HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-08-15 BOS Packet - Released N!J!M!M!T!!X!I!J!U!B!L!F!S!!B!S!D!I!J!U!F!D!U!T! BSMJOHUPO!NB!!xxxnjmmtxijublfsdpn!!CSJEHUPO!NF! ! ! Nbz!4-!3128! ! Qbusjdl!Hpeebse-!Ejsfdups! Efqbsunfou!pg!Qvcmjd!Gbdjmjujft! 312!Cfegpse!Tusffu! Mfyjohupo!NB!13532! ! SF;!Mfyjohupo!Wjtjupst!Dfoufs!Sfopwbujpo!$26.78! !Ofyu!Qibtf!pg!Tfswjdft;!!Tdpqf!'!Gff!Qspqptbm! ! Efbs!Ns/!Hpeebse-! ! 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MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Selectmen FROM: Carolyn Kosnoff, Assistant Town Manager for Finance Jennifer Hewitt, Budget Officer DATE: May 5, 2017 rd SUBJECT: FY2017, 3 Quarter Budget Status Report rd This report provides 3 quarter analysis of Budget to Year-to-Date revenues and expenditures as of March 31, 2017 for FY2017 General and Enterprise Funds. The General Fund accounts for the Town’s annual operating budget. Water, sewer and recreation/community programs are reflected in the Enterprise Funds. rd For the purpose of analysis, it is assumed that at the close of the 3 quarter, approximately 75% of estimated revenues will have been collected, and that departments will have spent approximately 75% of their appropriation. Line item expenditures that exceed 75% are reviewed by staff to determine if there is a risk that the department will exceed its appropriation by the end of the fiscal year. In general, both expenditures and revenues are in line with expectations as of the end of the rd 3 quarter. A detailed breakdown of revenue collections can be found on pages 6-9, with expenditures on pages 10-19. The summary table below indicates the total activity for these items: Summary of Operating Revenues and Expenditures (A)(B)(A - B)B/A Revenue % Collected EstimatesCollectionsUncollected General Fund198,458,668$ 152,458,941$ 45,999,727$ 77% Enterprise Funds22,798,838$ 16,185,380$ 6,613,458$ 71% (A)(B)(C)(D)(B+C)/A(B/A) Revised Expenditures % Used % Used 1 (Exp. & Enc.)(Exp. Only) BudgetExpendituresEncumberedAvailable General Fund184,984,762$ 122,023,340$ 7,721,457$ 55,239,965$ 70%66% Enterprise Funds21,408,016$ 17,183,819$ 433,834$ 3,790,363$ 82%80% Grand Total206,392,778$ 139,207,159$ 8,155,290$ 59,030,329$ 71%67% 1 Incorporates $58,710 in supplemental spending approved at Special Town Meeting 2016-5. 1 Revenue collections were largely in line with estimates. As of March 31, 2017, 76.82% or $152,458,941 of total estimated revenue for FY2017 ($198,458,668) had been collected. The majority of revenue (85%) is received from Property Tax receipts, which have recorded 74.98% of budgeted levels for the first three quarters. A breakdown of General Fund Revenue is shown below: Summary of Revenue Collections - General Fund (A) (B) (A-B)(B/A) FY2017 Revenue Percent Collections Uncollected 1 Collected Estimates Property Tax169,444,641$ 127,044,804$ 42,399,837$ 74.98% State Aid13,270,583$ 9,924,706$ 3,345,877$ 74.79% Local Receipts11,567,309$ 11,313,296$ 254,013$ 97.80% Interfund Operating Transfers4,176,135$ 4,176,135$ 0$ 100.00% Total General Fund Revenue198,458,668$ 152,458,941$ 45,999,727$ 76.82% 1 Does not include Free Cash appropriated under Article 4 to support the FY2017 Operating Budget Explanation of Significant Variances nd 1.Motor Vehicle Excise – As noted in the 2 Quarter report, the majority of revenue is received after the first commitment (billing) in February. Now that the bulk of bills have been paid, receipts are near 100%. 2.Penalties and Interest – The Treasurer’s Office continues to see the results of an initiative to collect back taxes. Through March, 3 of the 9 properties targeted for collection have either paid in full or entered into payment plans. These represent $173,633 of the penalties and interest paid, and will capture $326,260 in unpaid taxes once fully settled, which will be deposited in the Property Tax line. Settlements continue to be reached. 3.Rentals of Town Buildings – The majority of funding is from Cell Tower revenue. FY2017 collections are in line with historical levels – the projection is conservative. 4.Departmental - School – The majority of school revenue, from Transcript Fees and Medicaid th Reimbursements, is received in the 4 Quarter. 2 5.Licenses & Permits – Building Permits continue to benefit from construction activity in both the residential and commercial markets. Of note, 4 large commercial property permits generated $737,160 (45%) of the Building Permit revenue received through March 31, 2017. 6.Special Assessments – Captures repayments for betterments – street, sidewalk, water and sewer, including $6,666 paid in advance. 7.Fines & Forfeitures – Reflects somewhat lower revenue from parking fines as early data suggests that new meters and rates are changing behaviors in terms of parking in the Center. 8.Investment Income – Treasurer has been actively managing cash balances to maximize interest earnings. Also, proceeds from 2017 bond issuance increased the amount available to invest short-term. 9.Misc. Non-Recurring Revenue – Includes $258,017 FEMA reimbursement for January 2015 storms, $18,104 in State grants from Extra Polling hours in November, as well as various rebates, refunds and surplus property sales. st As of March 31, 66.0% of the FY2017 General Fund budget of $184,984,762 has been expended and 70.1% has been expended or encumbered leaving $55,239,965 available for th spending in the 4 quarter. Expenditures represent actual payments made for goods and services and encumbrances are reservations of budgets for goods or services ordered but yet to be delivered and/or invoiced. st As of March 31, with the exception of Snow Removal, analysis of those line items exceeding 75% of budget revealed no risk of the affected departments exceeding their appropriations at the end of the fiscal year. A breakdown of the General Fund Operating Budget is shown below: Summary of Operating Expenditures - General Fund (A)(B)(C)(D)(B+C)/A(B/A) Revised % Used % Used 1 (Exp. & Enc.)(Exp. Only) BudgetExpendituresEncumberedAvailable Education98,670,748$ 61,690,297$ 5,406,652$ 31,573,799$ 68.0%62.5% Shared Expenses51,691,560$ 37,306,511$ 583,462$ 13,801,587$ 73.3%72.2% Municipal34,622,454$ 23,026,532$ 1,731,343$ 9,864,579$ 71.5%66.5% Total184,984,762$ 122,023,340$ 7,721,457$ 55,239,965$ 70.1%66.0% 1 Incorporates $58,710 in supplemental spending approved at Special Town Meeting 2016-5. Explanation of Significant Variances 1.Education is heavily weighted (84%) towards personal services. The majority of staff begin in late August and work through June. As a result, personal service spending does not st follow the expectation for 75% spent. As of March 31, 15 of 22 paychecks had been issued (68%), and personal services spending is at 64.5% of budgeted levels. 2.Shared Expenses includes employee health benefits, debt service and Facilities, all of which are on target for spending. No issues. 3.Municipal – While a small number of salary line items have spent more than 75% of their total year’s budget, this is attributed to a variety of factors including vacation buyouts due to retirements. We are preparing a recommended list of Salary Adjustment transfers, which will be available in early June and provide greater account-level detail. 