HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-05-24BOARD OF AMALS HEARMS ' May 24, 1956 A seating of the Board of Appeals was held an TuesdW, Maps 24, 1956 In the Selectmen's &cram, Town Office Building. At 8:00 p.m. hearings were declared open upon the following petitinns: Lexington Medical Center Bldg. & Clinic Associates Inc. - to erecta bUILdIng at 16 Clarks St. of size IWI x 640 kEfi sufficient front and side yards and of somewhat Colonial aspect, to house ten doctors who, as a corporation, would own the building and provided that there be parking space for thirty-four cars with additional space available for twenty more. THanson'- to erect a two-story addition at 46 Farmorest Ave whichset back 2512" from the street. Patriot F. bee - to make an addition to the rear of von-con- formingwe ga X31 Bedford St. Mari A. Hodgson - to subdivide a parcel of land at T89 Mass. Ave. Into two building lots which do not have the frontage and area re- quired by the Lexington Zoning W -law. ' Leonard V. Short M.D. - to use the residence numbered 1433 Mass. a Ave. loos an strict, for physicians! and dentists' offices, and for the purpose of so doing to alter and modify the present dwell- ing house thereon; the same however to be continued to be used and occupied as a residence, and for permission to erect and maintain on the premises an appropriate agn, bearing the names and designators of the professional persons occupant therein. At the close of the hearings an executive session was held during which the following decisions were reached: Lexington Medical Center Bldg. & Clinic Associates, Inc. - granted, subject to the following conditions: the building shall be used only from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. six days a week and for emergencies on Sun- days and the other hours during the week. One sign shall appear above the front colonnade having the words Medical Association. Any other signs which may be desired shall be located inside the building. Tage Hanson - granted Patrick F. synch - denied Mary A. Hodgson - denied Leonard Y. Mort, M.D. - denied Muriel C. Stone Clerk 1 103