HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-01-28 BOS Packet - Released SELECTMEN’S MEETING Monday, January 28, 2013 Selectmen Meeting Room 7:00 p.m. AGENDA 7:00 p.m. PUBLIC COMMENT (10 min.) 7:10 p.m. SELECTMEN CONCERNS AND LIAISON REPORTS (5 min.) 7:15 p.m. TOWN MANAGER REPORT (5 min.) 7:20 p.m. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1.LexHAB Update on Fairview Property (15 min.) 2.Bike Parking and Parklet Proposal (15 min.) 3.FY2014 Budget Discussion (45 min.) 4.Approve and Sign Final Warrant for the 2013 Annual Town Meeting and Special Town Meeting (10 min) 5.Approve Common Victualler and Entertainment Licenses for Upper Crust (5 min.) 6.Appointments (5 min.) a.Greenways Corridor Committee b.Town Celebrations Committee 7.Town Manager Appointment – Commission on Disability (5 min.) 9:00 p.m. CONSENT AGENDA (5 min.) 1.Water and Sewer Commitments and Adjustments th 2.One-Day Liquor License – 300 Musket Ball 3.One-Day Liquor License – A French A Faire 4.One-Day Liquor License – St. Brigid Parish 9:05 p.m. EXECUTIVE SESSION (30 min.) 1.Exemption 6 - Executive Session to discuss possible real estate purchase at 33 Marrett Road 2.Exemption 3 – Collective Bargaining - Police Superior's Union and Lexington Police Association 9:35 p.m. ADJOURN The next meeting of the Board of Selectmen is scheduled for Monday, February 11, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the Selectmen Meeting Room, Town Office Building, 1625 Massachusetts Avenue. A Budget Collaboration/Summit meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 13, 2013, at 7:00 p.m. in the Public Services Building, 201 Bedford Street. Hearing Assistance Devices Available on Request All agenda times and the order of items are approximate and subject to change. AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING DATE: 1/28/13 STAFF: Lynne Pease ITEM NUMBER: I.1 SUBJECT: LexHAB Update on Fairview Property EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: LexHAB members Robert Burbidge and Bill Hays will be at your meeting to report on the status of the LexHAB property at 11 Fairview Avenue. . FINANCIAL IMPACT: RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: STAFF FOLLOW-UP: Selectmen’s Office AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING DATE:PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: January 28, 2013 Carl F. Valente I.2 Melisa Tintocalis, Economic Development Director SUBJECT:Bike Parking and Parklet Proposal EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: With the positive response this past summer to the trial bike parklet on Mass. Ave., staff has been exploring a more semi-permanent bike and seating area for the coming year. Staff and committee members from Economic Development, Planning, Tourism, Engineering, Police, Bike Committee, Center Committee and Design Advisory Committee would like the Selectmen to consider the proposal outlined in the attached memorandum to the Town Manager. Issues for the Selectmen to consider include: 1.Providing for a semi-permanent structure, that would remain in place during late Spring, Summer and early Fall; 2.If this concept is acceptable to the Selectmen, determine the dates the Board would allow the structure would remain in place; 3.Cost: The structure will likely cost in the $15,000-$20,000 range plus the cost of street furniture. Funding sources would include: existing funds budgeted for Center improvements; the Center Improvements Stabilization Fund (resulting from the Battle Green Inn rezoning); and gifts/donations from Center businesses. If the Selectmen are open to this concept, staff will work with the Design Advisory Committee and HDC on a design, to be presented to the Board of Selectmen. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Est. at $20,000 RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: Not at this time. STAFF FOLLOW-UP: Economic Development and Planning will work with the HDC and DAC if the Board approves this concept. Prepared by cfv 2736!Nbttbdivtfuut!Bwf/!! Mfyjohupo-!NB!13531! Nfnpsboevn! Up;!!Dbsm!Wbmfouf-!Upxo!Nbobhfs! Gspn;!!!Nfmjtb!Ujoupdbmjt-!Fdpopnjd!Efwfmpqnfou!Ejsfdups! Ebuf;!!!Kbovbsz!27-!3124!! SF;!!!Cjlf!Qbsljoh!'!Qbslmfu!Qspqptbm! Sfhbsejoh!pvs!ejtdvttjpot!po!b!dpncjofe!cjdzdmf!qbsljoh!boe!qbslmfu‚!dpodfqu-!J!pvumjofe!uif!gpmmpxjoh! qspqptbm!up!cf!sfwjfxfe!cz!joufsftufe!tublfipmefst-!jodmvejoh!Upxo!tubgg-!boe!Dpnnjuuff!nfncfst!po! Kbovbsz!33-!3124!jo!uif!Qbslfs!Sppn/!!! Tvnnbsz! 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B!dpodsfuf!xiffm!tupq!xpvme!cf!jotubmmfe!bu! uif!xftu!foe!pg!uif!qbslmfu!up!qsfwfou!b!dbs! gps!spmmjoh!gpsxbse/!Tff!fybnqmf!cfmpx;! 22 Bqqfoejy!4;!Tbgfuz!gfbuvsft!boe!Ejnfotjpot!)dpoujovfe*! Ibmg!pg!uif!bsfb!eftjhobufe!gps!Pwfsbmm!qbslmfu!ejnfotjpot;!! cjdzdmf!qbsljoh/!Bqqspyjnbufmz! Bqqspyjnbufmz!7€X!Y!61€M! 31!cjdzdmft/! Ibmg!pg!uif!bsfb!eftjhobufe!gps! tfbujoh! 23 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING DATE:PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: January 28, 2013 Board Discussion I.3 SUBJECT: FY14 Budget Discussion EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: To consider the Town Manager’s FY14 Preliminary Budget and Financing Plan. Discussion items include: •Proposed Capital Projects including the Cary Hall Design and Visitor’s Center Design; •Debt Service/Capital Stabilization Fund - $2.184m (Excluded Debt Service Mitigation) •OPEB Funding ($750,000) •Use of Unallocated Revenues ($2.4m) •Potential Marrett Road Purchase funding •Proposed Program Improvement Requests FINANCIAL IMPACT: NA RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: STAFF FOLLOW-UP: Town Manager and Finance Staff will make any final changes to the FY14 Recommended Budget (Brown Book). Prepared by cfv AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING DATE: 1/28/13 STAFF: Lynne Pease ITEM NUMBER: I.4 SUBJECT: Approve and Sign Final Warrant for the 2013 Annual Town Meeting and Special Town Meeting Warrant EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Attached is a close to final Warrant for you to approve and sign tonight. One issue to be resolved is the wording on Article 30. I have attached here the new proposed wording. Please review and give any comments to me on Monday morning. . FINANCIAL IMPACT: RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: Motion to sign the 2013 Annual Town Meeting and Special Town Meeting Warrant, allowing for minor changes as recommended by Town Counsel. STAFF FOLLOW-UP: Selectmen’s Office March 4, 2013: Annual Town Election March 18, 2013: Special Town Meeting TOWN OF LEXINGTON WARRANT FOR THE 2013 ANNUAL TOWN MEETING CALENDAR OF EVENTS Monday, March 4 Town Elections Polls Open - 7:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. Wednesday, March 6 - 7:30 p.m. Precinct Meetings Clarke Middle School (17 Stedman Road) TMMA Annual Meeting First Information Session (Municipal Budget and Capital) Thursday, March 7 - 7:30 p.m. TMMA Second Information Session Clarke Middle School (17 Stedman Road) (School Budget and Capital) Saturday, March 9 – 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon Moderator's Workshop for New Selectmen’s Meeting Room, Town Office Building Town Meeting Members Sunday, March 10 – 1:00 p.m. TMMA Bus Tour (begins at parking lot (snow date is Sunday, March 17) behind Cary Memorial Building) Wednesday, March 13 - 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Moderator's Meeting with Article Sponsors Estabrook Hall, Cary Memorial Building Thursday, March 14 - 7:30 p.m. TMMA Third Information Meeting Battin Hall, Cary Memorial Building) (Planning, Citizen and CPA Articles) Monday, March 18 - 7:30 p.m. Town Meeting begins - No Town Meeting Cary Memorial Hall Auditorium during Passover (March 25) and School Vacation Week (April 15-19) Note: Hearing devices are available at Town Meeting. For other accommodations or special needs, please contact the Human Services Department at 781-861-0194. Town of Lexington, Massachusetts OFFICE OF SELECTMEN DEBORAH N. MAUGER, CHAIRMAN PETER C.J. KELLEY NORMAN P. COHEN TEL: (781) 862-0500 x208 HANK MANZ FAX: (781) 863-9468 GEORGE A. BURNELL January 28, 2013 To the Residents of Lexington: The Warrant provides notification of the Annual Town Meeting and advises residents of the various issues being considered at the Meeting. Only articles listed in the Warrant may be discussed. Articles are grouped in three categories: Financial, General and Zoning. Descriptions are provided in an attempt to make the Warrant useful and understandable. A map is also provided linking certain articles to the particular sites they impact. One of the most important votes that takes place in the Annual Town Meeting is the budget. We urge citizens to read the budget, understand it, and help us find a way to foster excellence within the community. The Warrant includes the Town Manager’s Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2014. Between now and Town Meeting there will be multiple meetings to develop a comprehensive proposed budget for Town Meeting. The final proposal will be delivered to all Town Meeting members prior to the consideration of any financial articles by Town Meeting. Additional information about the preliminary budget can be found at: http://www.lexingtonma.gov/FY2014_White_Book.pdf. BOARD OF SELECTMEN Deborah N. Mauger, Chairman Peter C.J. Kelley Norman P. Cohen Hank Manz George A. Burnell 3 2013 ANNUAL TOWN WARRANT TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Calendar..............................................................................................................Inside Front Cover Board of Selectmen’s Message........................................................................................................3 Summary of Revenues and Expenditures........................................................................................4 WARRANT FOR SPECIAL TOWN MEETING Article 1 Reports of Town Boards, Officers, Committees......................................................5 Article 2 Land Purchase off Marrett Road..............................................................................5 WARRANT FOR ANNUAL TOWN MEETING Article 1 Elections...................................................................................................................7 Article 2 Election of Deputy Moderator and Reports of Town Boards, Officers, Committees...............................................................................................8 Article 3 Appointments to Cary Lecture Series......................................................................8 FINANCIAL ARTICLES Article 4 Appropriate FY2014 Operating Budget...................................................................8 Article 5 Appropriate FY2014 Enterprise Funds Budgets......................................................9 Article 6 Appropriate for Senior Service Program...............................................................10 Article 7 Establish and Continue Departmental Revolving Funds.......................................10 Article 8 Appropriate the FY2014 Community Preservation Committee Operating Budget and CPA Projects......................................................................11 Article 9 Appropriate for Recreation Capital Projects..........................................................12 Article 10 Appropriate for Municipal Capital Projects and Equipment.................................12 Article 11 Appropriate for Water System Improvements.......................................................13 Article 12 Appropriate for Wastewater System Improvements..............................................14 Article 13 Appropriate for School Capital Projects and Equipment.......................................14 Article 14 Appropriate for Public Facilities Capital Projects.................................................14 Article 15 Appropriate Bonds and Notes Premiums...............................................................15 Article 16 Accept MGL Chapter 32, Section 101...................................................................15 Article 17 Accept MGL Chapter 32, Section 12(2)(d paragraph 11).....................................16 Article 18 Appropriate to Post Employment Insurance Liability Fund..................................16 Article 19 Rescind Prior Borrowing Authorization................................................................16 Article 20 Establish and Appropriate To and From Specified Stabilization Funds................17 Article 21 Appropriate to Stabilization Fund..........................................................................17 Article 22 Appropriate from Debt Service Stabilization Fund...............................................17 Article 23 Appropriate for Prior Years’ Unpaid Bills.............................................................18 Article 24 Amend FY2013 Operating and Enterprise Budgets..............................................18 Article 25 Appropriate for Authorized Capital Improvements...............................................18 2 GENERAL ARTICLES Article 26 Establish Qualifications for Tax Deferrals............................................................19 Article 27 Approve Town Seal...............................................................................................19 Article 28 Amend General Bylaws – Town Meeting Warrant...............................................19 Article 29 Amend General Bylaws – Contracts and Deeds (Solar Energy Purchasing).........19 Article 30 Amend General Bylaws – Trees............................................................................20 Article 31 Amend General Bylaws – Demolition Delay Bylaw.............................................20 Article 32 Amend General Bylaws – Electronic Voting.........................................................20 Article 33 Climate Change Resolution...................................................................................21 ZONING/LAND USE ARTICLES Article 34 Amend