3 As of March 31, 2017, 70.99% or $16,185,380 of total estimated revenue for FY2017 ($22,798,838) had been collected. A breakdown of Enterprise Fund Revenue, by fund, is shown below: Summary of Revenue Collections - Enterprise Funds (A) (B)(A-B)(B/A) FY2017 Revenue Percent Collections Uncollected Estimates* Collected Water Charges for Services10,187,852$ 8,733,647$ 1,454,205$ 85.73% Non-Rate Revenue299,000$ 268,651$ 30,349$ 89.85% Retained Earnings248,900$ 248,900$ -$ 100.00% Total Water10,735,752$ 9,251,198$ 1,484,554$ 86.17% Sewer Charges for Services9,121,980$ 5,085,747$ 4,036,233$ 55.75% Non-Rate Revenue320,000$ 277,966$ 42,034$ 86.86% Retained Earnings-$ -$ -$ -- Total Sewer9,441,980$ 5,363,713$ 4,078,267$ 56.81% Recreation Fees for Services2,242,806$ 1,192,880$ 1,049,926$ 53.19% Non-Fee Revenues3,300$ 2,589$ 711$ 78.45% Retained Earnings375,000$ 375,000$ -$ 100.00% Total Recreation2,621,106$ 1,570,469$ 1,050,638$ 59.92% Total Enterprise Fund Revenue22,798,838$ 16,185,380$ 6,613,458$ 70.99% *Inclusive of revenue to fund indirect costs. Explanation of Significant Variances – 1.Water and Sewer – Since Water and Sewer are billed biennially, the standard 75% projection through March does not apply. In this case, Sewer is above 50%, and is trending as projected for one-half of the annual bill. Water includes irrigation meters, which were heavily used in the drought conditions of the Summer of 2016, which accounts for receipts at 85% of budgeted levels. 2.Recreation/CP – The Summer months are the most intensive for Recreation and Community Programs, with golf, swimming and summer camps. These activities are heavily weighted towards receiving revenue in May and June in one fiscal year and spending funds on programs in July and August in the next fiscal year. No fiscal problems are anticipated. 4 st As of March 31, 71.3% of the FY2017 Enterprise Fund budgets of $21,408,016 has been expended and 73.3% has been expended or encumbered, leaving $5,710,498 of the budget th available for spending in the 4 quarter. A breakdown of the Enterprise Fund Operating Budgets is shown below: Summary of Operating Expenditures - Enterprise Funds (A)(B)(C)(D)(B+C)/A(B/A) Revised % Used % Used (Exp. & Enc.)(Exp. Only) Budget*ExpendituresEncumberedAvailable Water*9,888,880$ 7,122,387$ 66,379$ 2,700,113$ 72.7%72.0% Sewer*8,892,849$ 6,387,408$ 82,345$ 2,423,096$ 72.8%71.8% Recreation/CP*2,626,287$ 1,753,889$ 285,109$ 587,289$ 77.6%66.8% Total21,408,016$ 15,263,684$ 433,834$ 5,710,498$ 73.3%71.3% *Exclusive of indirect costs Explanation of Significant Variances 1.Water – none. 2.Sewer – none. 3.Recreation/CP – none. 5 FY2017 3rd Quarter General Fund Revenue Report PROPERTY TAX FY2017 Revenue Collections as of Uncollected as of Percent from Recap 3/31/20173/31/2017Collected PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX 100100204111717 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX 5,504,341$ 4,152,178$ 1,352,164$ 75.43% X$ 91,437(91,437)$ --- 10010020PRIOR YEARS PERSONAL PROPERTY TA TOTAL PERSONAL PROPERTY5,504,341$ 4,060,740$ 1,443,601$ 73.77% S REAL ESTATE TAXE 100100304121717 REAL ESTATE TAX 163,940,300$ 121,898,888$ 42,041,411$ 74.36% 100100304121414 REAL ESTATE TAX-$ -$ --- 100100304121515 REAL ESTATE TAX(21,418)$ 21,418$ --- 100100304121616 REAL ESTATE TAX599,923$ (599,923)$ --- 1001003041451DEFERRED TAXES 103,473$ (103,473)$ --- 1001004041420TAX LIENS/TITLES REDEEMED403,197$ (403,197)$ --- TOTAL REAL ESTATE163,940,300$ 122,984,064$ 40,956,235$ 75.02% TOTAL PROPERTY TAX$ 127,044,804169,444,641$ 42,399,837$ 74.98% REVENUE FROM STATE-CHERRY SHEET FY2017 Revenue Collections as of Uncollected as of Percent from Recap3/31/20173/31/2017Collected 1001013046204CH 70 SCHOOL AID 11,631,074$ 8,723,305$ 2,907,769$ 75% 1001013046209CHARTER SCHOOL ASSESSMENT$ 5097,728$ 7,219$ 7% 1001013046602VETERANS BENEFITS CH 115 92,552$ 85,558$ 6,994$ 92% 1001013046605LOTTERY AID 1,473,560$ 1,105,170$ 368,390$ 75% 1001013046102EXEMPTIONS-VET,BLIND,ELD,SURV 65,669$ 10,164$ 55,505$ 15% T$ 9,924,70613,270,583$ 3,345,877$ 74.79% TOTAL CHERRY SHEE MOTOR VEHICLE EXCISE TAX FY2017 Revenue Collections as of Uncollected as of Percent from Recap3/31/20173/31/2017Collected X$ 3,674,2394,498,469$ 824,230$ 81.68% 100100504151717 MVE TA X$ (276)276$ --- 100100504150000 MVE TA X$ (316)316$ --- 100100504150101 MVE TA X$ (374)374$ --- 100100504150202 MVE TA X$ (180)180$ --- 100100504150303 MVE TA 100100504150404 MVE TAX 60$ (60)$ --- X$ --$ --- 100100504150505 MVE TA 100100504150606 MVE TAX 53$ (53)$ --- 100100504150707 MVE TAX -$ -$ --- 100100504150808 MVE TAX -$ -$ --- 100100504150909 MVE TAX -$ -$ --- 100100504151010 MVE TAX 23$ (23)$ --- 100100504151111 MVE TAX 105$ (105)$ --- X$ (765)765$ --- 100100504151212 MVE TA X$ (589)589$ --- 100100504151313 MVE TA X$ (1,691)1,691$ --- 100100504151414 MVE TA X$ (6,894)6,894$ --- 100100504151515 MVE TA X$ (754,077)754,077$ --- 100100504151616 MVE TA 1001005041570MVE TAX - PRIOR YRS 2,720$ (2,720)$ --- TOTAL MOTOR VEHICLE EXCISE4,498,469$ 4,442,361$ 56,108$ 98.75% OTHER EXCISE FY2017 Revenue Collections as of Uncollected as of Percent from Recap3/31/20173/31/2017Collected 1001008041901OTHER EXCISE - HOTEL/MOTEL 765,549$ 742,146$ 23,403$ 96.94% 1001008041902OTHER EXCISE - JET FUEL238,221$ 78,074$ 160,147$ 32.77% 1001008041903OTHER EXCISE - MEALS TAX422,033$ 374,147$ 47,886$ 88.65% TOTAL OTHER EXCISE1,425,803$ 1,194,366$ 231,437$ 83.77% PENALTIES & INTEREST FY2017 Revenue Collections as of Uncollected as of Percent from Recap3/31/20173/31/2017Collected 1001006041701PEN & INT PP TAX 10,482$ 6,417$ 4,065$ 61.22% 1001006041702PEN & INT RE TAX 219,164$ 138,189$ 80,975$ 63.05% 1001006041703PEN & INT TAX LIENS 47,644$ 370,248$ (322,604)$ 777.11% 1001006041704PEN & INT MVE TAX 52,409$ 25,993$ 26,416$ 49.60% TOTAL PENALTIES AND INTERESTS$ 540,846329,699$ (211,147)$ 164.04% PAYMENT IN LIEU OF TAXES (PILOTs) FY2017 Revenue Collections as of Uncollected as of Percent from Recap3/31/20173/31/2017Collected 1001007041801PAYMENT IN LIEU OF TAXES 565,061$ 447,831$ 117,230$ 79.25% TOTAL PAYMENT IN LIEU OF TAXES (PILOTs)$ 447,831565,061$ 117,230$ 79.25% RENTALS FY2017 Revenue Collections as of Uncollected as of Percent from Recap3/31/20173/31/2017Collected 1001009043298CELL TOWER REVENUE 215,735$ 200,781$ 14,955$ 93.07% 1001010043601RENTALS OF TOWN BUILDINGS 47,643$ 36,432$ 11,211$ 76.47% TOTAL RENTALS$ 237,213263,378$ 26,165$ 90.07% Џ DEPARTMENTAL - SCHOOLS FY2017 Revenue Collections as of Uncollected as of Percent from Recap3/31/20173/31/2017Collected 1001020043301ERATE REVENUE27,900$ 17,465$ 10,436$ 63% 1001020043401TUITION-$ 10,390$ (10,390)$ --- 1001020043406TRANSCRIPT FEES 26,967$ 1,678$ 25,289$ 6% 1001020048403MEDICAID REIMBURSEMENT 414,505$ 170,063$ 244,442$ 41% 1001020043405STUDENT PARKING FEES11,435$ 17,325$ (5,890)$ 152% 1001020043407HOMELESS STUDENT TRANSPORTATION-$ 8,467$ (8,467)$ --- TOTAL DEPARTMENTAL - SCHOOLS$ 225,388480,807$ 255,419$ 46.88% DEPARTMENTAL - MUNICIPAL FY2017 Revenue Collections as of Uncollected as of Percent from Recap3/31/20173/31/2017Collected 1001009042701FIRE DEPT REC-AMBULANCE FEES 1,206,984$ 886,969$ 320,015$ 73.49% 1001009042702FIRE DEPT REC-FIRE ALARM FEES 15,020$ 100$ 14,920$ 0.67% 1001009042703POLICE DEPT REC-HOUSE