HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-03-26 BOS Packet - Released SELECTMEN’S MEETING Wednesday, March 26, 2014 Selectmen Meeting Room 6:00 p.m. AGENDA 6:00 p.m. PUBLIC COMMENTS (10 min.) 6:10 p.m. SELECTMEN CONCERNS AND LIAISON REPORTS (5 min.) 6:15 p.m. TOWN MANAGER REPORT (5 min.) 6:20 p.m. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1.Request from Lexington Minuteman for Use of Battle Green (10 min.) 2.Article Positions/Article Presenters (30 min.) 3.Approve Charge and Members to the Monuments and Memorials Committee (5 min.) 4.Approve Request for Discovery Day Street Fair (5 min.) 5.Communications Advisory Committee Recommendations on Municipal WiFi (5 min.) 6.Request of the Tourism Committee to Make Report to the Annual Town Meeting (5 min.) 7:20 p.m. CONSENT AGENDA (5 min.) 1.Sign Battle Green Flag Certificate for Retiring Marine Tirone 7:25 p.m. ADJOURN The next meeting of the Board of Selectmen is scheduled for Monday, March 31, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room, 1625 Massachusetts Avenue. Hearing Assistance Devices Available on Request All agenda times and the order of items are approximate and subject to change. AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING DATE: 3/26/14 STAFF: Lynne Pease ITEM NUMBER: I.1 SUBJECT: Request from Lexington Minuteman for Use of Battle Green EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Bill Poole will be at your meeting to request permission for the Lexington Minute Men to use the Battle Green for occasional drilling through the summer and fall. See attached email request and comments from Police and Public Works. If the Board approves this request it would be helpful if the Lexington Minute Men check with the Selectmen’s Office (by phone or email) prior to their drilling exercises to make sure the Battle Green has not been requested by someone else and so we can let the Police know in case they receive any calls. FINANCIAL IMPACT: RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: STAFF FOLLOW-UP: Selectmen’s Office Page 1of 2 Lynne Pease From:William Poole Sent:Thursday, March 20, 2014 2:33 PM To:Lynne Pease Subject:Re: Drilling on the Common Lynne, Yes, I can be there before 6:00 pm. The drills would be planned some days if not a week or so in advance and would depend of course on the availability of the Common. Someone from the Company would notify you in a timely fashion to determine availability. Meeting in SelectmenÓs Room? Bill From:Lynne Pease Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2014 2:13 PM To:'William Poole' Subject: RE: Drilling on the Common Can you be there at 6 PM. I will put you first on the agenda. If the Board is OK with your request, we will have to figure a way for you to check with me to make sure no one has reserved the Battle Green for another purpose on particular day and it would be helpful for you to let me know when you plan to use the Battle Green even if it is the day before. Lynne A. Pease Selectmen's Office Town of Lexington 1625 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington, MA02420 email selectmen@lexingtonma.gov phone 781-698-4580 fax 781-863-9468 From: William Poole \[ Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2014 4:34 PM To: Lynne Pease Subject: Re: Drilling on the Common Lynne, I will be able to attend. The problem is that we do not have any set schedule and would have to draw one up after consulting with our members. This was a conjectural proposal to see if it were possible for us to make use of the Common occasionally as a drill site. The requests from the police and DPW are very reasonable and would be adhered to. I am very grateful for the consideration and will be glad to talk with the Selectmen on the 26th. Thank you very much for your help with this Lynne, it is greatly appreciated. Do you have a scheduled time when I should be at the meeting? Bill From:Lynne Pease Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2014 3:03 PM To:'William Poole' Subject: RE: Drilling on the Common 3/24/2014 Page 2of 2 Bill, Would you be available to attend the March 26 SelectmenÓs Meeting to discuss your request to have drills on the Battle Green. The comments I received from staff include: 1.The Police request that you assemble on the Green and not march on the public ways. 2.DPW requests you not do drills on Friday evenings when the Chamber has concerns and when you use the Battle Green to