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January 8, 1974
A regular meeting of the Lexington Board of Appeals was held on Tuesday,
January 8, 1974 at 7 30 p m in the Selectmen's Meeting Room of the Town
Office Building Present were Chairman Nickerson, Vice chairman Sheldon,
regular members W Brodhead, R Morey and G Wadsworth, a Minute-man Publica-
tions' reporter, a League of Women Voters' observer and an audience of towns-
people that overflowed the room (probably 150 people)
Public hearings were held on the following petitions, notice having been
mailed to the petitioners, to the owners of all property abutting the petition-
er's land and to the owners of land next adjoining the land of the abutters as
they appear on the most recent local tax list, to town boards and officials
who will or might be affected by decisions made and also advertised in the
Lexington Minute-man newspaper
Peter Sokow - variance to establish as a legal building lot Lot 91, situated
at the intersection of Valleyfield Street and Grassland Street, which lot con-
tains 29,567 sq ft of land, but has frontage on Valleyfield Street, a public
way, of 35 48 ft instead of 50 ft which was the required frontage when the
plan was recorded showing this lot on September 18, 1925, the lot further hav-
ing frontage on Grassland Street which is not a constructed public way of
372 71 ft
Mary J Walsh Realty Trust, Thomas R Walsh and James N Walsh, Trustees -
special permit under Section 25 22 to build an addition to the Fairlawn Nurs-
ing Home at 265 Lowell Street The bedroom addition will be 36 ft wide by
113 ft long, and will have a dining/lounge area 26 ft x 40 ft on one end
There will be two stories above the basement, having a total of 24 single
patient rooms with private lavatories Each floor will contain a common bath
and utility room, a dining area and lounge, and service rooms The basement,
which will have windows on the west side, will contain a laundry and general
activity space All floors will be linked by stairs and a new bed-size eleva-
tor The addition will net the Fairlawn Nursing Home only 8 additional beds
under license since interior renovations in the existing portion will convert
patient rooms into other uses at a loss of 16 beds The operating experience
at the property indicates that an increase in the present parking capacity of
65 will not be necessary When the addition is complete, there will be less
than 10% of the property covered by building
Arthur F Douglass and John B Douglass - finding and determination that the
proposed location of building, the proposed major topographical changes, if
any, and the planned provisions for waste disposal, surface and ground water
drainage, erosion control, parking areas, loading areas, maneuvering areas.,
driveways, and the location of intersections of driveways and streets are such
that the proposed construction of a new building will constitute a suitable
development and will not result in substantial detriment to the neighborhood
Said parcel of land is located at Lot #7 Militia Drive Petitioners also re-
quest a variance of the minimum parking requirements to permit the construction
of a lesser number of parking spaces all as shown on the attached plans This
variance of the minimum parking requirements is requested under the provisions
of Section 32 The building is to be constructed to be used for office purposes,
that is, offices for administrative, executive, professional and similar purposes
January 8, 1974 (continued) Page 2
Helen M Millican - permit to continue swimming instruction (as in the past
13 years) between the months of April through October, Monday through Friday
from 9 a m to 5 30 p m at 90 Hancock Street (ultimately withdrawn, see *)
Following the hearings the Board made the following decisions, all in
public meeting:
Sokow - Granted unanimously with certain conditions, as follows (1) that
the house be located on the lot so as to face Valleyfield Street, as far as
is reasonable (2) Approval of the Board of Health must be obtained before
a house can be built (3) If there is a problem concerning the Wetland's
Protection Act this matter must be handled with the Conservation Commission
Fairlawn Nursing Home - Granted unanimously with certain conditions as follows:
It must be substantially in accordance with plans submitted and (1) Construc-
tion and materials are to be similar to those of the most recent addition
(2) The building is to be fully sprinklered (3) Lighting shall be kept to a
minimum (4) The number of bedrooms to be contained in the whole nursing home
to be a maximum of 106 (5) Construction shall be started within 2 years from
Douglass - Granted unanimously with certain conditions as follows It must be
built substantially in accordance with plans submitted and (1) That grease and
oil traps be placed in the catch basins, and that use of salt and other chemi-
cals for ice control be restricted (2) All utilities must conform to Lexing-
ton standards and specifications (3) That parking stalls be 10' x 20' with
23' aisles (4) Hours of operation, lighting, signs, etc shall be consistent
with those of adjoining similar buildings (5) All provisions of the Wetland
Protections Act shall be complied with (6) Construction must start within
one year from date
Note All permits issued contain a facsimile of the following The issuance
of this conditional permit shall not in any manner affect the requirement that
a building permit must be obtained from the Building Inspector and any other
permit which might be required by statute The petitioner shall have the
obligation to record a notice of this permit as required by statute
* Helen M. Millican - After an hour of procedures of the hearing Mrs Millican
withdrew her petition (Most of the overflow audience were present to observe
this hearing)
All pertinent material is on file under the name of each petitioner in
the Board of Appeal's office
The meeting adjourned at 11 28 p m
Evelyn F Cole, Clerk