April 12, 1984
The Board of Appeals held a regular meeting in the Selectmen's Meeting Room
at 7:45 p.m. Present and acting on petitions were:
Thomas G. Taylor, Chairman
Natalie H. Riffin, Vice Chairman
Robert M. Gary
Anne R. Scigliano
Clarence D. Turner
Public hearings were held on the following petitions.
10 Theresa Avenue, David F. and Meeijih L. Sun requested a special permit, pursuant
to ZBL Section 7.4.9, to allow a house to remain as located.
Vacant lot next to 81-83 Bow Street, David J. Santosuosso requested a variance of
dimensional controls, ZBL Sections 6 & 7 & Table 2, to build.a house with a front
yard setback of 20 feet instead of 30 feet on Lot 194, Town Property Map 20, which
is the vacant lot.
20 Worthen Rd., Shawmut Bank requested a special permit, pursuant to ZBL Sign
Regulations, to install two internally illuminated wall signs (Section 10.2.5) on
the building at 20 Worthen Road. One sign will face Worthen Road. The other sign
will face Bedford Street.
' 1 Meriam Street, Zim-Mac Inc. requested a special permit, pursuant to Section 3.3
and Table 1, lines 6.12 and 6.14, to operate a restaurant with seating for 49
persons and for take out food service.
1749 Massachusetts Ave., J & J Ice Cream of Lexington, Inc. requested a special
permit, pursuant to Section 3.3 and Table 1, lines 6.13 and 6.14, for conducting
an ice-cream shop known as "Steve's".
A public hearing was scheduled for
397 Lowell St., William Kelley for a special permit, pursuant to Section 3.3 and
Table 1, lines 6.13 and 6.14, to operate an Emack & Bolio's Ice Cream Store.
Prior to the hearing the petition was withdrawn and parties in interest were
Decisions filed with the Town Clerk.
10 Theresa Ave. - SP granted, unanimously.
Bow St. Variance granted, unanimously.
20 Worthen Rd. - SP granted, unanimously.
1 Meriam St. - SP granted, unanimously.
1749 Mass. Ave. - SP granted, unanimously.
397 Lowell St. _ Withdrawn, by unanimous vote.
The. Chairman appointed Clarence Turner representative of the Board to attend the
Selectmen's Breakfast Meeting, April 26, 7:30 a.m. in Selectmen's Meeting Roan.
The meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Evelyn F. Cole, Administrative Clerk
Note: Please see decisions for details