Zoning Bylaw............................................................................................21 Appendix A - Program Summary – Article 4 Operating Budget...................................................24 Map................................................................................................................................................26 List of Town Meeting Members....................................................................................................28 Town Finance Terminology...........................................................................................................29 Election Information............................................................................................Inside Back Cover 3 Summary of Revenues and Expenditures The summary below shows revenues & expenditures for the Town of Lexington for FY 2011-2014. It reflects actual results of FY2011 and FY2012, FY2013 estimated revenues and budgeted expenditures submitted to the Department of Revenue for the certification of the FY2013 tax rate, and the budget recommendations of the Town Manager and School Superintendent for FY2014 budget and projected revenues to support those recommendations. Revenue Summary FY2011 Actual FY2012 ActualFY2013 RecapFY2014 Projected Tax Levy122,259,637$ 128,615,715$ 135,386,782$ 140,804,184$ State Aid 8,506,691$ 8,401,617$ 9,410,134$ 9,410,134$ Local Receipts 11,991,001$ 12,340,329$ 10,188,650$ 10,525,979$ Available Funds 6,819,892$ 7,975,216$ 7,499,652$ 11,724,570$ Revenue Offsets(1,687,257)$ (2,474,521)$ (1,645,350)$ (1,953,751)$ Enterprise Funds (Indirect)1,615,973$ 1,564,441$ 1,512,892$ 1,512,892$ Total General Fund149,505,937$ 156,422,796$ 162,352,760$ 172,024,008$ General Fund Expenditure Summary Education Lexington Public Schools$ 73,144,88567,947,664$ 76,628,356$ 81,924,343$ Minuteman Regional School$ 1,702,9301,538,811$ 1,407,979$ 1,548,777$ $ 74,847,81569,486,475$ 78,036,335$ 83,473,120$ Municipal Departments27,162,858$ 28,808,008$ 29,904,653$ 30,471,682$ Shared Expenses Benefits & Insurance$ 28,380,74628,063,123$ 30,052,729$ 29,048,455$ Debt (within-levy)$ 4,849,0524,675,175$ 5,669,343$ 5,534,823$ Reserve Fund$ 900,000-$ 900,000$ 900,000$ $ 9,242,4589,756,143$ 9,431,662$ 9,760,460$ Facilities $ 43,372,25642,494,441$ 46,053,734$ 45,243,738$ Capital Cash Capital (designated)$ 2,627,1741,983,112$ 3,952,794$ 5,360,748$ $ 2,627,1741,983,112$ 3,952,794$ 5,360,748$ Other Stabilzation Fund$ -710,000$ -$ -$ Other (allocated)$ 726,885829,399$ 2,436,250$ 5,000,497$ Other (unallocated)$ --$ 1,968,994$ 2,474,222$ sub-total Other1,539,399$ 726,885$ 4,405,244$ 7,474,719$ Total General Fund142,666,285$ 150,382,138$ 162,352,760$ 172,024,007$ Surplus/(Deficit) 6,839,652$ 6,040,658$ 0$ 0$ 4 2013 TOWN WARRANT TOWN OF LEXINGTON SPECIAL TOWN MEETING Commonwealth of Massachusetts Middlesex, ss. To either of the Constables of the Town of Lexington, in said County, Greetings: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are directed to notify the inhabitants of the Town of Lexington qualified to vote in elections and in Town affairs to meet at the Cary Memorial Building, 1605 Massachusetts Avenue, in said Town on Monday, the eighteenth day of March 2013 at 7:30 p.m. at which time and place the following articles are to be acted upon and determined exclusively by the Town Meeting Members in accordance with Chapter 215 of the Acts of 1929, as amended, and subject to the referendum provided for by Section eight of said Chapter, as amended. ARTICLE 1 REPORTS OF TOWN BOARDS, OFFICERS, COMMITTEES To receive the reports of any Board or Town Officer or of any Committee of the Town; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Board of Selectmen) DESCRIPTION: This article remains open throughout the Special Town Meeting. ARTICLE 2 LAND PURCHASE OFF MARRETT ROAD To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to purchase or otherwise acquire, or to take by eminent domain for municipal purposes, any fee, easement, or other interest in all or any part of land shown as lots 63A and 63B on Assessors’ Property Map 31, now or formerly of Trustees of the Supreme Council of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Free Masonry; and appropriate a sum of money therefor and determine whether the money shall be provided by the tax levy, by transfer from available funds, including the Community Preservation Fund, or by borrowing, or by any combination of these methods; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Board of Selectmen at the request of the Community Preservation Committee) FUNDS REQUESTED: unknown at press time DESCRIPTION: This article requests funding to purchase the property at 33 Marrett Road for municipal purposes. And you are directed to serve this warrant fourteen days at least before the time of said meeting as provided in the Bylaws of the Town. 5 Hereof fail not, and make due return on this warrant, with your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk, on or before the time of said meeting. Given under our hands at Lexington this 28th day of January, A.D., 2013. Deborah N. Mauger, Chairman Peter C. J. Kelley Board Norman P. Cohen of Hank Manz Selectmen George A. Burnell A true copy, Attest: ______________________ Constable of Lexington 6 TOWN WARRANT TOWN OF LEXINGTON ANNUAL TOWN MEETING Commonwealth of Massachusetts Middlesex, ss. To either of the Constables of the Town of Lexington, in said County, Greetings: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are directed to notify the inhabitants of the Town of Lexington qualified to vote in elections and in Town affairs to meet in their respective voting places in said Town. PRECINCT ONE, CARY MEMORIAL BUILDING; PRECINCT TWO, BOWMAN SCHOOL; PRECINCT THREE, JONAS CLARKE MIDDLE SCHOOL; PRECINCT FOUR, BRIDGE SCHOOL; PRECINCT FIVE, CARY MEMORIAL BUILDING; PRECINCT SIX, WILLIAM DIAMOND MIDDLE SCHOOL; PRECINCT SEVEN, ESTABROOK SCHOOL; PRECINCT EIGHT, SAMUEL HADLEY PUBLIC SERVICES BUILDING; PRECINCT NINE, MARIA HASTINGS SCHOOL, on Monday, the fourth day of March 2013, at 7:00 a.m., then and there to act on the following articles: ARTICLE 1 ELECTIONS To choose by ballot the following Officers: Two Selectmen for terms of three years; One Moderator for a term of one year; Two members of the School Committee for terms of three years; One member of the Planning Board for a term of three years; Seven Town Meeting Members in Precinct One, the seven receiving the highest number of votes to serve for terms of three years; Nine Town Meeting Members in Precinct Two, the seven receiving the highest number of votes to serve for terms of three years; the one receiving the next highest number of votes to fill an unexpired term ending March 2015; and the one receiving the next highest number of votes to fill an unexpired term ending March 2014; Eight Town Meeting Members in Precinct Three, the seven receiving the highest number of votes to serve for terms of three years; the one receiving the next highest number of votes to fill an unexpired term ending March 2015; Seven Town Meeting Members in Precinct Four, the seven receiving the highest number of votes to serve for terms of three years; Eight Town Meeting Members in Precinct Five, the seven receiving the highest number of votes to serve for terms of three years; the one receiving the next highest number of votes to fill an unexpired term ending March 2014; Nine Town Meeting Members in Precinct Six, the seven receiving the highest number of votes to serve for terms of three years; the one receiving the next highest number of votes to fill an unexpired term ending March 2015; and the one receiving the next highest number of votes to fill an unexpired term ending March 2014; Seven Town Meeting Members in Precinct Seven, the seven receiving the highest number of votes to serve for terms of three years; 7 Seven Town Meeting Members in Precinct Eight, the seven receiving the highest number of votes to serve for terms of three years; Seven Town Meeting Members in Precinct Nine, the seven receiving the highest number of votes to serve for terms of three years. You are also to notify the inhabitants aforesaid to meet at the Cary Memorial Building, 1605 Massachusetts Avenue, in said Town on Monday, the eighteenth day of March 2013 at 7:30 p.m., at which time and place the following articles are to be acted upon and determined exclusively by the Town Meeting Members in accordance with Chapter 215 of the Acts of 1929, as amended, and subject to the referendum provided for by Section eight of said Chapter, as amended. ARTICLE 2 ELECTION OF DEPUTY MODERATOR AND REPORTS OF TOWN BOARDS, OFFICERS, COMMITTEES To see if the Town will vote to approve the Deputy Moderator nominated by the Moderator, and to receive the reports of any Board or Town Officer or of any Committee of the Town; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Board of Selectmen) DESCRIPTION: This article remains open throughout Town Meeting and reports may be presented at any Town Meeting session by boards, officers, or committees. In addition, the Town will consider the approval of the nomination of a Deputy Moderator as authorized under Section 118-11 of the Code of the Town of Lexington. ARTICLE 3 APPOINTMENTS TO CARY LECTURE SERIES To see if the Town will authorize the appointment of the committee on lectures under the wills of Eliza Cary Farnham and Susanna E. Cary; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Board of Selectmen) DESCRIPTION: This is an annual article that provides for the appointment of three citizens to the Cary Lecture Series by the Moderator. FINANCIAL ARTICLES ARTICLE 4 APPROPRIATE FY2014 OPERATING BUDGET To see if the Town will vote to make appropriations for expenditures by departments, officers, boards and committees of the Town for the ensuing fiscal year and determine whether the money shall be provided by the tax levy, by transfer from available funds, by transfer from enterprise funds, or by any combination of these methods; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Board of Selectmen) FUNDS REQUESTED: See Appendix A 8 DESCRIPTION: This article requests funds for the FY2014 (July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014) operating budget. The operating budget includes the school and municipal budgets. The operating budget also includes requests for funds to provide salary increases for employees, including salaries negotiated through collective bargaining negotiations. The budget also includes certain shared costs. Appendix A lists, by account, FY2011 and FY2012 actual expenditures, FY2013 current appropriations and the preliminary FY2014 recommended appropriations. Please note that figures for FY2013 have been restated to reflect the funding of negotiated salary agreements. ARTICLE 5 APPROPRIATE FY2014 ENTERPRISE FUNDS BUDGETS To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a sum of money to fund the operations of the DPW Water and Wastewater Divisions and the Recreation Department; determine whether the money shall be provided by the estimated income to be derived in FY2014 from the operations of the related enterprise, by the tax levy, by transfer from available funds, including the relevant enterprise fund, or by any combination of these methods; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Board of Selectmen) FUNDS REQUESTED: FY2012 FY2013 FY2014 Enterprise Fund Actual AppropriatedRequested a)Water Personal Services $603,565$647,687$667,183 Expenses $387,265$389,590$395,200 Debt Service $1,233,364$1,299,091$1,260,655 MWRA Assessment $5,049,999$5,153,351$5,668,686 Total Water Enterprise Fund$7,274,193$7,489,719$7,991,724 b)Wastewater Personal Services $201,519$276,183$292,711 Expenses $335,323$333,200$337,100 Debt Service $1,016,551$1,084,005$1.131,673 MWRA Assessment $6,802,875$7,032,394$7,735,633 Total Wastewater Enterprise Fund$8,356,268$8,725,782$9,497,117 c)Recreation Personal Services $594,026$645,044$677,799 Expenses $932,667$1,018,584$1,008,041 Debt Service $131,500$130,600$100,000 Total Recreation Enterprise Fund $1,658,193$1,794,228$1,785,840 DESCRIPTION: Under Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 44, Section 53F½, towns may establish Enterprise Funds for a utility, health care, recreation and transportation facility, with its operation to receive related revenue and receipts and pay expenses of such operation. This article provides for the appropriation to and expenditure from three enterprise funds previously established by the Town. 9 ARTICLE 6 APPROPRIATE FOR SENIOR SERVICE PROGRAM To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money for the purpose of conducting a Senior Service Program, to be spent under the direction of the Town Manager; to authorize the Board of Selectmen to establish and amend rules and regulations for the conduct of the program, determine whether the money shall be provided by the tax levy, by transfer from available funds or by any combination of these methods; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Board of Selectmen) FUNDS REQUESTED: $45,000 DESCRIPTION: In FY2007, the Town established its own Senior Tax Work-Off Program that provides more flexibility than the State program in assisting low-income seniors and disabled residents in reducing their property tax bills. This article requests funds to continue the program. ARTICLE 7 ESTABLISH AND CONTINUE DEPARTMENTAL REVOLVING FUNDS To see if the Town will vote, pursuant to Chapter 44, Section 53E½, of the Massachusetts General Laws, to re-authorize the use of existing revolving fund accounts in FY2014 and to establish new revolving fund accounts for the following programs and purposes, to determine whether such revolving fund accounts shall be credited with the following departmental receipts, to determine whether the following boards, departments or officers shall be authorized to expend amounts from such revolving fund accounts and to determine whether the maximum amounts that may be expended from such revolving