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Committee Name: Lexington Bicycle Advisory Committee
Date, Time and Location of Meeting: Thursday, February 8, 2018, 7 pm Parker Room,
Town Office Building
Members Present: Peggy Enders (Chair), Bob Hausslein (FoLB Chair), Bob Dangel,
Lou Savarino, George Gagliardi, Jennifer Melot, Kevin Falcone, Sandra Shaw
(Recreation Committee Liaison), Joe Pato (Selectman Liaison)
Members Absent: Laurel Carpenter, Mike Tabaczynski
Others Present: John Baron
The January 2018 meeting minutes were approved.
Bicycle Crashes and Police Reports: Draft Wish List: Bob Dangel provided an
overview of the discussion with a subgroup of members on data to be tracked about
bicycle accidents and the draft of the "wish list" circulated in advance of this meeting.
The police have not yet transferred crash reporting to the new ProPhoenix system, but
the request for a wish list is a positive sign that the police are interested in improving
their tracking of bicycle incidents -- a paradigm shift to recognize bicycles as more
equivalent to motorists. Peggy said she talked with data analysts in Cambridge, they,
too, are considering adopting a supplemental form to better improve their crash
Minuteman Bikeway 25th Anniversary Planning: Peggy said she hoped to form a
group to focus on this, including reps from Tourism and other town groups. She said
she asked about staff support or budget help from the town but is not optimistic. The
Center Committee has discussed the idea including the potential for banners. Jason
Denoncourt is opening a frozen custard shop in the center and has volunteered to get
involved, as have Keith Ohmart, Cristina Burwell (Munroe Center), Trish Kenneally
(Tourism), and Kate Leppanen (Libraries). Saturday, September 29, is the date for the
tri-town celebration. Many ideas including a new logo for the 25th anniversary; Joe
Pato cautioned that the logo or tee-shirt design should be compatible with what
Arlington has already done. Lou expressed interest in contributing energy.
Discussed the goals for the celebration, e.g., safer cycling for all.
Bicycle Friendly Community Application: Peggy is preparing the application on
behalf of the Town for status as a BFC for the period 2018-2022. Lincoln Lab is a gold
level Bike Friendly company. Jennifer filed their 8-page application; the community
appiication is 48 pages and covers five major areas. Lexington did not score well on
the 2014 "report card" with respect to bicycle safety education for children and still is not
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measuring up to the standard expected of a higher ranked BFC. The LPS wellness
coordinator reported that the elementary schools do a scooter-based obstacle course
and a discussion of helmet safety. The middle and high schools have no bike
safety/education component in their wellness curriculum. Peggy reviewed the feedback
from the 2014 report card and our standing relative to the recommendations.
For the BFC application, Mike Tabaczynski calculated the miles of off street trails and
produced a map, which Peggy shared. There are 56 miles of off street bicycle trails,
from paved cycle tracks to dirt single track.
Liaison Reports:
Richard commented that the Comprehensive Planning process has been underway for
fix months. The focus will be on what kind of community we want and how to pay for it.
The effort will take 1.5 to 2.5 years to complete. The first meeting of the 13-member
advisory committee was in late January; Richard recommended getting to know them
(watch the meeting on LexMedia on-demand). There will be panel discussions over the
next five months including one on transportation. Spring will provide a chance for
public outreach. Meetings will likely be last Tuesday of each month. Important
opportunity to provide input on the Transportation, Housing, Economic Development
and Land Use elements. Attempting to focus on quality of life issues including
transportation to work and school. Joe shared optimism that this exercise will be
provide a useful town consensus on what Lexington may look like, whether that is what
we want, and strategies to implement to realize the direction. Peggy encouraged
members to make time to attend and contribute.
Joe said that the upcoming Board of Selectmen meeting will include a presentation from
Engineering and the Beta Group on the latest plan options for the Woburn Street
intersection; five options are provided, the Board hopes to be able to vote on one and
move forward. He urged the presence of bike riders to discuss the impact on bicyclists,
saying it would be good to have presence to discuss the impact on bicyclists. If an
option is chosen, it will go to town meeting as an element of the overall Center
Streetscape plan. Next would be incremental funding to finish the 100% design.
