HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-05-07 BOARD OF APPEALS HEARINGS
May 7, 1974
A regular meeting of the Lexington Board of Appeals was held on Tuesday,
May 7, 1974 at 7 30 p m in the Selectmen's Meeting Room of the Town Office
Building Present were George Sheldon, acting chairman; regular member
George Wadsworth; and associate members R Gary, R Cataldo and H Reed
Also present was a Lexington Minute-Man Publications Reporter, a LWV Observer
and an audience of townspeople
Public hearings were held on the following petitions, notice having been
mailed to those who should legally receive them and to town boards and offi-
cials who will or might be affected by decisions made and also advertised in
the Lexington Minute-man newspaper
Ernest F Stokes - variance from Section 27 to construct a swimming pool at
44 Circle Road with a rear yard of 5 ft instead of the required 15 ft
Lexington Minute-Men: Inc - special permit under Sections 25 22 and 25 24
to use premises at 1314 Massachusetts Avenue for a museum and place for mem-
bers meetings and committee meetings The applicant has an option to pur-
chase the property
Edward E Ward and Nonie L Ward - variances from Section 27 as follows to
maintain existing house with a front yard setback of 271 ft instead of the
required 30 ft and to construct a one-car garage at 34 Woodcliffe Road with
a 12 ft side yard instead of the required 15 ft and a front yard setback
of 221 ft instead of the required 30 ft
Village Development Corporation, Louis Stoico, President - special permit
for a Planned Unit Development under the provisions of Section 33 Location
of Property between No 30 and No 31 Sanderson Road to Dickens Road to
No 15 and No 17 Bryant Road
The 115 Kendall Corporation and Tektronix, Inc - site plan review and appro-
val for a special permit pursuant to Section 13 and to make a finding and
determination that the proposed placement of buildings, major topographic
changes, provisions for waste disposal, surface and ground water drainage,
erosion control, parking areas, loading areas, maneuvering areas, driveways,
the location of intersections of driveways and streets will constitute a
suitable development and will not result in substantial detriment to the
neighborhood The proposed use of the building is office and research and
development The location of the property is at the corner of Hartwell Avenue
and Bedford Street, containing approximately five acres of land
Following the hearings the Board made the following decisions, all in
public open meeting
Stokes - Granted unanimously
Lexington Minute-Men, Inc - Granted on a vote of 4 to 1, Mr Gary voting in
opposition to the petition
Ward - Granted in part The garage may have the same frontage as the existing
house which is 271 ft from the front property line and a 12 ft side yard
Village Development Corporation - Granted unanimously with certain conditions,
most important of which is that it must have a Wetland Protection Act hearing
May 7, 1974 hearings (continued) Page 2
The 115 Kendall Corporation and Tektronix, Inc - the hearing will be contin-
ued until May 21, 1974 *
All pertinent material is on file in the Board of Appeals' office
The meeting adjourned at 12 35 a m �+ 1
Evelyn F Cole, Clerk
*Re The 115 Kendall Corporation and Tektronix. Inc
No decision was made on May 7, 1974 Hearings were scheduled and notices sent
as follows to all who received notice of the May 7 Hearing
This notice is to inform you that the Board of Appeals will continue the
hearing begun on May 7, 1974 on the petition of THE 115 KENDALL CORPORATION
tised April 18 and 25 in the Lexington Minute-Man newspaper and notice sent to
you The continued hearing is scheduled for 8 P.M. , MAY 21, 1974, following
other hearings advertised for that date
George C Sheldon, Vice Chairman
Board of Appeals
May 8, 1974
THE 115 KENDALL CORPORATION AND TEKTRONIX, INC have requested to continue
their hearing before the Board of Appeals until MAY 28, 1974
This hearing begun May 7, 1974 and, which by notice was continued to May
21, will NOT be heard on May 21
The hearing is hereby continued to MAY 28, 1974 at 7 30 P M in the
Acting Chairman, George C Sheldon
Board of Appeals
May 15, 1974
On May 28, 1974 the Board gave further consideration to the subject of the
