HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-11-13-CONCOM-min TOWN OF LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS CONSERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES Monday November 13, 2017 6:30 P.M. Parker Room, Town Office Building 1625 Massachusetts Ave Vice Chair David Langseth opened the meeting at 6:32pm in the Parker Room. Commissioners Present: Duke Bitsko, Dick Wolk, Kevin Beuttell, Ruth Ladd, Alex Dohan. David Langseth Others present: Karen Mullins, Conservation Administrator and Casey Hagerty, Conservation Department Assistant 6:32pm Approve insignificant plan change: 288 Concord Ave, DEP 201-1045, BL 1002 Dan Carr, Stamski and McNary, explained that as the contractor was getting ready to install the drywells, he realized that they were going to have issues getting the necessary separation with the groundwater. They are proposing to use a different type of chamber so that they can achieve the correct separation. Mr. Langseth entered the engineering report into the record. Motion to approve the plan change made by Mr. Wolk and seconded by Ms. Dohan. Vote: 6-0 in favor. 6:36pm Request for Amendment Determination: 45-65 Hayden Ave, DEP 201-1044, BL 1001 Doug Hartnett, High Point Engineering, explained that during construction of the parking lot expansion, they discovered a few issues that they want to address under the current Order of Conditions. The first, is that they need to do some additional material removal in the stream channel in order to get more positive flow characteristics. The second, is that they discovered a damaged culvert on the property. They are proposing to install a three sided box culvert that would improve the quality of the stream crossing. Mr. Hartnett stated that they are asking the commission whether this project could be considered an amendment to the permit or would need an entirely new filing. Questions and comments from the Commission: The commission stated that they felt the additional dredging could be heard as an amendment, but the culvert may need to be a new filing. The commission asked the applicant to look into other options for repairing the culvert. The commission asked how future plans for the site may affect this proposed work. Mr. Hartnett explained that the culvert will need to be replaced regardless of what happens to the site in future. Motion to approve the project moving forward as an amendment made by Mrs. Dohan and seconded by Mr. Beuttell. Vote: 6-0 in favor. 6:55pm Review for Certificate of Compliance: 425 and 509 Woburn Street, DEP 201-994, BL 902 Mike Novak- Meridian Associates, Brian Kelley- Builder Mr. Novak explained that there are two changes to the approved plan. The first is that three additional parking spaces were added to the plan. The second is that a 2,000 sq. ft. impervious walk way was never built. Overall, there is a reduction in impervious and the drainage systems were able to accommodate for these changes. The engineering department is reviewing these calculations. Questions and comments from the commission: The commission asked why the path was never built. Mr. Kelley explained that they realized the path was not needed during construction. Motion to issue the Certificate of Compliance pending approval from the Engineering department made by Ms. Ladd and seconded by Mr. Beuttell. Vote: 6-0 in favor. 7:OOpm Review for Certificate of Compliance: 5 John Hosmer, DEP 201-290, 243 Mike Novak, Meridian Associates and Todd Cataldo- representing homeowners Mr. Novak explained that there are a few outstanding issues regarding this project. The first is that the driveway was built in the wrong location. They have revised the driveway easement plan to reflect this change. The second is that the tennis court was built two feet closer to the wetlands than approved and the house was built four feet closer to the wetlands than approved. The third change is that a rip rap slope next to the tennis court was built within the Conservation Restriction area. Mr. Novak added that the drainage system is functioning correctly. Questions and comments from the commission: The commission asked if the CR has been recorded. Mr. Novak explained that it has not been recorded. The commission suggested that they change the CR to not include the rip rap slope area. The commission stated concern about the house and court being built closer to the wetlands but noted that at this point that there is not much they can do since it over 20 years old. Mr. Novak stated that an as-built plot plan was submitted for the house when the CO was issued in the 90s.The court was never surveyed. The commission asked if there was space on the lot to add additional area to the conservation restriction because of the rip rap slope within the CR area. Mr. Novak explained that there is no additional area to add to the CR. The commission stated that they are amendable to approving a project with a revised access easement and conservation restriction. 