HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-11-03-LHRC-min 13S M014 1775 Town of Lexington Lexington Human Rights Committee APRILIV FX I N G I Sean D. Osborne, Chair t1imnariri ), Mary Anton, Vice Chair Tanya Gisolfi, Clerk Lexington Human Rights Committee, November 3, 2017 Meeting Minutes DRAFT The regular monthly meeting of the Lexington Human Rights Committee (LHRC) was held on November 3, 2017 at the Lexington Community Center. Present at the meeting were: • Members: Mary Ant6n, Ed.D., Lieutenant Jim Barry, Charlotte Rodgers, Tanya Gisolfi, FuangYing Huang, Sean Osborne, and Jeffrey Toronto • Liaisons: Doug Lucente (Board of Selectmen), Aidan Evelyn (Police), Stanley Yap (CAAL) Debbra Zucker (LexPride), Mona Roy (SEPCA & LexDesi) • Guests: Todd Burger, Tony Rodriguez, Valerie Overton Meeting called to order at 8:09 am. Quorum was present. MINUTES Members were asked for any comments or amendments to the October 13, 2017 meeting minutes, a reading of the minutes was dispensed with, time was allotted to review minutes for comment. Philip Doyle was added as present. Whereupon the motion was made by Jim Barry and seconded, it was: RESOLVED: to approve the minutes for the October 13, 2017 meeting, with amendment. ELECTION OF OFFICERS The newly elected Vice-Chair felt there may be an appearance of a conflict of interest if she served therefore she stepped down. Two candidates came forward and a vote for a new Vice-Chair was held between FuangYing Huang and Jeffrey Toronto. FuangYing Huang was elected. Whereupon the motion was made by Sean Osborne and seconded, it was: RESOLVED: to elect Mrs. Huang to serve as Vice-Chair. LEXINGTON as a "WELCOMING COMMUNITY" for Undocumented Immigrants Update on the resolution language People Power brought up at last meeting. The Police Department representatives reviewed and made some changes to the language. The Lexington Inter-Faith Clergy Association (LICA) adopted a resolution of inclusiveness that included some of People Powers language. They are still working on their resolution language and it is unclear when it may come back for a vote. COMMUNITY CONVERSATION 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE-LEXINGTON,MASSACHUSETTS 02420 Conversations on Race — The second Conversation on Race supported by the LHRC, will be held on the annual MLK Day of Service. The event takes place on January 15, 2018 8:00- 10:00 am at Grace Chapel. The topic is Suspended Education Rates and half of the program will include small group conversations. Clarification was requested on the volunteer roles of Ms. Gisolfi and Ms. Roy. Conversations on Immigration — LHRC will work with People Power to develop a working group to be headed by Bonnie Brodner to plan a conversation in March or April 2018. Anyone may join the working group, please contact Bonnie Brodner if you are interested. The LHRC is working toward hosting or sponsoring quarterly conversations. The difference between hosting and sponsoring was raised, hosting is when the LHRC takes the lead on the event and works soup-to-nuts to put on the event. Sponsoring is when another organization takes the lead and organizational aspects and simply requests support from the LHRC. If a liaison organization is interested in developing a community conversation, please speak to your LHRC liaison. LPS STUDENT DISCIPLINE SURVEY Update— survey questions are planned to go out for review & discussion with senior staff by the end of November. Hopefully, December will bring a test run, but Faculty, Staff, & School Council still all need to give approval before roll-out. Ms. Roy and Ms. Huang were give a thank you for all their efforts. HOUSING DISCRIMINATION The Lexington Police Department (LPD) first training by MCAD happen this past month. Five of the nine LHRC members were trained as well as ten police department members. The Chief of Police thought the training went well and is planning to train 20 people per quarter. The intention is to train the rest of the Police Department then open up the training to other community departments, such as the fire department. The police liaison will let the Chair know if there are any open slots that community members may fill. Fair-Housing Testers — Ms. Anton is in charge of organizing testers from various groups around town who will pose as prospective tenants/buyers. The Fair Housing Committee of Greater Boston can train testers, but financial support is needed to pay for the training. The BoS liaison was asked for ideas about a budget. A side question was raised about the best way to bring a complaint; the website is the place to report any complaint. LIAISONS AND ADVISORY BOARD The advisory Board is an opportunity for different community groups, for example CAAL and Council on Aging to get together and discuss what each group is doing and ways the groups can connect and work together for the common benefit of the Lexington Community. These are not public meetings. The next meeting is December 20, 2017 6:30-8:00, LCC room 242. REPORTS AND UPDATES Human Right Related Incidents & Town Departments Town Manager's Office Update: Several families need help making rent and families may be in need of hot meals as holidays arrive. Send people to Human Services, which does provide support. On the MLK Day of Service Brook Haven will jointly sponsor with DHS a 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE•LEXINGTON,MASSACHUSETTS 02420 lunch in Senior Villages with a planned conversation around Dr. King's legacy and opportunities for service. School: Update - Lexington Public School System RIDES initiative (Reimagining Integration for Diverse and Equitable Schools) is working with people about equity and access, developing "equity leaders." Bowman raised overs 1500lbs of food and h20, and $7000 to be sent to small town in Puerto Rico. The entire gift shipped for free through the shipping company DHL. School serves 380 students 80% below the poverty level where many families in this small town lost everything. The entire school senior leadership team attended a day-long seminar by the District Attorney's Office about Responding to Hate Crimes. Police Update: Nothing to report. School Committee: Nothing to report. Board of Selectmen: Nothing to report. ADJOURNMENT There being no further issues to come before the LHRC, upon a motion made by Sean Osborne and seconded, it was unanimously: RESOLVED: to adjourn. Adjourned at 9:19 am. Next meeting: Friday, December 1, 2017 at 8:00 am. I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the foregoing minutes are accurate and complete. Tanya Gisolfi, Clerk LIST OF DOCUMENTS • Agenda • Last Month's Minutes • LHRC Chair Report • Flyer from LexPride: Event November 4th, 2017 "Understanding Gender" Cary Library 3-4:30 • Flyer from LexPride: Event November 19, 2017 "Transgender Day of Remembrance" Emery Park 3-3:30 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE•LEXINGTON,MASSACHUSETTS 02420