petition, the evidence presented by the petitioner and others in open public
meeting Mr Conroy represented the petitioner Mr Lenox, Mr Colangelo, Mr
Keshian, Mr Nylander and Mr Ray Cone, chief architect for Tektronix, were all
On May 30, 1974 the petition was withdrawn by The 115 Kendall Corporation
and Tektronix, Inc , by their attorney, Frederick J Conroy, by letter
Corner of Hartwell Avenue and Bedford Street
May 7 , 1974
The acting Chairman, George C Sheldon (Vice Chairman) read the notice
as follows
The Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing on the petition of
THE 115 KENDALL CORPORATION AND TEKTRONIX, INC for a site plan review and
approval for a special permit pursuant to Section 13 and related subsections
of the zoning by-law, and to make a finding and determination that the pro-
posed placement of buildings, major topographic changes, provisions for
waste disposal, surface and ground water drainage, erosion control, parking
areas, loading areas, maneuvering areas, driveways, the location of inter-
sections of driveways and streets will constitute a suitable development and
will not result in substantial detriment to the neighborhood The proposed
use of the building is office and research and development The location of
the property is at the corner of HARTWELL AVENUE and BEDFORD STREET, contain-
ing approximately five acres of land The hearing will be held TUESDAY, MAY
7, 1974 in the Town Office Building at 8 00 P M
This notice was published in the Lexington Minute-Man and people notified
as required by law
Present and acting on this petition were
George C Sheldon, Acting Chairman
George P Wadsworth
Robert M. Gary
Haskell W Reed
Robert Cataldo
Frederick J Conroy, Attorney, represented the petitioners, who had pro-
vided the following plans
I Site Plans for Lot 1, by Miller and Nylander, dated 3/25/74 as
1 PL-1, showing proposed contours
2 PL-2, showing existing & proposed contours
II Plans entitled "Proposed Office Building Bedford St & Hartwell
Ave " by Fred Lenox AIA & Associates
1 Elevations, dated March 18, 1974
2 First Floor Plan dated March 12 and 18, 1974
3 Second Floor Plan, dated March 12 and 18, 1974
Two copies of these plans were presented to the Planning Board on March
29, 1974 for their recommendations as required under Section 13 of the
Lexington zoning by-law
Mr Conroy explained that the proposed building would be situated on
approximately 5 acres, located on the corner of Hartwell Avenue and Bedford
Street The parcel is part of a 13 acre parcel owned by Mr Michael Colan-
gelo of The 115 Kendall Corporation The 5 acres is under agreement for
sale to Tektronix Corp for construction of the building
May 7 , 1974 (continued) Page 2
Mr Conroy reviewed former permits granted by the Board, including the
division of the 13 acres into 4 lots, one of which would have been on the cor-
ner of Hartwell Avenue and Bedford St and would have had 4 27 acres Since
then Tektronix has requested the larger 5+ acres This parcel is zoned CH,
hotel, office and research park
He referred to a letter dated April 4, 1974 from the Town Engineer,
which listed several comments for consideration He stated that The 115
Kendall Corporation had responed to all of them and corrections had been
made on plans submitted with their letter dated April 30, 1974 The plans
received were the same as those submitted earlier except that the engineering
data requested had been added to the plans
Also present at this hearing were Mr Fred Lenox, Architect, who pre-
pared the plans; a representative of the Tektronix, Inc , Richard Keshian,
Mass Ave , Arlington (Chairman of the Board of Appeals, Arlington) ; and Mr
Nylander, who prepared the engineering and survey data required Tektronix,
Inc would occupy the building when it is completed
A letter was received from the Planning Board
Dear Mr Nickerson
The Planning Board has reviewed the plans of the 115 Kendall Corporation
development, and subject to the following recommendations, believes that
this development will not result in detriment to the neighborhood, in accord-
, ance with Section 13 of the Town of Lexington By-Laws
1 That the circular driveway be eliminated at the front of the building
The entrance to this driveway is too close to the intersection and would
