HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-09-06-SC-min LEXINGTON SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, September 6, 2011 Lexington Town Office Building, Selectmen’s Meeting Room 1625 Massachusetts Avenue Minutes were taken by the Chair. Present: Superintendent Dr. Paul Ash; School Committee Chair Mary Ann Stewart; School Committee Vice-Chair Alessandro Alessandrini; Members Margaret Coppe, Jessie Steigerwald, and Bonnie Brodner. (Student Representative Noah Coolidge in absentia). 7:35 PM Call to Order and Welcome (Mary Ann Stewart) Public Comment There were no comments from the public. 7:38 PM Superintendent’s Announcements: 1. Cyber Safety Public Service Announcement Contest The 3rd Annual Student Public Service Announcement Contest is sponsored by the Middlesex County District Attorney Gerry Leone. The contest is open to all 59 school districts in the 54 towns in Middlesex County; 77 entries were submitted. Congratulations to LHS Seniors, James Cullen and Kyle George, who submitted the winning PSA with their entry entitled, “Texting and Driving”. Tom Plati, Assistant Superintendent for Technology and Educational Assessment, showed their video. Two of the four finalists were also LHS students - John Buschini for his entry, “ Online Harassment Has an Offline Impact” and also to Kyle George (again) for his entry, “Think Before You Share”. LHS TV Production Teacher, Mary Pappas, assisted the students with their entries. The PSAs can be viewed at: http://middlesexpartnershipsforyouth.com/news/video.php?video=4 2. State Auditor’s Report on Educational Collaboratives LPS belongs to two Educational Collaboratives – EDCO and LABBB. The State Auditor will be reviewing all educational collaboratives in four areas: 1-Public Finance; 2-Conflict of Interest; 3-Scope of Services; and 4- Personnel/Participation in the Public Retirement System. The State Auditor’s Report and LABBB Response are posted on the LPS website. 3. School Opening In spite of loss of power and other residual inconveniences to several buildings as a result of Tropical Storm Irene, Dr. Ash reported an excellent Opening Day Ceremony for teachers and staff was held Monday, August 29. School Principals reported smooth openings in all schools the following day, Tuesday, August 30. 8:16 PM Members’ Reports / Members’ Concerns The Chair updated the Committee with regard to the Estabrook School Access Ad hoc Task Force meeting held August 25, 2011 at the Department of Public Facilities (DPF). The School Committee is accepting applications for highly qualified candidates for the position of School Committee Recording Secretary. Bob Harris, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources will screen applications and resumes with Margaret Coppe and Mary Ann Stewart; a recommendation will come before the Committee. 8:20 PM 1. Report on the Plan to Improve Professional Relationships Dr. Ash and Phyllis Neufeld, Lexington Education Association President, reviewed steps taken to date to hear concerns pertaining to School Climate/Teacher Morale across the district. Mr. Bruce Wellman has been selected through a collaborative process between LPS administration and LEA personnel. A 10-Member Steering Committee is being formed to address the methodology that will be employed. For LPS administration: Bridge Principal Meg Colella; Clarke Middle School Principal Dr. Steve Flynn; LHS Principal Natalie Cohen; Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction Carol Pilarski; and Superintendent Paul Ash. For the LEA: LHS Social Studies Teacher Larry David; Diamond Middle School Special Education Teacher Diane Corbett; LEA President Phyllis Neufeld. Two additional teachers will be added from Elementary Schools and will be announced at the next meeting. Bruce Wellman’s Report is expected by November 15, 2011. 2. Preliminary Enrollment Numbers Dr. Ash reported that as of August 31, 2011 there are 6,403 students enrolled in Lexington’s public schools. This is a modest increase over last year and within the expected projected numbers. The official numbers will be reported to Department of Elementary and Secondary Education on October 1, 2011. There were questions and comments from the Committee. 3. Update on Estabrook Environmental Plan Mr. Pat Goddard, Director of Public Facilities (DPF), updated the Committee with regard to Estabrook’s Operations and Maintenance Plan (O&M Plan) for frequent and regular reporting on polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The O&M Plan requires EPA approval, which is pending. Copies of the manual containing the O&M Plan Index and reporting data to EPA are located at the DPF and Estabrook School. There were questions and comments from the Committee. 4. Update on Summer Capital Projects Mr. Goddard shared information with regard to school capital projects and work completed over the summer. 5. Suggested Dates and Agendas for Future School Committee Meetings A draft of future School Committee Meetings and Agendas was reviewed and discussed by the Committee. 6. Appointment of Philip Coleman to the Permanent Building Committee The Permanent Building Committee formally requested the State Legislature to add two members to their ranks. Their request was met with Legislature approval. Mr. Coleman will be appointed for at least a 3-year term to serve on both Bowman/Bridge and Estabrook Projects. Motion to appoint Philip Coleman to the Permanent Building Committee (Coppe, Alessandrini). The Motion was approved (5-0). 7. Vote to Approve School Committee Executive Session Minutes of June 2, 2009 Motion to Approve Executive Session Minutes of June 2, 2009 (Steigerwald, Coppe). The Motion was approved (3-0-2 Brodner, Alessandrini). Motion to Release Executive Session Minutes of June 2, 2009 (Steigerwald, Coppe). The Motion was approved. (5-0). 8. Vote to Approve School Committee Minutes of June 24, 2011 Motion to Approve and Release Open Session Minutes of June 24, 2011 (Coppe, Alessandrini). The Motion was approved (4-0-1 Steigerwald). 9. Vote to Approve School Committee Executive Session Minutes of June 24, 2011 Motion to Approve Executive Session Minutes of June 24, 2011 (Brodner, Alessandrini). The Motion was approved (4-0-1 Steigerwald). Motion to Release Executive Session Minutes of June 24, 2011 (Brodner, Steigerwald). The Motion was approved. (5-0). 10. Vote to Approve School Committee Executive Session Minutes of August 23, 2011 (2 minutes) Motion to Approve Executive Session Minutes of August 23, 2011 (Coppe, Brodner). The Motion was approved (4-0-1 Steigerwald). Motion to Release Executive Session Minutes of August 23, 2011 (Steigerwald, Alessandrini). The Motion was approved. (5-0). 9:48 PM 11. Executive Session Motion that the Committee go into Executive Session under Exemption #3 for the purpose of SEIU Collective Bargaining, not to return to Open Session (Steigerwald, Brodner). The Motion was approved: Alessandrini- aye; Brodner-aye; Coppe-aye; Steigerwald-aye; and Stewart-aye. Documents: 2011 Student PSA; Report of the State Auditor; Excerpts from the EDCO Collaborative Agreement; Excerpts from EDCO By-Laws; EDCO Minutes of the July 6, 2011 Meeting; Public Statement of Dr. Paul Ash dated June 15, 2011; Resume of Bruce Wellman, M.Ed; 2011-2012 Enrollment Report; Estabrook Elementary School Operations and Maintenance Plan Index. Voted by the School Committee September 20, 2011