fund accounts in FY2014 shall be the following amounts or any other amounts; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Board of Selectmen) FUNDS REQUESTED: Program or Purpose Authorized Departmental Receipts FY2014 Representative or Authorization Board to Spend Building Rental Revolving Public Facilities Building Rental Fees $405,000 FundDirector DPW Burial Containers Public Works Sale of Grave Boxes and $40,000 DirectorBurial Vaults DPW Compost Operations Public Works Sale of Compost and Loam, $465,000 DirectorYard Waste Permits PEG Access Board of Selectmen License Fees from Cable TV $450,000 and Town Manager Providers Trees Board of Selectmen Gifts and Fees $25,000 Minuteman Household Public Works Fees Paid by Consortium $175,000 Hazardous Waste Program DirectorTowns Health Programs Health Director Medicare Reimbursements $10,000 Council on Aging Human Services Program Fees and Gifts $100,000 Programs Director 10 Tourism/Liberty Ride Town Manager and Liberty Ride Receipts, $290,000 Tourism Committee including ticket sales, advertising revenue and charter sales School Bus Transportation School Committee School Bus Fees $830,000 Regional Cache – Hartwell Public Works User Fees from Participating $20,000 AvenueDirectorMunicipalities DESCRIPTION: A revolving fund established under the provisions of Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 44, Section 53E½ must be authorized annually by vote of the Town Meeting. The fund is credited with only the departmental receipts received in connection with the programs supported by such revolving fund, and expenditures may be made from the revolving fund without further appropriation. ARTICLE 8 APPROPRIATE THE FY2014 COMMUNITY PRESERVATION COMMITTEE OPERATING BUDGET AND CPA PROJECTS To see if the Town will vote to hear and act on the report of the Community Preservation Committee on the FY2014 Community Preservation budget and, pursuant to the recommendations of the Community Preservation Committee, to appropriate from the Community Preservation Fund, or to reserve amounts in the Community Preservation Fund for future appropriations, for the administrative expenses of the Community Preservation Committee for FY2014; for the acquisition, creation and preservation of open space – including land for recreational use; for the acquisition, preservation, rehabilitation and restoration of historic resources; and for the creation, preservation and support of community housing; to appropriate funds for such projects and determine whether the money shall be provided by the tax levy, by transfer from available funds, including enterprise funds, by borrowing, or by any combination of these methods; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Board of Selectmen at the request of the Community Preservation Committee) FUNDS REQUESTED: a)Archives and Records Management/Conservation - $20,000 b)CPA Conservation Restriction Enforcement Funds - $25,000 c)Cary Memorial Building Upgrades - $550,000 d)Muzzey Senior Center Upgrade – Phase 3 - $526,818 e)Visitor Center – Design Phase - $68,950 f)Park and Playground Improvements - $147,500 g)Park Improvements – Athletic Fields - $65,000 h)Lincoln Park Field Improvements - $150,000 (plus $186,750 from Recreation Fund Retained Earnings and $228,250 from General Fund Debt) i)Lexington Center Pocket Park and Ancillary Costs - $21,500 j)Merriam Hill Preservation Project - $3,000 k)Moon Hill National Register Nomination Project - $6,000 l)Greeley Village Front Doors - $172,734 m)LexHAB Set-Aside Funds for Acquisition of Community Housing - $450,000 n)ACROSS Lexington Pedestrian/Bicycle Route System - $5,000 11 o)Buckman Tavern Restoration and Renovation - $650,000 p)Wright Farm Debt Service – TBD q)Administrative Budget - $150,000 DESCRIPTION: This article requests that Community Preservation Funds and other funds, as necessary, be appropriated for the projects recommended by the Community Preservation Committee and for administrative costs. ARTICLE 9 APPROPRIATE FOR RECREATION CAPITAL PROJECTS To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a sum of money for the following Recreation Department capital improvements: a)Pine Meadows Improvements; b)Lincoln Park Field Improvements; and determine whether the money shall be provided by the tax levy, by transfer from available funds, including the Recreation Enterprise Fund, by borrowing, or by any combination of these methods; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Board of Selectmen at the request of the Recreation Committee) FUNDS REQUESTED: $640,000 DESCRIPTION: For a description of the proposed projects see Section XI: Capital Investment section of the FY2014 Town Manager's Preliminary Budget and Financing Plan dated January 14, 2013 and found at http://www.lexingtonma.gov/FY2014_White_Book(1).pdf. ARTICLE 10 APPROPRIATE FOR MUNICIPAL CAPITAL PROJECTS AND EQUIPMENT To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a sum of money for the following capital projects and equipment: a)Fire Pumper Replacement; b)Cary Memorial Library RFID Conversion Project; c)Head End Equipment Replacement – Phase IV; d)MIS Technology Improvement Program – Phase II; e)Network Redundancy and Improvement Plan; f)Replace Townwide Telephone Systems – Phase II; g)Townwide Electronic Document Management System – Phase III; h)Hastings Park Gazebo Rehabilitation/Design and Engineering; i)Street Improvements and Easements j)Townwide Culvert Replacement; k)Storm Drainage Improvements and NPDES Compliance; l)DPW Equipment Replacement; m)Hastings Park Irrigation; n)Hydrant Replacement Program; 12 o)Comprehensive Watershed Stormwater Management Study and Implementation; p)Townwide Signalization Improvements; q)Hartwell Avenue Infrastructure Improvements and Easements; r)Sidewalk Improvements and Easements; and s)Concord Avenue Sidewalk Construction and Easements. and authorize the Selectmen to take by eminent domain, purchase or otherwise acquire any fee, easement or other interests in land necessary therefor; determine whether the money shall be provided by the tax levy, by transfer from available funds, including enterprise funds, by borrowing, or by any combination of these methods; determine if the Town will authorize the Selectmen to apply for, accept, expend and borrow in anticipation of state aid for such capital improvements; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Board of Selectmen) FUNDS REQUESTED: $10,263,238 DESCRIPTION: For a description of the proposed projects see Section XI: Capital Investment section of the FY2014 Town Manager's Preliminary Budget and Financing Plan dated January 14, 2013 and found at http://www.lexingtonma.gov/FY2014_White_Book(1).pdf. ARTICLE 11 APPROPRIATE FOR WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS To see if the Town will vote to make water distribution system improvements, including the installation of new water mains and replace or clean and line existing water mains and standpipes, engineering studies and the purchase and installation of equipment in connection therewith, in such accepted or unaccepted streets or other land as the Selectmen may determine, subject to the assessment of betterments or otherwise, and to take by eminent domain, purchase or otherwise acquire any fee, easement or other interest in land necessary therefor; appropriate money for such installation and land acquisition and determine whether the money shall be provided by the tax levy, by transfer from available funds, including any special water funds, or by borrowing, or by any combination of these methods; to determine whether the Town will authorize the Selectmen to apply for, accept, expend and borrow in anticipation of federal and state aid for such projects; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Board of Selectmen) FUNDS REQUESTED: $900,000 DESCRIPTION: For a description of the proposed project see Section XI: Capital Investment section of the FY2014 Town Manager's Preliminary Budget and Financing Plan dated January 14, 2013 found at http://www.lexingtonma.gov/FY2014_White_Book(1).pdf. 13 ARTICLE 12 APPROPRIATE FOR WASTEWATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS To see if the Town will vote to install sanitary sewer mains and sewerage systems and replacements thereof, including engineering studies and the purchase of equipment in connection therewith, in such accepted or unaccepted streets or other land as the Selectmen may determine, subject to the assessment of betterments or otherwise, in accordance with Chapter 504 of the Acts of 1897, and acts in addition thereto and in amendment thereof, or otherwise, and to take by eminent domain, purchase or otherwise acquire any fee, easement or other interest in land necessary therefor, appropriate money for such installation and land acquisition and determine whether the money shall be provided by the tax levy, by transfer from available funds, including any special wastewater funds, by borrowing, or by any combination of these methods; to determine whether the Town will authorize the Selectmen to apply for, accept, expend and borrow in anticipation of federal and state aid for such wastewater projects; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Board of Selectmen) FUNDS REQUESTED: $1,300,000 DESCRIPTION: For a description of the proposed projects see Section XI: Capital Investment section of the FY2014 Town Manager's Preliminary Budget and Financing Plan dated January 14, 2013 found at http://www.lexingtonma.gov/FY2014_White_Book(1).pdf. ARTICLE 13 APPROPRIATE FOR SCHOOL CAPITAL PROJECTS AND EQUIPMENT To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a sum of money to purchase additional equipment for the schools, to maintain and upgrade the schools’ technology systems, and to evaluate classrooms for modifications to meet programmatic needs; determine whether the money shall be provided by the tax levy, by transfer from available funds, by borrowing, or by any combination of these methods; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the School Committee) FUNDS REQUESTED: $1,524,031 DESCRIPTION: For a description of the proposed projects see Section XI: Capital Investment section of the FY2014 Town Manager's Preliminary Budget and Financing Plan dated January 14, 2013 found at http://www.lexingtonma.gov/FY2014_White_Book(1).pdf. ARTICLE 14 APPROPRIATE FOR PUBLIC FACILITIES CAPITAL PROJECTS To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a sum of money for the following capital improvements to public facilities: a)Municipal Building Envelope and Systems; b)School Building Flooring Program; c)School Interior Painting Program; d)School Window Treatments Extraordinary Repair; 14 e)Lexington High School Overcrowding – Phase 3 Renovations; f)School Security Standardization; g)Installed Wall Units – Air Conditioner; h)School Building Envelope and Systems Program; i)New Clarke Middle School Bus Loop; j)Hastings School Kitchen Renovation; k)Print Shop Renovation; l)Public Facilities Second F350 Vehicle; m)Public Facilities Bid Documents; and n)Human Resources Office Renovation. and determine whether the money shall be provided by the tax levy, by transfer from available funds, including enterprise funds, by borrowing, or by any combination of these methods; to determine if the Town will authorize the Selectmen to apply for, accept, expend and borrow in anticipation of state aid for such capital improvements; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Board of Selectmen) FUNDS REQUESTED: $2,293,454 DESCRIPTION: For a description of the proposed projects see Section XI: Capital Investment section of the FY2014 Town Manager's Preliminary Budget and Financing Plan dated January 14, 2013 found at http://www.lexingtonma.gov/FY2014_White_Book(1).pdf. ARTICLE 15 APPROPRIATE BONDS AND NOTES PREMIUMS To see if the Town will vote to apply premium received on account of the sale of bonds or notes of the Town that are the subject of a Proposition 2 ½ debt exclusion, to pay costs of the project being financed by such bonds or notes, provided that the amount authorized to be borrowed for such project, but not yet issued by the Town, is reduced by the same amount, or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Board of Selectmen) D ESCRIPTION: Passage of this article would permit premiums received upon the sale of bonds or notes issued to finance projects approved at a debt exclusion election to be appropriated to pay for project costs, subject to guidelines to be promulgated by the Massachusetts Department of Revenue. Such appropriations would be for the purpose of supplanting, not supplementing, bond financing of the project in question. ARTICLE 16 ACCEPT MGL CHAPTER 32, SECTION 101, SUPPLEMENTAL ANNUAL ALLOWANCE To see if the Town will vote to accept Section 101 of Chapter 32 of the Massachusetts General Laws relating to a supplemental annual allowance for certain widows of employees who retired as a result of injuries sustained while in the performance of official duties; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Retirement Board) 15 DESCRIPTION: Acceptance of this statute would increase the annual benefit of all individuals receiving an allowance pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 32, Section 101, from $9,000 to $12,000. At present, this would affect five widows. ARTICLE 17 ACCEPT MGL CHAPTER 32, SECTION 12(2)(d paragraph 11) INCREASING MINIMUM MONTHLY ALLOWANCE To see if the Town will vote to accept Section 12(2)(d paragraph 11) of the Massachusetts General Laws relating to the minimum monthly payment to a spouse of a deceased member of the retirement system; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Retirement Board) DESCRIPTION: Acceptance of this statute would increase the minimum monthly benefit of all individuals receiving a payment pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Section 12(2)(d) from $250 to $500. At present, this would affect five widows. ARTICLE 18 APPROPRIATE TO POST EMPLOYMENT INSURANCE LIABILITY FUND To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a sum of money to the Town of Lexington Post Employment Insurance Liability Fund, as established by Chapter 317 of the Acts of 2002, determine whether the money shall be provided by the tax levy, by transfer from available funds, including enterprise funds, or by any combination of these methods; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Board of Selectmen) FUNDS REQUESTED: $750,000 DESCRIPTION: This article will allow the Town to continue to fund its unfunded liability for post employment benefits for Town of Lexington retirees. Beginning with the FY2007 audit, the Town was required to disclose this liability. In preparation for funding this liability, Town Meeting voted to request special legislation to establish a trust fund for this purpose. This special legislation was approved in 2002. ARTICLE 19 RESCIND PRIOR BORROWING AUTHORIZATIONS To see if the Town will vote to rescind the unused borrowing authority voted under previous Town Meeting articles; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Board of Selectmen) DESCRIPTION: State law requires that Town Meeting vote to rescind authorized and unissued debt which is no longer required for its intended purpose. 