HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-12-21-CPC-min Minutes of the Community Preservation Committee Thursday, December 21, 2017 Parker Meeting Room Town Office Building 1625 Massachusetts Avenue 3:00 PM Committee Members Present: Marilyn Fenollosa (Chair); Dick Wolk (Vice-Chair); Charles Hornig, David Horton, Jeanne Krieger, Joe Pato, Bob Pressman, Sandra Shaw, Melinda Walker. Administrative Assistant: Elizabeth Mancini Other Attendees: Wendy Manz, Capital Expenditures Committee liaison to the CPC; Nathalie Rice, Town Clerk; Lee Yates, Archivist; Melissa Battite, Director of Recreation and Community Programs; Peter Coleman, Assistant Director of Recreation; Dave Pinsonneault, Director of Public Works; Christine Dean, Community Center Director; Carolyn Kosnoff, Assistant Town Manager for Finance; Carl Valente, Town Manager; Sergio DeMango, Facilities Engineer. Ms. Fenollosa called the meeting to order at 3:01 PM. 1) Archives and Records Management/ Records Conservation & Preservation- Prior to reviewing the FY19 request for $20,000 for conservation and digitization of historical municipal records, Ms. Rice updated the Committee on the progress of past CPA-funded projects. She also advised that she anticipates ongoing requests in future fiscal years for continued preservation and digitization. Based on recently issued Town Counsel opinions, Ms. Fenollosa advised that the documents should be deemed 'historically significant' by the Town's Historical Commission in order to comply with the statute. The Committee also discussed the ongoing need for preservation and what would be considered 'historic' in the future. After a motion duly made and seconded, the CPC issued a final vote (9-0) to recommend the project to Town Meeting on the condition that the Historical Commission determines the records to be historically significant. 2) Athletic Facility Lighting and Center Track and Field Reconstruction- Ms. Battite reviewed the memo she prepared for the Committee which contained additional information requested at a prior meeting. In response to the CPC's concern about the potential for a new high school built on the site, Mr. Pinsonneault advised that a joint meeting between the Board of Selectmen and the School Committee was anticipated for January 4, 2018, at which time the projects and the potential impact of the new high school would be discussed. There was additional discussion about the possibility of just replacing the track's surface and maintaining the sub-surface but both Ms. Battite and 1 Mr. Pinsonneault advised that the entire track system needs to be replaced. The Committee also discussed the turf proposed for the athletic field and the potential to re- use some of the new equipment proposed for the lighting project, in the event that a new high school is built on the site. Ms. Kosnoff reviewed financing options for the project, recommending that the project be bonded. She advised that part of the project cost may be able to be paid with cash, depending on the costs of the FY19 projects whose costs were yet to be determined. A motion was made and seconded to recommend the projects as placeholders, pending the outcome of the January 4t" meeting. The motion was defeated (3-6). A motion was made and seconded to recommend $975,000 to Town Meeting for the Athletic Field Lighting project. The motion passed (9-0). A motion was made and seconded to recommend $2,829,000 to Town Meeting for the Center Track and Field Reconstruction Project. The motion passed (7-1-1). While Ms. Battite was present, the CPC also decided to issue its final vote on the remaining Recreation Department project. After a motion duly made and seconded, the CPC voted unanimously to recommend $75,000 to Town Meeting for the Old Reservoir Bathhouse Renovation project. 3) FY19 Debt Service and Financing Recommendations- Ms. Kosnoff reviewed a hand-out which detailed anticipated FY19 CPA project costs and projected debt service amounts. She also discussed options for bonding the Center Track and Field project. The Committee discussed re-allocating existing debt service payments to come from the 'buckets' from which the project was originally categorized. 4) Final Votes- After motions duly made and seconded, the CPC issued final votes on the remaining projects, as follows: Conservation Land Acquisition (TBD)—Vote (8-1-1) Public Grounds Irrigation Improvements ($40,000) —Vote (9-0) Community Center Sidewalk (TBD)—Vote (9-0) 9 Oakland Street- Renovation and Adaptive Re-Use ($200,000)—Vote (9-0) Playground Replacement- Bowman ($302,000) —Vote (9-0) 2 Lowell Street Affordable Housing Supplemental Funds (TBD)—Vote (9-0) Administrative Budget ($150,000) —Vote (9-0) FY19 Debt Service (TBD)—Vote (9-0) 5) Update on Munroe School Window Restoration Prosect- Mr. DeMango updated the Committee on the progress of the window restoration and accessibility project. He advised that bids came in significantly higher for the window portion of the project and wanted to re-allocate the part of the appropriation that was originally planned for the accessibility part of the project. Since there was no request for additional funds and the Town Meeting motion did not specify how the appropriation should be split, the CPC issued no vote but appreciated Mr. DeMango's willingness to keep the Committee apprised of the situation. 6) Committee Business-After a motion duly made and seconded, the CPC voted unanimously to approve the minutes from its meeting on December 7, 2017 as submitted. After a motion duly made and seconded, the CPC voted unanimously to approve the minutes from its meeting on December 14, 2017 as submitted. After a motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned at 4:55 PM. The following documents were submitted at the meeting: 1) Plot plan- Center Playfields Complex 2) Aerial view of Center Playfield Complex 3) Community Preservation Fund Balances 4) CPA Fund- Projected Revenues and Expenditures 5) Email from Sergio DeMango to Colin Smith re: Munroe Center Windows/ADA Project 6) Munroe School Budget Matrix, dated 12/21/17 Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Mancini Administrative Assistant Community Preservation Committee 3