HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-06-24-SC-min LEXINGTON SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING Lower Level Conference Room 2, School Administration Building 146 Maple Street Friday, June 24, 2011 Minutes were taken by the Chair. Present: School Committee Chair Mary Ann Stewart, School Committee Vice- Chair Alessandro Alessandrini, School Committee Members Margaret Coppe and Bonnie Brodner. (Jessie Steigerwald and Student Representative Noah Coolidge in absentia). School Committee Counsel Robert (Bob) Fraser and Colby Brunt, of Stoneman, Chandler, & Miller, LLP and Town Counsel Kevin Batt, of Anderson & Krieger, LLP were also in attendance. The meeting was convened at 10:07 AM I. Call to Order (Chair Stewart) Superintendent Paul Ash was not present for this portion of the meeting. He joined the meeting during the portion of the Executive Session to discuss the Open Meeting Law Complaints of Mr. Eric Eid-Reiner and Ms. Dawn McKenna; he departed at 12:24 PM. II. Review of Open Session and Executive Session Minutes: The Chair stated that during the Open Session the Committee would be voting to approve and/or release minutes from both Open Sessions and Executive Sessions and noted that if discussion is required for any Executive Session Minutes they would have to be discussed in Executive Session. She also stated that the Committee would be going into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing strategy with regard to the School Committee’s response to Open Meeting Law Complaints & Litigation filed by Mr. Eric Eid-Reiner and Ms. Dawn McKenna, and would return to Open Session either to adjourn or to take action on any Executive Session Minutes, should there be any Executive Session Minutes discussed. Motion to Approve and Release School Committee Minutes of Wednesday, June 15, 2011 (Coppe, Alessandrini). The motion passed 4-0. (Steigerwald in absentia). Motion to Release School Committee Minutes of Executive Session of February 11, 2008, which were previously approved October 14, 2008 (Brodner, Alessandrini). The motion passed 4-0. Motion to Release School Committee Minutes of Executive Session of March 3, 2008, which were previously approved October 14, 2008 (Alessandrini, Coppe). The motion passed 4-0. Motion to Release School Committee Minutes of Executive Session of May 21, 2008, which were previously approved October 14, 2008 (Alessandrini, Brodner). The motion passed 4-0. Motion to Release School Committee Minutes of Executive Session of December 2, 2008, which were previously approved February 29, 2009 (Brodner, Alessandrini). The motion passed 4-0. Motion to Discuss in Executive Session School Committee Minutes of Executive Session of February 25, 2009, which were previously approved March 17, 2009 (Coppe, Alessandrini). The motion passed 4-0. Motion to Discuss in Executive Session School Committee Minutes of Executive Session of June 15, 2009, which were previously approved September 8, 2009 (Brodner, Alessandrini). The motion passed 4-0. Motion to Approve and Not Release School Committee Minutes taken in Executive Session on June 15, 2011 (Alessandrini, Brodner). The motion passed 4-0. The Chair explained that the School Committee would go into Executive Session to discuss the two Open Meeting Law Complaints and to discuss strategy with respect to administrative litigation & also to discuss Executive Session Minutes of February 25, 2009 and June 15, 2009, previously approved and not released, and also to discuss amending minutes of April 26, 2011 and May 25, 2011, which had been recently approved and released. Motion to go into Executive Session for Purposes of discussing the Open Meeting Law Complaints of Mr. Eric Eid-Reiner and Ms. Dawn McKenna and to discuss strategy with regard to administrative litigation & to also discuss Executive Session Minutes of February 25, 2009; June 15, 2009; April 26, 2011; and May 25, 2011 (Alessandrini, Brodner). Alessandrini-aye; Brodner-aye; Coppe-aye; and Stewart-aye. III. Executive Session (Lower Level Conference Room) IV. Return to Open Session The Chair clarified that in Executive Session the Committee had reviewed and refined its response to the two OML Complaints and had authorized the Chair to sign the response and forward to the Attorney General’s Office by their deadline dates. Motion to defer release of the Minutes of the Executive Session of February 25, 2009 until School Committee Counsel researches the file for clarity (Coppe, Alessandrini). The motion passed 4-0. Motion to release Minutes of the Executive Session of June 15, 2009 as redacted; the reason the complete minutes are not being released is there is litigation with regard to the redacted portion of these minutes (Coppe, Brodner). The motion passed 4-0. Motion to amend the Executive Session Minutes of April 26, 2011 to include the salary table prepared and presented by School Committee Chair Mary Ann Stewart (Brodner, Alessandrini). The motion passed 4-0. Motion to amend the Executive Session Minutes of May 25, 2011 to include salary information obtained from MASC and presented by Jessie Steigerwald (Brodner, Alessandrini). The motion passed 4-0. Motion to adjourn (Alessandrini, Coppe). The motion passed 4-0. The meeting adjourned at 12:47 PM. Voted released ______September 6, 2011______