HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-01-17-REC-min � us FN�ry TTS P Town of Lexington Recreation Committee APRIL NY" �fXINC, Frederick DeAngelis, Chairman Tel: (781)698-4800 Lisah Rhodes,Vice Chairman Fax: (781) 862-2747 Sandra Shaw Ruixi Yuan Jason Denoncourt Recreation Committee Minutes of Meeting January 17,2018 A meeting of the Recreation Committee was held on Wednesday,January 17, 2018 at 7:OOpm in Room 237 of the Lexington Community Center, 39 Marrett Road, Lexington. Members Present: Rick DeAngelis,Lisah Rhodes(via phone),Jason Denoncourt,and Ruixi Yuan Members Absent: Sandra Shaw Staff Present: Melissa Battite, Director of Recreation and Community Programs, Peter Coleman,Assistant Director of Recreation, and Chris Filadoro, DPW Superintendent of Public Grounds Others Present: Doug Lucente (Board of Selectmen liaison) and Steve McKenna(9 Hancock Street, Lexington) 1. Meeting Minutes from December 20,2017 Ruixi Yuan moved and Jason Denoncourt seconded approval of the Recreation Committee Minutes of December 20,2017. The Recreation Committee voted 4-0 to approve the minutes of October 18,2017. 2. Citizens and Other Boards—None 3. Liaison Reports—None 4. Capital Budget FY2019-FY2023 a) January 24,2018 School Committee Meeting Regarding the Center Recreation Complex Melissa Battite, Director of Recreation and Community Programs, informed the Committee that the meeting that had been scheduled for Thursday,January 4`h was postponed due to a snowstorm and has been rescheduled for Wednesday,January 241h at 7:OOpm at the Public Services Building (201 Bedford Street). Ms. Battite stated that two members from the Recreation Committee should be in attendance and Rick DeAngelis and Lisah Rhodes said they would attend the meeting. In addition to the School Committee,the Board of Selectmen, Capital Expenditures Committee(CEC),and Appropriation Committee will also be in attendance. Ms. Battite noted that this meeting will be the first time that the School Committee will hear information about the two proposed projects(Athletic Facility Lighting-#278 and Center Track and Field Reconstruction-#732). The presentation will be followed by a conversation on the proposed projects. While public comments will not be accepted, members from the various committees may need to address questions that are asked. Ms. Battite indicated that Naomi Martin, Lexington High School Athletic Director,will try to attend. The main question is whether any portion of the Center Recreation Complex could potentially be used for a new Lexington High School in the future. At its meeting on December 21",the Community Preservation Committee 2 (CPC)voted to approve the full scope of both projects. For project#278,the vote was 9-0 and for#732,the vote was 7-1-1. b) Community Center Campus Expansion Ms. Battite reported that DiNisco presented three concepts for the Community Center expansion at the Board of Selectmen's meeting on January 8th. There were six representatives from the Recreation Committee and Community Center Program Advisory Committee(CCPAC) in attendance at the meeting. There were a handful of people who expressed opposition to the project. While the Board of Selectmen is in favor of the project, it is uncertain if the timing is right given the other capital improvements that are needed throughout the community. At the Board of Selectmen meeting on January 22"d, Carl Valente,Town Manager,will present his recommended FY2019 budget and the Recreation Committee and CCPAC need to advocate strongly for the project in the coming weeks. The CCPAC held its monthly meeting on January 11 th and has sent a support letter to Mr. Valente and the Board of Selectmen. The Recreation Committee agreed that it should send a letter of support to Mr. Valente and the Board of Selectmen as well given the high demand for program space and the space constraints that are currently being experienced at the Community Center. The FY2019 request for the feasibility study is for$250,000 and is scheduled to come out of the Recreation Enterprise Fund. Rick DeAngelis, Chairman of the Recreation Committee,stated that he is in favor of spending the money for the feasibility study. This will allow the Town to see where it is at regarding a potential expansion and he acknowledged that the expansion may need to wait until other projects are completed,such as the new Fire and Police Station buildings. After some discussion on this topic, Lisah Rhodes made the following motion: The Recreation Committee votes to approve funding for the feasibility study of the Community Center expansion using$250,000 out of the Recreation Enterprise Fund. Ruixi Yuan seconded the motion. The Recreation Committee voted 4-0 to approve. 5. Reports a) Recreation and Community Programs Melissa Battite provided the Committee with her monthly update. The January 2018 Recreation and Community Programs Report is included as an attachment to the minutes. Ms. Battite added that the Community Open House will be held at the Community Center on Saturday, January 20'h from 10:00am-2:00pm. A total of 16 providers will be in attendance to promote several of out- of-school and summer programs as well as employment and volunteer opportunities and admission to the event is free. Jason Denoncourt noted the disparity in the quality of the girls and boys youth basketball clinics that are being offered this winter. Mr. Coleman shared the structure of the two programs and the differences in the coach and volunteer placements. Staff will look at the clinics and determine what, if any, changes may be made for the coming seasons. b) Parks Report Chris Filadoro, DPW Superintendent of Public Grounds, provided this month's Parks Report. Tree work at Pine Meadows is scheduled to begin shortly. There will be 3-4 DPW staff attending the Certified Pool Operator(CPO)course this spring. The Parks Division has been staying busy with snow removal in recent weeks as it is responsible for the 68 miles of sidewalks in town. The Fletcher Park skating rink is currently open and is having a successful season so far. The next meeting of the Recreation Committee,a joint meeting with the Community Program Advisory Committee,is scheduled to take place on Wednesday,February 28",2018 at 7:00pm in Room 237 of the Lexington Community Center. 39 MA TT ROAD,LEXINGTON,MASSACHUSETTS 02421 3 The January 17, 2018 meeting of the Recreation Committee adjourned at 8:02pin. Respectfully submitted, Peter Coleman Assistant Director of Recreation The following documents/exhibits distributed at the meeting are attached: • January 2018 Recreation & Community Programs Report • Letter from the Community Center Program Advisory Committee(CCPAC) supporting the Community Center Expansion feasibility study 34 MARRETT ROAD,LEXINGTON,MASSACHUSETTS 02421