June 28, 1984
The Board of Appeals held a regular meeting in the Selectmen's Meeting Room at
7:45 P.M. Present and acting on petitions were:
Thomas G. Taylor, Chairman
Natalie H. Riffin, Vice Chairman
Robert M. Gary
Anne R. Scigliano
Alfred T. Busa, Associate
Public hearings were held on the following petitions.
12 Estabrook Rd.., Richard R. MacKenzie requested a special permit, pursuant to ZBL
Section 5.7, to install an inground swimming pool.
1 Conestoga Rd., Thomas and Regina Henneberry requested a special permit, pursuant
to ZBL Section 5.7, to install an inground swimming pool.
8 Tufts Rd., Robert S. and Priscilla P. Welsh requested a special permit, pursuant
to ZBL Section 5.7, to install an above ground pool.
973 Concord Turnpike, James McLaughlin requested a special permit, pursuant to
Section 3.3 and Table 1, lines 3.4 and 3.5, to operate a roadside stand for the
sale of poultry, eggs, fruits, vegetables, and Christmas trees and wreaths in
season. Petitioner has recently purchased the property.
' 6 SherburneRd., Fine Homes Realty, Inc. petitioned for relief from a stop work
notice issued by the Building Commissioner on May 8, 1984 for 6 Sherburne Rd.
Said petition is in accordance with Section 3.2.1 of the Zoning By -Law and Mass.
G. L. Chapter 40A, Section 15.
Decisions filed with the Town Clerk.
12 Estabrook Rd. - SP granted unanimously.
1 Conestoga Rd. - SP granted unanimously.
8 Tufts Rd. - SP granted unanimously.
973 Concord Turnpike - SP granted unanimously (exp. 6/28/86).
6 Sherburne Rd. - Withdrawn.
The meeting adjourned at 10:52 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
�;�x &ee-
Evelyn F. Cole
Administrative Clerk
Note: Please see decisions for details.
July 3, 1984
TO: Thomas G. Taylor, Chairman A
Board of Appeals 4
5 pv
FROM: Margery M. Battin, Chairman OF APPS -S
Board of Selectmen
SUBJECT: Extension of terms and change in expiration date of terms
At its meeting last evening, the Board of Selectmen voted
to extend the expiring terms of members of your Board/Committee/
Council to September 30, 1984.
The Board also voted that terms of office of those appointed
this year will expire on September 30 of the year in which the term
Copy mailed to all Members whose terms would expire on May 31 under the
previous terms: (per the Chairman's instruction)
Natalie H. Riffin (regular member & current vice Chairman)
Associates: Alfred S. Busa
Eric T. Clarke
Jonathan P. Doran
William C. Hays
John J. McWeeney
Laurence K. Redgate,