HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-02-14-SC-min SC 02/14/12 Page #1 LEXINGTON SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, February 14, 2012 Lexington Town Office Building, Selectmen’s Meeting Room 1625 Massachusetts Avenue Present: Dr. Paul B. Ash, Superintendent; Mary Ann Stewart, School Committee Chair; Alessandro Alessandrini, Vice-Chair; School Committee Members Bonnie Brodner, Margaret Coppe, and Jessie Steigerwald, and Noah Coolidge, Student Representative The minutes were taken by Jean Curran. The Meeting Convened at 7:31 p.m. I. Call to Order and Welcome The Chair called the meeting to order and invited Public Comment. Jeanne Krieger, 44 Webster Road and walking advocate, urges the Town and Committee to seek ways to defray cost of school bus transportation fees. Judy Crocker, 5 Currier Ct and Safe Routes to School Member, presented information regarding Article 17 – School Bus Transportation Subsidy. Susan Kenyon 17 Parker Street, submitted questions with regard to the upcoming report from Bruce Wellman. II. Superintendent’s Announcements Dr. Ash stated he had the pleasure of attending the LHS 2012 Science Fair earlier today. He spoke with students and viewed their projects and was once again very impressed with the work the students produced. There were over 250 projects representing all forms of science. He thanked the students, faculty, judges and parents for all of their hard work in helping to put together this event. III. Members’ Reports/Members’ Concerns Jessie Steigerwald reminded everyone to send in their Town Census forms so future enrollment could be planned. She also stated the Lexington League of Woman Voters will host the annual Candidates Night on Thursday, February 16th at Clarke Middle School beginning at 7:00 p.m. with a snow date set for March 1st. Alessandro Alessandrini addressed an email being circulated in the community that made him aware of inaccuracies regarding reduced bus fares at the Estabrook School during construction. He stated that the conversation referred to in the email was more of a policy conversation between Committee members and a meeting would be held with Town officials regarding paying for busing in the future. The School Committee and Dr. SC 02/14/12 Page #2 Ash support reducing the bus fee at Estabrook and he urged members of the public to please email the Committee going forward for clarification on any school matters. Jessie Steigerwald said that the public can make citizen petitions. She referenced Article 17, a citizen petition on a town wide issue, being made by Judy Crocker. The other conversation Sandro mentioned was about busing at Estabrook during construction. IV. Agenda 1. Interim Report of the Estabrook School Access Ad Hoc Task Force Michelle Ciccolo, Chair of the Estabrook School Access Ad Hoc Task Force (ETF) presented an interim report to the Committee. Also present were ETF members Ed LoTurco, Richard Larrabee, and Judy Crocker. ETF recommended the following to the Town and the Committee (i) to encourage bus ridership and reduce or eliminate the bus fee during construction; (ii) to access the school via Grove Street due to safety and accessibility, (iii) to widen Robinson Road to 18 feet, as well as an upgrade to a 90˚ turn on Robinson Road for access by the fire department; (iv) the installation of a sidewalk the length of Robinson Road beginning from Turning Mill Road and to Grove Street; and (v) no queuing of cars on public roads. Discussion from the Committee included survey results of Estabrook School parents regarding transportation to and from school, 18- wheel trucks at the school site, as well as marketing the idea to parents to ride the school bus, walk, or bike to school. There were questions and comments from the Committee. Police Chief Mark Corr addressed the Committee regarding the proposed recommendations, ingress and egress of 18-wheel trucks at the site, the widening of Robinson Road for public safety purposes and how queuing on Grove Street is unacceptable from a public safety standpoint. He stated that he would not like to have police involved in traffic control each day at the school due to manpower. Instead he would prefer that the Board of Selectmen, School Committee, Permanent Building Committee and Safety Committees meet and come to an agreement on how best to educate parents. Mary Ellen Dunn, Assistant Superintendent Finance and Business Operations addressed the Committee regarding the location of the loading dock and deliveries made by 18- wheel trucks and others at the school. Sandy Trach, Estabrook School Principal discussed her thoughts on queuing on Grove Street, satellite parking, phased dismissal, and deliveries at the school. She believes that a behavioral change is needed from the parents and physical changes to the site are also needed. Dr. Ash thanked Michelle and ETF for all their hard work. He also took the opportunity to thank the Board of Selectmen and residents stating that he was very impressed with the process and how they are working through important issues and people are listening. SC 02/14/12 Page #3 Gretchen Reisig, Precinct 7, 10 Morris Street, responded to Chief Corr’s comments about people who don’t follow the rules and stressed the need to pay attention to the entrance on Robinson Road for safety purposes. 