HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930-06-11. BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING JUNE 11, 1930. A meeting of the Board. of. Appeals was held at the Selectments Room, .Town __Office Building, at 8_P.M. Messrs. Maddison, Glynn., Cus.tante,. Slooum_and.Baldrey were present.. The .s.ec.retary,.Helen C. Whitt amore was also present. Town Counsel,Sydney R. Wrightington,.came.before the Board to discuss with them_matters relating to.. Opinion re roadside stands. The .Town Counsel. advised the roadside Board that any owner of a roadside stand which was stands. in operation previous to 1924 did ._not_ have to apply for a yearly permit under the Zoning _Law. He also advised that hefelt. the Board of Appeals could in. their discretion., advertise. a hearing each year on the application for the roadside stands or they Could simply.renew..the_permi.t, just as they saw fit. In regard to the records of the meeting of June 6, 1930, it was voted to correct therecord stating that Mr. Neil McIntosh.did not object to Records the stand being erected._ Mr. 1vcIntosh's letter did not approve of the standn.or did he disapprove. The Board repconsidered . the vote .passers .at the meeting June 6th in regard to. he petition of Boinay Joseph V. Boinay, inasmuch as. the .notices were not petition. sent regarding the hearing._tobe held.. on. tha._Boinay application. It was voted to hold thehearing.on.the ap lication...an Friday,. June 2.7,_1930 at 8 P.M. —� The Board considered the application of Frank A. & Mary Napoli and passed. the .following order regarding same: The Board of Appeals, acting under General Laws, Chapter 40, sec. 27, having.received.a.written petition addressed to it by Frank A. & Mary Napolilj a copy of which is hereto annexed,.held_.a public Napoli hearing thereof of which notice was mailed.to_.the Order. petitioner and to the owners . of. all_. property deemed by the Board to be affected thereby asthey appear bn the most recent local tax list, and also advertised in the Lexington Times -Minute Man, a newspaper published in Lexington, which hearing was.het.d..in the Selectmen's' Room in the Town Office Building .on Fr.iday., the_.sixth day of_June.,.1930. at. .ei.ght.o'clock P.M. A majority of the members of the. Board. of Appeals .were present at the hearing. A certificate of not.ice_is hereto annexed. At thil hearing evidence was offered on behalf of the petitioner tending to show that they own a parcel of land at the junction of Middle Street and Marrett Road approximately fourteen acres; That they had maintained a roadside stand for the past two years selling the products from their land and if granted a permit to have a roadside stand would sell nothing but the products of the land, and evidence was offered on behalf of citizens . opposing the granting of the said petition tending to show; That in their opinion traffic conditions were bad at this point and they felt.t ht.a.stand, particularly of a permanent nature, would...be_.a detriment to the. neighborhood. At a subsequent_mee.ting,held on Wednesday, June 11, 1930, at which the full.Baard.was present in private session gave consideration_ to the. subject of the petition and voted. unanimously. in favor of .the following findings.: 1.. That in its judgment.the.public_ convenience and welfare will be substantially served by the makingof the. exception..reggested. 2. That the exception requested willnot tend to impair the status of the neighborhood. 3. That the exception_requested will be in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the regulations in the Lexington Zoning By-law. . 4. That the enforcementof the Lexington Zoning By-law as to the locus in_question_wouid involve practical difficulty and unnecessary .hardship _and the reliefrequested may be granted..withaut....sub.stantially derogating .from th.e. .intent. and purpose_of_..such..Lexington Zoning By-law. Pursuant to the said findings, the Board_ hereby unanimously decides that the Application of the said Lexington. Zoning By-law is hereby varied so far as. may be necessary to permit Frank A...and .Mary Napoli to maintain a temporary roadside stand-on..the.Marre.tt Road front of their land located_. on Marrett Road and. Middle Street for the purpose of selling only. .the products grown on. their own land in the Town of Lexington...and that said stand"be set back from the property line on Marrett.,:; Road at least thirty (30) feet, they to provide_ sufficient _parking. space for_. automobiles to prevent traffic congestion_on Marrett Road; this permit to. expire June 11, 1931. The Board hereby makes a detailed record.. of. all its proceedings relative to such petition and hereby Co i • sets forth that the reasons for its decision are its findings hereinbefore set forth and the testimony presented at the said hearing, including that herein summarized, and dire*ts that this record immediately following this decision shall be filed in the office of the Town Clerk of Lex- ington and shall be open to public inspection and that notice of this decision shall be mailed forthwith to each party in interest. Board of Appeals of Lexington (Appointed limier G. L. Ch. 40, sec. 27) Arthur.N. maddison C. Edward Glynn Roland W. Baldrey Curlys L. Slocum • Theodore A. Custance. I, Roland W. Baldrey, Clerk of the Board of Appeals of Lexington, appointed under General Laws Chapter 40, section 27, hereby certify _that .I sent by registered mail on May 20, 1930 to Marie L. Baker, Bertha S. Carson, Alexander Holmes, Annie R...Ku.ssian, John & Elia M. Jack, Mable B. Wescott, Edgar. F. Scheibe, Robert J. Fawcett, Louise M. Hannaford, Russell Bray, John C. Phelps,Richard. Whittemore, Helen B. Sarano, Charles H. Miller, .Thomas .J..