16 ARTICLE 20 ESTABLISH AND APPROPRIATE TO AND FROM SPECIFIED STABILIZATION FUNDS To see if the Town will vote to create and/or appropriate sums of money to and from Stabilization Funds in accordance with Section 5B of Chapter 40 of the Massachusetts General Laws for the purposes of: (a) Section 135 Zoning By-Law, (b) Traffic Mitigation, (c) Transportation Demand Management, (d) School Bus Transportation, (e) Special Education, (f) Center Improvement District; (g) Debt Service, (h) Transportation Management Overlay District (TMO-1), (i) Avalon Bay School Enrollment Mitigation Fund, (j) Capital Projects Fund, and (k) Capital Projects/Debt Service Reserve/Building Renewal Fund; and determine whether the money shall be provided by the tax levy, by transfer from available funds, or by any combination of these methods; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Board of Selectmen) FUNDS REQUESTED: unknown at press time DESCRIPTION: This article proposes to establish and/or fund Stabilization Funds for specific purposes and to appropriate funds therefrom. Money in those funds may be invested and the interest may then become a part of the particular fund. The use of these funds may be appropriated for the specific designated purpose by a two-thirds vote of an Annual or Special Town Meeting. ARTICLE 21 APPROPRIATE TO STABILIZATION FUND To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a sum of money to the previously created Stabilization Fund in accordance with Section 5B of Chapter 40 of the Massachusetts General Laws; determine whether the money shall be provided by the tax levy, by transfer from available funds, or by any combination of these methods; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Board of Selectmen) FUNDS REQUESTED: unknown at press time DESCRIPTION: Money may be appropriated into the existing Stabilization Fund that may be invested and the interest may then become part of the fund. These funds may later be appropriated, by a two-thirds vote of an Annual or Special Town Meeting, for any lawful purpose. ARTICLE 22 APPROPRIATE FROM DEBT SERVICE STABILIZATION FUND To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a sum of money from the Debt Service Stabilization Fund to offset the FY2014 debt service of the bond dated February 1, 2003 issued for additions and renovations to the Lexington High School, Clarke Middle School and Diamond Middle School, as refunded with bonds dated December 8, 2011. (Inserted by the Board of Selectmen) FUNDS REQUESTED: $124,057 17 DESCRIPTION: This article would allow the Town to pay the debt service on the 2003 School Bonds from the Capital Debt Service Stabilization Fund set up for that specific purpose. ARTICLE 23 APPROPRIATE FOR PRIOR YEARS’ UNPAID BILLS To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate money to pay any unpaid bills rendered to the Town for prior years; to determine whether the money shall be provided by the tax levy, by transfer from available funds, or by any combination of these methods; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Board of Selectmen) FUNDS REQUESTED: unknown at press time. DESCRIPTION: This is an annual article to request funds to pay bills after the close of the fiscal year in which the goods were received or the services performed and for which no money was encumbered. ARTICLE 24 AMEND FY2013 OPERATING AND ENTERPRISE BUDGETS To see if the Town will vote to make supplementary appropriations, to be used in conjunction with money appropriated under Articles 4 and 5 of the warrant for the 2012 Annual Town Meeting, to be used during the current fiscal year, or make any other adjustments to the current fiscal year budgets and appropriations that may be necessary; to determine whether the money shall be provided by transfer from available funds; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Board of Selectmen) FUNDS REQUESTED: unknown at press time DESCRIPTION: This is an annual article to permit adjustments to current fiscal year (FY2013) appropriations. ARTICLE 25 APPROPRIATE FOR AUTHORIZED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS To see if the Town will vote to make supplementary appropriations to be used in conjunction with money appropriated in prior years for the installation or construction of water mains, sewers and sewerage systems, drains, streets, buildings, recreational facilities or other capital improvements and equipment that have heretofore been authorized; determine whether the money shall be provided by the tax levy, by transfer from the balances in other articles, by transfer from available funds, including enterprise funds, by borrowing, or by any combination of these methods; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Board of Selectmen) FUNDS REQUESTED: unknown at press time DESCRIPTION: This is an annual article to request funds for capital improvement project expenditures that exceed the level of appropriation. 18 GENERAL ARTICLES ARTICLE 26 ESTABLISH QUALIFICATIONS FOR TAX DEFERRALS To see if the Town will vote to adjust the current eligibility limits for property tax deferrals under Clause 41A of Section 5 of Chapter 59 of the Massachusetts General Laws as authorized by Chapter 190 of the Acts of 2008; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Board of Selectmen) DESCRIPTION: Chapter 190 of the Acts of 2008 allows the Town Meeting, with the approval of the Board of Selectmen, to make adjustments to the current deferral eligibility limits. ARTICLE 27 APPROVE TOWN SEAL To see if the Town will vote to establish a Town Seal as recommended by the Town Seal Committee; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Board of Selectmen) DESCRIPTION: The current Town Seal differs from the Town Seal that was approved in 1934. The recommended Town Seal will reconcile the many differences that have emerged over the years. ARTICLE 28 AMEND GENERAL BYLAWS – TOWN MEETING WARRANT To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 118-2 of the Code of the Town of Lexington (“Posting and Mailing of Warrant”) by deleting the requirement that the warrant be mailed to each dwelling place in the Town and providing for an alternative method of making warrants for elections and town meetings available to residents and Town Meeting Members, or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Board of Selectmen) DESCRIPTION: With changes taking place in the operation of the United States Postal Service, and expectation of reduced services and delays in bulk mailings, this article would provide for an alternative method for notifying residents. ARTICLE 29 AMEND GENERAL BYLAWS – CONTRACTS AND DEEDS (SOLAR ENERGY PURCHASING) To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 32-4 of Chapter 32 of the Code of the Town of Lexington (Authorization to Solicit Award and Enter Certain Contracts) by adding after the words “Community television services 10” the words “Leases, licenses, easements and/or other agreements for the purpose of installing solar energy facilities and purchasing solar electricity 20Ò; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Board of Selectmen at the request of the Sustainable Lexington Committee and Public Facilities Department) 19 DESCRIPTION: This article would provide flexibility in negotiating the installing of solar energy facilities and the purchasing of solar electricity. ARTICLE 30 AMEND GENERAL BYLAWS – TREES To see if the Town will vote to amend Chapter 120 (Trees) of the Code of the Town of Lexington as follows: In Section 120-3, delete the first sentence of the definition of SETBACK AREA in its entirety and replace it with the following: The minimum setback area around a lot shall be measured in accordance with minimum front yard, side yard and rear yard dimensional requirements under the Zoning Bylaw of the Town of Lexington. In Subsection 120-8.C(1), delete the words “1/2 inch of caliper” and replace with the words “one inch of caliper”.; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Board of Selectmen at the request of the Tree Committee) DESCRIPTION: This article would make clarifying changes to the Tree Bylaw and would increase the caliper of new trees that are required to be planted. ARTICLE 31 AMEND GENERAL BYLAWS – DEMOLITION DELAY BYLAW To see if the Town will vote to amend Chapter 19 (Buildings, Demolition of) of the Code of the Town of Lexington by adding a new section to provide that before inclusion of a building in the Town’s Cultural Resources Inventory, the owner shall be notified in writing; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Board of Selectmen) DESCRIPTION: This article would require the Historical Commission to give written notice to an owner of a building being considered for inclusion in the Cultural Resources Inventory. ARTICLE 32 AMEND GENERAL BYLAWS – ELECTRONIC VOTING To see if the Town will vote to amend Chapter 118 Section 17 (Voting) of the Code of the Town of Lexington to permit, as an additional method, the electronic casting, recording, display, and reporting of votes taken at Town Meeting; and to make other updating changes to that Section; or to act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Board of Selectmen at the Request of the Town Meeting Members Association) 20 DESCRIPTION: The proposed amendment adds electronic voting to the voting methods allowed at Town Meeting. Electronic voting allows individual Town Meeting Member's votes to be recorded and available for examination by constituents without the procedural overhead associated with manual roll-call votes. The amendment replaces the text of Chapter 118 Section 17 in its entirety to (1) permit electronic voting; (2) restructure the presentation of voting methods; (3) clarify language; and (4) modernize reporting methods. ARTICLE 33 CLIMATE CHANGE RESOLUTION To see if the Town will act to include climate change in all its decisions and planning processes, take action to prepare for the impacts of a changing climate and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, with the goal of making Lexington a truly sustainable community, or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Board of Selectmen at the Request of the Sustainable Lexington Committee) DESCRIPTION: Climate change is a crisis facing the world that is already affecting us and will have an increasing impact on us individually and as a community in coming years. This article requests that the Town take actions to prepare Lexington to be a resilient community in the face of the impacts of a changing climate and to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. ZONING/LAND USE ARTICLES ARTICLE 34 AMEND ZONING BY-LAW To see if the Town will vote to amend and recodify Chapter 135 of the Code of the Town of Lexington, the Zoning Bylaw, by taking the following steps: 1. Delete, in their entireties the following provisions of the existing Zoning By-law: Article I Purpose, Districts and Authority Article II Definitions Article III Administration and Enforcement Article IV Permitted Uses and development Standards Article V Supplementary Use Regulations, Residential Uses Article VI Nonconforming Situations Article VII Dimensional Controls Article VIII Special Zoning Districts Article IX Special Permit Residential Developments Article X Landscaping, Transition and Screening Article XI Off-Street Parking and Loading Article XII Traffic Article XIII Signs Article XIV Outdoor Lighting Article XV Wireless Communication Facilities Article XVI Dead End Streets and Drives Table 2 Schedule of Dimensional Controls 21 2. Substitute the following provisions in the document entitled “Zoning Bylaw, dated December 19, 2013" on file in the office of the Town Clerk and the Planning Board: Section 135-1.0 Purpose and Authority Section 135-2.0 Districts Section 135-3.0 Use Regulations Section 135-4.0 Dimensional Controls Section 135-5.0 General Regulations Section 135-6.0 Special Regulations Section 135-7.0 Special District Regulations Section 135-8.0 Nonconforming Uses and Structures Section 135-9.0 Administration and Procedures Section 135-10.0 Definitions The 2012 Zoning Map (incorporating amendments through Town Meeting 2012) with its existing district boundaries will be retained with the following exceptions: a.Remove the RM Districts and rezone them as follows: RM-1 Massachusetts Avenue and Woburn Street to RS RM-2 Waltham Street & Worthen Road to RS RM-3 Emerson Garden Road and Maple Street to RO RM-4 Worthen Road, near Bedford Street to RS RM-5 Shirley Street, at end to RS RM-6 Concord Avenue, near intersection of Waltham Street to RO RM-7 Waltham Street, Vynebrooke Village to RS RM-8 Woburn Street, near intersection of Lowell Street to RO b.Remove the following Water Protection Overlay Districts (WPD) Maple Street, the Great Meadows Concord Avenue, Radio Towers Hobbs Brook Basin; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Planning Board) DESCRIPTION: The Zoning Bylaw has been completely reformatted, reorganized and edited to address internal inconsistencies and redundancies, and to further compliance with state and case law. When actions are governed by Massachusetts General Law 40A they are no longer repeated verbatim in the Zoning Code. Requirements for submissions and exact plan contents have been removed from the Zoning Bylaw to be placed in the Regulations of the appropriate SPGA. Issues addressed include the removal of the special permit requirement for all subdivision developments of three or more units, simplification of the nonconformity section, merger of special permit and special permit with site plan review and elimination of the RM District on the zoning map to be consistent with a previous the vote of Town Meeting prohibiting any new multi-family development in the RM district. (Current uses will continue to be nonconforming.) 