HomeMy WebLinkAbout1935-10-04154 The hearing was declared. open at 8:00 P. D1. upon the application of Mildred A. -Dacey for permission to alter the one -family house located at #18 PTuzzey Street, Lexington to accommodate more than one family. In the absence of Mr. Robbins, P.4r. Glynn was elected Clerk Pro - tem. Notice of the hearing was read by the Clerk Pro -tem. '.',hiss Dacey and Mr. Edward H. Mara, her brother-in- law, appeared in favor of the petition. I17r. Mara stated that Prliss Dacey had lived in the house at X18 Tluzzey Street all of her life, and that her father had just died, and Miss Dacey was alone in the house. Mr. Mara stated that almost all of the houses an Muzzey Street vrere double houses, and those on either side of Prliss Dacey's house were double BOARD O ly213EALS MEETIITG houses. Mr. Ptilara stated that the house would be altered so that October 4, 1935 there would be four rooms downstairs and four rooms upstairs. ' A meeting of the Board of Appeals was held in the Selectmen's Room, Tolvn Office Building, at 8:00 P. PrT. P?essrs. Maddison, Glynn, ti>imball, and Associate Member 1,r. .ohn A. rayons, were present. The Secretary was also present. house uhich is to be closed i-ip. The hearing was declared. open at 8:00 P. D1. upon the application of Mildred A. -Dacey for permission to alter the one -family house located at #18 PTuzzey Street, Lexington to accommodate more than one family. In the absence of Mr. Robbins, P.4r. Glynn was elected Clerk Pro - tem. Notice of the hearing was read by the Clerk Pro -tem. '.',hiss Dacey and Mr. Edward H. Mara, her brother-in- law, appeared in favor of the petition. I17r. Mara stated that Prliss Dacey had lived in the house at X18 Tluzzey Street all of her life, and that her father had just died, and Miss Dacey was alone in the house. Mr. Mara stated that almost all of the houses an Muzzey Street vrere double houses, and those on either side of Prliss Dacey's house were double houses. Mr. Ptilara stated that the house would be altered so that , there would be four rooms downstairs and four rooms upstairs. The outside ao-oearance of the front door would not be changed in any way ;whatsoever. He stated that there was a large vestibule with a stairway on the left, a living room on the right, and the dining room and kitchen straight ahead. Miss Dacey intends to put a stairway in the rear of the house to conform to the Building Laws. The Chairman asked if this would be an enclosed stairway, and Mr, Mara said that he did not know, but it would be whatever the Building Laws.re- auired. He stated that there was a shed in the rear of the house uhich is to be closed i-ip. Mr. Lyons asked Mr. Mara if it was TJiss-Dacey's idea to change the front door at all. X.r. vara stated that no one will know from the outside that it is a double house, and he assured the Board that no change will be made in the present plans to alter the inside of the door and hall only. The Chairman remarked that 1'uzzey Street formerly had been a two family district, but had been changed to a one - family area. No persons appeared in opY-.osition. The Chairman informed Miss Dacey and P;Tr. Mara that the ' matter would be taken under advisement, and they retired. 155 Pdr. Glynn made the "Motion that the petition be rranted, and hr. Lyons seconded the motion. The Board voted unan- imously to grant the petition _n the following form: sOAHD OIF APPEALS PERIIIT. The Board of Appeals, acting under General Laws, Chapter 40, Bee. 27, having received a written petition addressed to it by `:ildred A. Dacey a copy of which is hereto annexed, held a public hearing thereon of which notice was mailed to the petitioner and to the owners of all property deemed by the Board to be affected thereby as they appear on the most recent local tax list and also advertised in the Lexington Minute-71an, a newspaper published in Lexinr�ton, which hearing was held in the Selectments Room, in the Town Office Building on the fourth day of October, 1935. One alternate and three members of the Board of Appeals were present at the hearing. A certificate of notice is hereto annexed. At this hearing evidence was offered on behalf of the petitioner tending to show: That she desired to alter the interior of her house at X18 Iluzzey Street, Lexington so that it would consist of two tenements, one on the lower floor and one on the second floor, without alter- ing the present appearance of the front of the building, complying in all respects to the present Building Laws. Evidence was also offered tending to show that the majority of the houses on both sides of hTuzzey Street were two family houses, and that in particular those on either side of #18 were tvo family dwellings. No persons appeared in opposition. At the close of the hearing the Board in private session on October 4, 1935 gave consideration to the subject of the petition and voted unamimously in favor of the folloving findings: 1. That in its judgment the public convenience and welfarewill be substantially served by the making of the exception recuested. 