HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-11-15-SC-min LEXINGTON SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, November 15, 2011 Cary Hall Auditorium 1605 Massachusetts Avenue Present: Dr. Paul B. Ash, Superintendent; Mary Ann Stewart, School Committee Chair; Alessandro Alessandrini, Vice-Chair; School Committee Members Bonnie Brodner, Margaret Coppe, Jessie Steigerwald, and Noah Coolidge, Student Representative. The minutes were taken by Jean Curran. 7:37p.m. The Chair called the meeting to order and invited public comment There were no public comments. 7:39p.m. Superintendent’s Announcements Dr. Ash read a letter from Rick DuFour, a leading expert in the Professional Learning Community (PLC). Mr. Dufour would like Lexington to be considered as a PLC model and urged the Superintendent to apply. Dr. Ash shared that he will take up Mr. DuFour’s offer to apply for national recognition of this program. 7:43 p.m. Member’s Reports/Member’s Concerns Mary Ann Stewart thanked Town Meeting that voted Monday night to appropriate $21,670,000 needed to renovate Bridge and Bowman Elementary Schools. She also thanked the Appropriation Committee, Capital Expenditures Committee, Permanent Building Committee, Selectmen, and South Lexington Civic Association for their support. Mary Ann also thanked all PTA and PTO Co-Presidents for their advocacy in support of the project, along with parents from Bridge and Bowman Schools who emailed Town Meeting Members. Mary Ann congratulated the Bridge Elementary School for their Gold-level award for Health and Wellness presented during the 2011 MASC/MASS Joint Conference in Hyannis November 9-12th. She noted that this award is given yearly by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) to a school with a strong commitment to the health of its students and staff. Bridge School faculty and staff members were commended for their outstanding achievements in school health policies, health education, physical activity, nutrition, staff wellness, and tobacco prevention. As part of this award, Bridge received a banner for their school and $500, which will be used to purchase pedometers for physical education classes and fitness games for indoor recess. Jessie Steigerwald reported that the Lexington Education Foundation Trivia Bee raised over $49,000. She thanked everyone who worked to put on this great event, especially the members of the School Committee-Sponsored Team: Benjamin Edelstein, Andrew Yang, and Anna Papp who made it to the final round. On behalf SC 11/15/11 Page # 2 of the School Committee, Jessie presented each team member with a jar of honey and a certificate of appreciation. She also presented Noah Coolidge with the same for his efforts recruiting for this event. Noah Coolidge stated that this was his first time at the Trivia Bee and that it was great to see the entire community come out. He congratulated the Eggheads (EGH, Lexington) for winning the second year in a row. He then thanked Benjamin Edelstein, Andrew Yang, and Anna Papp for participating. 7:50 p.m. Agenda Items Public Hearing on the Estabrook Elementary School Ken DiNisco, President | DiNisco Design, Donna DiNisco, Vice President | DiNisco Design, and Leno Filippi, Senior Designer | DiNisco Design, were present at tonight’s hearing. Also present were Cassius Moore, from RFWalsh Collaborative Partners, and Pat Goddard, Director of Public Facilities. Ken reviewed a PowerPoint Presentation consisting of building design options being considered; there are 2- and 3-story options being considered for the new school. Ken reviewed the educational space program summary that MSBA is recommending. He presented Option 5A, the recommended traffic option, for all ingress and egress to the school property. The Committee had comments and questions. Additionally, there were comments from the Public. Hemina KrishnaBachia (1 Dee Road) would like to see Robinson Road used as an alternative entrance to the site. She also expressed concern about insufficient parking for parents and visitors to the school and stated her preference for a two- story building. Gretchen Reisig, PTA Co-President of Estabrook School, wanted to know advantages and disadvantages of a two-story versus a three-story building. Sara Kuli (6 Coach Road) expressed a desire for an affordable school transportation plan, noting the Town of Winchester has a flexible fee schedule. She was also concerned about parking along Robinson Road and asked that a precedent not be set to limit parking for school events. Diane Pursley (21 Turning Mill Road) wanted clarification on discussions regarding the grading of the driveway from Grove Street. Betsy Sarles (36 Turning Mill Road) expressed concern regarding construction noise and what, if any mitigation measures could be put into place to reduce distraction in classrooms. She also questioned if there would be pedestrian access from Robinson Road. Karen Griffiths (15 Harding Road) expressed concern regarding traffic and wanted to know how the public could keep apprised of ongoing discussions. Regarding the use SC 11/15/11 Page # 3 of Robinson Road, she suggested the possibility of using Robinson Road as a bus entrance. Dawn McKenna (9 Hancock Street) commended Sandra Trach, Principal of Estabrook Elementary School, Cassius Moore, and the School Committee for pushing for the art and music spaces. Her comments expressed preferences for a three-story building and certain exterior materials, concerns regarding long- and short-term parking, free busing during construction, Robinson Road to be used as a staff entrance, a large space for students, teachers and parents to congregate, the gymnasium to have a an outdoor entrance, and to keep the greenhouse even if the community needs to pay for it separately. Scott Martin Kosofky (36 Turning Mill Road) reported that he has looked into preservation of the exterior façade mosaic/mural. He suggested that there might be grants available to help pay to move the entire wall and remount it. He stated that a stable print could be created and, also, there may be collectors who would be interested in purchasing the mural. Andre Radulescu-Banu (Cedar Street) had comments regarding the exterior façade of the new building. Kamala Soparkar (88 Winter Street) expressed concern about the indoor air quality and PCBs during the construction phase, and also wanted to know if the basketball court would be relocated to another area during construction. Susan Ward (15 Robinson Road) asked that the mural be preserved in some form. Alex Fox (Hillside Terrace) expressed concerns about the PCB plan and ventilation and suggested strengthening the maintenance plan (O&M Plan) along with the construction plan. He would like to see space in the new building for small community group use and overflow parking issues addressed. Beth Rogers (24 Demar Road) thanked everyone involved for all their hard work. She had questions about the new building’s increased capacity and its impact on traffic and parking. She also wanted to know if parents would be allowed to drop their children off at the Robinson Road entrance; she would like to see a sidewalk built along Robinson Road along with expanding the entire street to accommodate two-way traffic. Angela Gharabegian (29 North Street) wanted to know if a three-story building is more difficult or dangerous in the case of a fire. 9:58 p.m. The Chair called for a brief recess after the public hearing. 10:08 p.m. The meeting was called back to order and the Committee began its discussion on revising the superintendent evaluation instrument and process going forward. The SC 11/15/11 Page # 4 Chair stated that the State has adopted new evaluation regulations for teachers and administrator. The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) will be providing templates and guidelines in January 2012. The Committee will review the new guidelines in 2012 and will comply with the guidelines beginning in 2013. The Committee also discussed the topics of and timelines for the evaluation process, self-assessment, MCAS results, Survey Monkey, budget and Dr. Ash’s goals. 10:44 p.m. Motion to Adjourn (Coppe, Brodner). The Motion passed 5-0. The meeting adjourned at 10:44 P.M. Documents: Meeting Agenda; Massachusetts School Wellness Award Honors Healthy Schools; and DiNisco Design’ Estabrook Elementary School PowerPoint Presentation Voted by the School Committee December 6, 2011