22 And you are directed to serve this warrant seven days at least before the time of said meeting as provided in the Bylaws of the Town. Hereof fail not, and make due return on this warrant, with your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk, on or before the time of said meeting. Given under our hands at Lexington this 28th day of January, A.D., 2013. Deborah N. Mauger, Chairman Peter C. J. Kelley Board Norman P. Cohen of Hank Manz Selectmen George A. Burnell A true copy, Attest: Constable of Lexington 23 Appendix A: Program Summary – Article 4 (Operating Budget) ABCDEFGHIJ (H-E)(I/E) FY2011FY2012FY2013FY2014Manager's FY2014 ActualActual Restated RequestAdd/DeleteMgr's Rec'd. ELEMENTDESCRIPTIONChange $Change % Operating Budget- General Fund Expenses Program 1000: Education 1100 Lexington Public Schools67,947,664$ 72,272,372$ 76,628,356$ 81,924,343$ -$ 81,924,343$ 5,295,987$ 6.91% 1200 Regional Schools1,538,811$ 1,702,930$ 1,407,979$ 1,548,777$ -$ 1,548,777$ 140,798$ 10.00% Total Education69,486,475$ 73,975,302$ 78,036,335$ 83,473,120$ 83,473,120$ 5,436,785$ 6.97% Program 2000: Shared Expenses 2110 Contributory Retirement3,718,549$ 4,003,549$ 5,205,537$ 4,805,537$ -$ 4,805,537$ (400,000)$ -7.68% 2120 Non-Contributory Retirement42,000$ 12,367$ 12,400$ 12,907$ -$ 12,907$ 507$ 4.09% 2130 Employee Benefits22,920,077$ 22,616,553$ 23,166,459$ 22,436,775$ 106,440$ 22,543,215$ (623,244)$ -2.69% 2140 Unemployment198,600$ 190,655$ 290,000$ 200,000$ -$ 200,000$ (90,000)$ -31.03% 2150 Workers Compensation*480,301$ 624,543$ 608,333$ 600,000$ 10,176$ 610,176$ 1,843$ 0.30% 2160 Property & Liability Insurance585,800$ 589,503$ 645,000$ 726,620$ -$ 726,620$ 81,620$ 12.65% 2170 Uninsured Losses*117,796$ 343,577$ 125,000$ 150,000$ -$ 150,000$ 25,000$ 20.00% sub-total 2100 Benefits$28,063,12328,380,746$ 30,052,729$ 28,931,839$ 116,616$ 29,048,455$ (1,004,274)$ -3.34% 2210 Payment on Funded Debt3,833,155$ 4,007,565$ 4,767,186$ 4,585,443$ -$ 4,585,443$ (181,743)$ -3.81% 2220 Interest on Funded Debt701,535$ 623,599$ 695,716$ 681,560$ -$ 681,560$ (14,156)$ -2.03% 2230 Temporary Borrowing140,485$ 217,888$ 206,441$ 267,820$ -$ 267,820$ 61,379$ 29.73% sub-total 2200 Debt Services4,675,175$ 4,849,052$ 5,669,343$ 5,534,823$ -$ 5,534,823$ (134,520)$ -2.37% $ -$ 0.00% 2310 Reserve Fund-$ 900,000$ 900,000$ 900,000$ -$ 900,000 sub-total 2300 Reserve Fund-$ 900,000$ 900,000$ 900,000$ -$ 900,000$ -$ 0.00% 2400 Facilities9,756,143$ 9,242,458$ 9,431,662$ 9,432,448$ 328,012$ 9,760,460$ 328,798$ 3.49% Total Shared Expenses42,494,441$ 43,372,256$ 46,053,734$ 44,799,110$ 444,628$ 45,243,738$ (809,996)$ -1.76% Program 3000: Public Works 3100-3500 DPW Personal Services3,604,619$ 3,384,576$ 3,364,586$ 3,364,367$ 38,043$ 3,402,410$ 37,824$ 1.12% 3100-3500 DPW Expenses5,350,213$ 4,697,337$ 4,801,585$ 4,852,429$ 27,900$ 4,880,329$ 78,744$ 1.64% October Storm Supplemental-$ 290,590$ 200,000$ -$ -$ -$ (200,000)$ -100.00% Total Public Works8,954,832$ 8,372,502$ 8,366,171$ 8,216,796$ 65,943$ 8,282,739$ (83,432)$ -1.00% Program 4000: Public Safety 4100 Law Enforcement Personal Services4,977,841$ 5,256,870$ 5,369,455$ 5,389,512$ 58,040$ 5,447,552$ 78,096$ 1.45% 4100 Law Enforcement Expenses487,842$ 541,135$ 647,102$ 650,957$ 29,997$ 680,954$ 33,852$ 5.23% sub-total 4100 Law Enforcement5,465,683$ 5,798,005$ 6,016,557$ 6,040,469$ 88,037$ 6,128,506$ 111,949$ 1.86% 4200 Fire Personal Services4,472,537$ 4,570,496$ 5,086,359$ 5,061,615$ -$ 5,061,615$ (24,744)$ -0.49% 4200 Fire Expenses485,374$ 593,357$ 627,500$ 548,500$ 6,400$ 554,900$ (72,600)$ -11.57% sub-total 4200 EMS/Fire4,957,911$ 5,163,854$ 5,713,859$ 5,610,115$ 6,400$ 5,616,515$ (97,344)$ -1.70% Total Public Safety10,423,594$ 10,961,859$ 11,730,416$ 11,650,583$ 94,437$ 11,745,020$ 14,604$ 0.12% Program 5000: Culture & Recreation 5100 Library Personal Services1,713,303$ 1,753,376$ 1,806,973$ 1,823,338$ 3,511$ 1,826,849$ 19,876$ 1.10% 5100 Library Expenses243,734$ 245,705$ 251,976$ 257,677$ -$ 257,677$ 5,701$ 2.26% Total Culture & Recreation1,957,037$ 1,999,081$ 2,058,949$ 2,081,015$ 3,511$ 2,084,526$ 25,577$ 1.24% Program 6000: Human Services 6000 Human Services Personal Services301,446$ 315,765$ 495,139$ 497,051$ 10,868$ 507,919$ 12,780$ 2.58% 6000 Human Services Expenses124,246$ 169,068$ 703,092$ 682,867$ -$ 682,867$ (20,225)$ -2.88% Total Human Services425,692$ 484,833$ 1,198,231$ 1,179,918$ 10,868$ 1,190,786$ (7,445)$ -0.62% 24 Appendix A: Program Summary – Article 4 (Operating Budget) ABCDEFGHIJ (H-E)(I/E) FY2011FY2012FY2013FY2014Manager's FY2014 ActualActual Restated RequestAdd/DeleteMgr's Rec'd. ELEMENTDESCRIPTIONChange $Change % Program 7000: Community Development 7100 Comm. Devel. Personal Services911,671$ 953,567$ 1,056,137$ 1,080,240$ 17,400$ 1,097,640$ 41,503$ 3.93% 7100 Comm. Devel. Expenses115,380$ 188,029$ 175,708$ 168,328$ 35,524$ 203,852$ 28,144$ 16.02% sub-total 7100 Comm. Dev.1,027,051$ 1,141,597$ 1,231,845$ 1,248,568$ 52,924$ 1,301,492$ 69,647$ 5.65% 7200 Planning Personal Services218,013$ 243,112$ 261,543$ 264,802$ -$ 264,802$ 3,258$ 1.25% 7200 Planning Expenses67,981$ 45,009$ 34,850$ 34,700$ 15,000$ 49,700$ 14,850$ 42.61% sub-total 7200 Planning285,994$ 288,121$ 296,393$ 299,502$ 15,000$ 314,502$ 18,108$ 6.11% 7300 Economic Devel. Personal Services85,942$ 37,851$ 89,473$ 91,199$ -$ 91,199$ 1,726$ 1.93% 7300 Economic Devel. Expenses3,152$ 73,241$ 31,800$ 32,050$ 1,500$ 33,550$ 1,750$ 5.50% sub-total 7300 Eco. Dev.89,094$ 111,092$ 121,273$ 123,249$ 1,500$ 124,749$ 3,476$ 2.87% Total Community Development1,402,139$ 1,540,809$ 1,649,511$ 1,671,318$ 69,424$ 1,740,742$ 91,231$ 5.53% Program 8000: General Government 8110 Selectmen Personal Services82,980$ 93,003$ 102,466$ 104,488$ 21,364$ 125,852$ 23,386$ 22.82% 8110 Selectmen Expenses75,964$ 87,171$ 118,476$ 92,325$ -$ 92,325$ (26,151)$ -22.07% 8120 Legal 319,417$ 341,907$ 400,000$ 410,000$ -$ 410,000$ 10,000$ 2.50% 8130 Town Report7,000$ 6,942$ 7,500$ 7,500$ -$ 7,500$ -$ 0.00% sub-total 8100 Board of Selectmen485,361$ 529,023$ $ 614,313628,442$ 21,364$ 635,677$ 7,235$ 1.15% 8210-8220 Town Manager Personal Services561,699$ 586,923$ 609,566$ 602,473$ -$ 602,473$ (7,093)$ -1.16% 8210-8220 Town Manager Expenses185,451$ 188,331$ 248,150$ 218,150$ -$ 218,150$ (30,000)$ -12.09% 8230 Salary Transfer Account*376,185$ 423,874$ 413,224$ 846,124$ -$ 846,124$ 432,899$ 104.76% sub-total 8200 Town Manager1,123,335$ 1,199,128$ $ 1,666,7461,270,940$ -$ 1,666,746$ 395,806$ 31.14% 8310 Financial Committees1,673$ 1,479$ 7,500$ 7,500$ -$ 7,500$ -$ 0.00% 8320 Misc. Boards and Committees1,879$ 2,574$ 14,500$ 4,500$ -$ 4,500$ (10,000)$ -68.97% 8330 Public Celebrations Committee27,273$ 32,574$ 34,000$ 35,000$ -$ 35,000$ 1,000$ 2.94% sub-total 8300 Town Committees30,825$ 36,627$ 56,000$ 47,000$ -$ 47,000$ $ -16.07%(9,000) 8400 Finance Personal Services1,110,057$ 1,083,783$ 1,195,220$ 1,200,498$ 55,000$ 1,255,498$ 60,278$ 5.04% 8400 Finance Expenses277,906$ 414,568$ 400,145$ 388,945$ 50,000$ 438,945$ 38,800$ 9.70% sub-total 8400 Finance1,387,963$ 1,498,352$ 1,595,365$ 1,589,443$ 105,000$ 1,694,443$ $ 6.21%99,078 8500 Town Clerk Personal Services297,057$ 296,836$ 326,491$ 303,923$ 5,000$ 308,923$ (17,569)$ -5.38% 8500 Town Clerk Expenses95,198$ 98,857$ 111,525$ 93,775$ 35,000$ 128,775$ 17,250$ 15.47% sub-total 8500 Town Clerk392,255$ 395,693$ 438,016$ 397,698$ 40,000$ 437,698$ $ -0.07%(319) 8600 IT Personal Services215,668$ 222,372$ 347,187$ 336,510$ -$ 336,510$ (10,676)$ -3.08% 8600 IT Expenses364,157$ 338,097$ 565,425$ 601,495$ 8,300$ 609,795$ 44,370$ 7.85% sub-total 8600 IT579,825$ 560,469$ $ 938,005912,612$ 8,300$ 946,305$ 33,694$ 3.69% Total General Government3,999,564$ 4,219,292$ 4,901,374$ 5,253,205$ 174,664$ 5,427,869$ 526,494$ 10.74% Total Municipal27,162,858$ 27,578,376$ 29,904,653$ 30,052,835$ 418,847$ 30,471,682$ 567,029$ 1.90% Capital Capital Requests (Cash-GF)1,270,000$ 1,615,000$ 2,357,497$ 3,296,720$ -$ 3,296,720$ 939,223$ 39.84% Building Envelope Set Aside161,534$ 165,572$ 169,711$ 173,954$ -$ 173,954$ 4,243$ 2.50% Streets Set Aside551,578$ 846,602$ 1,425,586$ 1,890,074$ -$ 1,890,074$ 464,488$ 32.58% Total Capital1,983,112$ 2,627,174$ 3,952,794$ 5,360,748$ -$ 5,360,748$ 1,407,954$ 35.62% Other Unallocated Revenue (free cash and tax levy) for as $ 2,474,2221,968,994$ -$ 2,474,222$ 505,228$ 25.66% yet identified purposes Stabilization Fund710,000$ -$ 1,600,000$ -$ -$ (1,600,000)$ 0.00% 33 Marrett Road Set-Aside (partial funding source for 0-$ -$ 1,271,497$ 1,271,497$ 1,271,497$ - property land acquistion, building improvements and/or program operating costs) Set-Aside for Potential Local Aid/Federal Aid $ --$ -$ 750,000$ -$ 750,000$ 750,000$ - Reductions Allocation to Capital/Debt Service Specialized $ --$ -$ 2,184,000$ -$ 2,184,000$ 2,184,000$ - Stabilization Fund Senior Service Program-$ 10,000$ 20,000$ 20,000$ -$ 20,000$ -$ 0.00% SPED Reserve$ -350,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB)479,399$ 500,000$ 500,000$ 775,000$ -$ 775,000$ 275,000$ 55.00% -100.00% Warrant Articles -$ -$ 316,250$ -$ -$ -$ (316,250)$ CPA Bond Premium-$ 216,885$ -$ -$ -$ - Total Other Articles1,539,399$ 726,885$ 4,405,244$ 7,474,719$ -$ 7,474,719$ 3,069,475$ 69.68% General Fund Total142,666,285$ 148,279,993$ 162,352,760$ 171,160,532$ 863,475$ 172,024,007$ 9,671,247$ 5.96% Note: Asterisk denotes a Continuing Balance Account. 25 TOWN MEETING MEMBERS At Large Michael J. Barrett.............................................................................................................. 7 Augustus Road Deborah J. Brown.............................................................................................................47 Robinson Road George A. Burnell.....................................................................................................................4 Eaton Road Norman P. Cohen..........................................................................................................33 Forest Street #309 Donna M. Hooper......................................................................................................................14 Lois Lane Jay R. Kaufman........................................................................................................................1 Childs Road Peter C.J. Kelley....................................................................................................................24 Forest Street Hank Manz............................................................................................................................14 Ellison Road Deborah N. Mauger..........................................................................................................38 Liberty Avenue Precinct 1 Term Expires 2015 Joel A. Adler........................................................................................................................22 Village Circle Jean W. Cole.......................................................................................................................23 Whipple Road Robert W. Cunha.................................................................................................................10 Stevens Road Eric Eid-Reiner.......................................................................................................................7 Russell Road Joseph S. Rancatore................................................................................................................21 Wheeler Rd Mary Ann Stewart..................................................................................................................24 Rawson Ave Judith L. Zabin............................................................................................................................1 Page Road Term Expires 2014 Nancy M. Adler...................................................................................................................22 Village Circle John C. Bartenstein..........................................................................................................46 Sanderson Road Colin R. Hamilton............................................................................................................28 Theresa Avenue Marc Joseph Randazzo.....................................................................................837B Massachusetts Avenue John F. Rossi.........................................................................................................................40 Arcola Street Carol J. Sampson.................................................................................................................8 Brandon Street Albert P. Zabin............................................................................................................................1 Page Road Term Expires 2013 Jonathan G. Cole.................................................................................................................23 Whipple Road Brian E. Heffernan..............................................................................................................223 