HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-12-20-SC-min LEXINGTON SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, December 20, 2011 Cary Memorial Building Cary Hall Auditorium 1605 Massachusetts Avenue Present: Dr. Paul B. Ash, Superintendent; Mary Ann Stewart, School Committee Chair; Alessandro Alessandrini, Vice-Chair; School Committee Members Bonnie Brodner, Margaret Coppe, Jessie Steigerwald, and Noah Coolidge, Student Representative. The minutes were taken by Mary Ann Stewart. The meeting was convened at 7:35 PM I. Call to Order and Welcome The Chair called the meeting to order and invited Public Comment. There were no comments from the Public. II. Superintendent’s Announcements Dr. Ash had no announcements. III. Members’ Reports / Members’ Concerns There were no members’ reports or concerns. IV. 1. Estabrook School Project Chuck Favazzo, School Committee’s Representative to the Permanent Building Committee (PBC) for the Estabrook School Project, stated PBC voted unanimously to approve Option 3C as the preferred option for the new Estabrook School. He noted that this option has the smallest footprint and also maximizes green space. Chuck thanked DiNisco Design, RFWalsh Collaborative Partners, Estabrook Task Force, Estabrook PTA, parents and other engaged community members for their input into the schematic design option. Ken DiNisco, President, DiNisco Design, and Donna DiNisco, Vice President, DiNisco Design, presented a PowerPoint outlining some previously shown detail including (i) approval of the Educational Program, (ii) the Building Design: 2-Story vs. 3-Story Building, and (iii) the Project Schedule. DiNisco’s specific purpose before the Committee is to look at particular schematic design concepts and seek the Committee’s vote for a preference. Several schematic options were reviewed, including a two-story option. The 3-story options explored and/or addressed: “single-loaded” classrooms versus “double-loaded” classrooms, travel distances, solar orientation and the importance of natural daylight in classrooms and hallways; exterior considerations, the Big Backyard Program, play spaces, recreation areas, and efficiency of a 3-story building versus a 1- or 2-story building. 222 SC 12/20/11 Page #2 The compact design of Option 3C, the PBC’s preferred option, will provide a new 3-story school building with an 18-month construction and demolition schedule; it also provides adequate parking and addresses vehicle queuing. This design scheme is efficient and has the smallest building footprint of any of the other design schemes, which also means lower operating costs. It has all of the MSBA-approved educational features to fulfill the educational program and maximizes open space. Ken noted student safety was another key feature of this design scheme and showed how students would be free from on-site traffic when accessing either the recreation fields or school playground. Conveniently, it locates the delivery/service areas in the rear of the building. MSBA requires that Project Costs be stated within a range: Project Costs Range will be between $38,894,133- $42,783,546. DiNisco Design recommends the School Committee to approve Option 3C. John Himmell, PBC Co-Chair, reported the PBC voted their preference last Thursday, December 15, 2011 voting in favor of Option 3C. He encouraged the Committee to vote in favor of Option 3C. There were questions and comments from the Committee. Ms. Sandra Trach, Principal of the Estatabrook Elementary School, and Mr. Patrick Goddard, Director of Public Facilities were present and also took questions from the Committee. Mary Ann Stewart invited members of the Public to share their comments: Umesh Shelat (James Street), had questions concerning the potential use of solar panels and any possible reimbursements from the state for the green initiative. He also wondered if windows into the gym might over-heat the space. Dawn McKenna (9 Hancock Street), expressed her gratitude for the inclusion of the public in this process. She presented her preference for a 3-story building and raised issues related to parking, the use of cubbies, and the debt-exclusion vote on January 24, 2012. Karen Griffiths (15 Harding Road), had concerns regarding a failed debt-exclusion vote. Hemina KrishnaBachia, (1 Dee Road), raised questions regarding parking during construction, the demolition schedule, and the queuing of cars. Betsy Sarles (36 Turning Mill Road), expressed concerns regarding the existing building’s wings and use of windows on the third floor of the proposed new design. Motion that the School Committee approve Schematic Design Option 3C as a new custom 3-story elementary building for the new Estabrook Elementary School (Steigerwald, Brodner). The Motion passed 5-0. 