2. That the exception requested will not tend to impair the status of the neighborhood. 3. That the exception requested will be in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the regulations in the Lexington Zoning By-law. 4. That owing to conditions especially affecting the said parcel but not affecting generally the Zoning district in which it is located, a literal enforcement of the prov- isions of the Lexington Zoning By-law as to the locus in question would involve substantial hardship to the petitioner and that desirable relief may be granted 156 without substantially derogating from the intent or purpose of such Lexington Zoninrs By-law. Pursuant to the said findings, the Board hereby unani- mously decided that the ap lication of the said Lexington Zoning By-law is hereby varied so far as may be necessary to permit ":ildred A. Dacey to alter the house located at Y18 ruzgey Street, Lex-ngton, from a one family house to accommodate two families, on the condition that no change is to be made in the present entrance to the house.. The Board hereby manes a detailed record of all its proceedings relative to such petition and hereby sets forth that the reasons for its decision are its findings hereinbefore set forth and the testimony presented at!the said hearing, including that herein summarized, and directs that this record immediately following this decision shall be filed in the office of the Town Clerk of Lexington and shall be open to public inspection and that notice of this decision shall be mailed forthwith to. each party in interest. BOARD OF APPEALS OF LEXINGTON. (Appointed under G. L. Ch. 40, Sec. 27) A. N. Maddison Howard W. Robbins Edward W. Kimball C. Edward Glynn John A. Lyons I, Howard W. Robbins, Clerk of the Board of Appeals of Lexington, appointed under General Laws, Chapter 40, Section 27, hereby certify that I sent by postage certificate of mailing on the twentieth day of September, 1935, to Edmund W. & Elizabeth B. Stevens, Merle D. Straw, Emma G. Bryant, Old Belfry Club, Eleanor N. Little, New England Tel. &.Tel. Co., Josephine N. Partridge, Mary E. Rose, Rose S. `,1Iright, William E. Denham, James J. & Florence C. Carroll, George J. Bailey, Olive C. Myers, Bion C. & Florence K. P:Terry, Edward H. Mara, Herbert M. & Florence E. Lawrence, Chauncy Hubbell, Byron C. & R. Estelle Earle, Isaac Harris Cary Educational Fund, William H. Cary, Treas., Gertrude R. Hadley, Grace J. Piper, Franklin F. & Henry S. Raymond, Edna R. Schuh, George ."J. & Florence P.T. Sargent, Sarah E. Comley, et al, Freda R. & Minnie C. Bond, Emma J. Clow, George H. & Iabel F. Peterson, Bridget Leary, Gertrude E. T.)?itchell, Mary R. O'Halloran, et al, Sebastiano Nicci, `Halter C. Ballard, Laura M. Beaudry, Alphonse S. & Ella D. Colburn, rTelissa E. Denham, Harriet M. Lunt, Mary E. Tarbell, Anstiss S. Hunt, et al, Lexington Savings Bank, E. & S. Realty Co., Felix Viano, Lexington Trust Co., George E. & Helen S. Smith, Hallie C. Blake, Leroy S. Brown, Lillian G. 8, Lois M. Marshall, All -en C. & Margaret W. Smith, Boston & Lowell R.R. Corp., George Scott, Daniel J. O'Connell, David F. & Julia Murphy, George A. rTcLaughlin, T,Tarion D. Lewis, 7alter L. & Alice C. Hyde, Louis L. Crone, Edward Wood, Gertrude 1% "Jestlake, Christian Science Church, Katherine Harrington, Mildred A. Dacey, and also advertised in the Lexington 1 1 L Kinute-Man on Sept. 19th, 1935, a notice of which the follow- ing is a true copy. Howard 'N. Robbins, Clerk, Board of A -,-,peals. Sept. 180 1935 Lexington3oard of Zoning Appeals Town Office Building Lexington, Mass. Gentlemen: The unders=fined hereby petition the Lexington Board of Appeals, appointed under General Laws, Chapter 40, Section 27, to vary the application of section 9C of the Lex'_ngton Zoning By-law with respect to the premises at No. 18 Muzzey Street owned by Mildred A. Dacey of Lexington, by permitting the following: Division of house to form two small apartments. Entrance to remain same as for single dwelling. T,ildred A. Dacey (Signature) 18 Muzzey Street (Address) BOARD OF APPEALS !� OTTCE Lexington, Mass. September 18, 1935. The 3oard of Appeals will hold a hearing on the matter of varying the application of the Zon3n^r Law by permitting on the premises owned by T1,111dred A. Dacey and located at 18 Muzzey Street, Lexington, the alteration of a one -family house to accommodate more than one family, under the Lexington Zon_ng Law or in accordance with Chapter 40, Section 27A of the General Laws, and amendments. The hearing will be held on October 4, 1935, at 5:00 P.11. in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office B.1 -)II -ding, Lexington, Mass. Arthur'. n7addison, Chairman, Board of Appeals. The records of the meet.i_rgs held on July 16th and August 20th were anproved by the Board. The meeting adjourned at 8:35 P. M. A true copy, Attest: Clerk. 157