March 31, 1983
The Board held a regular meeting in the Selectmen's Meeting Room. Present and
acting on petitions: Woodruff M. Brodhead, Chairman
Robert M. Gary
Thomas G. Taylor
Eric T. Clarke, Associate
Anne R. Scigliano, Associate
Public hearings were held on the following petitions, beginning at 7:30 p.m.
44 Paul Revere Rd., Lorraine and Lance Holmes requested variances of dimensional
controls to maintain the existing one -family dwelling and additions as presently
located on the lot. (ZBL Table 2 - dimensional controls)
454 Lowell St., Douglas H. MacDonald requested a variance of dimensional controls
to construct a concrete access ramp. (ZBL Table 2 - dimensional controls)
16 Bennington Rd., Kenneth W. Nill requested a variance of dimensional controls
for an extension of his single-family house. (ZBL Table 2, dimensional controls)
384 Waltham St., Wayne R. Malcolm requested a special permit to operate a service
gasoline station. Requested pursuant to ZBL Table 1, lines 5.1 and 5.3.
Decisions filed with the Town Clerk.
44 Paul Revere Rd. - Variances granted unanimously.
454 Lowell St. - Variance granted unanimously.
16 Bennington Rd. - Variance granted unanimously.
384 Waltham St. - SP granted with conditions pursuant to line 5.1 only.
Board members discussed the Building Commissioners proposed regulations for
gasoline service stations. Peter F. DiMatteo, Building Commissioner has met with
representatives of all the gasoline stations in an effort toward better and more
consistent regulations of service stations; regulations that will reflect more
realistically what is expected to be performed at gas service stations in this
(1983) era. He said that most gas stations are now in violation of zoning laws and/
or Board of Appeals conditions placed on permits. Gas station owners had submitted
their own list with some minor differences. He planned another meeting with them.
Board members agreed with the Commissioner's proposed regulations and expressed the
desire to include them as far as possible and as soon as possible after some further
refinemens have been made.
Board members present were generally in favor of the concept of the Warrant
Article proposed by the Assessory Apartment Committee and individuals may speak
on their own behalf at Town Meeting (April 6).
The meeting adjourned at 11:23 p.m..
Respectfully submitted,
Evelyn F. Cole, Administrative Clerk
Note: Decisions usually have
conditions. Please see them
for details.