interfere with turning movements from Hartwell Avenue onto Bedford Street
This intersection is now operating at or near capacity during peak traffic
hours Any additional traffic movements at this location would tend to
create a serious traffic problem The Traffic Safety Committee has gone on
record as opposing any curb cuts at this location This area experienced
the highest traffic accident rate in the Town of Lexington for the year 1973
2 We recommend that the parking area be laid out with 10' x 20' parking
stalls and 23' aisles
3 All utilities must conform to Town of Lexington gtandards and specifica-
/s/ Eric T Clarke, Chairman
Letters from the Engineering Department listed several comments and
concerns about the plans for this project (See letter dated April 4, 1974
and letter dated 4/18/74 attached to Selectmen's letter of May 7 )
Mr Conroy stated that they had complied with all the engineering and
Planning Board requirements in respect to this lot He said that Hinchey Rd
would not be touched He stated that he had a certificate of conditions from
the Conservation Commission taking care of drainage
John Brucchi, Arthur Carota and Henry Siekman expressed their concerns
May 7, 1974 (continued) Page 3
A letter dated May 7 was received from the Selectmen requesting that the
Board of Appeals delay granting approval of a permit because there were too
many unanswered questions regarding the development of the property
All parties concerned agreed to a continuance of the hearing to May 21
Notices were mailed to all who had received notices of the May 7 hearing
Later it was agreed to continue it to May 28, 1974 at 7 30 P M All who had
been notified of the hearing for May 7 and May 21 were notified of the contin-
ued hearing date of May 28, 1974
May 28, 1974
On May 28, 1974 the Board gave further consideration to the subject of
the petition, the evidence presented by the petitioner and others in open
public meeting Mr Conroy represented the petitioner Mr Lenox, Mr
Colangelo, Mr Keshian, Mr Nylander and Mr Ray Cone, chief architect for
Tektronix, were all present The same Board members were present G C Sheldon,
G P Wadsworth, R M Gary, H W Reed and Robert Cataldo
Another letter was received from the Town Engineer (dated May 24, 1974)
with five comments for the Board's consideration Mr Conroy stated that all
requirements would be complied with including the assumption of any extra
cost to the town in making sewer and water connections
The Board of Selectmen wrote a letter to the Board of Appeals dated May
28, 1974 stating that the questions were still unresolved and they feel that
the Town would be better served if the petition were withdrawn in order to
allow sufficient time for the development of an overall plan for the complete
area and the settlement of the Hinchey Road question
As a result of all the above the Board voted in favor of the following
Since the Hinchey Road problem has not been legally resolved and would
be a significant factor in the development of the total area, in the Board's
opinion, it would be unwise to approve the first lot in the development with-
out proper planning for the additional lots Therefore, in the opinion of the
Board, the plan presented was not a sound plan The site plan review and find-
ing and determination showed that it might tend to impair the status of the
neighborhood A satisfactory plan should be submitted for the entire area owned
by the applicant in order to be certain that Hinchey Rd and problems of access
and water and sewer service connections are satisfactorily solved
The Board voted unanimously to give the petitioner an opportunity to with-
draw the petition If the petitioner fails to withdraw the petition it is
denied (Only Mr Sheldon expressed a willingness to grant the petition ) The
Board attached the latest letters from the Board of Selectmen and the Town En-
gineer to the record in the file folder
On May 30, 1974 the petition was withdrawn by The 115 Kendall Corporation
and Tektronix, Inc , by their attorney, Frederick J Conroy, by letter
\-1' C•-e�
Evelyn F Cole, Clerk
May 30, 197+
Board of Appeals
Town of Lexington
Lexington, Massachusetts
Re Petition for Finding and Determination of
The 115 Kendall Corporation and Tektronix, Inc.