2. Four and Ten-Year Enrollment Forecasts Dr. Ash presented the Four and Ten-Year Enrollment Report. The purpose of this report is to forecast elementary, middle, and high school enrollments, based on assumptions described in 333 SC 12/20/11 Page #3 each section of the report. Dr. Ash stated that he has the highest confidence in the high school projections, as those enrollment numbers represent students currently enrolled in LPS. He feels the middle school projections are moderately reliable, but there is some number of students not yet in the district. Dr. Ash said he is most skeptical regarding the K-5 projections because there are many pre-school children (age 0-5) not yet accounted for as part of the LPS data collection, and he hopes the use of census data from the Town Clerk’s Office will result in better pre- school census reporting. There were questions and comments from the Committee. 3. First Reading: Head Injury Management Policy This item was added to the agenda as an urgent item, as state statute requires each school district to have at least an interim policy in place by January 1, 2012. Margaret Coppe, Chair of the School Committee’s Policy Subcommittee, presented the draft. There were questions and comments from the Committee. Ms, Jill Gasperini, School Health Coordinator, Ms. Naomi Martin, Director of Athletics, and Mr. Eamonn Sheehan, K-12 Physical Education & Wellness Coordinator, were present and took questions from the Committee. Motion that the School Committee approve this First Reading of the Head Injury Management Policy as amended and that it be posted to the LHS website and to the Athletics Department website (Brodner, Alessandrini). The Motion was approved (5-0). 4. National School Boards Association (NSBA) Annual Conference For the first time in its 72-year history, the National School Boards Association (NSBA) will host their Annual Conference in Boston this April 21-23, 2012. Additionally, the School Committee and Dr Ash were invited to present with Stephanie Hirsh, Executive Director of Learning Forward, international leader in educator professional development. Motion that Superintendent Dr. Ash and School Committee Chair Mary Ann Stewart accept Learning Forward’s invitation to participate in the presentation at the NSBA Annual Conference on Saturday, April 22, 2012, and that they register and attend the entire Conference only, and that we not join NSBA at this time (Brodner, Coppe). The Motion was approved (5-0). 5. Donation from Lueders Environmental An unsolicited donation from Lueders Environmental, a lawn care and plant care company located in Needham, MA, was made on behalf of its Lexington clients. LPS is free to use these funds in any way deemed appropriate. Motion to Accept a $100.00 Donation from Lueders Environmental Inc. (Coppe, Alessandrini). The Motion was approved (5-0). 444 SC 12/20/11 Page #4 6. School Committee Minutes Draft minutes of November 22, 2011 and December 6, 2011 were reviewed by the Committee. Motion to Approve School Committee Minutes of November 22, 2011. (Brodner, Alessandrini). The Motion was approved (5-0). Motion to approve School Committee Minutes of December 6, 2011 as amended (Brodner, Steigerwald). The Motion was approved (5-0). 7. Adjourn Motion to adjourn this meeting of the Lexington School Committee (Coppe, Alessandrini). Jessie Steigerwald moved to Reconsider the Vote regarding the NSBA Annual Conference [taken a few minutes previously]. The Motion was not seconded. The Motion to adjourn passed (5-0). The meeting adjourned at 10:47 P.M. Documents: Meeting Agenda; Letter to Dr. Ash from Ken DiNisco/DiNisco Design; Slide Presentation by DiNisco Design; Draft Head Injury Management Policy; NSBA Annual Conference Information from NSBA’s website; Letter from Michael Leuders to Dr. Ash; School Committee Draft Minutes of November 22, 2011 and December 6, 2011 Voted by the School Committee January 3, 2012