Lowell Street Iang Jeon.............................................................................................................................7 Litchfield Road Janet M. Kern........................................................................................................................72 Lowell Street Eric Jay Michelson..................................................................................................................45 Circle Road Barry E. Sampson................................................................................................................8 Brandon Street Precinct 2 Term Expires 2015 Marian A. O. Cohen............................................................................................................8 Plymouth Road Kenneth M. Kreutziger..........................................................................................................14 Tower Road Peter B. Lee.....................................................................................................................770 Waltham Street Richard L. Neumeier..............................................................................................................2 Pitcairn Place James M. Shaw...............................................................................................................676 Waltham Street James S. Wilson.................................................................................................................43 Locust Avenue *New Candidates 28 Term Expires 2014 S. Bijan Afshartous...................................................................................................................5 Green Lane Paul H. Lapointe...................................................................................................................224 Follen Road Andrew McAleer..................................................................................................................121 Follen Road Michael McGuirk......................................................................................................................5 Crescent Rd Barry Orenstein.....................................................................................................................132 Follen Road Joseph N. Pato......................................................................................................900 Massachusetts Avenue Term Expires 2013 Kathryn Mayes Fields....................................................................................................9 Lexington Avenue Rita B. Goldberg.....................................................................................................10 Independence Avenue Karen R. Longeteig.......................................................................................................143 Concord Avenue Nancy E. Nolan.....................................................................................................................200 Follen Road Michael J. O'Sullivan.............................................................................................................12 Aerial Street Jennifer M. Vogelzang..........................................................................................................8 Paddock Lane Betsey Weiss.............................................................................................................................8 Dover Lane *Jason E. Bressner..............................................................................................................76 Baker Avenue *Laurel Carpenter...............................................................................................................94 Pleasant Street *Ricki Pappo...............................................................................................................16 Blossomcrest Road Precinct 3 Term Expires 2015 Samuel Berman...................................................................................................................11 Barberry Road Michael D. Bliss..................................................................................................................13 Barberry Road Shirley Rauson Frawley..........................................................................................................68 Potter Pond Rosemary Donnis Levy....................................................................................................27 Grassland Street Robert Rotberg....................................................................................................................14 Barberry Road Margaret B. Storch........................................................................................................330 Concord Avenue Term Expires 2014 Bonnie E. Brodner..................................................................................................................8 Trodden Path Dan H. Fenn, Jr. .....................................................................................................................59 Potter Pond Michelle Goddard................................................................................................................38 Munroe Road Steven P. Heinrich..................................................................................................................11 Potter Pond Arthur Katz.........................................................................................................................18 Barberry Road Patrick R. Mehr...............................................................................................................31 Woodcliffe Road Judith L. Pappo................................................................................................................73 Grassland Street Term Expires 2013 Benjamin J. Cohen................................................................................................................87 Bridge Street Nancy L. Hubert............................................................................................................1010 Waltham Street Jeanne K. Krieger................................................................................................................44 Webster Road Beth J. Masterman..........................................................................................................4 Philbrook Terrace Glenn P. Parker...................................................................................................................186 Spring Street Cynthia Piltch.....................................................................................................................18 Barberry Road Franklin E. Smith......................................................................................................................7 Potter Pond *Kevin Johnson.............................................................................................................283 Concord Avenue *New Candidates 29 Precinct 4 Term Expires 2015 Gloria J. Bloom......................................................................................................................17 Loring Road Robert N. Cohen..............................................................................................................10 Grassland Street Peter David Enrich................................................................................................................35 Clarke Street Jill I. Hai..........................................................................................................................6 Highland Avenue Ellen Jo McDonald...............................................................................................................50 Bridge Street John M. Patrick..................................................................................................2030 Massachusetts Avenue Gerald Paul.....................................................................................................................43 Highland Avenue Term Expires 2014 Alessandro A. Alessandrini...................................................................................................32 Slocum Road Lisa A. Baci..................................................................................................................18 Fair Oaks Terrace Thomas R. Diaz..............................................................................................................354 Waltham Street Beverly Kelley.......................................................................................................................24 Forest Street Paul Miniutti.....................................................................................................................2 Wachusett Circle Vincent J. Pisegna..................................................................................................56 Sherburne Road South Ruth S. Thomas.....................................................................................................................10 Parker Street Term Expires 2013 Nyles Nathan Barnert........................................................................................................142 Worthen Road Michael P. Boudett.......................................................................................................39 Prospect Hill Road Scott F. Burson .....................................................................................................58 Sherburne Road South Margaret B. Heitz................................................................................................................335 Marrett Road Charles W. Lamb...................................................................................................................55 Baskin Road Susan A. McLeish.........................................................................................................33 Forest Street #311 Sandra J. Shaw................................................................................................................51 Wachusett Drive *Melanie I. Blower......................................................................................................18 Grapevine Avenue *Judith M. Boxer...............................................................................................................111 Kendall Road *Laura J. Hussong...........................................................................................................354 Waltham Street *Molly Harding Nye..........................................................................................1932 Massachusetts Avenue Precinct 5 Term Expires 2015 Elaine Dratch........................................................................................................................2 Maureen Road John Hayward...................................................................................................................358 Woburn Street Taylor M. Lahiff.................................................................................................................318 Lowell Street James R. Lowry.................................................................................................................21 Rumford Road Marc A. Saint Louis.........................................................................................................5 Brookwood Road Sam Silverman...................................................................................................................18 Ingleside Road Lisa L. Smith..........................................................................................................................40 Webb Street Term Expires 2014 David E. Burns..................................................................................................................138 Laconia Street Nancy Corcoran-Ronchetti.................................................................................................344 Lowell Street Anthony G. Galaitsis..........................................................................................................7 Burroughs Road Richard F. McDonough..........................................................................................................83 Grant Street Ephraim Weiss....................................................................................................................462 Lowell Street David G. Williams.............................................................................................1433 Massachusetts Avenue *New Candidates 30 Term Expires 2013 Paul V. Bergantino..........................................................................................................19 Butterfield Road Jeffrey J. Crampton............................................................................................................7 Lockwood Road Irene M. Dondley................................................................................................................22 Leonard Road Marilyn M. Fenollosa..........................................................................................................10 Marshall Road Andrew J. Friedlich...............................................................................................................22 Young Street Jerold S. Michelson...................................................................................................................3 Clyde Place M. Masha Traber..................................................................................................................106 Maple Street *Saatvik Ahluwalia.............................................................................................................8 Peachtree Road *Ginna Johnson...........................................................................................................................23 Ridge Rd Precinct 6 Term Expires 2015 Osman Babson.....................................................................................................................21 Redcoat Lane Todd