2. Vote to Approve FY13 System Goals The Committee discussed the FY13 System Goals concerning Professional Development (PD) with respect to content areas, realigning and adopting Common Core Standards, the need to pay attention to teacher’s needs through surveys, funding and defraying costs for PD, the LPS summer internship opportunities for teachers, as well as outside opportunities from colleges and universities that offer free post-doctoral fellows in support of LPS PD. Carol Pilarski, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction and Professional Development took questions from the Committee. Thomas Plati, Director of Educational Technology and Assessment spoke about the LIFT Program, which is held during the summer for science and math teachers. Teachers intern with industries and local companies who also provide a stipend for their work. He is recruiting teachers for this summer. Motion to Approve FY 13 System Goals. (Coppe, Brodner) The Motion was approved (5-0). 3. Discussion of FY13 Budget The Committee discussed their stated priorities for elimination of the kindergarten fee, the elimination of the elementary instrumental music fee, and the reduction by one-half of the bus fee at Estabrook during construction. Dr. Ash thanked the Committee, principals, teachers, and everyone involved in putting the Budget together. He believes the Budget is a good building block which will allow Lexington to keep programs in place and enthusiastically recommends the budget before the Committee. Motion to Approve the Superintendent’s FY2013 Recommended Budget to appropriate $76,925,966.00 (Steigerwald, Brodner) The Motion was approved (5-0). 4. Vote to Approve FY13 Capital Budget The Chair invited discussion. There were no discussions. Motion to Approve FY13 Capital Budget for a total of $2,515,000.00 (Coppe, Alessandrini) The Motion was approved (5-0). 5. Vote to Approve Second Reading of the Head Injury Management Policy Margaret Coppe, Chair of the School Committee’s Policy Subcommittee, highlighted the new regulations and changes in the Second Reading. She stated that Jill Gasperini, SC 02/14/12 Page #4 School Health Coordinator, Naomi Martin, Director of Athletics and Eamonn Sheehan, K-12 Coordinator Physical Education and Wellness contacted her about the MIAA’s new regulations. There were questions and comments from the Committee. Dawn McKenna, 9 Hancock Street had questions regarding reporting requirements, HIPPA regulations, and concussion training. Noah Coolidge provided insight into the online training and explained that most athletes take a computerized test at the beginning of the season to set a baseline. If they are injured, the athlete then retakes the test to determine if they have a concussion. Ilene Benghiat, Sunny Knoll Avenue, questioned why the last policy included parental input when athletes should be able to return to play and this policy does not. Motion to Approve Second Reading of the Head Injury Management Policy and Have Third Reading on March 2nd. (Coppe, Stewart) The Motion was approved (5-0). 6. Vote to Accept a $500 Donation from Burwen Technology, Inc., to the 2012 LHS Science and Engineering Fair Motion to Accept with Gratitude a $500 Donation from Burwen Technology, Inc. to the 2012 LHS Science and Engineering Fair. (Steigerwald, Coppe) The Motion was approved (5-0). 7. Vote to Accept a $250 Donation from the Hyesung Park / Kihyun Kim Family to the 2012 LHS Science and Engineering Fair Motion to Accept with Gratitude a $250 Donation from the Hyesung Park / Kihyum Kim Family to the 2012 LHS Science and Engineering Fair. (Steigerwald, Brodner) The Motion was approved (5-0). 8. Vote to Accept a $1,500 Donation from Cubist Pharmaceuticals to the 2012 LHS Science and Engineering Fair Motion to Accept with Gratitude a $1,500 Donation from Cubist Pharmaceuticals to the 2012 LHS Science and Engineering Fair. (Steigerwald, Alessandrini) The Motion was approved (5-0). 9. Vote to Accept a $1,000 Donation from Houston Eliseeva, LLP, to the 2012 LHS Science and Engineering Fair Motion to Accept with Gratitude a $1,000 Donation from Houston Eliseeva, LLP to the 2012 LHS Science and Engineering Fair. (Coppe, Brodner) The Motion was approved (5-0). SC 02/14/12 Page #5 10. Vote to Accept a $763.80 Donation from the “Box Tops for Education” Fundraiser to the Fiske School Motion to Accept a $763.80 Donation from the “Box Tops for Education” Fundraiser to the Fiske Elementary School with Gratitude. (Brodner, Steigerwald) The Motion was approved (5-0). Motion to Adjourn. (Coppe, Brodner). The Motion was approved 5-0. The Meeting Adjourned at 9:45 p.m. Documents: Meeting Agenda; Memorandum from Dr. Ash to the Committee dated February 10, 2012 re comments to upcoming meeting; Estabrook School Access Task Force (ETF) – Interim Report dated February 9, 2012; Curriculum and Professional Development 2012-2013; LPS FY13 Budget Recommendations; LPS Head Injury Management Policy (Second Reading); LHS 2012 Science and Engineering Fair Sponsor Forms for Burwen Technology, Hyesung Park /Kihyun Kim Family; Cubist Pharmaceuticals; Houston Eliseeva LLP; and Letter dated January 24, 2012 from Thomas P. Martellone, Principal of Fiske Elementary School to Dr. Ash regarding donation from Box Tops for Education. Voted by the School Committee March 13, 2012