ALARMS 13,334$ 11,080$ 2,254$ 83.09% 1001009043202CERTIFICATE OF REDEMPTION 72$ 100$ (28)$ 138.14% 1001009043205MUNICIPAL LIEN CERTIFICATES 36,193$ 24,604$ 11,589$ 67.98% 1001009043208SEALER OF WTS & MEASURES FEES714$ -$ 714$ 0.00% 1001009043210PROTECTED TREE FEES 21,906$ 8,610$ 13,296$ 39.30% 1001009043213FEES FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES 190$ 66$ 124$ 34.65% 1001009043219BATTLE GREEN CHARTERS 476$ 50$ 426$ 10.50% 1001009043221LEXPRESS FARES 81,910$ 42,856$ 39,054$ 52.32% 1001009043226FIRE FEE-CERT OF COMPLIANCE 31,180$ 20,600$ 10,580$ 66.07% 1001009043227TOWN CLERK FEE 34,097$ 25,711$ 8,386$ 75.40% 1001009043228POLICE DEPT FEE 59,051$ 51,157$ 7,894$ 86.63% 1001009043229REGISTRY SURCHARGE FEE 30,997$ 13,270$ 17,727$ 42.81% 1001009043230DPW FEES FOR SERVICE 476$ 246$ 230$ 51.66% 1001009043231P.B. FILING & REVIEW FEES 20,768$ 43,700$ (22,932)$ 210.42% 1001009043232B & Z MICROFILM FEES 12,953$ 1,513$ 11,441$ 11.68% 1001009043233B.O.A. HEARING FEES 16,325$ 5,500$ 10,825$ 33.69% 1001009043234P.B. SALE OF MAPS & DEV. REGUL 320$ -$ 320$ 0.00% ANR PLAN FILING FEES 533$ 1,100$ (567)$ 206.24% 1001009043235 1001009043236RENTAL CAR SURCHARGE FEES 2,586$ 2,020$ 566$ 78.12% 1001009043238CONSERVATION FEES 27,335$ 16,980$ 10,355$ 62.12% 1001009043240CEMETERY PREPARATION 121,150$ 78,976$ 42,174$ 65.19% 1001009043299MISC. FEES 25,240$ 6,542$ 18,697$ 25.92% AVALON BAY MONITORING SERVICES$ -9,191$ 9,191$ 0.00% 1001009043302 1001009043547TRENCH PERMIT FEES5,272$ 4,900$ 372$ 92.95% S$ 1,246,6501,774,274$ 527,624$ 70.26% TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICE LICENSE & PERMITS FY2017 Revenue Collections as of Uncollected as of Percent from Recap3/31/20173/31/2017Collected ALCOHOL & BEVERAGE LIC 75,421$ 80,775$ (5,354)$ 107.10% 1001012044105 1001012044201BUILDING PERMITS 1,054,704$ 1,628,531$ (573,827)$ 154.41% 1001012044202GAS PERMITS 25,913$ 18,804$ 7,109$ 72.57% 1001012044203WIRING PERMITS 181,048$ 160,714$ 20,334$ 88.77% 1001012044204PLUMBING PERMITS 60,696$ 45,232$ 15,464$ 74.52% 1001012044205SHEET METAL PERMITS16,676$ 1,668$ 15,008$ 10.00% 1001012044224MECHANICAL PERMITS 28,587$ 18,564$ 10,023$ 64.94% 1001012044225SELECTMAN'S LIC. & PERMITS 953$ 2,705$ (1,752)$ 283.87% 1001012044227BOARD OF HEALTH LIC & PERMITS 45,739$ 24,014$ 21,725$ 52.50% 1001012044229FIRE DEPT LIC. & PERMITS 30,926$ 36,390$ (5,464)$ 117.67% 1001012044230B & Z MISC PERMITS 6,450$ 3,049$ 3,401$ 47.27% 1001012044253CABLE FRANCHISE LICENSE4,097$ 2,735$ 1,362$ 66.75% 1001012044258FIREARMS LICENSE 2,239$ 2,375$ (136)$ 106.06% 1001012044290TOWN CLERK'S LIC & PERMITS 45,854$ 20,080$ 25,774$ 43.79% 1001012044293DPW STREET OPENING PERMITS 38,397$ 20,499$ 17,899$ 53.39% 1001012044294RIGHT OF WAY OBSTRUCTION-$ 100$ (100)$ --- 1001012044295STORM WATER/DRAIN PERMIT-$ 528$ (528)$ --- 1001012044296DRAIN LAYERS LICENSE 1,204$ 850$ 354$ 70.61% S$ -3,335$ 3,335$ 0.00% 1001012044299MISC. LICENSE & PERMIT TOTAL LICENSE & PERMITS1,622,239$ 2,067,613$ (445,374)$ 127.45% SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS FY2017 Revenue Collections as of Uncollected as of Percent from Recap3/31/20173/31/2017Collected 1001016047502STREET BETTERMENT19,649$ 28,549$ (8,900)$ 145.30% S$ 28,54919,649$ (8,900)$ 145.30% TOTAL SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FINES & FORFEITURES FY2017 Revenue Collections as of Uncollected as of Percent from Recap3/31/20173/31/2017Collected 1001015046801COURT FINES 4,399$ 5,766$ (1,367)$ 131.08% 1001017047702PARKING FINES 107,192$ 43,840$ 63,352$ 40.90% 1001017047704NON CRIMINAL FINES 11,519$ 5,895$ 5,624$ 51.18% 1001017047706REGISTRY CMVI 165,614$ 111,440$ 54,174$ 67.29% TOTAL FINES & FORFEITURES288,724$ 166,941$ 121,784$ 57.82% А INVESTMENT INCOME FY2017 Revenue Collections as of Uncollected as of Percent from Recap3/31/20173/31/2017Collected 1001018048211INT EARNED ON SAVINGS 299,206$ 313,883$ (14,677)$ 104.91% TOTAL INVESTMENT INCOME299,206$ 313,883$ (14,677)$ 104.91% MISCELLANEOUS NON-RECURRING REVENUE 1001009043300MISC NON-RECURRING REVENUE$ 381,089-$ (381,089)$ --- 1001014046807RECOVERIES FROM STATE-$ 2,463$ (2,463)$ --- 1001014046814EXTRA POLLING HOURS-$ 18,104$ (18,104)$ --- TOTAL MISC NON-RECURRING REVENUE REVENUE-$ 401,655$ (401,655)$ --- INTERFUND OPERATING TRANSFERS FY2017 Revenue Collections as of Uncollected as of Percent from Reca p3/31/20173/31/2017Collected 1001019049724TRANSFERS FROM OTHER SPEC REV 395,000$ 395,000$ -$ 100.00% 1001019049760TRANSFERS FROM SEWER ENT FUND 503,898$ 503,898$ 0$ 100.00% 1001019049761TRANSFERS FROM WATER ENT FUND 877,411$ 877,411$ (0)$ 100.00% 1001019049770TRANSFERS FROM RECREATION ENT 247,826$ 247,826$ 0$ 100.00% 1001019049783TRANSFER FROM TRUST FUNDS 2,152,000$ 2,152,000$ -$ 100.00% TOTAL INTERFUND OPERATING TRANSFERS4,176,135$ 4,176,135$ 0$ 100.00% GRAND TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUE$ 152,811,481198,439,019$ 45,627,539$ 77.01% TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUND REVENUE$ 16,185,38022,798,838$ 6,613,458$ 71% GRAND TOTAL REVENUE$ 168,996,861221,237,857$ 52,240,997$ 76% Б FY2017 3rd Quarter Enterprise Funds Revenue Report SEWER MUNICIPAL REVENUES FY2017 Revenue Collections as Percent Estimatesof 3/31/2017 UncollectedCollected 6001050042101SEWER USER CHARGES 9,121,980$ 5,085,747$ 4,036,233$ 55.75% SEWER NON-RATE REVENUE320,000$ 277,966$ 42,034$ 86.86% RETAINED EARNINGS-$ -$ -$ --- TOTAL SEWER9,441,980$ 5,363,713$ 4,078,267$ 56.81% WATER MUNICIPAL REVENUES FY2017 Revenue Collections as Percent Estimatesof 3/31/2017 UncollectedCollected 6101050042102WATER USER CHARGES 10,187,852$ 8,733,647$ 1,454,205$ 85.73% WATER NON-RATE REVENUE299,000$ 268,651$ 30,349$ 89.85% RETAINED EARNINGS248,900$ 248,900$ -$ 100.00% TOTAL WATER$ 9,251,19810,735,752$ 1,484,554$ 86.17% RECREATION REVENUES FY2017 Revenue Collections as Percent Estimatesof 3/31/2017 UncollectedCollected 7001050042450RECREATION USER CHARGES 1,012,996$ 544,869$ 468,127$ 53.79% 7001050043299RECREATION MISC REVENUE-$ 7,911$ (7,911)$ 7001050042460COMMUNITY CTR REVENUE454,810$ 185,493$ 269,317$ 40.78% 7001050042470GOLF USER CHARGES 775,000$ 454,607$ 320,393$ 58.66% 7001050048211INT EARNED ON SAVINGS3,300$ 2,589$ 711$ 78.45% RETAINED EARNINGS375,000$ 375,000$ -$ 100.00% TOTAL RECREATION2,621,106$ 1,570,469$ 1,050,638$ 59.92% TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUNDS REVENUE22,798,838$ 16,185,380$ 6,613,458$ 70.99% В Used Used % Used%% (Exp. Only)(Exp. Only)(Exp. Only) Used Used Ў͵ЋЌіЎ͵ЋЌі ЏЌ͵АЎіЏЌ͵АЎіББ͵ЎВіЎЌ͵БВіБА͵ЎЉіБА͵ЎЉіАЍ͵ЊЎіАЍ͵ЊЎіАА͵ЊЊіАА͵ЊЊіЏВ͵ЊЍіЏВ͵ЊЍіЌЉ͵ЉЌіЌЉ͵ЉЌіЏЍ͵ЎЏіЏЍ͵ЎЏіВБ͵ЍЏіВБ͵ЍЏі % Used%% ЊЉЉ͵ВЎіЊЉЉ͵ВЎі (Exp. & Enc.)