HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-04-07BOARD OF APPEALS HEARINGS April 7, 19611 A regular meeting of the Lexington Board of Appeals was held on Tuesday, April 7, 19611, at 7:30 p.m. in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building. Present were Chairman Nickerson, regular members Hoyt and Wadsworth, and associate members Dawes and Ricker. The following petitions were heard: Mrs. Hannah H. Conner for permission to divide existing lot at 54 Outlook Drive into two lots, one of which would have an area of 12,075 sq.ft. with 105 ft. frontage, and the other of which would have anarea of 11,941 sq.ft. and 115 ft. frontage. George and Helen Kenniston for permission to vary the zoning by-law to maintain building at 40 Arcola St. which has a 6 ft. side - yard instead of the required 10 ft. James_ F. Corr, Jr. for permission to add to building at 8 Park St. which would have a side yard of 10 ft. instead of the required 12 ft. Cyril R. Pratt for permission to relocate dwelling at 765 Mar- ' rett Rd. to new location at 44 Freemont St. which would have a side yard of 8.7 ft. including overhang, instead of the required 12 ft. Alfred A. Murray for permission to erect a building at 23 Theresa Ave. which would have a 20 ft. setback, including overhang, instead of the 30 ft. required. Amer. Tel. & Tel. Co, 2or permission to construct a "telephone exchange: in an R 1 district. The "telephone exchange" would consist of a small one-story building containing amplifying (repeater) equip- ment for use on the Airmont-Boston Coaxial Cable, and to be located at the southwest end of Rowland Avenue. Highland Farm Nurseries for permission to operate a stand for the sale of evergreens, shrubs, various other plants, annuals and peren- nials and garden supplies on lot abutting 192 Woburn Street. Also to erect a free standing sign approximately 30 inches high by twenty-three feet wide. At the close of the hearings an Executive Session was held during which the above requests were discussed, and the following de- cisions reached: Mrs. Hannah H. Conner - denied George and Helen Kenniston - granted James F. Corr, Jr. - granted Cyril R. Pratt - granted Alfred A. Murray - granted Highland Farm Nurseires - granted h-1; sign denied. Mr. Hoyt voted against. HIGHLAND FARM ' John and Anthony Modoono, April 7 , 1964 Nickerson: You have submitted a drawing, also a picture of this sign which you want to install. Modoono: I changed my mind on the sign and want to make it smaller. Nickerson: This indicates the building would be 40 x 20 ft. and 50 ft. back from the street and 45 ft. from residential line. It is being built of concrete blocks with three overhead doors in front and one onthe side, also display racks to hold plants. You have indicated a driveway coming in from Woburn St. going around the back and out onto Woburn St., and also a driveway across the front of the yard. There would be parking facili- ties for 35 or more cars, to be no closer than 10 ft. to the rear of property on Webb St. (Mr. Modoono presented this several weeks ago and we have had a chance to go and look over the area.) If you were granted permission to proceed with this operation what would be your timing? Would you proceed reasonably soon? Modoono: We would like to if it is possible. Nickerson: Our procedure for granting permissions for things of this ' sort is to make a condition that if this petition is granted the construction of this facility shall start within one year or it is null and void. I thought I would tell you about this. What is your solution forgetting people off Woburn St. onto your driveway? There is rather bad visibility from Woburn St. There is a high fence. Modoono: That is the reason why I chose this side to come in. You can see the traffic much better when you are coming out. Nickerson: What is your intention for topping these driveways. You have a lot of footage of driveway. Modoono: This would be all blacktop - walks would be stone or gravel. Nickerson: (from letter) Hours would be 9-6 April, May, June] July and and August 8-8; September, October, 8-9; November,.Dkcekber, 9-6.- Would like to be open every day. If we musthavea clos- ing day it would-be Monday. Would like fluorescent outside lighting, 300-W. floodlights at�each corner affixed -to the ground. Would like to put sign on top of building. Nickerson: The law or regulations say no sign shall project..above the roof line of the building. The doors don't go up to the roof, you would have room to put it over the door. If you made it as reasonable you would be very wise. Some of the nicest stands don't have a great big sign 25 ft. long. I would think that if you complicate this by asking for this sign this Board would Highland Farm -3- mean headlights when you are using the land. Hate to have to sit there and see the headlights. It is not a home we could move out of - it has been a life -time deal. It is very im- portant to us. Mrs. Frissore objects 100%. Frank Hudson, 58 Laconia St.; Opposed to selling of garden supplies, garden tools, and fertilizers. Ephriam Weiss, 162 Lowell St.: Under what section of the by-law are garden supplies permitted? Nickerson: The Board of Appeals is going to put a condition into it if granting this petition. There shall be no garden tools or hardware. This is written right into 14(f). Modoono: We have scheduled to plant trees 8-9 ft. There would be an evergreen garden along the back of the homes the year around, eventually 10 ft. high. The hearing was declared closed at 9:50 p.m. During the executive session following these voting in favor: Nickerson, Dawes, Wadsworth and Ricker, Mr. Hoyt opposed. It was decided that the stand should not be open after 6 o'clock nor on ' Sunday.