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' April 51 1935.
A meeting; of the 'oardof nppeals was held in the
Selectmen's Room, town Office ''uildin -, a '. '8 00 ?�'essrs.
Iaiaddison, hi-xball, :lynx o -- bins, &a l erg".json :;Pre present at
tl�e meeting.
Die minutes of the heari_n�-, held on k ekiri ar-r 15th ,,.,ere
read and ,p} roved..
The },ear_.mv was declared open ,A_•on the application of
Veil '..clntosh for perm.issicn to-eaintain two sins each
containin- not over thirty (30) sq. ft. in area, or approx-
imatelr 5' x 61, on his development on 13edfor-' Street known
as t�-annyfield,% It ,ras unani_moll_sly voted that the y.etition be
granted in the following form:
11,e Lo= rd of A -peals, acting under 1enera_'. Laws,. a
P'r� pter
40, Sec. 27, having received a v!ri.tten petition addressed to
it by i'ei�'=+clntos3_, cops of which is hereto tnnexed, held a
public hearin>r thereon of which notice was -railed to the :petitioner
and t: the om; ei,s of all propert-, deemed by- the "onrd to be
affected therel_),, as their appear on th.e --ost recent local tax
' list and also advertised in the Lexln„ton inute-?fan, a news-
Luper n,iblished in Lexin ton, which hearin ::Tas held in the
Lelectmen}s "oom, in the down ^ffice "uildinm on the fifth_ da;
of "pr:71,
-11 of the members of the 2o-Lrd of t
at the hearing. A certificate of rticc i hereto annexed. At
this hearin7_ evidence was offered on behalf of the r,etitioner
tending; to show: that he wished to place two si-ns each con-
tainin'r not over 30 sq. ft. in area, or approxin-ate-11T 5' x 61, on
his development on "edford ” treet known as "Sunnyfie110".
-To persons arreared in opposition.
At t',,e close of the 1,_earinm the -oard in private
session on 1•nril f, 1935 have torsiaeration to the s�)bject
of the petition and voted unanirious. ,,= in favor cf th('. follow-
irg find.i_n ;s:
I . 1hat in its judrrem.^nt ti;e public convenience and
welfare vri l- be substantially served by the .:Malkin- of the
exception requestee..
2. 11-iat the exception requested will not tend to impair
the; status of the nei,hborhood.
3. that the eTception requested
l_e ire Inarmony
with the :general purposes and
intent, of the
re.c;nlat1ons in
the Lexin_;ton Zonin�� mfr -Latin.
4. "hat owing to conditions
of fecting the
said parcel but not aff�ectin�;_
_generally the
zonin�� district
n which
it is loar!te,', a literal enforcement
of the rrovisions
of t' ^_e
I:ex niton 'y -law as to tL!e locus
In question would
substantial hardship to the petitioner
and that desirable
be granted arithout suhstantlally derc�tating
from the
or - r7,,ose cf siich. Lexin^ton. Zonin ; ,,r-1
Yursv_ant to the s.id findings, the '�,ol-;rd hereby unanimously
decides that t -e a plication of tine said Lexington Zoning By-law
is hereb,= varied so far as may be necessary to permit the erection
by the petitioner of two signs approximately 5' x 6' containing
not over 30 sq. ft. each in area on his development on ''edford
Street k--owr_ as "Bunn-rfi eId", advertisirs; said development, to
be located not less than 20 feet from any street line.
i'ha board hereby males a detailed record of all its pro-
ceedings relative to such ret' -tion and lierebr sets forth: that
the reasons for its decision are its finding* hereinbefore set
forth and the testimonjr presented at the said hearing, including
that herein surrna-rized, and_ directs thc=.t this record immediately
followinT this .-lecisi.on shall be filed in the office of the Town
Clerk of Lexi-n7ton and shall be open to public. insnectlon and
that notice of this decision shall be mailed forthwith. to each
party in interest.
(Fptointed under G.L.Ch.40, Sec. 27)
E, vIward ". Kimball '
C . 1'dward 17Tnn
toward `" . "obbins
Charles L . ` emus on
I, tloti+;ard V . Robbins, `'lerk of the i3oard of l'ppeals of
Lex:i_ngton appointed under ueneral Lavas, 'hapter 40, Section
27, hereb,r cernf'y that I sent by nostame certificate of
mailing on the 21st day oflarch, 1905, to r'rank Johnson, et
al, Fran_, J. Longle%va'T,Geor7e G. �: Gertrlyde Y',. Denoit,
Robert D. & Libbie D. larl<e, Lugene O. Loupret,-Herbert F.
Lhannon, - brund y. - ::ona H. Byers, Lexington Co-op. Bank,
Jererr.iah 'l Fa.ryF. Sanborn, ITallie C. .olake, Lexi-nFton
'frust Co., David J, HarriEan, yliot ir,endalll
Ethel 1I. "ecrge I' . Wean, Ertl ur L. L- ' race M. Smith,
Agmen M. Lugene Commons, Bartholomina 'lice, G. O. t1nderson
Sons, Inc., Torth Cambridi=e Co-op. wank, Yell I-cIntosh,
oanucl 2ur-ovne, Jose -oh t'. iTelen L. "ui115, °,av( rley "o -op.
wank, hllen U. O'Donnell, nd also advertised ir_ the Lexinmton
'rinute-plan on ?:-arch 21st, 1035, a notice of wlh' cls_ the follow-
is a true cop,r.
I'_oward "°tobbins
Ulerk, Bo€,rd of appeals.
March 12, 1935.
Loard of A„peals
Town Hall
Lexington, P+' ass .
Dear Sirs:
"he undersigned respectfully requ.ests permission to erect
on his propert-- on Bedford. Street, "Sunnyfield” so-called, two
signs, each apmoxirrately 5 x O feet, and each not over 30
square feet in area, to be used for the sale of his property.
Td 0 1 1 C 7-
Lexin7tcn, Lass.
T,�'arch 19th, 1.935.
' jre "o rd ofy peals will hold a hearing on the matter
of varyinr, the applicationr �ci ITa, r. r mit
ai C�i
the premises owned by !,ell -cin osh of ex]n on, anc�
as "Sunnield", twsl�- m 5 x 6 feet and eacl�
containing not over thirty square feet in area, under t.hq
LeTington ZoninP, Law or in accordance with 'hapter 40, erection
27A of the ueneral Laws and amendments.
-Ire hezrir.7 will be Yield in the selectmen)s i'loom, :own
Office "uildin`, Lexington, on —pril 5th, 1935 at C -OC F. L.
Arthur T,addison,
Chairman, Board of Appeals.
The motion %as duly made and seconded that Tii_ss Eleanor
i. Lowe be employed as secretary of the Board ofKppeals, a�nd
that she be paid at the rate of wP.00 per meetinr..
The meetin7 adjourned.
A true record, Attest:
, 14v � � e lfl