(Exp. & Enc.) (Exp. & Enc.) ΛЌЊЍΜ ЌͲЊЏАВͲБАВ ЊАЋͲЊБЊЊЌВͲВЍЍЋЏЍͲВЌБЋЊЌͲЋЋЌ ЊͲАААͲАЌВЊͲЍЋЌͲЍЎАБͲЉВЏͲЌАЌ ЋВͲЏЋЌͲБАВ BudgetBudgetBudget AvailableAvailable Available υυ$ 63.75%63.75%$ 88.59%53.89%$ 67.72%62.17%υ$ 87.50%87.50%$ 87.50%87.50%υυυυυυυυ$ 69.80%69.80%$ 69.79%69.79%$ 69.80%69.80% ЎͲЍЉЏͲЏЎЋ υυ$ 29,623,879$ 1,777,739$ 31,401,618 υ$ 172,181$ 172,181 υυυυυυυυ$ 9,662,627$ 488,040$ 10,150,668 ЊЉͲЏАЉЏЉͲЉЎЏЌЌͲЌЉВЊЊͲААА ЍБЋͲАЋАЏЌЌͲЉАБ БͲЌВЎͲЋЊЉЊͲЋЉЎͲЋЏБЍͲЉБЋͲЉБЊ ЎЋͲЉБВͲБЋЉЊБͲЊЍЋͲБЏА Expended Encumbrances Expended Encumbrances Expended Encumbrances Year-to-DateYear-to-Date Year-to-Date υυ$ -$ 5,406,652$ 5,406,652 υ$ -$ -υυυυυυυυ$ -$ -$ - ЊЌͲБЌАЌЋͲВВЎ ЊЉ ЋЉЉͲЉЉЉАЍАͲЏЏЎЏЍЋͲВЎАЋЋЎͲЉЉЉ ЊͲЌААͲЍЍВЎͲЎЉЎͲЎЌА БЊͲАЊЌͲЏВБЊЎͲЎАВͲЏЉЊЋЏͲЋЌВͲЋЍЉ υυ$ 52,089,820$ 8,395,210$ 60,485,029 υ$ 1,205,268$ 1,205,268 υυυυυυυυ$ 22,328,982$ 1,127,582$ 23,456,563 // erer ff (B)(C)(D)(E)(F)((D+E)/C)(D/C)(B)(C)(D)(E)(F)((D+E)/C)(D/C)(B)(C)(D)(E)(F)((D+E)/C)(D/C) TransTrans Transfer/ Adjustments Revised Budget Adjustments Revised Budget Adjustments Revised Budget υυ$ 81,713,698$ 15,579,601$ 97,293,299 υ$ 1,377,449$ 1,377,449 υυυυυυυυ$ 31,991,609$ 1,615,622$ 33,607,231 ЊЌͲБЌАЌЋͲВВЎ ))) ЋЉЉͲЉЉЉАЍАͲЏЏЎЏЍЋͲВЎАЋЋЎͲЉЉЉ (A(A(A ЊͲЌААͲЍЍВЎͲЎЉЎͲЎЌА riginalriginal БЊͲАЊЌͲЏВБЊЎͲЎАВͲЏЉЊ 97,293,299 ЋЏͲЋЌВͲЋЍЉ 31,991,60933,607,231 OO Original AppropriationAppropriation Appropriation υυυυυ $ -$ -$ -$ -$ -υυυυυυ$ -$ -$ - S ExpensesExpensesExpensesExpenses AssessmentAssessment S Personal ServicesPersonal ServicesPersonal ServicesPersonal ServicesPersonal Services S Sub-Program 1100 - Lexington Public SchoolsSub-Program 1200 - Minuteman Regional High SchoolSub-Program 2100 - Employee Benefits TOTAL PUBLIC SCHOOLS P. S.81,713,698TOTAL PUBLIC SCHOOLS EXPENSES15,579,601GRAND TOTAL PUBLIC SCHOOLTOTAL MINUTEMAN ASSESSMENT1,377,449GRAND TOTAL MINUTEMAN1,377,449Non-Contributory RetirementEmployee InsuranceUnemployment InsuranceWorkers CompensationProperty & Liablility InsuranceUninsured LossesTOTAL BENEFITS PERSONAL SERVICETOTAL BENEFITS EXPENSES1,615,622GRAND TOTAL BENEFIT Lexington Public SchoolsMinuteman Regional High School Contributory Retirement Used Used Used %%% (Exp. Only)(Exp. Only)(Exp. Only) Used Used Used Љ͵ЊВіЉ͵ЊВіЉ͵ЉЉіЉ͵ЉЉіЉ͵ЉЉіЉ͵ЉЉі АА͵ЏБіАА͵ЏБіАЉ͵ЊВіЎВ͵АЋіАЎ͵ЊЏіАЎ͵ЊЏіАЎ͵ЊЊіЏЊ͵ЊАіАЋ͵ЏЋіАЋ͵ЏЋіВЊ͵ЏЊіЏЌ͵ЏЎі %%% ЊЉЉ͵ЉЊіЊЉЉ͵ЉЊіЊЉЋ͵ЎЊіЊЉЋ͵ЎЊі (Exp. & Enc.)(Exp. & Enc.)(Exp. & Enc.) ΛЎЊЌΜ ЏͲЊЋЍ ΛЋЏͲЉВЎΜΛЍВͲЎЌЍΜ ЋЎЎͲЊЍЏ ББЋͲББЎААЍͲЉЊЌЊЋВͲАЌАЌЌБͲЌЎБЋААͲЌЏБ ЊͲЉЏЌͲЍЌЊ BudgetBudgetBudget AvailableAvailableAvailable υυ υυ$ 0.00%0.00%$ 97.51%97.51%$ 97.51%97.51%υυ$ 0.00%0.00%$ 0.00%0.00%$ 0.00%0.00%υυυυυυ$ 76.39%76.39%$ 71.84%60.17%$ 74.12%68.28% - ЋЉͲЍЉВ ЌАЌͲЍЏЌЊБВͲЎБВ $ -$ 179,004$ 179,004 υυ$ -$ 882,885$ 882,885 υυυυυυ$ 1,181,118$ 1,407,913$ 2,589,031 ЍЏͲЍЏА ЌВЋͲЍЎВБЌЊͲЏЉВАЌЎͲЍББ ЋͲЏВЌͲЌЍЊЋͲЊЌЉͲЎЏЉ Expended Encumbrances Expended Encumbrances Expended Encumbrances Year-to-DateYear-to-DateYear-to-Date $ -$ -$ -υυ$ -$ -$ -υυυυυυ$ -$ 583,462$ 583,462 АЌͲЉЉЉ ЊЊ ББЋͲББЎЎЋЋͲЊВЏ ЌͲЍЏАͲЌЎЍЌͲЎЏАͲЍЎЍЊͲЌЎВͲЎЎЏЊͲЉЊЋͲБЎЏ $ -$ 7,020,024$ 7,020,024 υυ$ -$ -$ -υυυυυυ$ 3,821,288$ 3,008,635$ 6,829,923 /// ererer fff ΛЊАͲЊЊЎΜ (B)(C)(D)(E)(F)((D+E)/C)(D/C)(B)(C)(D)(E)(F)((D+E)/C)(D/C)(B)(C)(D)(E)(F)((D+E)/C)(D/C) TransTransTrans Adjustments Revised Budget Adjustments Revised Budget Adjustments Revised Budget $ -$ 7,199,028$ 7,199,028 υυ$ -$ 882,885$ 882,885 υυυυυυ$ 5,002,406$ 5,000,010$ 10,002,416 - АЌͲЉЉЉ ))) ВЉЉͲЉЉЉ 900,000 ЎЋЋͲЊВЏ (A(A(A 7,199,0285,002,4065,000,010 ЌͲЍЏАͲЌЎЍЌͲЎЏАͲЍЎЍЊͲЌЎВͲЎЎЏЊͲЉЊЋͲБЎЏ riginalriginalriginal 10,002,416 OOO AppropriationAppropriationAppropriation $ - $ - $ - $ 49,534 $ υυυυυ $ -$ -$ -υ$ -$ (17,115)$ (17,115)υυ$ -$ -$ - $ 5,904,336 $ - $ 5,904,336 $ 5,904,849 $ - $ 255,624 $ - $ 255,624 $ 478 $ - $ 1,039,068 $ - $ 1,039,068 $ 1,065,163 $ - C Interest Principal ExpensesExpensesExpensesExpenses S S S Issuance Costs D Personal ServicesPersonal ServicesPersonal ServicesPersonal Services T Interest on Abatements Sub-Program 2200 - DebtSub-Program 2300 - Reserve FundSub-Program 2400 - Public Facilities TOTAL DEBT PERSONAL SERVICETOTAL DEBT EXPENSES7,199,028GRAND TOTAL TOTAL DEBTOTAL RESERVE FUND PERSONAL SERVICES-TOTAL RESERVE FUND EXPENSES900,000GRAND TOTAL RESERVE FUNMunicipal FacilitiesFacilitie s AdministrationTOTAL PUBLIC FACILITIES PERSONAL SERVITOTAL PUBLIC FACILITIES EXPENSEGRAND TOTAL PUBLIC FACILITIE General Fund Long Term Reserve FundEducation Facilities Used % (Exp. Only) Used АЊ͵ЌЊіАЊ͵ЌЊіББ͵ЊВіБЎ͵БЉіАЉ͵ЎЊіАЉ͵ЎЊіЍЎ͵ЍЌіЋЎ͵ЏВіЊЏ͵БАіЊЏ͵БАіАБ͵ВВіЍЏ͵БЉіЏЋ͵ЍЋіЏЋ͵ЍЋіЏБ͵ЊЌіЍЋ͵ЏЌіЏВ͵ВБіЏВ͵ВБіЏЏ͵ЎЊіЏЏ͵ЎЊіБВ͵ЊВіЏЌ͵ЎЏіЏВ͵ЏЋіЏВ͵ЏЋіЌЎ͵АЋіЋЋ͵ЏЊіЏБ͵ЋВіЏБ͵ЋВіЎЎ͵ЋЉіЋЉ͵ЏЋіВВ͵ЋБіЏВ͵ЌЌі % ЊЉЏ͵ЊВіАЍ͵ЎБіЊЏЍ͵ЍЉіЊЏЍ͵ЍЉіЊЊЌ͵АЎіЊЉЍ͵ЌЎіЊЉЉ͵ЉЉіЏЏ͵ЏАіЊЉЉ͵ЉЉіЎА͵ЎЋі (Exp. & Enc.) ЌͲАЉЍБͲЍАВЏͲЌБЋ ЎЌͲЏЉЍАВͲЎЎЌЋВͲЍЊЏБЍͲЎЋЋББͲЌЋЉБЉͲЋЌЉЌЉͲБЍЍ ΛЋЌͲЌБЎΜ ЊЏЌͲЋАБЊВЉͲЉЊЌЊЉЊͲЌЎАЌЉЊͲЌБЉЊЏАͲВЋБЋВЉͲБЋА ΛЊАЊͲЊБЋΜΛЊЋЏͲАААΜ Budget Available υυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυ$ 74.04%74.04%$ 93.47%66.63%$ 84.96%69.87% АЎЉ ЌЏͲЏАЋБЋͲЊЉЏБЏͲЏЎЏЏВͲАЉЉЊБͲЉЉБЋЌͲБЊЋ ЊЌЍͲЌЊАЊЊВͲЍЉЋЋАЉͲЌЎЋЋЏЎͲААЍЋЎЎͲЊЌЍ υυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυ$ 1,027,100$ 331,394$ 1,358,494 ЊͲАЋЊ ЋЏͲВЋЊЍАͲАЋЉЌЊͲЉАЋЊЍͲЊВЍ ЍЉЎͲВЊЏЍЎЍͲЋВЏЊЊВͲЌВЋЎЉЉͲЎАЋЋЋЍͲЏЉЏЊБЎͲЍЏЍЋБЊͲЏЏЍЍЌЏͲВБАВЏЋͲЌЍЉЎААͲЍЏВЊАЋͲББВЊВЌͲЏЏВЊАЋͲАБАЎЍЉͲАЉЍЏЊЎͲЋЋЊЌЍЎͲЍЏЉ Expended Encumbrances Year-to-Date υυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυ$ -$ 1,362,682$ 1,362,682 ЌЊͲЌАЎЊЉͲЋЉЉЏБͲБЎЉ ЊЋ ЎЏВͲЊВЍЏЍЍͲЌЉВЊБЎͲАЎЉЋЎЎͲЊЉЋБЉЊͲВЎЋЎЋЏͲБЎЉЋЏЎͲЉЊАЌААͲЏБЉЋЏЎͲБЉЎВЋЋͲЋЊВБЏБͲЋВЏЋАЋͲЉЉЎЋАБͲЊВЊЊЌАͲЍЉЉЋЎЌͲЉЊАБЊЊͲЉЎЏББАͲЌААЏЉЉͲЎВЍ υυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυ$ 2,928,881$ 3,382,182$ 6,311,063 / er АͲЋЉЉ f ΛАͲЋЉЉΜ (B)(C)(D)(E)(F)((D+E)/C)(D/C) Trans Adjustments Revised Budget υυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυ$ 3,955,981$ 5,076,258$ 9,032,239 ЌЊͲЌАЎЊЉͲЋЉЉЏБͲБЎЉ ) ЎЏВͲЊВЍЏЌАͲЊЉВЊВЋͲВЎЉЋЎЎͲЊЉЋБЉЊͲВЎЋЎЋЏͲБЎЉЋЏЎͲЉЊАЌААͲЏБЉЋЏЎͲБЉЎВЋЋͲЋЊВБЏБͲЋВЏЋАЋͲЉЉЎЋАБͲЊВЊЊЌАͲЍЉЉЋЎЌͲЉЊАБЊЊͲЉЎЏББАͲЌААЏЉЉͲЎВЍ (A 9,032,239 riginal O Appropriation υυυ υυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυυ$ 7,200$ (7,200)$ - ExpensesExpensesExpensesExpensesExpensesExpensesExpensesExpensesExpensesExpensesExpensesExpenses S Personal ServicesPersonal ServicesPersonal ServicesPersonal ServicesPersonal ServicesPersonal ServicesPersonal ServicesPersonal ServicesPersonal ServicesPersonal ServicesPersonal ServicesPersonal Services Sub-Program 3000 - Public Works EngineeringStreet LightingHighway MaintenanceRoad MachinerySnow RemovalParksForestryCemeteryRefuse CollectionRecyclingRefuse DisposalTOTAL PUBLIC WORKS SERVICES3,948,781TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS EXPENSES5,083,458GRAND TOTAL PUBLIC WORK Administration Used Used %% (Exp. Only)(Exp. Only) Used Used ЏВ͵ЌЋіЏВ͵ЌЋіЏВ͵ВЏіЏВ͵ВЏіАЉ͵ЌЊіАЉ͵ЌЊіЏЌ͵АЌіЏЌ͵АЌіАЍ͵ЎЊіАЍ͵ЎЊіЏЍ͵ЌВіЏЍ͵ЌВіАБ͵ЉЎіАБ͵ЉЎіЍВ͵ЊЎіЍВ͵ЊЎіАЍ͵ЊЉіАЍ͵ЊЉіБЊ͵ЎБіБЊ͵ЎБіЍБ͵ЏЍіЍБ͵ЏЍіЏЌ͵ЎЎіЏЌ͵ЎЎіАЊ͵ЍЏіАЊ͵ЍЏіАЌ͵ЍЊіАЌ͵ЍЊіЎЊ͵ЎАіЍВ͵АЎіАВ͵ЊЊіАВ͵ЊЊіЎЎ͵ЌЏіЎ Ў͵ЌЏіЏБ͵ЋЋіЏБ͵ЋЋіЎЎ͵ЋЌіЍВ͵ЉЊіЎБ͵ВЏіЎЎ͵АЋіЍЋ͵ЌЎіЍЋ͵ЌЎі %% (Exp. & Enc.)