J. Cataldo.....................................................................................................................168 Grant Street Bebe H. Fallick..........................................................................................................................4 Diehl Road Edmund C. Grant...................................................................................................................27 Grove Street Jane Pagett......................................................................................................................10 Oakmount Circle Edith Sandy............................................................................................................353 North Emerson Road Term Expires 2014 Suzanne D. Abair................................................................................................................6 Millbrook Road Jonathan A. Himmel..........................................................................................................66 Hancock Street Morton G. Kahan...............................................................................................................44 Hancock Street David L. Kaufman........................................................................................................152 Burlington Street Ann S. Redmon................................................................................................................31 Woodland Road Frank Sandy...........................................................................................................353 North Emerson Road Term Expires 2013 Paul Chernick.....................................................................................................................14 Somerset Road Brian P. Kelley........................................................................................................................44 Grant Street Ann M. Kelly...........................................................................................................................15 Brent Road Trisha P. Kennealy.....................................................................................................................4 Brent Road Alan J. Lazarus.................................................................................................................22 Woodland Road Dawn E. McKenna...............................................................................................................9 Hancock Street Michael P. Segal...................................................................................................................8 Brigham Road Deborah Strod.....................................................................................................................10 Thoreau Road *Margaret L. Counts-Klebe..............................................................................................8 Hancock Avenue *Frederic S. Johnson..............................................................................................................4 Stetson Street *Hengameh M. Taraz..........................................................................................................1 Whitman Circle Precinct 7 Term Expires 2015 Marsha E. Baker..............................................................................................................46 Burlington Street Donald O. Benson..................................................................................................................58 Dexter Road James E. Goell.....................................................................................................................6 Boxwood Lane Raul Marques-Pascual..............................................................................................................21 Rangeway Fred H. Martin......................................................................................................................29 Dewey Road John D. Pompeo......................................................................................................................3 Hadley Road Elizabeth Anne Sarles..................................................................................................36 Turning Mill Road *New Candidates 31 Term Expires 2014 Elizabeth DeMille Barnett....................................................................................................19 Eldred Street James W. Courtemanche.......................................................................................................88 Winter Street Thomas V. Griffiths.............................................................................................................7 Volunteer Way Pam Hoffman..............................................................................................................................4 Rangeway David G. Kanter........................................................................................................................48 Fifer Lane Benjamin L. Moroze..............................................................................................................5 Marvin Street Thomas J. Wanderer............................................................................................................65 Gleason Road Term Expires 2013 Mary Burnell.............................................................................................................................4 Eaton Road Patricia Elen Costello..............................................................................................................9 Preston Road Jay B. Eidson.......................................................................................................................50 Gleason Road Catherine Woodward Gill...................................................................................................43 Bertwell Road Joyce A. Miller..........................................................................................................................23 Fifer Lane Rand K. Spero....................................................................................................................11 Heritage Drive *George A. Burnell...................................................................................................................4 Eaton Road *Mary C. Hamilton..................................................................................................................2 Grove Street *Paul J. Rubin...............................................................................................................5 Drummer Boy Way *Geoffrey G. Xiao................................................................................................................46 Eldred Street Precinct 8 Term Expires 2015 Larry N. Belvin....................................................................................................................10 Denver Street Diane M. Biglow.............................................................................................................15 Bellflower Street Ingrid H. Klimoff.....................................................................................................................75 Reed Street James A. Osten........................................................................................................................8 Revere Street Jessie Steigerwald................................................................................................................143 Cedar Street Shirley H. Stolz..................................................................................................2139 Massachusetts Avenue Weidong Wang........................................................................................................................59 Reed Street Term Expires 2014 Robert M. Avallone......................................................................................................21 Constitution Road Margaret Bradley............................................................................................................48 Bellflower Street Charles Hornig.........................................................................................................................75 Reed Street Mary U. Hosmer.............................................................................................................4 Constitution Road Noah J. Kaufman.....................................................................................................................1 Childs Road Stewart G. Kennedy..........................................................................................................38 Liberty Avenue Richard A. Michelson..........................................................................................................54 Asbury Street Term Expires 2013 Joshua B. Brand..................................................................................................................6 Freemont Street John T. Cunha................................................................................................................11 Homestead Street Margaret S. Enders...............................................................................................................11 Kimball Road David C. Horton............................................................................................................68 Paul Revere Road Alan Mayer Levine..................................................................................................................54 Reed Street Alan V. Seferian.................................................................................................................10 Augustus Road Melinda M. Walker..........................................................................................................14 Larchmont Lane *Timothy Y. Dunn............................................................................................................32 Liberty Avenue *Andrei Radulescu-Banu.......................................................................................................86 Cedar Street *William A. Ribich...............................................................................................................18 Revere Street *New Candidates 32 Precinct 9 Term Expires 2015 Narain D. Bhatia................................................................................................................8 Nickerson Road Richard L. Canale..................................................................................................................29 Shade Street Helen L. Cohen..................................................................................................................32 Patterson Road Mollie K. Garberg.................................................................................................................16 Cary Avenue William P. Kennedy.............................................................................................................135 Wood Street Lisa J. Mazerall......................................................................................................................40 Wood Street Justine A. Wirtanen...........................................................................................................37 Fairbanks Road Term Expires 2014 Alice J. Adler...................................................................................................................10 Nickerson Road Jeanne P. Canale....................................................................................................................29 Shade Street Janice A. Kennedy...............................................................................................................135 Wood Street Mark P. Maguire...............................................................................................................249 Lincoln Street Wendy Manz.........................................................................................................................14 Ellison Road Leo P. McSweeney...........................................................................................................435 Lincoln Street Lisah S. Rhodes..................................................................................................................482 Marrett Road Term Expires 2013 Shireen Ahmed..................................................................................................................393 Lincoln Street Victoria Lawrence Blier.........................................................................................................41 Shade Street Rodney Cole.........................................................................................................................80 School Street Margaret E. Coppe........................................................................................................12 Barrymeade Drive Thomas O. Fenn.....................................................................................................................15 Shade Street Jesse F. Segovia....................................................................................................................7 Pheasant Lane Francine Stieglitz.................................................................................................................3 Amherst Street *John Mazerall.......................................................................................................................40 Wood Street *Christina M. Murray...........................................................................................................66 School Street *Janet M. Perry.....................................................................................................................16 Ellison Road *Richard Schaye..........................................................................................................................7 Jean Road *Mark