do the drilling in different locations on the Green so you donÓt wear out certain areas. If you are available to come on March 26, please provide a more detailed plan to discuss with the Selectmen. If March 26 is not good for you we can schedule it for another meeting. Let me know if you have any questions. Lynne A. Pease Selectmen's Office Town of Lexington 1625 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington, MA02420 email selectmen@lexingtonma.gov phone 781-698-4580 fax 781-863-9468 From:William Poole Sent: Sunday, January 26, 2014 8:36 AM To:Lynne Pease Cc:eboard@lexingtonminutemen.com Subject: Drilling on the Common Lynne, I would like to seek the thoughts of the Selectmen on the possibility of the Lexington Minute Men occasionally drilling on the Common without firing. It would be only a very few times thorough the summer and fall on Saturdays or perhaps some weekday evenings. Would it be an attraction for tourists? We would not require any services from the Town as we would just march over from St. BrigidÓs or gather individually on the Common whichever the Selectmen would prefer and then drill for an hour or so. What notification would the Selectmen ask for? Would they consider each drill as a ÐformalÑ request for use of the Common and require individual permissions be sought, or could we simply find out ahead of time if the Common is available and notify the SelectmenÓs office ahead of time of our intention to drill? We do not have any schedule of such drills and it would be whenever we can get enough members to participate. I know that this quite nebulous, but the members really like the idea of using the Common as they would have in 1774-75. If the Selectmen think this is possible and would be of any benefit to the Town or tourism, then we would love to carry them out. Sincerely, Bill Poole Captain Commanding Lexington Minute Men 3/24/2014 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING DATE: 3/26/14 STAFF: Lynne Pease ITEM NUMBER: I.2 SUBJECT: Article Positions EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Continue to take positions on the Annual Town Meeting warrant articles. I will update the list after your Monday meeting and have it at your places on Wednesday. FINANCIAL IMPACT: RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: STAFF FOLLOW-UP: en’s Office Selectm AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING DATE: 3/26/14 STAFF: Lynne Pease ITEM NUMBER: I.3 SUBJECT: Approve Charge and Members to the Monuments and Memorials Committee EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Attached is the proposed charge for the Monuments and Memorials Committee for your approval. The proposed members and who they are representing are: Sam Doran (Historical Society) Gerry McCarthy (VFW) Linda Dixon (Town Celebrations Committee and Vets Association) Mike DaRu (Lexington Minute Men and Town Historical) Charlie Price (Lexington Minute Men and Veteran) Ryan Lennon would be the Veterans Office staff. Questions that need to be decided are whether the Selectmen representative should be a voting member or liaison. Also when you discussed this item previously, Mrs. McKenna asked if a Tourism Committee member should be included as a liaison. The Board is also responsible for appointing a Chair for this committee. The motions below are based on staggered appointment dates. FINANCIAL IMPACT: RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: Motion to adopt the Monuments and Memorials Committee charge, as presented. Motion to appoint Sam Doran and Gerry McCarthy to the Monuments and Memorials Committee for a three year term to expire September 30 2016. Motion to appoint Linda Dixon and Mike DaRu to the Monuments and Memorials Committee for a two-year term to expire September 30, 2015. Motion to appoint Charlie Price to the Monuments and Memorials Committee for a one-year term to expire September 14, 2014. Motion to appoint ________________________ as Chair of the Monuments and Memorials Committee. STAFF FOLLOW-UP: Selectmen’s Office Monuments and Memorials Committee Membership: Seven Appointed by: Selectmen Length of Term: 3 years, September 30 appointments, staggered Meeting Times: As needed Description : The Committee will develop and publish an inventory of existing public and private memorials within Lexington, assess the condition of these public memorials, and recommend to the Board of Selectmen an annual maintenance