(Exp. & Enc.) ВͲЉЉЉЋͲЋБЌАͲВЋЍЌͲЍЎВ ЊЏͲВЎЎЏАͲЌААЍЋͲЊЉЎЋВͲЍБВЌЉͲЉВЎЎЊͲЎЊЌВЏͲЉБВЌЋͲВЌЉЍЌͲВЏАЏЎͲЍЎЋ ЌВЏͲВЋББАБͲБЉЌЊАВͲЏЊЉЊЎЌͲЌЋЌЊЎЉͲАЎАЊЌЉͲЋВЉ ЊͲЏБЌͲЉВЋ BudgetBudget AvailableAvailable υυυυυυυυυυυυυ$ 71.40%71.40%$ 63.30%63.30%$ 70.40%70.40%υυυυυυυυ$ 68.93%68.93%$ 55.73%51.21%$ 67.81%67.43% ЊͲЋЍЌЎͲЊАВ ЊБͲЉББ υυυυυυυυυυυυυ$ 1,698,702$ 309,538$ 2,008,240 υυυυυυυυ$ 1,823,148$ 240,054$ 2,063,202 ЎͲАЊАВͲБЋЏЋͲЎЍЊ ЌВͲЍВЉАЏͲЊЍАЋБͲЎЉЍЌВͲБЏЌЋБͲЎЉЎБВͲБЊЏЌЌͲБЋАББͲБАЉ БВЏͲВЊЉЌЊЎͲЏЊЉЊВЏͲВЌЋЎЍЎͲЊЍЋЍЌЊͲЍЊЉЋЏЎͲЌЋАЊЏЏͲЍВЏЊЍЋͲЏЋЋ ЋͲЉБЊͲЎЏАЌͲЏЊЋͲЎЌЍ Expended Encumbrances Expended Encumbrances Year-to-DateYear-to-Date υυυυυυυυυυυυυ$ -$ -$ -υυυυυυυυ$ -$ 24,509$ 24,509 БͲЉЉЉЏͲЉЉЉ ЎЏͲЍЍЎЎАͲВВЌЍБͲБЏЌЎБͲЏЉЉЏБͲЉЉЉЊАͲАЎЉ ЊЌ ЍВЎͲЋЋЉЋЏЍͲЌЉВЊЊБͲЋЎЋЏВБͲЍЏЎЎБЋͲЊЏАЊЍЊͲЌЋВЌЏЊͲЍЊЏЋЊЉͲЍЏЌЋВЊͲЉЉЉЊЎВͲЎЉЉ ЊͲЋВЌͲБЌБЋͲВЏЉͲЌАЉЎͲЋВЎͲЏЋЏ υυυυυυυυυυυυυ$ 4,241,776$ 533,835$ 4,775,612 υυυυυυυυ$ 4,044,357$ 277,686$ 4,322,044 // erer ff (B)(C)(D)(E)(F)((D+E)/C)(D/C)(B)(C)(D)(E)(F)((D+E)/C)(D/C) TransTrans Adjustments Revised Budget Adjustments Revised Budget υυυυυυυυυυυυυ$ 5,940,478$ 843,373$ 6,783,851 υυυυυυυυ$ 5,867,505$ 542,250$ 6,409,755 БͲЉЉЉЏͲЉЉЉ ЎЏͲЍЍЎЎАͲВВЌЍБͲБЏЌЎБͲЏЉЉЏБͲЉЉЉЊАͲАЎЉ )) ЍВЎͲЋЋЉЋЏЍͲЌЉВЊЊБͲЋЎЋЏВБͲЍЏЎЎБЋͲЊЏАЊЍЊͲЌЋВ 843,373 ЌЏЊͲЍЊЏЋЊЉͲЍЏЌЋВЊͲЉЉЉЊЎВͲЎЉЉ (A(A 6,783,8515,867,5056,409,755 ЊͲЋВЌͲБЌБЋͲВЏЉͲЌАЉЎͲЋВЎͲЏЋЏ riginalriginal OO AppropriationAppropriation υυυυυ υυυυυυυυυυ$ -$ -$ -υυυυυυ$ -$ -$ - S ExpensesExpensesExpensesExpensesExpensesExpensesExpensesExpensesExpensesExpensesExpensesExpenses T S Personal ServicesPersonal ServicesPersonal ServicesPersonal ServicesPersonal ServicesPersonal ServicesPersonal ServicesPersonal ServicesPersonal Services E Sub-Program 4100 - Law EnforcementSub-Program 4200 - Fire & Rescue Patrol and EnforcementParking OperationsInvestigationsDispatchAnimal ControlCrossing GuardsTOTAL LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONAL SERV5,940,478TOTAL LAW ENFORCEMENT EXPENSEGRAND TOTAL LAW ENFORCEMENFire PreventionFire SuppressionEmergency Medical ServicesEmergency ManagementTOTAL FIRE PERSONAL SERVICETOTAL FIRE EXPENSES542,250GRAND TOTAL FIR Police AdministrationFire Administration Used Used %% (Exp. Only)(Exp. Only) Used Used АЏ͵ЉВіАЏ͵ЉВіБЌ͵ЌЋіАВ͵ЋЏіАЋ͵АЉіАЋ͵АЉіЎЋ͵ЊЋіЏЋ͵ЌЎіЏЏ͵БЉіЏЏ͵БЉіЍВ͵ЏЌіЍВ͵ЏЌіАЎ͵ЊЌіАЎ͵ЊЌіЎЊ͵ВЊіЎЊ͵ВЊіАЌ͵АЉіАЌ͵АЉіЌЋ͵ЏАіЌЋ͵ЏАіАЌ͵ЋЋіАЌ͵ЋЋіЋЊ͵ЏБіЋЊ͵ЏБіЍВ͵АБіЍВ͵АБіЍА͵ВВіЍА͵ВВіЏВ͵ЉЍіЏВ͵ЉЍіВВ͵ЎЊіАБ͵ЎВі %% (Exp. & Enc.)(Exp. & Enc.) ЋͲЌЊЏ ЏЎͲЊВЏЋВͲБЏЎЏЎͲЎЉЊЋАͲВЏЋЍЋͲЏВЊЊЏͲЍВЍЊЎͲЏЉЏВЊͲЎЌВЊВͲЌЏЍЊЉͲЌААЏВͲЍВЋЊЌͲАЌЊЋЎͲААА ЌЍЏͲАЎЋЊЏБͲААЏ BudgetBudget AvailableAvailable υυυυυυ$ 71.69%71.69%$ 69.81%68.03%$ 71.38%71.08%υυυυυυυυυυ$ 67.06%67.06%$ 80.26%65.78%$ 74.51%66.34% АͲЋЏЎ ВБͲЎЍЊ υυυυυυ$ 580,723$ 123,327$ 704,050 υυυυυυυυυυ$ 172,929$ 134,457$ 307,385 ЋͲБАЌ ЋАͲЎЎЎЊАͲБЉЏЍЌͲАЋЏЍЍͲЍЊЊЎЋͲВЎЉЏБͲБАЍЊЋͲЏЏВЎАͲЍБЎ ЋЉАͲЎЋЉЊЍЊͲВЉЍВЋЌͲЋЍЉЊЉБͲЍАЎЌЌВͲЏЍЋЊЋБͲВАЉЌАЉͲЋЋЋ Expended Encumbrances Expended Encumbrances Year-to-DateYear-to-Date υυυυυυ$ -$ 7,265$ 7,265 υυυυυυυυυυ$ -$ 98,541$ 98,541 ЎЎͲЎЊАЌЍͲЌЉЉЎВͲЌЌЋАЋͲЌЊЍЊЌͲЋЎЉЋЏͲЍЉЉБЌͲЋЏЋ ЊЍ ЋАЋͲАЊЏЊАВͲЉЌЍЊАЌͲВАЏЎЉБͲЍЊБЊАЊͲЏЏЊЊЌЎͲВЎЉЊЌБͲЌЏЏЍАЊͲЉАВ ЊͲЋЏВͲВВЋ υυυυυυ$ 1,470,403$ 277,934$ 1,748,337 υυυυυυυυυυ$ 352,006$ 447,981$ 799,987 // erer ff (B)(C)(D)(E)(F)((D+E)/C)(D/C)(B)(C)(D)(E)(F)((D+E)/C)(D/C) TransTrans Adjustments Revised Budget Adjustments Revised Budget υυυυυυ$ 2,051,126$ 408,527$ 2,459,653 υυυυυυυυυυ$ 524,935$ 680,979$ 1,205,914 ЎЎͲЎЊАЌЍͲЌЉЉЎВͲЌЌЋАЋͲЌЊЍЊЌͲЋЎЉЋЏͲЍЉЉБЌͲЋЏЋ )) ЋАЋͲАЊЏЊАВͲЉЌЍЊАЌͲВАЏЎЉБͲЍЊБ 408,527 ЊАЊͲЏЏЊЊЌЎͲВЎЉЊЌБͲЌЏЏЍАЊͲЉАВ 524,935 (A(A 2,051,1262,459,6531,205,914 ЊͲЋЏВͲВВЋ riginalriginal OO AppropriationAppropriation υ υυυυυ$ -$ -$ -υυυυυυυυυυ$ -$ -$ - E S ExpensesExpensesExpensesExpensesExpensesExpensesExpensesExpenses S Personal ServicesPersonal ServicesPersonal ServicesPersonal ServicesPersonal ServicesPersonal ServicesPersonal ServicesPersonal Services S Y Sub-Program 5100 - Cary Memorial LibrarySub-Program 6000 - Human Services Adult LibraryChildren's LibraryTOTAL LIBRARY PERSONAL SERVICETOTAL LIBRARY EXPENSEGRAND TOTAL LIBRARVeterans ServicesYouth and Family ServicesSenior Services and Community ProgramsTransportation ServicesTOTAL HUMAN SERVICES PERSONAL SERVICTOTAL HUMAN SERVICES EXPENSES680,979GRAND TOTAL HUMAN SERVICE General and Technical ServicesAdministration Used % (Exp. Only) Used АЍ͵ЋАіАЍ͵ЋАіЊБ͵ЏЊіЊБ͵ЏЊіЏЍ͵БЍіЏЍ͵БЍіЍЋ͵ВАіЍЋ͵ВАіЏВ͵ЏЊіЏВ͵ЏЊіЋЌ͵БЉіЋЊ͵ЏЉіАЋ͵БЍіАЋ͵БЍіАВ͵ЊЍіАВ͵ЊЍіАЋ͵ЉЉіАЋ͵ЉЉіЏА͵ЋАіЏА͵ЋАіАВ͵ЌЍіАВ͵ЌЍіАЍ͵ЏЋіЎЋ͵ЋЌіАЉ͵ЌЌіАЉ͵ЌЌіЏВ͵ЍЎіЏВ͵ЍЎі % (Exp. & Enc.) ЌͲАВББͲЋЍА ЎЎͲАБАЍЊͲЍЉЍЏЊͲЌЌЏЋЎͲБАЍЏЋͲЊББЊЋͲБЋЋБЏͲЌЎЎЊЎͲЋБЌЌЋͲЋЋБЌЋͲЉЏЌ ЊЌЋͲВЏЉЊЌБͲЍЊБ Budget Available υυυυυυυυυυυυυυ$ 71.55%71.55%$ 56.14%49.49%$ 68.57%67.28% АЎЉ ЋБͲЋББ υυυυυυυυυυυυυυ$ 517,283$ 191,479$ 708,762 АͲЌЌЌВͲЉЉЋ ЊЋͲАЎЌЌЊͲЋЉЋЍБͲЏЍЉЌЊͲЍЊАЏЎͲВВАЊБͲАЎЌ ЌБЌͲБЎЌЋЎЎͲЋЎЌЊЍЉͲЎЊЉЊЏЏͲБЉАЋЋЋͲЉЍЋЊЋЌͲАЌВ Expended Encumbrances Year-to-Date υυυυυυυυυυυυυυ$ -$ 29,038$ 29,038 ЏБͲЎЍЉАЋͲЏЉЏЌЌͲВЎАЏЊͲЍЏЋЍЏͲАЉЉЊЋͲБЉЉЋАͲЉЉЉ ЊЎ ЎЊЏͲБЊЌЌВЌͲЏАЊЋЉЊͲБЍЏЋЋБͲВВЎЌЉБͲЌВАЊЎЎͲВЏАЊЋЏͲЌЍБ υυυυυυυυυυυυυυ$ 1,301,206$ 216,096$ 1,517,302 / er f ЋЋͲЍЏЉ (B)(C)(D)(E)(F)((D+E)/C)(D/C) Trans Adjustments Revised Budget υυυυυυυυυυυυυυ$ 1,818,489$ 436,613$ 2,255,102 ЏБͲЎЍЉАЋͲЏЉЏЌЌͲВЎАЏЊͲЍЏЋЍЏͲАЉЉЊЋͲБЉЉЋАͲЉЉЉ ) ЎЊЏͲБЊЌЌВЌͲЏАЊЋЉЊͲБЍЏЋЋБͲВВЎЌЉБͲЌВАЊЎЎͲВЏАЊЉЌͲБББ 414,153 (A 1,818,4892,232,642 riginal O Appropriation υυυυυυυυυυυυυυ$ -$ 22,460$ 22,460 S ExpensesExpensesExpensesExpensesExpensesExpensesExpenses Personal ServicesPersonal ServicesPersonal ServicesPersonal ServicesPersonal ServicesPersonal ServicesPersonal Services S E Sub-Program 7000 - Land Use, Health and Development AdministrationConservationHealthPlanningEconomic Development OfficeTourismTOTAL LAND USE PERSONAL SERVICETOTAL LAND USE EXPENSEGRAND TOTAL LAND US Building and Zoning Used Used Used Љ͵ЉЉі %%% (Exp. Only)(Exp. Only)(Exp. Only) Used Used Used Љ͵ЉЉіЉ͵ЉЉі 0.00% АЎ͵ЍЍіАЎ͵ЍЍіАЋ͵ЉВіАЋ͵ЉВіЌЏ͵ЎЍіЌЏ͵ЎЍіЎЊ͵БЎіЎЊ͵БЎіБЏ͵ЍЍіБЏ͵ЍЍіЌБ͵ЍВіЌЋ͵ЍЊіАЋ͵ЋЍіАЋ͵ЋЍіЌЋ͵ЏЉіЋА͵ЌБі %%% (Exp. & Enc.)(Exp. & Enc.)(Exp. & Enc.) ЏͲЎЉЉ ЌЎͲВЎБЋБͲБЌЍЎАͲЍЏЌАЏͲБВЍЌБͲВЎВВЏͲЋЌБ ЋЏЉͲЊАЉЏАЌͲЉЊЏ BudgetBudgetBudget AvailableAvailableAvailable υυυυυυ$ 75.44%75.44%$ 43.91%43.91%$ 50.77%50.77%υυυυ$ 82.91%82.91%$ 35.35%29.73%$ 67.60%65.79%υυ$ 0.00%0.00%$ 0.00%0.00%$ 0.00%0.00% АͲЏЉЉАͲЍЎЉ υυυυυυ$ 35,958$ 295,504$ 331,462 υυυυ$ 96,422$ 173,132$ 269,554 υυ$ -$ 673,016$ 673,016 АͲЉЉЉ АЍͲЍВЊЍЉͲЎЋЊЌВͲЉВА ЊЊЉͲЍЏЏЊЍВͲБЌЉЌЏЏͲЋЏЎЊЉЊͲЌАА Expended Encumbrances Expended Encumbrances Expended Encumbrances Year-to-DateYear-to-DateYear-to-Date υυυυυυ$ -$ -$ -υυυυ$ -$ 15,050$ 15,050 υυ$ -$ -$ - ЊЌͲЎЉЉ ЊЏ ЊЍЏͲЍЋЍЊЉЌͲЌЋЎЍЊЉͲЉЉЉЍЋЌͲАЋБЊЋЎͲЉЊЎЊЍЉͲЌЌЏЊЍЋͲАБЎЏАЌͲЉЊЏ υυυυυυ$ 110,466$ 231,321$ 341,787 υυυυ$ 467,642$ 79,618$ 547,260 υυ$ -$ -$ - /// ererer fff ЊАͲАЊЎ (B)(C)(D)(E)(F)((D+E)/C)(D/C)(B)(C)(D)(E)(F)((D+E)/C)(D/C)(B)(C)(D)(E)(F)((D+E)/C)(D/C) TransTransTrans Adjustments Revised Budget Adjustments Revised Budget Adjustments Revised Budget υυυυυυ$ 146,424$ 526,825$ 673,249 υυυυ$ 564,064$ 267,800$ 831,864 υυ$ -$ 673,016$ 673,016 - ЊЌͲЎЉЉ ))) ЊЍЏͲЍЋЍЊЉЌͲЌЋЎЍЊЉͲЉЉЉЍЋЌͲАЋБЊЉАͲЌЉЉЊЍЉͲЌЌЏЊЍЋͲАБЎ 564,064250,085814,149 ЏАЌͲЉЊЏ 673,016673,016 (A(A(A riginalriginalriginal OOO AppropriationAppropriationAppropriation υυυ υυυυ$ -$ -$ -υυυυ$ -$ 17,715$ 17,715 υ$ -$ -$ - S S S T ExpensesExpensesExpensesExpensesExpensesExpenses S R Personal ServicesPersonal ServicesPersonal ServicesPersonal ServicesPersonal ServicesPersonal Services Sub-Program 8100 - Board of SelectmenSub-Program 8200 - Town Manager LegalTown ReportTOTAL SELECTMEN PERSONAL SERVICES146,424TOTAL SELECTMEN EXPENSES526,825GRAND TOTAL SELECTMEN673,249Human ResourcesTOTAL TOWN MANAGER PERS. SERVICETOTAL TOWN MANAGER EXPENSEGRAND TOTAL TOWN MANAGETOTAL SALARY ADJ. ACCOUNT PERS. SVCTOTAL SALARY ADJ. ACCOUNT EXPENSEGRAND TOTAL SALARY ADJ. ACCOUN Board of SelectmenOrganizational Direction & AdministrationSalary Adjustment % Used% Used (Exp. Only)(Exp. Only) А͵ВЊіА͵ВЊі ЏЍ͵АБіЏЍ͵АБіЍВ͵ЏЋіЍВ͵ЏЋіВЍ͵ЉЍіЌЏ͵ЉАіБЉ͵ЍВіБЉ͵ЍВіЌЉ͵ВЌіЌЉ͵ВЌіАЌ͵ЌЎіАЌ͵ЌЎіЎБ͵ЎЋіЎБ͵ЎЋіАЋ͵ЋЉіАЋ͵ЋЉіБЎ͵ЏАіЏЌ͵ЋЌіАЎ͵ЊЉіАЎ͵ЊЉі % Used% Used (Exp. & Enc.)