Kindly allow this letter to constitute a withdrawal of the above
Very truly yours,
By they attorney,
rederick nroy
r +
Corner of Hartwell Avenue and Bedford Street
a copy of which is hereto annexed, held a public hearing thereon of which
notice was mailed to the petitioner and to the owners of all property
deemed by the Board to be affected thereby including the abutters and
owners of land next adjoining the land of the abutters as they appear on
the most recent tax lists and also advertised in the Lexington Minute-man,
a newspaper published in Lexington, which hearing was held in the Select-
men's Meeting Room in the Town Office Building on May 7, 1974 and contin-
ued to May 28, 1974
Two regular and three associate members of the Board of Appeals were
present at the hearing A certificate of notice of the hearing and sub-
sequent hearings are hereto annexed
At the May 7, 1974 hearing evidence was offered on behalf of the
petitioner tending to show•
that the 115 Kendall Corporation and Tektronix, Inc requested a site plan
review and approval for a special permit pursuant to Section 13 and related
subsections of the zoning by-law, and to make a finding and determination
that the proposed placement of buildings, major topographic changes, provi-
sions for waste disposal, surface and ground water drainage, erosion control,
parking areas, loading areas, maneuvering areas, driveways, the location of
intersections of driveways and streets will constitute a suitable develop-
ment and will not result in substantial detriment to the neighborhood The
proposed use of the building is office and research and development The
location of the property is at the corner of Hartwell Avenue and Bedford
Street, containing approximately five acres of land
Frederick J Conroy, Attorney, represented the petitioners, who had
provided the following plans
1 Site Plans for Lot 1, by Miller and Nylander, dated 3/25/74 as
1 PL-1, showing proposed contours
2 PL-2, showing existing & proposed contours
II Plans entitled "Proposed Office Building Bedford St & Hartwell
Ave " by Fred Lenox AIA & Associates
1 Elevations, dated March 18, 1974
2 First Floor Plan dated March 12 and 18, 1974
3 Second Floor Plan, dated March 12 and 18, 1974
Two copies of these plans were presented to the Planning Board on March
29, 1974 for their recommendations as required under Section 13 of the
Lexington zoning by-law
Mr Conroy explained that the proposed building would be situated on
approximately 5 acres, located on the corner of Hartwell Avenue and Bedford
Street The parcel is part of a 13 acre parcel owned by Mr Michael Colan-
gelo of The 115 Kendall Corporation The 5 acres is under agreement for
sale to Tektronix Corp for construction of the building
He reviewed former permits granted by the Board, including the division
of the 13 acres into 4 lots, one of which would have been on the corner of
Hartwell Avenue and Bedford St and /ould have had 4 27 acres Since then
Tektronix has requested the larger 5 acres This parcel is zoned CH, hotel,
office and research park
Mr Conroy referred to a letter dated April 4, 1974 from the Town Engineer,
which listed several comments for consideration He stated that The 115 Kendall
Corp had responded to all of them and corrections had been made on plans sub-
mitted with their letter dated April 30, 1974 The plans received were the same
as those submitted earlier except that the engineering data requested had been
added to the plans
Also present at this hearing were: Mr Fred Lenox, Architect, who pre-
pared the plans; a representative of the Tektronix, Inc , Richard Keshian Mass.
Ave , Arlington (Chairman of the Board of Appeals, Arlington) ; and Mr Nylander,
who prepared the engineering and survey data required 'Tektronix, Inc would
occupy the building when it is completed
The 115 Kendall Corp and Tektronix, Inc (continued) Page 2
A letter was received from the Planning Board with recommendations
Letters from the Engineering Department listed several comments and
concerns about the plans for this project
Mr Conroy stated that they had complied with all the engineering and
Planning Board requirements in respect to this lot He said that Hinchey
Road would not be touched He stated that he had a certificate of conditions
from the Conservation Commission taking care of drainage
John Brucchi, Arthur Carota and Henry Siekman expressed their concerns
A letter dated May 7 was received from the Selectmen requesting that
the Board of Appeals delay granting approval of a permit because there were
too many unanswered questions regarding the development of the property
All parties concerned agreed to a continuance of the hearing to May 21.
Notices were mailed to all who had received notices of the May 7 hearing
Later it was agreed to continue it to May 28, 1974 at 7 30 P M. All who
had been notified of the hearing for May 7 and May 21 were notified of the
continued hearing date of May 28, 1974 (Notices are appended See last page )
On May 28, 1974 the Board gave further consideration to the subject of
the petition, the evidence presented by the petitioner and others in open
public meeting Mr Conroy represented the petitioner Mr Lenox, Mr
Colangelo, Mr Keshian, Mr Nylander and Mr Ray Cone, chief architect for
Tektronix, were all present
Another letter was received from the Town Engineer (dated May 24, 1974)
with five comments for the Board's consideration Mr Conroy stated that all
requirements would be complied with including the assumption of any extra
cost to the town in making sewer and water connections
r The Board of Selectmen wrote a letter to the Board of Appeals dated May
28, 1974 stating that the questions were still unresolved and they feel that
the Town would be better served if the petition were withdrawn in order to
allow sufficient time for the development of an overall plan for the complete
area and the settlement of the Hinchey Road question
As a result of all the above the Board voted in favor of the following
Since the Hinchey Road problem has not been legally resolved and would
be a significant factor in the development of the total area, in the Board's
opinion, it would be unwise to approve the first lot in the development
without proper planning for the additional lots
Therefore, in the opinion of the Board, the plan presented was not a
sound plan The site plan review and finding and determination showed that
it might tend to impair the status of the neighborhood A satisfactory
plan should be submitted for the entire area owned by the applicant in order
to be certain that Hinchey Rd and problems of access and water and sewer
service connections are satisfactorily solved
The Board voted unanimously to give the petitioner an opportunity to
withdraw the petition
If the petitioner fails to withdraw the petition it is denied (Only
Mr Sheldon expressed a willingness to grant the petition )
The Board attaches the latest letters from the Board of Selectmen and
the Town Engineer for the record
On May 30, 1974 the petition was withdrawn by The 115 Kendall Corporation
and Tektronix, Inc , by their attorney, Frederick J Conroy, by letter
4;0 1: 4744
` ohm of Texh ton, 4Mssari1metts
May 28, 1974
Mr. George C. Sheldon
Acting Chairman
Board of Appeals
Lexington, Massachusetts
Dear Mr Sheldon
The Board of Selectmen feels that the opinions contained in our letter
of May 16, 1974 are still valid.