and restoration plan. The Committee will be charged with identifying the need for new public memorials for veterans and/or other persons or events and recommend possible design and locations for such memorials. All records pertaining to actions of the Monuments and Memorials Committee shall be filed with the Town Clerk for archiving purposes. Criteria for Membership: The Committee seeks members with one or more of the following backgrounds: 1. Is a military veteran or represents a veterans’ organization; 2. Is knowledgeable about Lexington’s history; 3. Has knowledge and expertise in design, construction and preservation of statuary and monuments. The Chair will be appointed by the Board of Selectmen. A liaison shall be identified from each of the following: Town Celebrations Committee, Department of Public Facilities, Department of Public Works, and the Lexington Historical Society. The Veterans’ Services Office shall provide staff support. Prior to serving as a member of this Committee, appointees are required to: 1.Acknowledge receipt of the Summary of the Conflict of Interest statute. Further, to continue to serve on the Committee the member must acknowledge annually receipt of the Summary of the Conflict of Interest statute. Said summary will be provided by and acknowledged to the Town Clerk. 2.Provide evidence to the Town Clerk that the appointee has completed the on-line training requirement required by the Conflict of Interest statute. Further, to continue to serve on the Committee, the member must acknowledge every two years completion of the on-line training requirement. Ref.: Charge adopted by the Board of Selectmen on __________. AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING DATE: 3/26/14 STAFF: Lynne Pease ITEM NUMBER: I.4 SUBJECT: Approve Request for Discovery Day Street Fair EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Lexington Retailers Association has requested perm ission to have exclusive use of the Muzzey Street/Waltham Street parking lot on Saturday, May 24, 2014 (rain date May 31) from 5:00 a.m. th to 5:00 p.m. for the 35 annual Discovery Day Street Fair. They also request the following permissions: erect seven temporary signs; park flat bed trailer in Lexington Center; and provide free parking. Police and Fire will work out any necessary details with the Lexington Retailers. Use of Depot Square has been approved by the Town Manager. See attached letter from the Lexington Retailers Association dated March 14, 2014. A copy of the letter was given to the Town Managers Office for them to approve the request to use the Depot Square for a concert. FINANCIAL IMPACT: RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: Motion to approve the request of the Lexington Retailers Association detailed in a letter dated March 14, 2014 to have exclusive use of the Muzzey Street/Waltham Street parking lot on th Saturday, May 24, 2014 (rain date May 31) from 5:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. for the 35 annual Discovery Day Street Fair, to erect seven temporary signs, park a flat bed trailer in Lexington Center and provide free parking, subject to having a pre-event meeting with staff from Police, Fire, DPW and to work out the details. STAFF FOLLOW-UP: Selectmen’s Office ! 2891!Nbttbdivtfuut!Bwfovf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!892!973.2145! ! ! Nbsdi!25-!3125! !! Cpbse!pg!Tfmfdunfo-!Upxo!pg!Mfyjohupo;!! Efcpsbi!Nbvhfs-!Dibjs!! Qfufs!Lfmmfz! Njdifmmf!Djddpmp!! Opsnbo!Dpifo!! Kptfqi!Qbup!! ! !! Efbs!Cpbse!Nfncfst-! 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B/!!Bt!jo!uif!qbtu-!xf!xjmm!xpsl!xjui!uif!Qpmjdf!Efqbsunfou!gps!efubjm!pggjdfst!sfrvjsfe!gps! dmptjoh!uif!mpu!gps!uif!fwfou/!!Jo!beejujpo-!uif!EQX!bttjtut!xjui!tjuf!tfu.vq-!sfdzdmjoh!boe! svccjti!cjot-!usbti!ejtqptbm!boe!tjuf!dmfbovq/!!Xf!xjmm!bhbjo!qbz!uif!dptut!gps!MFYQSFTT! up!pqfsbuf!evsjoh!uif!fwfou!bmmpxjoh!uif!qvcmjd!up!sjef!gps!gsff/!!! AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING DATE: 3/26/14 STAFF: Lynne Pease ITEM NUMBER: I.5 SUBJECT: Communications Advisory Committee Recommendations on Municipal WiFi EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Attached is a recommendation from the Communications Advisory Committee on providing wireless internet communications in town buildings. Mr. Pato will give a brief explanation and discuss next steps. FINANCIAL IMPACT: RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: STAFF FOLLOW-UP: en’s Office Selectm Town of Lexington Recommended Direction on Providing Wireless Internet Communications in Town Buildings Communications Advisory Committee DRAFT of February 2014 Reference:Municipal WiFi in Lexington, Communications Advisory Committee, May 2012 The Communications Advisory Committee (CAC) endorses the concept of free, Town-provided wireless Internet communications ("Wi-Fi") in municipal buildings for use by both Town employees and the general public. The purpose of this service is to increase effectiveness of users in the modern environment, where timely communications and access to stored data are increasingly important in both business and personal lives. Most members of the public visit municipal buildings either to transact business in Town offices or to support the Town through meetings and committee work. It is in the Town’s interest to support these activities. The CAC requests that the Board of Selectman task the CAC to develop, in consultation with the Information Technology (IT) Department, a service definition for approval by the Board. The approved service will be implemented in Town buildings as funding becomes available, with priority given to buildings with the largest number of potential users. It is anticipated that the initial installation will be in one or more buildings of the Town’s center complex. Policy principles: 1. The Town should not guarantee communications privacy for non-employees. 2. The IT Department will provide necessary security protection for Town employees’ official use of the wireless communications system. 3. Certain public safety-related departments may elect not to permit, or to limit, wireless communications in the buildings they occupy. In other buildings, wireless communications may be curtailed or turned off in emergency conditions at the discretion of public safety officials. 4. The system should be designed to be highly available and to be flexible in accommodating new technology and changes in usage patterns. In particular, it should be straightforward to increase the number of users in a building and provide a greater level of service and to accommodate temporary or permanent redistribution of Town personnel or the hosting of special functions in the building. AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING DATE: 3/26/14 STAFF: Deb Mauger ITEM NUMBER: I.6 SUBJECT: Request of the Tourism Committee to Make Report to the Annual Town Meeting EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Mrs. McKenna is requesting permission from the Selectmen to make a Tourism Report under Article 2 (Reports of Committees) of the Annual Town Meeting. FINANCIAL IMPACT: RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: STAFF FOLLOW-UP: Selectmen’s Office AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING DATE: 3/26/14 STAFF: Lynne Pease ITEM NUMBER: C.1 SUBJECT: Consent EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: 1.Sign a Certificate that a flag was flown on the Battle Green in honor of retiring Major Michael G. Tirone of the United States Marine Corps. on March 20, 2014. See attached information. FINANCIAL IMPACT: RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: Motion to approve the Consent Agenda. STAFF FOLLOW-UP: Selectmen’s Office Town of Lexington, Massachusetts OFFICE OF SELECTMEN DEBORAH N. MAUGER, CHAIRMAN PETER C.J. KELLEY NORMAN P. COHEN TEL: (781) 698-4580 JOSEPH N. PATO FAX: (781) 863-9468 MICHELLE L. CICCOLO Presented to MAJOR MICHAEL G. TIRONE The United States National Ensign On behalf of the United States Marine Corps, including those who have made the supreme sacrifice, I wish to present to you what is known as the military man’s most honored and cherished possession, the United States National Ensign, the flag which you have so proudly and so honorably defended. The flag which we honor and serve under is the true emblem of our unity, our thoughts, our power and purpose as a nation. Accept it, protect it, guard it, and ever remember that the young men and women you have trained, guided, and inspired will follow in your footsteps and defend it with equal pride. Flown in your honor over LEXINGTON th BATTLE GREEN on the 20 Day of March, 2014. ______________________________ Deborah N. Mauger Chairman 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE · LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02420 e-mail selectmen@lexingtonma.gov