(Exp. & Enc.) АЎЏ ЋͲЋБВЋͲЉЎЏ ЌЎͲВЊЍБВͲЌЏБАБͲЏВЏЍЋͲЌЊЋЌБͲЋЉВЊВͲЌЉЋ ЊЉВͲВЌЌЊЋАͲЎЋБ BudgetBudget Available Available υυυυυυ$ 64.78%64.78%$ 48.37%21.70%$ 49.67%25.13%υυυυυυυυ$ 75.95%75.95%$ 65.89%53.87%$ 73.30%70.14% ЋЉͲЉЉЉЎВͲБЋЎ Encumbrances υυυυυυ$ 2,289$ 38,726$ 41,015 υυυυυυυυ$ 335,459$ 169,889$ 505,348 АЍЍ ЍͲЋЊЊЌͲЉБЏ ЊЋͲЍЍЍЍЉͲЉЋЋЎВͲЏВЌЎБͲЋЉЊ ЍЎЌͲЍЌЋЋЊЏͲЎЎАЌЌЊͲЋБЉЊЏБͲЎЏЏ ExpendedExpended Encumbrances Year-to-Date υυυυυυ$ -$ 20,000$ 20,000 υυυυυυυυ$ -$ 59,825$ 59,825 ЏͲЎЉЉЊͲЎЉЉ ЌЍͲЎЉЉЌВͲЉЉЉААͲЎЉЌ ЊА ЎЏЌͲЌЏЎЊЋВͲЌВЉЋВЎͲЋЎЌЊЉЋͲЉЉЎЍЎБͲБЉБЋЏЏͲЏЉЉ υυυυυυ$ 4,211$ 16,274$ 20,485 υυυυυυυυ$ 1,059,470$ 268,281$ 1,327,751 Revised Budget Year-to-Date ЌЉͲЉЉЉ (B)(C)(D)(E)(F)((D+E)/C)(D/C)(B)(C)(D)(E)(F)((D+E)/C)(D/C) Transfer/ Transfer/ AdjustmentsAdjustments Revised Budget υυυυυυ$ 6,500$ 75,000$ 81,500 υυυυυυυυ$ 1,394,929$ 497,995$ 1,892,924 6,500 ЏͲЎЉЉЊͲЎЉЉЍͲЎЉЉ 51,500 ЌВͲЉЉЉААͲЎЉЌ )) ЎЏЌͲЌЏЎЊЋВͲЌВЉЋВЎͲЋЎЌЊЉЋͲЉЉЎЍЎБͲБЉБЋЏЏͲЏЉЉ (A(A 1,394,929 Original Original AppropriationAppropriation υυυυυυ υ$ -$ 30,000$ 30,000 υυυυυυυ$ -$ -$ - S S ExpensesExpensesExpensesExpensesExpensesExpensesExpenses Personal ServicesPersonal ServicesPersonal ServicesPersonal ServicesPersonal ServicesPersonal ServicesPersonal Services S Sub-Program 8300 - CommitteesSub-Program 8400 - Finance Misc. Boards & CommitteesPublic Celebrations CommitteeTOTAL COMMITTEES PERSONAL SERVICETOTAL COMMITTEES EXPENSES45,000GRAND TOTAL COMMITTEETreasurer/CollectorAssessorUtility BillingTOTAL FINANCE PERSONAL SERVICETOTAL FINANCE EXPENSES497,995GRAND TOTAL FINANCE1,892,924 Financial CommitteesComptroller Used % Used% (Exp. Only)(Exp. Only) Used АЌ͵ЉЏіАЌ͵ЉЏіЏА͵БЎіЋЌ͵БЎіЏА͵ЎЉіЏА͵ЎЉіЎЉ͵ББіЎЉ͵ББіВЋ͵ЌВіВЋ͵ЌВіЏЉ͵ЎБіЏЉ͵ЎБіЌЍ͵БАіЌЍ͵БАіЊЊ͵ВЍіВ͵ЉЌіЏА͵ЌЏіЏА͵ЌЏіЎЌ͵БЏіЍЌ͵ЎБі % Used% (Exp. & Enc.) (Exp. & Enc.) ЋЏБ ЎͲБЊВБͲЊЉЍЍͲВЋБ АЋͲБЏЍЋБͲЏЌАЋЉͲБЍАЊЏͲЊЌА ЋЏЉͲАЎЎЍАЎͲЏББ BudgetBudget Available Available υυυυυυυυ$ 73.13%73.13%$ 53.25%46.49%$ 68.07%66.35%υυ$ 67.36%67.36%$ 53.86%43.58%$ 59.75%53.96%$ 66.85%66.85%$ 81.04%63.02%$ 70.14%65.96% ЎЌЍ АͲВЏЎ ЊЉЎͲВЌЌ υυυυυυυυ$ 98,908$ 58,698$ 157,607 υυ$ 260,755$ 475,688$ 736,443$ 47,117,301$ 8,122,664$ 55,239,965 ЎЎА ЍͲЌЊЏБͲЌВЏЊͲЏЎЍ ЎВͲАВЍЍЍͲЉЉЎЊЊͲЊЏЊ ЊВАͲЏЋЉЎЌБͲЊЋЏЍЍВͲЋАБ Expended Encumbrances Expended Encumbrances Year-to-Date Year-to-Date υυυυυυυυ$ -$ 8,499$ 8,499 υυ$ -$ 105,933$ 105,933$ -$ 7,721,457$ 7,721,457 БЋЎ ЊБͲЊЉЉЊЏͲЎЉЉЏЍͲАЋЋАЋͲЏЍЋЌЋͲЉЉБЊБͲЌЋЎ ЊБ ЋАЉͲЍБЍАВБͲББЊ ЊͲЉЌЉͲВЉЉ υυυυυυυυ$ 269,131$ 58,370$ 327,501 υυ$ 538,126$ 449,278$ 987,404$ 95,027,763$ 26,995,577$ 122,023,340 / БВЋ er ЎͲЌЎБ f (B)(C)(D)(E)(F)((D+E)/C)(D/C)(B)(C)(D)(E)(F)((D+E)/C)(D/C) Trans Transfer/ Adjustments Revised Budget Adjustments Revised Budget υυυυυυυυ$ 368,039$ 125,567$ 493,606 υυ$ 798,881$ 1,030,900$ 1,829,781$ 142,145,064$ 42,839,698$ 184,984,762 БЋЎ ЊБͲЊЉЉЊЏͲЎЉЉЎВͲЌЏЍАЊͲАЎЉЌЋͲЉЉБЊБͲЌЋЎ )) ЋАЉͲЍБЍ 362,681487,356 АВБͲББЊ (A(A 1,829,781 ЊͲЉЌЉͲВЉЉ riginal O Original Appropriation Appropriation υυ υυυυυυυ$ 5,358$ 892$ 6,250 υ$ -$ -$ -$ 12,558$ 46,752$ 59,310 S S ExpensesExpensesExpensesExpensesExpenses Personal ServicesPersonal ServicesPersonal ServicesPersonal ServicesPersonal Services K Sub-Program 8500 - Town ClerkSub-Program 8600 - Information Services (IS) Board of RegistrarsElectionsRecords ManagementTOTAL TOWN CLERK PERSONAL SERVICETOTAL TOWN CLERK EXPENSES124,675GRAND TOTAL TOWN CLERTOTAL INFO SERVICES PERSONAL SERVICES798,881TOTAL INFO SERVICES EXPENSES1,030,900GRAND TOTAL INFORMATION SERVICEGrand Total Personal Services142,132,506Grand Total Expenses42,792,946Grand Total General Fund184,925,452 Town Clerk AdministrationInformation Services Used (D/C)(D/C)(D/C) %% Used% Used (Exp. Only)(Exp. Only)(Exp. Only) E)/C)E)/C)E)/C) +++ Used ЏЍ͵ЎБіЏЍ͵ЎБіВЋ͵ЏЏіАЏ͵ЋЌіЏЍ͵ЌЎіЏЍ͵ЌЎіББ͵ЌВіЏЍ͵АЉіБЋ͵ЍЋіБЋ͵ЍЋіБЏ͵ЋЌіЏЍ͵ЋЎіБА͵ЌЎіЏЏ͵БЏіАЊ͵ЍЍіАЊ͵ЍЍіЏА͵БЎіЍЏ͵ЉЋі %% Used% Used ((D((D((D (Exp. & Enc.) (Exp. & Enc.)(Exp. & Enc.) ЋВͲЏАЉЍЉͲЌЌЌАЊͲАЊЊЏБͲЍВЊБАͲБЊА ЋЍАͲЏЋБЊЉЏͲЌЊЊЊЋВͲЍЊЌЊЋВͲБЎБ (F)(F)(F) BudgetBudgetBudget Available Available $ 71.98%71.98%$ 85.72%64.93%$ 70.06%70.06%$ 83.35%83.35%$ 73.33%71.30% υυ$ 64.58%64.58%$ 92.66%76.23%$ 70.11%70.11%$ 84.54%84.54%$ 72.70%72.02%υυ$ 64.35%64.35%$ 88.39%64.70%$ 70.00%70.00%$ 90.15%90.15%$ 72.75%71.83%υυυυυ$ 78.23%78.23%$ 82.93%61.58%$ 0.00%0.00%$ 77.64%66.78% ЏЏͲЌАВБЋͲЌЍЎЎВͲЏЌЋ ЊЊЍͲЎЊАЊЊЉͲВЏЉ (E)(E)(E) Encumbrances Available $ 613,211$ 298,021$ 4,384,744$ 414,522$ 5,710,498 υυ$ 247,628$ 29,670$ 2,204,983$ 217,831$ 2,700,113 υυ$ 106,311$ 40,333$ 2,179,761$ 96,691$ 2,423,096 υυυυυ$ 259,271$ 228,018$ 100,000$ 587,289 ЍЎЊͲЎВЉЌЉАͲВАЎЊВЊͲВЋЌЋЋЍͲБЍАЏЉЏͲАЋЊЌЌЍͲЏВЋЌЏЋͲЉЋЍЌЋЍͲАЎЉЊЋЎͲАЉЋ (D)(D)(D) ExpendedExpended Encumbrances Expended Encumbrances Year-to-Date Year-to-Date $ -$ 433,834$ -$ -$ 433,834 υυ$ -$ 66,379$ -$ -$ 66,379 υυ$ -$ 82,345$ -$ -$ 82,345 υυυυυ$ -$ 285,109$ -$ 285,109 ЊВ ЏВВͲЋЊБЍЉЍͲЉЋЎЋВБͲЋЌЍЌЍАͲЎЋЎАЌЏͲЊЌЍЎЋЉͲВЋЉЎЍЊͲЍАЎЍЎЍͲЏЉБЋАЌͲЊЎЉ (C)(C)(C) $ 1,574,983$ 1,355,240$ 10,258,187$ 2,075,274$ 15,263,684 υυ$ 451,590$ 307,975$ 5,172,078$ 1,190,745$ 7,122,387 υυ$ 191,923$ 224,847$ 5,086,109$ 884,529$ 6,387,408 υυυυυ$ 931,471$ 822,418$ -$ 1,753,889 Revised Budget Year-to-Date / er f (B)(B)(B) Trans Transfer/ Transfer/ AdjustmentsAdjustments Revised Budget Adjustments Revised Budget $ 2,188,194$ 2,087,095$ 14,642,931$ 2,489,796$ 21,408,016 υυ$ 699,218$ 404,025$ 7,377,061$ 1,408,576$ 9,888,880 υυ$ 298,234$ 347,525$ 7,265,870$ 981,220$ 8,892,849 υυυυυ$ 1,190,742$ 1,335,545$ 100,000$ 2,626,287 ЏВВͲЋЊБЍЉЍͲЉЋЎ 699,218404,025 ЋВБͲЋЌЍЌЍАͲЎЋЎ 298,234981,220 АЌЏͲЊЌЍЎЋЉͲВЋЉЎЍЊͲЍАЎЍЎЍͲЏЉБЋАЌͲЊЎЉ 100,000 (A)(A)(A) 7,378,6221,408,5769,890,4417,311,1038,938,0821,190,7421,335,5452,626,287 riginal 2,188,1942,087,0952,489,796 O Original Original 14,689,72521,454,810 Appropriation AppropriationAppropriation $ -$ -$ (46,794)$ -$ (46,794) υυ$ -$ -$ (1,561)$ -$ (1,561)υυ$ -$ -$ (45,233)$ -$ (45,233)υυυυυ$ -$ -$ -$ - S E ExpensesExpensesExpensesExpensesExpenses SS EE S Personal ServicesPersonal ServicesPersonal ServicesPersonal Services T S AA TT Sub-Program 3600 - Water EnterpriseSub-Program 3700 - Sewer EnterpriseSub-Program 5200 - Recreation and Community Programs TOTAL WATER PERSONAL SERVICETOTAL WATER EXPENSETOTAL WATER MWRTOTAL WATER DEBGRAND TOTAL WATER ENTERPRISTOTAL SEWER PERSONAL SERVICETOTAL SEWER EXPENSES347,525TOTAL SEWER MWRTOTAL SEWER DEBGRAND TOTAL SEWER ENTERPRISPine MeadowsCommunity CenterTOTAL RECREATION PERSONAL SERVICETOTAL RECREATION EXPENSETOTAL RECREATION DEBGRAND TOTAL RECREATION ENTERPRISTOTAL ENTERPRISE PERSONAL SERVICESTOTAL ENTERPRISE EXPENSESTOTAL MWRATOTAL ENTERPRISE DEBTGRAND TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUNDS Water Enterprise Sewer Enterprise Recreation Enterprise MEMORANDUM TO: Carl Valente, Town Manager Mark Corr, Police Chief David Pinsonneault, Director of Public Works FROM: Transportation Safety Group DATE: February 17, 2017 SUBJECT: Recommended Approach for Implementation of Sections 193 and 194 of Chapter 218 of the Acts of 2016 (Speed Limit Regulations) In the summer of 2016 the State Legislature unanimously passed and the Governor signed the Municipal Modernization Act. The Act created two new sections to Chapter 90 of the MGL: Section 193 created MGL Chapter 90, Section 17C, which allows municipalities who adopt this section to reduce the statutory speed limit from 30MPH to 25MPH on Town-owned roadways. 