R. Vitunic................................................................................................................39 Lincoln Street *New Candidates 33 TOWN FINANCE TERMINOLOGY The following terms are frequently used in the annual town report and at the town meeting. In order to provide everyone with a better understanding of the meaning, the following definitions are provided. AVAILABLE FUNDS - "FREE CASH" The amount certified annually by the Bureau of Accounts, Department of Revenue. The certified amount is the Unreserved Fund Balance less all outstanding taxes. This fund may be used by a vote of the town meeting as available funds for appropriation. AVAILABLE FUNDS - OTHER Usually refers to balances in special funds or to balances remaining in specific articles previously appropriated. These balances become available for re-appropriation by Town Meeting (or are returned to the town's general fund balance). "CHERRY SHEET" A financial statement issued by the State on cherry-colored paper that itemizes state aid due to the town, and charges payable by the town to the state and county. The assessors need the Cherry Sheet to set a tax rate. GENERAL FUND The municipal fund accounts for most financial expenses and revenues approved by town meeting. The tax levy is the principal source of revenue in the general fund. ENTERPRISE FUND A self-supporting account for a specific service or program that the town operates as a separate "business." Enterprise funds do not depend on taxes for operating revenue. For example, water operations are funded through the water enterprise fund, which receives funds from a consumption based fee system. Ideally, enterprise resources and expenditures should balance over time. Funds in enterprise accounts do not revert to the general fund at the end of the fiscal year. OVERLAY The overlay is the amount raised by the Assessors in excess of appropriations and other charges for the purpose of creating a fund to cover abatements granted by the Board of Assessors. RESERVE FUND This appropriation is voted at the annual town meeting in an amount not to exceed 5% of the tax levy of the preceding year. Transfers from the reserve fund are approved by the Appropriation Committee and may only be used for "extraordinary or unforeseen expenditures." REVOLVING FUND Revolving funds are used for a particular service. They must be re-authorized each year by a vote of Town Meeting. An overall limit on spending is set by Town Meeting. The funds can be used for the service without appropriation up to the approved limit. 34 ELECTION INFORMATION Local Election – Monday, March 4, 2013 Polling Hours - 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Polling Locations Precinct 1 Cary Memorial Building, 1605 Massachusetts Avenue Precinct 2 Bowman School, Philip Road Precinct 3 Jonas Clarke Middle School, Stedman Road Enter off Waltham Street via Brookside Avenue Precinct 4 Bridge School, Middleby Road Precinct 5 Cary Memorial Building, 1605 Massachusetts Avenue Precinct 6 Diamond Middle School - enter off Hancock Street @ Burlington Street traffic circle Precinct 7 Estabrook School, Grove Street -near Route 128 Precinct 8 Samuel Hadley Public Services Building, 201 Bedford Street Precinct 9 Maria Hastings School – Massachusetts Avenue @ Crosby Road (near Route 128) For further information, call the Town Clerk’s Office 781-862-0500, Ext. 270; or email . TownClerk@lexingtonma.gov Town of Lexington PRESORTED Lexington, MA 02420 STANDARD U.S. Postage Paid Boston, MA Permit No. 3011 WS CAR SORT Postal Patron Lexington, MA Revised Article 30 (requested by Gerry Paul and Richard Canale) ARTICLE 30 AMEND GENERAL BYLAWS – TREES To see if the Town will vote to amend Chapter 120 (Trees) of the Code of the Town of Lexington as follows: In Section 120-3, delete the first sentence of the definition of SETBACK AREA in its entirety and replace it with the following: The minimum setback area around a lot shall be measured in accordance with the larger dimensions of: (i) 30 feet from the front and 15 feet from the two sides and from the rear of the lot (ii) the minimum front yard, side yard and rear yard dimensional requirements under the Zoning Bylaw of the Town of Lexington. In Subsection 120-8.C(1), delete the words “1/2 inch of caliper” and replace with the words “one inch of caliper”.; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Board of Selectmen at the request of the Tree Committee) DESCRIPTION: This article would make clarifying changes to the Tree Bylaw and would increase the total inches of caliper of new trees that are required to be planted. AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING DATE: 1/28/13 STAFF: Lynne Pease ITEM NUMBER: I.5 SUBJECT: Approve Common Victualler and Entertainment Licenses – Upper Crust EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Upper Crust has been bought by a new company and they are requesting approval of both a Common Victualler License and Entertainment License. They are planning to open without serving liquor, but will apply for a new liquor license soon. If approved, the Common Victualler and Entertainment licenses will be held until Upper Crust has completed the necessary inspections and permits needed from Health and Building. FINANCIAL IMPACT: RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: Motion to approve a Common Victualler License and Entertainment License for UC Lexington, LLC d/b/a The Upper Crust, located at 1726 Massachusetts Avenue, subject to their receiving all the necessary permits and approvals from both the Building and Health Departments. STAFF FOLLOW-UP: Selectmen’s Office AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING DATE: 12/3/12 STAFF: Lynne Pease ITEM NUMBER: I.6 SUBJECT: Appointments EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Town Celebrations Committee (TCC) has requested that Julie Miller, who is currently on the TCC Subcommittee, be appointed to the full committee to fill the unexpired term of Jim Shaw. The Town Celebrations Committee has requested that Barbara Manfredi be appointed to the TCC Subcommittee. The Greenways Corridor Committee has requested that Aaron Ladd be appointed to the committee. FINANCIAL IMPACT: RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: Motion to appoint Julie Miller to the Town Celebrations Committee to fill the unexpired Term of James Shaw until June 30, 2014. Motion to appoint Barbara Manfredi to the Town Celebrations Subcommittee for a term to expire June 30, 2013. Motion to appoint Aaron Ladd to the Greenways Corridor Committee for a term to expire September 30, 2013. STAFF FOLLOW-UP: Selectmen’s Office Page 1of 1 Lynne Pease From:Mike & Suzie Barry \[msmt4barry@verizon.net\] Sent:Wednesday, January 16, 2013 2:19 PM To:Lynne Pease Subject:RE: TCC Membership Update Put Julie on for the 28th (I need her to be able to vote) and I will ask Barbara to get the form in asap. Thanks, S From:Lynne Pease \[mailto:LPEASE@lexingtonma.gov\] Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2013 2:07 PM To: Suzanne Barry Subject: RE: TCC Membership Update Yes. Please have her fill out the attached application. Do you want me to wait to get BarbaraÓs application and do both her and Julie or I can have Julie appointed at the 1/28 meeting. Lynne A. Pease Selectmen's Office Town of Lexington 1625 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington, MA 02420 email selectmen@lexingtonma.gov phone 781-862-0500 x208 fax 781-863-9468 From: Mike & Suzie Barry \[mailto:msmt4barry@verizon.net\] Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2013 2:05 PM To: Lynne Pease Subject: TCC Membership Update Hi Barbara Manfredi would like to come on the TCC Sub Committee. Does she need to fill out an application? Also, Can we move Julie Miller from Sub Committee to Regular Committee to fill the balance of Jim Shaw's term? Thanks, Suzie 1/16/2013 Page 1of 3 Lynne Pease From:Keith Ohmart \[kohmart@verizon.net\] Sent:Monday, January 14, 2013 10:16 AM To:selectmen's Subject:Fwd: becoming a member of the Greenways Corridor Committee Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Red Hi Lynne, Is this message of interest sufficient to submit Aaron Ladd's name to the Board of Selectmen for appointment to the Greenways Corridor Committee? Thanks, Keith Begin forwarded message: From: Aaron Ladd <aaronl@globalathletics.com> Date: January 12, 2013 7:42:39 PM EST To: Rick Abrams <rickya@mac.com> Cc: Keith Ohmart <kohmart@verizon.net> Subject: Re: becoming a member of the Greenways Corridor Committee Rick and Keith- Thank you for the opportunity to become a part of the Greenways Corridor Committee and give back to the community I live in, and expand the outdoor recreation opportunities to the residents of Lexington. There is important work to be done to make sure that people can use and appreciate the conservation and transportation network of the town to live an active lifestyle and increase sustainability in the town. I was born and raised in Lexington, a 2001 graduate of the high school before leaving to get a government degree from St. Lawrence University in New York. I had the opportunity to also spend a semester in Washington DC and work for a governors office and become immersed in the political action of our nation's capital, installing a passion for civic duty. For graduate studies, I took the opportunity to get a degree from the University of Iowa in Urban and Regional Planning where I focused on GIS mapping, environmental planning, healthy cities and bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure. Currently I am involved in town as an assistant coach at the high school for the cross country and track programs, with opportunity to share the trail systems of the town with young runners and athletes. There are few parts of town that I have not explored with a pair of running shoes on. My other work has me doing event planning where I balance numerous projects at a time. I hope my experience, and interest in helping to improve Lexington's already outstanding reputation for being a destination for trails, conservation and active transportation. Thank 1/22/2013 Page 2of 3 you for your consideration. Aaron Ladd 13 Pine Knoll Road 781-635-7819 (c) Quoting Rick Abrams <rickya@mac.com>: Aaron Happy New Year. Apologies for taking time to get back to you. Our committee is very enthusiastic about you joining our committee. Your background and interests are terrific. Here are the logistics. Could you send a note to Keith Ohmart (Chair of the GCC) letting him know your interest in the committee? Could you also include a paragraph or two about yourself- grew up and live in Lexington, coach track, masters in urban planning, etc., etc.? Keith will then send your letter to the board of selectmen who approve each member. Once we hear from them, we'll be all set. How does this sound? We are all very much looking forward to be becoming a member of the committee. As you know, we have some fun and important work ahead of us. All the best. Rick Rick Abrams 1/22/2013 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING DATE:STAFF: ITEM NUMBER: January 28, 2013 Carl Valente I.7 SUBJECT: Appointments: Commission on Disability EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: I am requesting that the Board approve the following Town Manager’s appointments to the Commission on Disability: 1.Victoria Buckley, member since 2003 2.Janet Perry, member since 2007 3.Francine Stieglitz, member since 2005 FINANCIAL IMPACT: None RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to approve the Town Manager’s appointment of: Victoria Buckley, Janet Perry and Francine Stieglitz to the Commission on Disability. STAFF FOLLOW-UP: TMO will prepare appointment letters AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING DATE: 1/28/13 STAFF: Lynne Pease ITEM NUMBER: C.2-4 SUBJECT: Consent Agenda EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: th 2.Approve a one-day liquor license for the Lexington 300 Anniversary Celebration - Committee to serve wine at the Musket Ball on Saturday, April 6, 2013, from 8:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. at Cary Memorial Building. 3.Approve a one-day liquor license for the Tourism Committee/Antony Working Group to serve wine at the “A French A Faire” fundraiser on Sunday, February 10, 2013, from 4:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in the Depot Building. 4.Approve a one-day liquor license for the St. Brigid Parish to serve beer and wine for the Irish Night fundraiser on Saturday, March 16, 2013, from 6:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. at St. Brigid Parish. See attached information. FINANCIAL IMPACT: RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: Motion to approve the Consent Agenda. STAFF FOLLOW-UP: Selectmen’s Office AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING DATE:PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: January 28, 2013 Carl Valente Executive Session Denise Casey, Michelle Stevens SUBJECT: Exemptions 3 and 6: Suggested motions for Executive Session: Exemption 6: I Movethat the Board go into Executive Session to consider the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property at 33 Marrett Road. Further, that as Chairman, I declare that an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the Town. Exemption 3: I Move to go into Executive Session to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining strategy related to the Police Superior Officers Union and the Lexington Police Association. Further, that as Chairman I declare that an open meeting discussion may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the Town. The Board of Selectmen will reconvene in Open Session only to adjourn. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Update on 33 Marrett Road appraisals/negotiating position. Update on bargaining status with the Lexington Police Association and the Police Superior Offices union. FINANCIAL IMPACT: NA RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: STAFF FOLLOW-UP: TMO Prepared by cfv