HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-10-19BOARD OF APPEALS HEARINGS ' October 19, 1971 A regular meeting of the Lexington Board of Appeals was held on Tuesday, October 19, 1971 at 7:30 p.m. in the selectmen's meeting room, The Bird Room, Cary Memorial Building. Present were Chairman Nickerson, regular member Dawes and associate members Emery, Reed and Mrs. Morey. Public hearings were held on the following petitions, notice having been mailed to the petitioners and to the owners of all property deemed by the Board to be affected thereby as they appear on the most recent local tax list and also advertised in the Lexington Minute -man: Thomas R. and Effie B. Russell - for a variance to maintain the dwelling at 4 Mohawk Drive, Lexington with front yard of 28.3 feet instead of the required 30 feet. Minute Man Oxygen and Hospital Rental Co., Inc. - for permission to engage in the business of dealing in medical, hospital and nursing home machinery, equipment and supplies at the premises located at 240 Bedford Street. Jeanne Flemming - for a variance to maintain the existing dwelling at 560 Lowell Street with an area of 10,904 square feet instead of the ' required 15,500 square feet and with a frontage of 103.70 feet instead of the required 125 feet. Chandler Leasing Division, Pepsico Leasing Corporation - for permission to maintain a temporary sign at 101 Hartwell Avenue. Pezrow Industries, Inc. - for a determination that complete develop- ment of the parking area required by the Zoning By -Law for the building numbered 394 Lowell Street is not currently necessary and for a special permit to limit development for present actual parking use to an area for 32 cars. Anthony R. Cataldo - to renew permit to process and sell fruits and vegetables at premises located at Gold Ribbon Farms, 1265 Massachusetts Avenue. Following the hearings the Board made the following decisions: Thomas R. and Effie B. Russell - permission to maintain their dwelling at 4 Mohawk Drive with front yard of 28.3 feet instead of the required 30 feet. Minute Man Oxygen and Hospital Rental Co., Inc. - permission granted. This was later withdrawn before a permit was issued. ' Jeanne Fleming - permission granted for a variance of the Lexington Zoning By -Law to maintain the existing dwelling at 560 Lowell Street with an area of 10,604 square feet instead of the required 15,500 square feet 1 1 1 October 19, 1971 hearings continued: -2 and with a frontage of 103.70 feet instead of the required 125 feet. Chandler Leasing Division, Pepsico Leasing Corporation - permission granted to maintain a temporary sign at 101 Hartwell Avenue for a period not to exceed two years. Pezrow Enterprises, Inc. - permission granted to allow Pezrow Enter- prises, Inc. to reduce the number of parking spaces serving their premises at 394 Lowell Street from the present 37 to 32, the Board having deter- mined that complete development of the parking area required by the Zoning By -Law for the building is not currently necessary, subject to the follow- ing conditions: 1. The parking area shall be black topped. 2. None of the adjoining areas of this lot shall be disposed of because if additional parking spaces should be required the open areas of the lot would be used for this purpose. Gold Ribbon Farms (Anthony R. Cataldo) - permission granted to process and sell fruits and vegetables at 1265 Massachusetts Avenue subject to the following conditions: 1. This permit shall cease one year from October 27. (10/27/72) 2. The premises shall be kept neat and clean. 3. No exterior lighting or signs shall be permitted. 4. No fruits or vegetables shall be sold at retail. 5. No by-products from the use of materials shall be stored outside the building. 6. Suitable screening of the processing building shall be installed, stipulated as condition (1) of July 1969, if not already done. (1969 stipulation- "sufficiently high screening shall be installed at the rear of the manufacturing building so as to make it reason- ably invisible from the rear".) 7. No trucks shall be permitted to enter or leave the premises after 5 p.m. or before 7 a.m., unless for emergency purposes. All pertinent material is on file under the name of each petitioner. The meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m. Evelyn F. Clerk Cole