Peggy is part of a small ad hoc group reviewing the Beta group design of the non-
roadway aspects of the Streetscape. Renovations will take years and money, and
there are concerns about potential disruption to businesses. 2025 is the anniversary of
the battle on the Lexington Green, so there will be reluctance to interfere with
construction within a year of the anniversary.
Richard talked about lowering speed limits and the Committee's desire for designation
of a Safety Zone in the Town Center. He talked about safety improvements on Melania
Cass Boulevard (speed tables) and said that all design options for Woburn Street
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include raised surfaces. The impact for pedestrians may be less favorable than for
bicycles; only a traffic signal favors. He said that any plan presented to Town Meeting
would require a two-thirds majority to go forward.
Other business: A member asked about the complaint about Willards Woods bike trail;
Peggy asked to defer discussion until Mike is present.
Bikeway signage. There was concern expressed at a recent BoS meeting about the
number of Bikeway caution signs on Hancock Street. There have also been reports of
a couple of signs on the Bikeway that switched direction. Peggy said she recommended
backing two signs together in place of two signs at the same location (e.g., at Camilia
Way). Jennifer observed that some signs are too close to the bikeway. DPW reports
that they are preparing a punch list for the contractors.
Bob Dangel, Jennifer, and Peggy met with Dave Pinsonneault about piloting a protected
bike lane on Hartwell Avenue. Owing to plans for Hartwell Avenue, there is interest in
exploring the possibility. John Livsey will measure the road for its potential.
The Committee agreed to discuss further how to approach the Town and/or the schools
about introducing improved bike safety education programming in the schools. This
requires advocacy from partners and others beyond the Committee. There may be
potential as part of the wellness program, so it may be a good idea to approach the LPS
Wellness Coordinator.
The meeting was adjourned.
Record of the Discussions of Friends of Lexington Bikeways:
Treasurer's Report: Bob H said that donations have been going well; the Friends are in
a healthy position for plowing funds. Not all donations need be spent on plowing, as
gifts are generally not restricted. An average of about $5,000 per year is spent to cover
Plowing: George has been snow blowing the Maple Street ramps. Jennifer reported
there is a drainage problem at Maple Street resulting in a large puddle. Peggy asked
whether some section east of Woburn Street should be the next candidate for repaving,
given all the flooding issues between there and Fottler. She would ask John Livsey.
Plan is to move the barrels this weekend... after the thaw.
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The area behind the Depot has a <eX1INGI � problem because of PVC drainpipes
from the roof of 15 Depot Square. Peggy took photos and sent to Dave P and John
Livsey. Peggy called the property manager who expressed openness to talk with the
town about solutions.
Bike Walk `n Bus Week: BWB Week is May 12-20. Two instructors will lead the two-
hour Bike Smart on May 12 — Pat Bibbins and Bruce Kulik; volunteers will be needed to
help. Bike forum ideas are solicited, including how to tie into the 25th anniversary of the
Bikeway. May 12-20.
25th Anniversary: Peggy has reserved the Visitors Center lawn for 29 September, the
date of the tri-town celebration. Joe suggested t-shirts that would tie into the 25th
anniversary. Cristina Burwell wants to do a new logo for banners in the town center,
but not a new logo for t-shirts, which should be much like what Arlington has designed.
Committee expressed consensus to keep the existing logo with Lexington colors.
Discussed whether the T-shirt's could be sold on the FOLB web site.
Upcoming dates noted in agenda. Discussed the perils of riding on route 2a in Lincoln.
Discussed various ways and places to tally bikes. It's manual on the bikeway. CTPS
wants more on-road bike counts. Barrier to doing it is people to do it. Mention was
made of the new automatic bike counter in Cambridge. John is interested in
investigating counting methods. Peggy mentioned the annual national pedestrian and
bicycle count in May and September (http-Hbikepeddocumentation.org/)- Lexington has
declined to participate in the past.
Next Meeting: Thursday, March 8, 7 pm, Parker Room. Other meetings scheduled
through May (7 pm, in the Parker Room): April 12; May 10.
Meeting adjourned: 8:45 p.m.
Recorder: Lou Savarino, Editor: Peggy Enders