12 The roadway must be within a thickly settled or business district, and have no posted signs. Section 194 created MGL Chapter 90, Section 18B, which allows municipalities who adopt this section to establish regulatory 20 MPH safety zones. The intent of these changes to the statute is to reduce vehicle speeds and improve the safety for all users traveling on local streets. Existing enforcement efforts are not anticipated to change and, as with any regulatory (posted) or statutory (not posted) speed limit, voluntary compliance is key. The Board of Selectmen (BOS) is considering whether to accept these sections (2017 Annual Town Meeting Warrant) and have asked the Transportation Safety Group (TSG) to review and provide its input. In preparing this review, TSG reviewed guidance and information provided by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT). Section 193 MGL Chapter 90, Section 17C (Thickly Settled or Business District) In the case of establishing a reduction of the statutory speed limit on roadways within a thickly settled or business district, MassDOT recommends municipalities opt-in to the legislation on a town-wide basis to avoid potential confusion for drivers. This would allow Lexington to post appropriate signage at all 1 MGL Chapter 90, Section 1 defines a thickly settled or business district as, "the territory contiguous to any way which is built up with structures devoted to business, or the territory contiguous to any way where dwelling houses are situated at such distances as will average less than two hundred feet between them for a distance of a quarter of a mile or over." 2 Roadways which do not have posted speed limit signs are considered to have a statutory speed limit based upon geographic criteria as defined under MGL Chapter 90, Section 17. 1 major entry points of the Town to make drivers aware of the statutory regulation. The pros and cons to this approach are: tƩƚƭ creates global acceptance can be implemented in a relatively short time frame set number of signs (approx. 23 locations) to be installed and maintained /ƚƓƭ concern with effectiveness (awareness of drivers as they travel throughout community) perception of residents (potentially potential for confusion on major entry roadways that already have posted speed limits The other approach is to opt-in on a street-by-street basis which would allow the posting of Thickly Settled District 25MPH signs on roadways currently governed by a statutory speed limit (no posted speed limit) that meet the definition of thickly settled or business district. The pros and cons to this approach are: tƩƚƭ increase awareness & improve effectiveness in reducing speeds where it is most needed potential tool for TSG to recommend when evaluating safety requests /ƚƓƭ majority of roadways may meet criteria, which could result in potential for signage fatigue & clutter Installation and maintenance of additional signage Having reviewed both options and weighing the pros and cons, TSG suggests that the statute be adopted on a town-wide basis creating global acceptance of the reduced statutory speed limit. In addition, the posting of signage on limited specific roadways is something TSG would consider as part of a larger evaluation when proponents or neighborhoods submit transportation safety requests. In addition to meeting the definition of thickly settled or business district, the following criteria is recommended for consideration in order to assess whether or not this signage be posted on a roadway. Roadway Volumes Pedestrian & Cyclist Activity o Proximity to ped/bike generating land uses o Existence of or imminently planned (2-3yrs) ped/bike accommodations (sidewalks, crosswalks, bike lanes, sharrows) Ped/Bike Crash History Roadway Condition o Width o Grades o Sightlines Functional Classification (i.e. arterial, collector, local) Unaccepted ways will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis (placement of signage may require easement) 2 Section 194 MGL Chapter 90, Section 18B (Safety Zone) 3 Safety Zones are intended to be used in areas where vulnerable road users are likely to be present. As this is a regulatory change, establishing a safety zone requires an engineering study per MUTCD and should conform to MassDOT procedures for speed zoning although it does not require their prior approval. Below are minimum criteria identified by MassDOT as well as an additional measure for consideration recommended by TSG. Street should be adjacent to land uses that are likely to attract vulnerable users. (MassDOT) Safety Zone should contain one or more areas that have potential conflicts between motor vehicles and vulnerable users that warrant a reduction in speeds such as crosswalks, driveways, or side streets. (MassDOT) The minimum length of the Safety Zone should be at least 1/4 of a mile and it should not extend more than 500' beyond a side street unless an applicable land use continues along the adjacent block. (MassDOT) Street has a crash history involving pedestrians and cyclists (TSG) When safety requests of this nature are submitted, TSG recommends using these criteria to evaluate whether funding of an engineering study is appropriate or determine if other measures are applicable. 3 Examples include parks & playgrounds, senior citizen housing & centers, hospitals or other medical facilities, high schools & higher education centers, daycare facilities, high pedestrian areas and retail centers. 3 SUMMARIES OF SECTIONS 193 & 194 OF CHAPTER 218 OF THE ACTS OF 2016 Thickly Settled or Business District, Town-Wide Section 193 of Chapter 218 of the Acts of 2016 created MGL Chapter 90, Section 17C which allows municipalities to reduce the reasonable and proper speed (currently 30MPH) on a municipality-wide basis. Legislation only affects streets that are currently governed by a statutory speed limit (no posted speed limit). Sets the reasonable and proper speed on all Town-owned streets within Thickly Settled or Business Districts at 25MPH that do not have existing Special Speed Regulations. MassDOT recommends this option to avoid potential confusion for drivers. Municipalities that opt-in to this legislation on a town-wide basis may post signage at all major entry points to the municipality to make drivers aware of the statutory regulation. Municipality required to notify MassDOT of changes. MA-R2-9B Thickly Settled or Business District, Street-by-Street Section 193 of Chapter 218 of the Acts of 2016 created MGL Chapter 90, Section 17C which allows municipalities to reduce the reasonable and proper speed (currently 30MPH) within Thickly Settled or Business District to 25MPH. Legislation only affects streets that are currently governed by a statutory speed limit (no posted speed limit). Municipalities that opt-in to this legislation on a street-by-street basis may post Thickly Settled District 25MPH signs at the upstream ends of the street. Municipality required to notify MassDOT of changes. MA-W13-4 4 Safety Zone Speed Limits Section 194 of Chapter 218 of the Acts of 2016 created MGL Chapter 90, Section 18B which allows municipalities to establish Regulatory 20MPH Safety Zones. Safety Zones are the only regulatory speed limits that municipalities can adopt without prior approval from MassDOT. However, they do require MassDOT approval when placed on State Highways. Per MUTCD, creation of regulatory speed limits do require an engineering study prior to the establishment of the safety zone Study should be created in accordance with ağƭƭ5h tƩƚĭĻķǒƩĻƭ ŅƚƩ {ƦĻĻķ œƚƓźƓŭ. Intended to be