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SC Meeting 9/8/09 page # 1
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Lexington Town Office Building, Selectmen's Meeting Room
1625 Massachusetts Avenue
Present: Superintendent Paul Ash, School Committee Chair Margaret Coppe, School
Committee Members Rod Cole, Tom Diaz, Jessie Steigerwald, Mary Ann Stewart, and
student representative Liam Gandelsman. The minutes were taken by Leora Tec.
The meeting was convened at 7:33 p.m.
I. Call to Order and Welcome (Margaret Coppe)
II. Superintendent’s Announcements:
1. Honoring Former Fiske Guidance Counselor Freyda Siegel on Her 100th
Birthday Celebration. Paul Ash read a letter that he wrote about herms. Siegel.
She retired at age 90. She worked for 40 years as a counselor and psychologist
for LPS. She also received a letter from President Obama congratulating her.
2. We had a wonderful opening in nine schools.
3. We have two new principals with us: Sandra Trach of Estabrook School and
Peggy Mongiello of Diamond Middle School. Paul Ash read a bit about their
backgrounds and welcomed them to our district.
III. Members’ Reports / Members’ Concerns:
Tom Diaz:
1). Expressed sadness on the death of Senator Kennedy, a great supporter of public
education who will be hard to replace.
2). Expressed solidarity with the Boston Public Schools, which were the subject of
a lengthy Boston Globe editorial. It is hard to set specific expectations. Boston
does extremely well.
Margaret Coppe: Liam Gandelsman is the new student rep to the School
Committee. He is a student at LHS. Welcome.
Rod Cole requested a brief update on the MUNIS system from Mary Ellen Dunn,
Assistant Superintendent.
Ms. Dunn stated that chart of accounts is not finished yet. She explained the work
yet to be done and stated that the work is close to completion.
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Jessie Steigerwald:
1). Thank you to Dr. Ash and every one who put together the fantastic opening.
2). Thanks to all who served on the Ad-hoc Facilities Committee.
3). Thanks to the Minuteman for correcting a misprint in the Globe.
4). Thanks to Mary Ellen Dunn for working with Chartwells to enable people to
order lunch online.
5). Thank you to the Safe Routes To School volunteers who have continued to
work to improve sidewalk access.
Mary Ann Stewart
1). PTAs planned many opening of the school year events over the summer. Thank
2). Thank you to Jen Vogelzang for the Opening Day message on behalf of the
3). Most newsletters are going green. I want to urge everyone to join the PTAs and
4). I am impressed with the farm to school program that Chartwells is
5). I want to encourage people to visit the website of Special Education Parent
Advisory Council. The theme this year is parents as partners. The PAC is the
law in addition to a good idea and is a tremendous resource to parents.
6). Are there parents on a subcommittee for implementing the ILP report
recommendations? I would like to know how parents will be involved in the
7). The School Committee met over the summer to determine team-building
Margaret Coppe: The Citizen’s Academy will be starting soon. It will be a series
of educational, informative evenings about various town departments.
IV. Discussion Items:
1. Summer 2009 Professional Development
Presented by Carol Pilarski, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction
and Professional Development.
Two hundred and eighty-one teachers participated in thirty-nine workshops. Ms.
Pilarski recognized the LEF for their enormous support-- $25,500. Ms. Pilarski
emphasized how important the summer is for engaging teachers. She explained
the broad outlines of categories of workshops and how the various topics are
chosen. She also mentioned several specific workshops. We have an opportunity
with the stimulus money to create a PD program that will be sustained. Dr. Ash
has created a committee under the leadership of Joanne Hennessey, former
Diamond Middle School principal, to formulate professional development so as
to concentrate on the goals of: equity and excellence, tiered intervention to
address the needs of all students, integrating expanding technologies and
interdisciplinary curricular goals.
There were questions and comments from the Committee.
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2. 2009 Enrollment Numbers – Projected vs. Actual
Dr. Ash presented the actual numbers as compared to last year’s projected
enrollment numbers.
3. Full-Day Kindergarten and Half-Day Kindergarten
Presented by Carol Pilarski. There are currently twenty-one classrooms with 377
children. Ms. Pilarski commented on the article in the Globe entitled, “Pressure
Cooker Kindergarten” and reminded the Committee that those connected to our
kindergarten program have been very positive about their experiences and that a
lot of thought went into planning our program to avoid the stresses that were
described in the article. Our teachers want to know the children better and they
use the extra time for that.
There were comments and questions from the Committee.
4. There was a brief discussion about the role of site councils, and the time
sequence of their goal setting relative to that of the district as a whole. Dr. Ash
stated that the role of site councils could be discussed at the next meeting.
5. Proposed 2009/2010 School Committee Meeting Dates and Agenda Items
Tuesday, January 19th is the special election to replace Senator Kennedy so that
date should be changed.
March 22, 2010 is not a definite starting date for Town Meeting yet. It may start
on March 29th.
A decision was made to add a meeting on October 13th, given the heavy
agendas of the other October meetings. School Committee goals will be
discussed at that meeting.
6. FY11 Budget Calendar, Including Capital, Grants, and Revolving Funds
Sept 23 should be the 22nd.
V. Action Items
1. Vote to Appoint Carol Pilarski as the Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum,
Instruction, and Professional Development for Three Years. Presented by
Dr. Ash.
Motion to Appoint Carol Pilarski as the Assistant Superintendent for
Curriculum, Instruction, and Professional Development for Three Years
(Diaz, Stewart). The motion passed 5-0.
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2. Vote to Accept $400.00 Donation to the Harrington Gift Account
Motion to accept with gratitude a $400.00 donation to the Harrington Gift
Account from the Korean PTA (Cole, Stewart). The motion passed 5-0.
3. Vote to Approve School Committee Minutes of February 24, 2009
4. Vote to Approve School Committee Minutes of April 1, 2009
5. Vote to Approve School Committee Minutes of May 19, 2009
6. Vote to Approve School Committee Minutes of June 2, 2009
7. Vote to Approve School Committee Executive Session Minutes of
June 15, 2009
8. Vote to Approve School Committee Minutes of June 16, 2009
Motion to approve the School Committee minutes of February 24, 2009,
April 1, 2009, May 19, 2009, June 2, 2009 and the executive session minutes
of June 15, 2009 (Diaz, Cole). The motion passed 5-0.
Motion to approve the School Committee minutes of June 16, 2009 (Diaz,
There was an addendum to the minutes of June 16, 2009, to the effect that
there was a decision to put a link on the LPS website homepage to the
School Committee page.
The motion passed 5-0.
VI. Motion to go into executive session to discuss strategy with respect to collective
bargaining and a police matter not to return to open session (Steigerwald,
Diaz). Steigerwald-aye; Diaz-aye; Cole-aye; Stewart-aye; Coppe-aye.
9:20 p.m.: Executive Session