November 14, 1985
Pursuant to notice in the Lexington Minute -Man, a newspaper of general
circulation in the Town, published on October 31 and November 7, 1985 and notice
' sent by mail, postage prepaid, to all interested parties pursuant to the provisions
of Massachusetts General Laws, public hearings were held in the Town Office Building
on the petitions listed below.
Acting on the petitions were: Chairman Thomas G. Taylor, Vice Chairman Natalie
H. Riffin, Clarence D. Turner and Associate Members: Susan Beck and Mary W. Miley.
22 Fair Oaks Drive: John J. Downing, Jr., Stuart Joseph Ryan, Lisa and William Lahey
requested a special permit in accordance with Zoning By -Law Section 7.4.9, to allow
the continued use of the residence at 22 Fair Oaks Drive as a single-family residence
as it has been located since 1936.
123 Maple Street: Clifton C. Larson requested a variance of dimensional controls,
Zoning By -Law Section 7 and Table 2, to extend an existing carport within twelve and
one-half feet of the property line.
764 Massachusetts Avenue: Follen Church Society requested a special permit,.in
accordance with Zoning By -Law Section 3.3 and Table 1, line 3.5, to sell Christmas
trees during the month of December on the premises known as 764 Massachusetts Ave.
959 Waltham Street: Lexington Lodge of Elks requested a special permit, in accord-
ance with Zoning By -Law Table 1, line 9.1 to allow for parking of six trailers to be
used for the purpose of distribution of telephone books from November 25, 1985
through March 31, 1986.
' 113 Hartwell Avenue: Allied Instrumentation Laboratory requested a special permit,
in accordance with Zoning By -Law Section 3.4, to extend an existing concrete plat-
form truck dock an additional 34 feet in length and 8 feet in depth
Decisions filed with the Town Clerk.
22 Fair Oaks Dr. - SP granted unanimously.
123 Maple St. - V denied
764 Mass. Ave. - SP granted to 12/31/90 unanimously.
959 Waltham St. - SP granted unanimously.
113 Hartwell Ave. - SPS granted unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Note: Please see Decisions
for details.
Respectfully submitted,
Evelyn F. Cole, Administrative Clerk