used in areas where vulnerable road users are likely to be present. MassDOT minimum criteria: o Street should be adjacent to land uses that are likely to attract vulnerable users. o Safety Zone should contain one or more areas that have potential conflicts between motor vehicles and vulnerable users that warrant a reduction in speeds such as crosswalks, driveways, or side streets. o The minimum length of the Safety Zone should be at least 1/4 of a mile and it should not extend more than 500' beyond a side street unless an applicable land use continues along the adjacent block. MA-R2-7 MA-R2-8 Regulatory speed limit signs are required to conform to the MUTCD per MGL Chapter 85, Section 2. If established in an area where a legal Special Speed Regulation has already been enacted, the Safety Zone should be terminated with a Speed Limit (MUTCD code R2-1) sign that corresponds to the regulatory limit shown in the Regulation. If established in an area that has no Special Speed Regulation, it should be terminated with an End Speed Zone (MassDOT code MA-R2-7) sign. 5 April 20, 2017 Allison Guerette 33 Boston Road Andover, MA 01810 Suzie Barry Chair, Board of Selectmen 1625 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington, MA 02420 Dear Ms. Barry, Weunderstandthatthe Board of Selectmenintends to dissolvetheLexington Community Farming Committee(CFC). adherence to the lease of town property at 52 Lowell Street. We believe this role has effectively been transitioned to Assistant Town Manager for Development CarolKowalski.LexFarm will continue to work with Ms. Kowalski to produce the annual Operational Site Plan, which serves as an addendum to the lease. In addition to management of the lease, the CFC previously facilitated communication between the Town of Lexington and LexFarm.We would like tocontinue to maintain an open line of communication. As such,we propose the following: LexFarm will providean annual report to the Board of Selectmen. Ms. Kowalski, or another representative appointed by the Board of Selectman, will serve as a liaison between LexFarm and LexHab to ensure that the planned housing construction will proceed in a manner that minimally impactsthe operation of the farm. The final role of the CFC was to connect LexFarm to othertown committees and functions, including the Conservation Commission, theBoard of Education, and the Recreation Department. LexFarm would welcome a proposal fromthe Board of Selectman to formalize communicationbetween LexFarm and these entities. Wetinued support of LexFarm, and we look forward to continuing to work with the Town. Sincerely, Allison Guerette President, LexFarm !ps!Bepcf!Sfbefs! Hfu!Bepcf!Sfbefs!Opx"! Bdspcbu! Town of Lexington, Massachusetts OFFICE OF SELECTMEN Proclamation Whereas:the Congress and President of the United States have designated May 15as Peace Officers’ Memorial Day, and the week in which May 15 falls, May 14-20, 2017, as National Police Week; and Whereas:it is important that all citizens know and understand the duties, responsibilities,hazards and sacrifices of law enforcement agencies and that law enforcement personnel recognize their duty to serve the people by safeguarding life and property, by protecting them against violence and disorder, and by protecting the innocent against deception and the weak against oppression; and Whereas:the 50officers of the Town of Lexington, Massachusetts Police Department play an essential role in safeguarding the rights and freedoms of the citizens of Lexington andin 2016the officers responded to 12,936calls for service; and Whereas:since the first recorded death in 1791, more than 20,000 law enforcement officers in the United States have made the ultimate sacrifice and have been killed in the line of duty including Lexington Police Officer James J. Hodgdon, III who died on November 4, 1967 at the ageof 23 following an automobile accident; and Whereas:Lexington Police Officer James J. Hodgdon, III name is engraved both on the wall of the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington, D.C., and on the Town of Lexington, Massachusetts Police Department Memorial Monument; and Whereas:the men and women of the Town of Lexington, Massachusetts Police Department provide a vital a public service. NOW, THEREFORE, WE, THE BOARD OF SELECTMENof the Town of Lexington, Massachusetts do hereby proclaim the week of May 14 to 20, 2017as: National Police Week in the Town of Lexington, Massachusetts and encourage all citizens to join us in recognizing law enforcement officers, past and present, who, by their faithful and loyal devotion to their responsibilities, have rendered a dedicated service to their community and, in so doing, have established for themselves an enviable and enduring reputation for preserving the rights and security of all citizens. BE IT FURTHER PROCLAIMEDthat we call upon all citizens of the Town of Lexington, Massachusetts to observe Monday, May 15, 2017as: Peace Officers’ Memorial Day and authorize the American Flag on theLexington Battle Green to be lowered to half-staff as directed by the President of the United States for the day in honor of those law enforcement officers who, through their courageous deeds, have made the ultimate sacrifice in service to their communityor have become disabled in the performance of duty, and let us recognize and pay respect to the survivors of our fallen heroes. th IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have set our hands and caused the seal of Lexington to be affixed herewithon the 8of May 2017. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ Town of Lexington, Massachusetts OFFICE OF SELECTMEN Whereas:America has been continually renewed and enriched by the many different people who choose to come here and become our fellow citizens;and, Whereas:each person brings a part of his or her own heritage, which over time becomes part of our common heritage;and, Whereas:generations of Asian Americans have helped make America what it is today; and Whereas:there are over 500,000 Taiwanese Americans in the United States, with a significant Taiwanese American population in Lexington;and, Whereas:Taiwanese Americans have made enormous contributions to the diversity and prosperity of American society, consistently contributing to the promotion of democracy and security of their homeland; and Whereas:Taiwanese Americans have succeeded as successful and notable artists, Nobel Laureate scientists, researchers, human rights activists, and business leaders;and Whereas:Taiwanese Americans can be proud of their roots and of their vitalrole in the continued growth of our nation;and Whereas:Taiwanese American Heritage Week recognizes the longstanding friendship between the United States and Taiwan;and Whereas:during this special week, Taiwanese Americans are able to embrace America's diversity and celebrate the spirit of community that binds ustogether as one nation; NOW, THEREFORE, WE, THE BOARD OF SELECTMEN of the Town of Lexington, thst Massachusetts, do hereby proclaim May 14through May 21, 2017as in the Town of Lexington and encourage all citizens to observe this week. SUZANNE E. BARRY, CHAIRMAN PETER C.J. KELLEY JOSEPH N. PATO MICHELLE L. CICCOLO DOUGLAS M. LUCENTE May 8, 2017