The questions are still unresolved and we feel the Town would be better
served if the petition were withdrawn in order to allow sufficient time
for the development of an overall plan for the complete area and the
settlement of the Hinchey Road question.
Very truly yours,
f ��
Aan F Kenney
' L.1. i
1 ._'
1 {.
✓ _ 1 f
May 24, 1974
Board of Appeals
Town Office Building
Lexington, Massachusetts 02173
Re 115 Kendall Corporation
Hartwell Avenue & Bedford Street
We have reviewed the site plans for the subject project and
offer the following comments for your review and consideration in
this matter.
I . This revision still shows proposed sewer and water ser-
vices for lot I coming from proposed sewer and water main exten-
sions in Hartwell Avenue. Since this involves expansion of the
Towns' sewer and water utility network in the amount of approxi-
mately $50,000, it would seem logical that the overall develop-
ment picture should be presented in order that the Board of Public
Works (Selectmen) may make sound and rational decisions as to how
their system can best be expanded. Once this is accomplished, the
logistics of financing and constructing these utilities can be
discussed between the developer and the Board.
2. The plans indicate that the public footpath on Hartwell
Avenue that leads to Hinchey Road, will be altered to the point
where there will be a 33% grade dropping from Hinchey Road to the
driveway then climbing back to existing ground on the other side
of the drive, also at 33% grade. We believe this gradient to be
3. The slope on the 12" R.C. drain leading from the catch
basin on the southwest side of the parking lot is too flat. Ab-
solute minimum slope for 12" pipe should be .005 in order to
maintain self cleaning velocities
4. The special manhole leading to the retention pond shows
4-18" pipes in plan view yet the details for both the manhole and
the headwall show 4 - 22" x 13" metal arch pipes. This should be sok. .
clarified. 'o
rit .
JOHN J. MCSWEENEY.Dirre•.r.Public Worls/F.nginttreny M.RKr.
E5 AVENUE • LE%INOTON. MA66ACHU6ETT6 02173 • TELEPHONE (617)662-0500 1.31°1‘
Board of Appeals - 2 - May 24, 1974
Lexington, Massachusetts
5. This office has yet to receive a suitable traffic impact
statement regarding what, if any, affects this development will
have on existing traffic patterns for this area.
Should you have any questions concerning this matter, please
do not hesitate to contact us.
Very truly yours,
fArie �`.� -mes E. Chase
Town Engineer
cc: Planning Board
Board of Selectmen
Re The 115 Kendall Corp & Tektronix, Inc (continued)
I, Evelyn F Cole, Clerk of Board of Appeals of Lexington, appointed
under the General Laws, Chapter 40A, Sections 13 to 19 as amended, hereby
certify that notices were sent by postage certificate of mailing on April
18, 1974 to Robert J Joseph, Joseph S Francisco, David F Pippin,
James J Joseph, Oneida Corporation c/o Paul Nelson, Boston Edison Co ,
John J Bartley Jr , Commonwealth of Massachusetts (Armory) , David M
Johnston, Henry J Anderson, Theresa Bartelho, Grace Vignale, Catherine
M Ahern, Paul E Cunha, William Lester Barnes, Lexington Chalet Inc ,
Heritage Realty Trust (Benjamin F Green & Darman Sumner Trs ), Howard A.
