HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-02-26BOARD OF APPEALS HEARINGS February 26, 1974 A regular meeting of the Lexington Board of Appeals was held on Tuesday, February 26, 1974 at 7:30 p.m. in the Selectmen's Meeting Room of the Town Office Building. Present were George Sheldon (Vice Chairman), chairing the meeting, regular members W. Brodhead and R. Morey, associate members H. Reed and R. Cataldo, a Minute -man Publications' reporter, a LWV's observer and an audience of townspeople. Public hearings were held on the following petitions, notice having been mailed to the petitioners, to the owners of all property abutting the peti- tioner's land and to the owners of land next adjoining the land of the abutters as they appear on the most recent local tax list, to town boards and officials who will or might be affected by decisions made and also advertised in the Lexington Minute -man newspaper. Wilson Farm, Inc. - permission to continue to operate a roadside stand at 10 Pleasant Street. Raytheon Company - special permit under Section 5(a) 7(e) of the zoning by- law existing in 1952 and Section 25.94 of the zoning by-law of 1973, to con- tinue the use and extend for a period up to five (5) years beginning March 30, 1974 the premises known as Lot 4611, 16 Hazel Road, Lexington, as the site of microwave transmitting equipment, including specifically a long-range ' calibration unit. The land is owned by E. L. Sharkey and J. A. Sharkey and leased to Raytheon Company. Trustees of Hartwell Lexington Trust (Cabot, Cabot and Forbes) - variance from Article 10 of the Lexington Building By-law and other applicable provisions thereof, unless the Building Inspector determines the same to be unnecessary, so as to permit construction and use of an addition to the existing building on the lot with a total open area between firewalls of 27,550 sq. ft. when the existing open area of 12,393 sq. ft. is added to the proposed addition, the area limit now being 16,667 sq. ft. when certain sprinklers and exterior fire fighting space are installed and provided as set forth in the Article. The address is 32 Hartwell Avenue, the owner: Trustees of Hartwell Lexington Trust (Cabot, Cabot and Forbes) and the plans are for the addition to Northern Area Office Hewlett Packard Eastern Sales Region. Russell Square Condominiums - (with respect to F. William Smith's property at 1505 Massachusetts Avenue and 15 Woburn Street: (1) For a special permit for use for garden apartments in accordance with Section 25.12 of the zoning by- law, and a favorable finding and determination on site plan review in accord- ance with Section 13. (2) For a variance from Section 25.12 of the zoning by-law or the definition of "garden apartments" in Section 40 to allow one residence building to contain two dwelling units and two residence buildings to contain three dwelling units. (3) For a variance from Section 25.80 of the zoning by-law, if required, to allow garage space for four cars each in two buildings and for five cars in one building. (4) For variances from Sec- tion 27 of the zoning by-law to allow: (a) Two residence buildings to be located partially within the minimum side yard area, 30 ft. and 33 ft. res- pectively from the property line. (b) Three garage buildings to be located partially within the minimum front yard, side yard or rear yard areas or fire lanes, at distances of 28 ft., 9 ft. and 5 ft. respectively from the property February 26, 1974 (continued) Page 2 lines. (c) Two of the three garage buildings to be located less than the minimum distance or fire lane from two residence buildings, at distances of 23 ft. and 27 ft. respectively. (5)- For a variance from Section 2B of Art- icle XI of the building and sign by-law required to permit the retention of existing buildings and to vary from the requirements of second-class construction. Following the hearings the Board made the following decisions, all in public open meeting: Wilson Farm - Granted unanimously, subject to the following conditions: 1. That the premises shall be kept in a neat and orderly condition. 2. That no cars shall be allowed to park on Pleasant Street. 3. That no flood lights shall be installed. 4. That the provisions of section 25.33 for roadside stands shall be com- plied with as specified under definition of roadside stands in the zoning by-law. 5. That this permit shall expire on March 1, 1976. Raytheon - Granted unanimously, until March 30, 1979. Hartwell Lexington Trust - Granted unanimously. ' Russell Square Condominiums - Granted unanimously, subject to the following conditions: 1. That a fire alarm box with pedestal be installed in a location designated by the Chief of the Fire Department and that there be a spare duct provided for fire alarm cable when the underground utilities are installed. 2. That special consideration be given to the preservation of all existing trees on the property. 3. That garage (E) as shown on the plot plan be rotated 90 to 180 degrees so that the entrance is directed toward the interior road, eliminating the large blacktopped area adjacent to Woburn Street. 4. That an internal drainage system be provided so as to prevent roadway surface drainage from entering the town way, particularly Woburn Street. 5. Sewer, water and drain must be shown along with their points of connec- tion with the town system. 6. Eighteen foot interior roadways are permitted. 7. The approval of the Historic Districts Commission must be obtained. 8. Construction must begin within one year, including demolition. A formal vote in regard to Corazzini Bros. petition granted them a special permit for the retail sale of nursery products under Section 24.5, subject to certain conditions. See minutes for February 19 for more details. All pertinent material is on file under the name of each petitioner in the Board of Appeals' office. ' The meeting adjourned at 11:15 p.m. Evelyn F. Cole, Clerk