HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-03-22-GCC-min Greenways Corridor Committee March 22, 2018 Ellen Stone Room, Cary Hall Lexington, Massachusetts Members Present: Mal Crawford, Alex Dohan, Peggy Enders, Eileen Entin, Bob Hausslein, Susan Kenyon, Keith Ohmart, Mike Tabaczynski Other Attendees: Stephen Perkins Votes: Minutes of January 25, 2018, meeting: Approved Reports/Updates: • Keith and Peggy went to the Transportation public meeting for the ongoing Comprehensive Plan. The Town is broadly considering non-motorized transportation, and also electric bikes. • Bridge School boardwalk may get by with an abbreviated filing since it has limited environ- mental impact, which Mal will head up. We'll need to talk to Recreation regarding the playing fields, and the Old Res dam restoration project may require a temporary re-routing of the ex- isting trail. • The Hayden Woods boardwalk project is slated to begin the third week in April. • The brochure is on track to be updated and printed by Patriots' Day. It may be included in Town tax mailings, and/or go home in backpacks from elementary schools. • Pelham Rd trail connection - Susan & Keith met with Christine Dean, Community Center Di- rector. This project is somewhat tricky because of all the stakeholders - in addition to the Community Center, the School Department/Committee is involved, as well as Facilities. Ian Dailey is the Finance & Operations person working with Lexington Children's Place and the School Dept. Also the vernal pool on the site. • Arlington Reservoir project. Lexington Conservation Commission has asked that the Town of Arlington keep ACROSS Lexington trails in mind as they plan the restoration. Keith and Bob will go to the public meeting on April 3. • Spring route repairs - keep an eye out as you walk. Let Jordan know about downed trees or other large issues. • Walk Leaders needed for Bike Walk Bus week (May 12-20), on Mon, Wed, Fri, from noon- 1 pm. One walk from 110 Hartwell, and two from Ledgemont, across from Shire. There will also be a guided bike ride on May 13. Eileen will lead a Senior Sneaker Walk. The Alz- heimer's Walk is June 9. Susan's ACROSS walks for the Rec Dept brought in $480 last fall. • We can have a banner and a place in the Patriots Day parade. Susan will look into having a banner made. Current Business: • Route J/K was discussed. Much conversation about the "Yellow" and the "Red" segments. Do we want to add the Yellow to Rte C and eliminate the Bikeway portion of C? Consensus seem to be to keep Rte C as is. What if we eliminate Bruce Rd from the proposed new route? Keith knows a couple of people in the Peacock Farm neighborhood and will approach them. • Long-range Planning working group. Keith and Alex have circulated plans and a next meet- ing is in the works. Goal is to have a document for Karen/Conservation to make budget re- quest for more resources, and have ALL non-street trails under Conservation oversight. New Business: • The Concord Avenue land management plan will be moved to Pending. Pending Items: • Concord Ave land management plan Next Meeting: April 26, 2018, 4:30-6:OOpm, Ellen Stone Room Future meeting dates: May 17*, Jun 28, Sep 27, Oct 25, Nov 22, Dec 27 *third Thursday Respectfully Submitted by Alexandra Dohan, Secretary