August 22,1985
Pursuant to notice in the Lexington Minute -Man, a newspaper of general
circulation in the Town, published on August 8 and 15, 1985 and notice sent
by mail, postage prepaid, to all interested parties pursuant to the provisions
of Massachusetts General Laws, public hearings were held in the Town Office
Building on the petitions listed below.
Acting on the petitions were: Chairman Thomas G. Taylor, Vice Chairman
Natalie H. Riffin, Anne R. Scigliano, Clarence D. Turner and Associate Member
John J. McWeeney.
125 Hartwell Avenue: Rolm Corp. requested a special permit, in accordance with
Section 10, Sign Regulations, which would allow it to enlarge its present sign
at 125 Hartwell Avenue.
93 Hancock Street: H.H.H., Inc. d/b/a Lexington Gardens, requested an amendment
to its special permit to allow the garden shop and nursery to be open Sundays.
12 Hartwell Avenue: Leggat Company, Inc. requested a special permit, in accord-
ance with Section 10, Sign Regulations, for a temporary sign at 12 Hartwell Ave.
35 Arcola Street: Robert and Phyllis Frazier requested a special permit, in
accordance with Zoning By -Law Section 7.4.9, for the continued use of the house
as located; and a variance of dimensional controls Section 7 and Table 2 to
enclose the existing porch which has a front yard setback of 27.5 feet.
Note: Please see decisions
for details.
Respectfully submitted,
(� 'At, �X e,",
Evelyn F. Cole, Administrative Clerk
922 Waltham Street:
Nicholas A. Cannalonga requested a special permit with site
plan review, for the
development and use of the land at 922 Waltham Street, all
in accordance with Zoning By -Law Sections 8.3.4 and 3.4, for a CD, Controlled
Commercial and Industrial District, approved by Town Meeting, May 6, 1985.
Decisions filed
with the Town Clerk.
125 Hartwell Ave. -
SP granted by unanimous vote;
93 Hancock St. _
Denied by vote of 3 in opposition; 2 in favor as follows:
In Opposition: T.G. Taylor, N.R. Riffin and C.D. Turner;
In Favor: Anne R. Scigliano and John J. McWeeney;
12 Hartwell Ave. -
SP granted by unanimous vote;
35 Arcola St. -
SP granted by unanimous vote; Variance granted 4 to 1, Mr.
Taylor not in favor;
922 Waltham St. -
SP granted by unanimous vote.
The hearing adjourned at 11:48 p.m.
Note: Please see decisions
for details.
Respectfully submitted,
(� 'At, �X e,",
Evelyn F. Cole, Administrative Clerk