August 23, 1984
The Board of Appeals held a regular meeting in the Selectmen's Meeting Room at
7:45 P.M. Present and acting on petitions were: Chairman Thomas G. Taylor (except
for the first hearing, when Eric T. Clarke, Associate Member, acted and voted on
this petition), Vice Chairman, Natalie H. Riffin, and regular members: Robert M.
Gary, Anne R. Scigliano and Clarence D. Turner.
Public hearings were held on the following petitions.
38 Somerset Rd., Frederick J. Stoddard, M.D. requested a special permit, pursuant
to ZBL Section 3.3 and Table 1, line 8.3, for use of a portion of his residence
as an office.
748 Waltham St., Manuel G. Rose, Jr. requested a special permit (ZBL Section 3.3),
pursuant to Table 1, line 9.1, to operate a shop for light repairs to vehicles and
to perform ornamental welding.
23 Charles St., Alice Adams requested a variance of dimensional controls, ZBL
Section 7.4.1 (b), to maintain and to complete a garage on the premises at 23
Charles St. The side yard setback of the garage '.2.8 feet from the lot line.
66 Cary Ave., Paul M. Tedrow requested a variance of dimensional controls, ZBL
Section 7 and Table 2, to construct a garage at 66 Cary Ave. The side yard
setback would be two feet.
6 Harbell St., Robert F. Foley requested permission to enclose a portion of an
existing deck. The deck is 5.6 feet from the side lot line.
' 29 Webb St., Mark Czerwinski requested a variance of dimensional controls, ZBL
Section 7 and Table 2, for construction of a roofed, screened veranda to replace
an existing wooden terrace.
6 Sherburne Rd., The Planning Board made an appeal from a decision of the Building
Commissioner dated May 23, 1984 failing to revoke a building permit at 6 Sherburne
Rd. and
a second appeal by the Planning Board from the decision by the Building Commissioner
to issue on July 23, 1984 a building permit for construction at 6 Sherburne Rd.
Decisions filed with the Town Clerk.
38 Somerset Rd. - SP denied by vote of 3 to 2 (Natalie Rif fin and Eric Clarke voted
in favor).
748 Waltham St. - SP granted by unanimous vote (exp. 8/23/85).
23 Charles St. - V denied by vote of 3 opposed, 2 abstained (Taylor & Riffin).
66 Cary Ave. - V denied by unanimous vote.
6 Harbell St. - V denied by unanimous vote.
29 Webb St. - V denied by unanimous vote.
6 Sherburne Rd. - By agreement hearings will be held Sept. 20.
The meeting adjourned at 11:45 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Evelyn F. Cole, Administrative Clerk
Note: Please see decisions for details.