7:12pm New Meetings/Hearings DEP 201-1077, BL 1034 NOI, 25 Hathaway Road Owner/applicant: Paul Pusatere Project: Raze and rebuild SFD Rich Kirby- LEC Environmental, Paul Pusatere- owner Mr. Kirby explained that his client is proposing to raze and rebuild a single family home. The new house will be outside the wetland buffer and riverfront area. Within the buffer, they are proposing grading and tree removal. They are installing an infiltration system for roof run off. Mr. Kirby stated that they have submitted a revised plan with three additional trees to be saved. Mr. Langseth entered the engineering department comments and interdepartmental comments into the record. Questions and comments from the commission: The commission stated that they were concerned about the grading of the driveway and the trench drain. Mr. Kirby explained that the trench drain is at the lowest point and the driveway is graded toward that point. They will add a berm or additional spot grades to ensure all the water makes it to that trench. Motion to close the hearing made by Mr. Wolk and seconded by Mr. Beuttell. Vote: 6-0 in favor. 7:25pm DEP 201-XXXX, BL XXXX NOI, 271 Lincoln Street Owner: Linc-Marr LLC Applicant: Dani Chedid, Pheonix Construction Group Inc. Project: Reconstruction of existing parking lot Mary Trudeau- wetlands consultant, Dani Chedid- applicant Ms. Trudeau explained that entire property is paved and they are proposing to resurface the parking lot. Within the buffer zone, the applicant is only doing a repave overlay. For the portion of the property outside of the buffer, they are proposing to do a full depth reconstruction. There are no proposed changes to the grading. Mr. Langseth entered the engineering report into the record. Questions and comments from the commission: The commission discussed whether this project triggers the need for full drainage. Ms. Mullins explained that because there is no increase in impervious surface, the stormwater standards do not kick in. The commission stated that because of this, they could do a full reconstruction of the lot within the buffer as well. Ms. Trudeau stated that they will explore this option and the possibility of adding curbing. The commission stated that they want the erosion control trenched in. The applicant agreed. Ms. Hagerty stated that the project does not have a DEP file number yet. Motion to continue the hearting to 11/27/2017 at the applicant's request made by Ms. Dohan and seconded by Mr. Wolk. Vote: 6-0 in favor. 7:51 pm DEP 201-1076, BL 1033 NOI, 4 Peachtree Road Owner/applicant: Naplex Construction LLC Project: Raze and rebuild SFD Rich Kirby- LEC Environmental, Mary Beth Busa- owner/builder Mr. Kirby explained that since the last meeting, they have revised the plan to save a few more trees. The house will shift a bit further into the buffer and they are adding two inverse tree wells. The infiltrator system in the front was moved to save a tree in the front and the system in the back was enlarged and reoriented. Questions and comments from the commission: The commission thanked the applicant for making these changes. Questions and comments from the audience: Lee and Gary Ho, 398 Woburn Street, stated that they also appreciated the changes to the plan. Motion to close the hearing made by Mr. Beuttell and seconded by Ms. Ladd. Vote: 6-0 in favor. Motion to issue the Order of Conditions made by Mr. Wolk and seconded by Mrs. Dohan. Vote: 6-0 in favor. 7:58pm DEP 201-1075, BL 1032 ANRAD, Dunham and Webb Street Owner: Lawrence Trebino Applicant: Angie Kavlakian Project: Confirmation of wetlands line Ms. Mullins explained that the commission has arranged for a wetlands scientist to confirm the wetlands boundary. The applicant has agreed to pay for the consultant, the commission must vote to approve the consultant and procedure for hiring an outside consultant. Ms. Mullins explained that she, the town consultant, and applicant's consultant will be meeting on Thursday 11/16/2017 at 9am. Questions and comments from the audience: Merrill Jane Epstein, 48 Webb Street, asked the commission if there will be more deliberation regarding this property after the site visit. Mr. Langseth stated that the commission will discuss the results at the next meeting. She also asked if the applicant has to tell the commission what they are planning. Mr. Langseth explained that they do not; they are just determining the jurisdictional areas. Motion to continue the meeting to 11/27/2017 at the applicant's request made by Mr. Wolk and seconded by Ms. Ladd. Vote: 6-0 in favor. 8:07pm Pending matters continued Issue Certificate of Compliance: 230 Lincoln Street, DEP 201-995, BL 952 Ms. Mullins explained that this project requires two years of monitoring and only one has gone by. The commission stated that they would issue a partial Certificate of Compliance. Motion to issue a Partial Certificate of Compliance made by Mr. Beuttell and seconded by Ms. Ladd. Vote: 6-0 in favor. Issue Certificate of Compliance: 279 Emerson Road, DEP 201-923, BL 883 This will be discussed at the next meeting. Review for Certificate of Compliance: 435-439 Lincoln Street, DEP 201-1015, BL 972 Motion to issue a Certificate of Compliance made by Ms. Ladd and seconded by Mr. Wolk. Vote: 6-0 in favor. 8:14pm Site visits were scheduled for 11/25/2017. 8:21pm Reports Ms. Dohan reported that the Wright Farm focus group meeting was successful and they are going to meet again with the consultants from Mass Audubon soon. Ms. Ladd reported that she talked to some surveyors at the Army Corps of Engineering and got their standards for surveying. Mr. Langseth reported that the utility work in Paint Mine is very extensive as they are replacing all of the electrical polls, and inquired as to whether Conservation staff were monitoring the work. Ms. Mullins replied that the office is monitoring the project. 8:30pm Motion to adjourn made by Mr. Wolk and seconded by Ms. Ladd. Vote: 6-0 in favor. Respectfully submitted, Casey Hagerty Conservation Department Assistant Approved 11/27/2017