock Town Meeting to be hosted by Town Meeting Members and the League of Woman Voters of Lexington. If anyone is interested, please contact Barbara Manfredi. Dr. Ash announced that he and Mary Ann Stewart will be attending the Massachusetts School Building Authority Finance Meeting. This meeting will decide how much money will be set aside for the Estabrook School. Dr. Ash plans on joining everyone at the Site Council meeting afterwards. SC 02/28/2012 Page #2 Margaret Coppe commented how years ago the League of Woman Voters held mock Town Meetings. She was surprised to find out then that teachers were teaching students about a city/Mayoral form of government instead of the BOS/Town Meeting form of government and is glad that the many forms of government are being taught. She recognized Robert Whitman, a strong supporter of Lexington Public Schools and longtime Town Meeting Member who passed away over the weekend. She was also saddened to learn of the school shooting in Ohio and finds it very distressing. Bonnie Brodner announced that the Lexington Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) will be meeting on Thursday, at 7:30 p.m. at the Lexington High School regarding post-secondary transition planning and ways to further education and entering the work force. On April 5th from 3:30 -5:30 p.m. the SEPAC will present an update on what the schools have been doing relative to recommendations outlined in the independent report from the District Management Council (DMC). They will also seek feedback and take suggestions. Mary Ann Stewart was also very saddened to learn of the school shootings in Ohio and her heart goes out to the community and those affected personally by this tragedy. Unfortunately, no matter how hard communities prepare for and try to prevent these situations, they can occur at any time or place. Lexington Public Schools have emphasized relationships and pro-social behaviors that help children help each other and help teachers get to know students better by focusing on activities and learning to engage, support, and challenge students. The intent is to address the “whole child” and teach with heart to foster a spirit of respect. She also announced that Bruce Wellman will be at the School Committee meeting on March 13th to present his report. His report will be presented to school staff on March 12th and she has asked Dr. Ash to have the report posted on the LPS website to allow the community access before Tuesday’s meeting. IV. Agenda 1. Vote to Approve a Contract Extension for the Period July 1, 2012, through June 30, 2015, for Ms. Carol Pilarski, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Professional Development Dr. Ash stated that Massachusetts Statute requires a recommendation by the Superintendent and the approval of the School Committee for any contract or extension for the position of Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Professional Development. He stated Ms. Pilarski has worked for more than 20 years in education and curriculum and has done an exemplary job; she is a valued member of his team and strongly recommends that the Committee approve her contract extension. Motion, with enthusiasm, to Approve a Contract Extension for the Period July 1, 2012, through June 30, 2015, for Ms. Carol Pilarski, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Professional Development. (Steigerwald, Alessandrini) The Motion was approved (5-0). SC 02/28/2012 Page #3 2. Vote to Approve Third Reading of the Head Injury Management Policy Margaret Coppe, Chair of the School Committee’s Policy Subcommittee, noted changes from the last meeting along with technical and grammatical corrections. There were comments or questions from the Committee. Mary Ann Stewart extended her thanks to Margaret Coppe, Jessie Steigerwald, and to all on the Policy Subcommittee for all of their work to bring this policy forward in a timely manner. Motion to Approve the Third Reading of the Head Injury Management Policy. (Brodner, Alessandrini) The Motion was approved (5-0). 3. Vote to Accept a $1,501.00 Donation from Shire Human Genetic Therapies Inc. to the 2012 LHS Science and Engineering Fair Motion to Accept a $1,501.00 Donation from Shire Human Genetic Therapies Inc. to the 2012 LHS Science and Engineering Fair with Gratitude. (Steigerwald, Brodner) The Motion was approved (5-0). 4. Vote to Accept a $300.00 Donation from the Lexington Lions Club to the 2012 LHS Science and Engineering Fair. Motion to Accept a $300.00 Donation from the Lexington Lions Club to the 2012 LHS Science and Engineering Fair with Gratitude. (Coppe, Steigerwald) The Motion was approved (5-0). 5. Vote to Accept a $1,500.00 Donation from Roopom and Preeta Banerjee to the 2012 LHS Science and Engineering Fair. Motion to Accept a $300.00 Donation from the Lexington Lions Club to the 2012 LHS Science and Engineering Fair with Gratitude. (Brodner, Alessandrini) The Motion was approved (5-0). Margaret Coppe inquired about the total donations and total costs of the 2012 LHS Science and Engineering Fair. She would also like to know what is done with left over monies. Dr. Ash stated that he would find out and report back to the Committee. 6. Vote to Approve School Committee Executive Session Minutes of December 6, 2011 Motion to Approve School Committee Executive Session Minutes of December 6, 2011. (Brodner, Coppe) The Motion was approved (5-0). 7. Vote to Approve School Committee Minutes of January 31, 2012 Motion to Approve School Committee of January 31, 2012 (Alessandrini, Coppe) The Motion was approved (5-0). SC 02/28/2012 Page #4 8. Vote to Approve School Committee Minutes of February 4, 2012 Motion to Approve School Committee of February 4, 2012, as amended (Steigerwald, Brodner) The Motion was approved (5-0). V. Executive Session The following Motion was made by Mary Ann Stewart and seconded by Margaret Coppe: I move to go into Executive Session to discuss strategy with regard to Collective Bargaining and that I as Chair declare that an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the School Committee, and that we will reconvene in Open Session only for the purpose of adjourning. The Motion was unanimously approved by a voice roll call vote: Alessandro Alessandrini: aye; Bonnie Brodner: aye; Margaret Coppe: aye; Jessie Steigerwald: aye; Mary Ann Stewart: aye. The Committee went into Executive Session at 8:05 p.m. VI. Adjourn from Executive Session Motion to Adjourn from Executive Session was made by Bonnie Brodner and seconded by Jessie Steigerwald. The Motion was unanimously approved by a voice roll call vote: Alessandro Alessandrini: aye; Bonnie Brodner: aye; Margaret Coppe: aye; Jessie Steigerwald: aye; Mary Ann Stewart: aye. The Meeting Adjourned at 11:29 p.m. Documents: Meeting Agenda; Lexington School Committee Head Injury Management Policy Third Reading; Email Donation to LHS 2012 Science and Engineering Fair from Shire Human Genetic Therapies; LHS 2012 Science and Engineering Fair Sponsor Form from Lexington Lions Club; Email Donation from Roopom and Preeta Banerjee to the LHS 2012 Science and Engineering Fair; SC Minutes dated January 31, 2012; and SC Minutes dated February 4, 2012. Voted by the School Committee March 13, 2012