HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-04-02 ,BOARD OF APPEALSI ARINGS
April 2, 1974
A regular meeting of the Lexington Board of Appeals was held on Tuesday,
April 2, 1974 at 7:30 P.M. in the Selectmen's Meeting Room of the Town Office
Building Present were George Sheldon (Vice Chairman) , chairing the meeting,
G Wadsworth and W Brodhead, both regular members, and associate members R
Cataldo and H Reed, as well as, a Minute-man Publications' reporter, a LWV's
observer and an audience of townspeople
Public hearings were held on the following petitions, notice having been
mailed to those who should legally receive them and to town boards and officials
who will or might be affected by decisions made and also advertised in the
Lexington Minute-man newspaper
Yu-Chi Ho and Sophia Ho - variance to build an addition to an existing house at
351 Emerson Road The addition will leave a 13 ft side yard instead of the
required 15 ft
0 G Isaacs - special permit under Section 25 94 of the zoning by-law to build
structure 21 ft by56 ft and 18 ft 6 in high on the property at
a temporary
18 Fair Oaks Drive The structure is to be used for building a boat The maxi-
mum anticipated length of time for its use is 41 years
Ida G Krebs for Krebs School Foundation Inc - special permit under Section
25 21 to construct a new facility at 453 Concord Avenue to be used as a gymna-
sium and classroom facility, to accomodate the existing school population and
to increase it up to a maximum number of 132 students The building will be
approximately 64' x 128' and one story high The new facility will be consis-
tnat with the existing buildings and will better serve the need of Krebs School
Robert S Graves - variance from zoning by-law to allow for the temporary park-
ing of not more than ten motor vehicles on the rear of the property at 388
Concord Avenue This property is owned by Barbara J and George W Forten
An area of 40' by 100' would be used for such variance The area in question
is more than 400' from Concord Avenue and more than 250' from the nearest
property currently used solely for residential purposes The area intended
for a variance is located adjacent to the Lexington Lodge of Elks parking
area The vehicles and area could not be seen from any street or property
other than that awned by the Fortens and the Elks Lodge A fence (6' high)
will be erected around the four thousand sq ft The vehicles to be parked
in proposed area will not be worked upon nor be dismantled for parts or repair
They will be parked until arrangements can be made with owners or insurance
companies for their removal This parking will be used in conjunction with
Bob's Towning Service of Lexington The petitioner has a lease for the afore-
mentioned area from the owners
Following the hearings the Board made the following decisions, all in
public open meeting
Ho - Granted unanimously
Isaacs - Granted unanimously with certain conditions for 41 years
Krebs - Granted unanimously with certain conditions
Graves - Granted, on a vote of 4 to 1, with certain conditions George Wads-
worth voted in opposition
All pertinent material is on file The meeting adjourned at 11:30 p m
,u�, Evelyn F Cole„Clerk