' April 4, 1962
A special meeting of the Lexington Board of Appeals was held
on Tuesday, April 4, 1962, in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Build-
ing. Present were Chairman Nickerson and regular members Ballard,
Emery and Norris.
Nickerson: We need somebody to make a motion to . . .
Emery''! To rescind?
Nickerson: Our vote of February 13th.
Emery: I so move.
Norris: Second it.
Nickerson: Any discussion?
Vote taken - unanimous.
Nickerson: I hope this will evolve into Steve meeting the other attorney, etc.
Ballard: I£ he agrees the town will pay the costs of the other side?
Nickerson: Does this town care about paying costs any more?
Norris: In this case Busa has to pay the costs.
Nickerson: I don't know.
Ballard: The loser, if it goes to court, pays the costs.
Nickerson: I haven't any idea what they will be. They have brought suit to set
aside our decision. I hope it isn't going to be an involved win.
I think it could be settled in the ante -room.
Emery: This is good enough, or it isn't.
Nickerson: Steve said we had to do this, have a meeting and officially rescind.
Emery: Any further notice to be sent to Busa?
(RCB to clear this point with Mr. Stevens.)
Emery: I would like to have it noted that I hope you talk to Steve and have
him dictate the language of this vote . how it should be worded
to satisfy Mr. Stevens. Let him dictate it.
Norris: We should give the reason for this vote.