HomeMy WebLinkAbout897.6 Order, Middlesex County Commissioners to the Selectmen of Bedford, June 1, 1897 60**01twalth of MIDDLESEX, SS. At a meeting of the County Commissioners for the County of Middlesex, holden at-..........- --within and for said County, on the first Tuesday of...... ..11_61 i.............................................. , in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-....,,,,_ :��................ ......... ... .. �L...f - _.........-_._.......__............................. ..............._. ......._...... ........._._....................-- -------..._....................................... ._....................................................................................................... in said County, by--., ,z..petition to said Commissioners—among other matters—pray /2,�'7,Al-- r/CZ;�fi v I 'blG�i/iL% as will more fully appear, reference being had to the petition filed of record in the case. The etition was presented to the County Commissioners, at their meeting holden at ��. �L. .. .�: C ..-....-, within and for said County, on the first Tuesday of ...... ZZ /C-l�r�L�J �Gz�-vf�/ ✓/-��Cr_-CL'/��P�2 ���fi, //�y`Ze�%��� �YI�TIiL-��.-Jz2c�-L�� J�fl(i ��9CG%'.//��L�(�i' !?7--G r�CGLG� L��L=1i�/�//L f/ C� /�GI GG� _U�lf'LJ1L�?�LG�72GJ /Y 22G�_7ZL'GCiLGC� .%�iGZ2G�Le-�i ,�,L2�!_uG /tZ�7//i���i�•�i �tOi�YL�P/c�/ �� _ � ice/"ell/ U ✓ Q And now the said Commissioners make return of their proceedings in the premises, as follows: The Count Commissioners for said County, having given notice as the law directs, met at.......__f�..._%mow.. �� ; in said County, on the.........:f !/Ltl��'L 2:1//��c.. day of-. . in the year eighteen hundred and ninety........ .....f4......., when and where the parties appeared, to wit, the petitioner by.... ivz4 _�( C�.. e _ , 2 ......._.......................................... ......... ............. . ...... .......................................... ... and tho rPe, And the premises having been examined, and all parties fully heard said Commis- sioners proceeded Ida )//U- . �7/ �,GZLG��GrZti" iJn7?2t�2�-P�Yt I�L�J �i[/I�vt/�CC�GGU!/Oj fiyvr�(j�iL�� v��9�`tiI�LP//�C-�/Ls� Cc�cc�ii/ra7c�ri�Doz �df�00 �7�P/� G�ir?.e�%r/�2Ci GYi cir er L✓-2 G�.r-t.GE J E�t2c� i "16��i y ii�CG �c �f�. �c���r all" l ne ilu�it �f�/L�vz izL 2 c:?i,cry e cl�.7,1 Y zCa2t.1i % Lz ���c Gee-CL/ co7t�c�c �il� ,scud/iZ = C!��� �7 V.Y.P,%�/'�G(� -�'�i�°�'i�v-fi(Av �,GG�1ivf� �-��yt`'� —��-C��"����/ �a-r��r�Oi ��0,�/6��i/G OG��✓�u�PJ. �ilZe �LG47%;C � i.Gr�2i� �n�G .a��v � zz /EGGv//�2PiL��CCL2r��cuoZ C/ clYl L� /mot �4 .�dJ G�7ti ??��z- " Gt //�CG��ve, GGZ / X21 J'• L/J./fr�'l•L�i.2�-r/ -�///L :'l/L�2j Ct//iLGf G>�G��=C�iTi' �O 7�/��'-/J�d"/ZL6CZ�' �'�iG�.L' GW�'a'ti�rILC�ic'�C/�-G�/L=�i�C/ AG of the same to the width aforesaid; and so shaped that the centre shall be....9 . .� :......, inches higher than the sides by a circular, curved surface; all small inequaliti s shall be reduced to a level, or a regularly inclined plane, and greater rises and hills, to an ankle not exceeding..-. � ........ degrees with the horizon; drains, sluices, and bridges cc! structed of -stem, and of sufficient capacity, shall be made at all places necessary for conducting away the water; swampy and soft bottoms shall be raised at least._---- � -. feet; and-.-....- JL�l....- inches on the surface of, the whole part to be travelled upon shall Q err 9*11 consist of gravel or other material which shall y ; and permanent stone monuments shall be placed at each end, and at each angle, in said described fine. Where excavations are necessary, the banks on the sides shall not make a greater angle than-------------Q�d---------.....................degrees with the horizon; railings ssl all be erected at all steep and dangerous places; and all walls and fences removed-te-the new lines of street; and the whole shall be done in a workmanlike manner, to the acceptance of said Com- missioners. p And the proprietors or occupants of the land, over which said..., L:L .....�/.._..way is thus laid out, are allowed until the first day of:...........................................................nex� to remove there- from any wood, timber or trees. And said Commissioners having heard the proprietors of said lands by themselves or their agents, on the subject of damages by theirs sustained by reason of laying out said. .way, have estimated the same as follows, to wit:— %�cGL� �Zr��Gt-zap-�qQ� �L�-�.�LC��2-�2�01/ � ��d✓ ��-�7Z� ��Gli _CL c2 GL LG�/• And the said Commissioners further order and determine that the sum of Cd3 .. J.....do4�is a fair and just proportion of the expenses of said alterations to be paid by the County; and said sum shall be paid out of the County Treasury into the Town Treasury of., - ................ whenever the S Iec men of said town shall present a certificate certifying that aTl claims y reason of said alterations have been settled and said street shall be completed to the acceptance of said Commis- sioners. And the said Commissioners further determine and order that the said.... .'...... of.-._ I" f.:' t:..................shall pay all damages, costs and expenses (if any) not included in the abdve award, that any party ma3, b3. legal process obtain in consequence of said C:IJL��/.:!�<.?a :..✓Clive ..... t::2 f.L G:C.U✓l L'.............................. . throughout the whole of said „ c�, ....way, as hereby widened, straightened, altered and established. And the said Commissioners further order, that the t _..way described in said return be, and the same is hereby established, as and for a public ./':Gi1u.way, and that the same be recorded to the end that the same may hereafter be known as such. estimated as damages to the said persons, by reason of the pre e paid to them respectively out of the County Treasury , when a present to the County Treas- urer a certificate signed by the men of the town in which the land lies, that the land over whic ................................way is located has been entered upon and possession takyU -or the pl-Irpose of onnstructing said way. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, WE, the said County Commissioners, have hereunto set our hands this .............in the year of our �i...=.. r�u :z i..............day of.......... s� .........-..... Lord one th(5usand eight hundred and ninety— ---'G----- '- � � C ... _ - fir/.---_---------------------- A true copy of record. ,�> Attest, ��✓ - 9/� ` i i .._ ................... ........... Ass't Clerk.