Smith, The 115 Kendall Corp , Onel DeFelice, Charles F Carota, Gabriel
Brucchi (c/o Eva M Burbidge Conserv ), Hartwell Westview Trust (Gerald W
Blakeley, Jr ; Paul F Hellmuth & R P Sumberg, Trs ) , Amicon Corp ,
Hartwell Lexington Tr (John J Hammond & R John Griefen Trs ) , Tennis
Club Guarantors Tr (Eldred L Field & Thomas R Aldrich Trs ) , John A
Sharkey, Chris A Theodore, William H McGrath, William D Barrington,
John D Brucci, Frederick J Conroy, Michael L Colangelo and notices were
sent to the five regular and six associate members of the Board of Appeals,
the Town Manager, Building Inspector, Planning Board, Town Engineer, Con-
servation Commission, Board of Health and also advertised in the Lexington
Minute-man on April 18 and 25, 1974, a notice of which the following is a
true copy
Evelyn F Cole, Secretary/Clerk
April 18 and 25, 1974
The Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing on the petition of
and approval for a special permit pursuant to Section 13 and related
subsections of the zoning by-law, and to make a finding and determina-
tion that the proposed placement of buildings, major topographic changes,
provisions for waste disposal, surface and ground water drainage, erosion
control, parking areas, loading areas, maneuvering areas, driveways, the
location of intersections of driveways and streets will constitute a
suitable development and will not result in substantial detriment to the
The proposed use of the building is office and research and develop-
ment The location of the property is at the CORNER OF HARTWELL AVENUE
AND BEDFORD STREET, containing approximately five acres of land
The hearing will be held TUESDAY, MAY 7, 1974 in the TOWN OFFICE
BUILDING at 8 00 P M
George C Sheldon, Vice Chairman
Board of Appeals
April 18, 25
(see a copy of the Petition on the next page)
Lexington Board of Appeals March 29, 1974
Town Offices
Lexington, Massachusetts
The undersigned hereby petitions the Lexington Board of Appeals, appointed
under the General Laws, Chapter 40A, Sections 13 to 19 as amended, for (1) site
plan review and approval for a special permit pursuant to Section 13 and related
subsections of the Zoning By-Law of the Town of Lexington, and to make a finding
and determination that the proposed placement of buildings, major topographic
changes, provisions for waste disposal, surface and ground water drainage, ero-
sion control, parking areas, loading areas, maneuvering areas, driveways, the
location of intersections of driveways and streets will constitute a suitable
development and will not result in substantial detriment to the neighborhood
Three copies of the application and preliminary site plans are submitted herewith
The proposed use of the building is office and research and development.
The location of the property is at the corner of Hartwell Avenue and Bedford
Street, containing approximately five (5) acres of land
By their attorney,
Signature: /s/ Frederick J Conroy
114 Waltham Street
Lexington, Mass
Telephone: 862-8060
NO DECISION WAS MADE ON MAY 7, 1974 Hearings were scheduled and notices sent
as follows to all who received notice of the May 7 hearing:
This notice is to inform you that the Board of Appeals will continue the
hearing begun on May 7, 1974 on the petition of THE 115 KENDALL CORPORATION
tised April 18 and 25 in the Lexington Minute-Man newspaper and notice sent to
The continued hearing is scheduled for 8 P.M. , MAY 21, 1974, following
other hearings advertised for that date
George C Sheldon, Vice Chairman
Board of Appeals
May 8, 1974
THE 115 KENDALL CORPORATION AND TEKTRONIX, INC. have requested to continue
their hearing before the Board of Appeals until MAY 28, 1974
This hearing begun May 7, 1974 and, which by notice was continued to May
21, will NOT be heard on May 21
The hearing is hereby continued to MAY 28, 1974 at 7 30 P M. in the
Acting Chairman, George C Sheldon
Board of Appeals
May 15, 1974
Notice of the decision to withdraw the petition was mailed to all those
who were sent notices of the hearing and continued hearings, including John
D Brucchi, who requested to be notified
Pursuant to the said f•ndings. the Board hereby denies the said petition of
The Board hereby makes a detailed record of all its proceeding relative to such petition and
hereby sets forth that the reasons for its decision are its findings hereinbefore set forth and the
testimony presented at the said hearing, including that herein summarized, and directs that this
record immediately following this decision shall be filed in the office of the Town Clerk of Lex
ington and shall be a public record and that notice of this decision shall be mailed forthwith to
each party in interest.
(Acting under the Lexington Zoning
By-law and General Laws)