& Jennie Heaney,_ Lillian L. Granfield,_ Gertrude E. Chase, Lillian J. Pratt, Hugh & Sadie McIntosh, Elisa Lamont, Charles W. Ryder, Clyde E. Steeves, et als, Robert H. Storey, Helen M. MacArthur, Elmer G. Spinney, George R. & Helen Munroe, Neil McIntosh,. Margaret R. R. Walker, James A. Bailey,William E. &. Myth .W._ Shcivan, Caroline 0. Olsen, Charles R. & Mary V. Neskey, Agnes.. B. Carpenter, Helen M. & Clarence W. Mason., Bertha A. Lawson, John E. & Alice M. Chism, Albin.a .M... Marble, David .&. .Grace Davies, Katherine E. Crosby,Margaret R. Merrick, Annie H. Cheney, George E. Smith,Annie E. &..Mary J. Marshall, Saunderso.n .11. Dunlop, Charles E. McLaughlin, Lillian L. Stimpson, Richard & Electa M. Lamb, Jane F. DeLesdernier, Kathleen M. Daley,Fred A. & Lizzie B. Hopkins, George R. England,Roy R. Rice, Christine A. Gramstorff, Raymond L. & Anna White,Walter C. & Florence M. Boone, Patrick & Helen MacKino, Edwin H. & Mary E. Halverson, Arthur F. Colby,John J. Scannell Timothy Brosnan, Raymond E. Maclnnis., Do.lores_MacInn.is Harriett L. Jenks, Ernest P. Crozier, Harriett F. Crozier, Watertown Cooperative Bank,Raymond W.& Lillian K. Brown, Edward C. & Helena Maguire, Leonard S. & Margaret Cress, Ethel M. Clemner and Frank A. & Mary Napoli and also published in the Lexington Times -Minute Man on May 23, 1930 a notice ofwhichthe following is.a true copy. Rol 8 May 17, 1930. Board of Appeals under the Lexington Zoning By-law Town Office Building Lexington, Mass. Gentlemen: The undersigned proprietor of the premises at Middle Street, Lexington, Massachusetts, hereby makes application under section 9 (f) of the Lexington Zoning By-law for a permit.for.a roadside stand on the Marrett Road front of, said premisea for the sale of only the products of the land of the_.und.ersigned within the Town. Yours sincerely, Frank A. Napoli NOTICE Lexington,. Mas s. May 20,_1930. The Board of Appeals will hold a hearing on the matter of varying the application of the Zoning Law by permitting the use of the property situated on Middle Street near its_junetion with Marrett Road and owned by Frank A. & Mary Napoli under Section 9 F of the Lexington Zoning By-law for .a permit for a. roadside stand on the said premises for the sale of only the products of the land and in accordance with Chapter 133 of the Acts of 1924. The hearing will. _be held on June. 6., 1930. at the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building.at 8:00 P.M. Arthur N....Maddison,Chairman Board of .Appeals . The Board considered the application of Salvatore Ricci_of Waltham.S.treet, and voted to pass the Ricci following order: order. The Board of Appeals, acting under General Laws, Chapter 40,.sec., 27, having_received_a written petition .addressed_ to _it. by Salvatore .Ricci, a copy of whichis hereto annexed,.held.a.public hearing thereonof which.notic.e was.mai.led.to the petitioner and to the owners _of all..property deemed ' 1 1 49 by the Board to be affected thereby as they appear on the most recent local tax list, and also advertised in the Lexington Times -Minute Man, a newspaper published in Lexington, which hearing was held in the Selectmen's Room, in the Town Office Building on Friday, the sixth day of June, 1930 at eight fifteen o'clock P.M. A majority of the Members of the Board of Appeals were present at the hearing. A certificate of notice is hereto annexed. At this hearing evidence was offered on behalf of the petitioner tending to show that Mr. Salvatore Ricci had leased from Alfred L. Short a portion of his land on Waltham Street near the Waltham line_ and desiredto use the same for a roadsidestand. for .the sale oily of the products of the land owned by said Ricci in Lexington, and no evidence was offered on behalf of citizens opposing the granting of the said petition. At the close of the hearing the Board in private session gave consideration to the subject of the petition and voted unanimously in favor of the following findings: 1. That in its judgment the public convenience and welfare will be substantially served by the making of the exception .requested. 2. Thab the exception requested will not tend to impair the status of the neighborhood. 3. That the exception requested will be in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the regulations in the Lexington Zoning .By-law. 4. That the enforcement of the Lexington Zoning By-law as to the locus in question would involve practical difficultyand unnecessary hardship and the relief requested may be granted without sub- stantially derogating from the intent and purpose of such Lexington Zoning By-law. Pursuant to the said findings., the Board hereby unanimously decides that the application of the said Lexington Zoning By-law is hereby varied. so _far as may be necessary to permit Salvatore Riccito maintain a temporary roadside stand on property owned by Alfred L. Short and leased to said Salvatore Ricci on Waltham Street near the. Waltham line ator about the junction of what was formerly the old _ county road for the sale only of the products o.f_the _land .owned by said Ricci in Lexington on thefollowing conditions: That said stand will be set back twenty feet from the line of Waltham. Street; 50 and thtteistand deder tnpn�tion orneOiounty Ho near its junction with Waltham Street be kept in condition to park automobiles in such manner as will prevent traffic congestion on Waltham Street. The Board hereby makesa detailed record of:all.its proceedings ._relative _.to. such petition and hereby sets.forth that the reasons for its decision are its findings hereinbefore set forth and the testimony presented at the. said hearing, including that herein .summarized,. and.directs__that this record immediately.. following this .decision shall be filed in the office of the. Town. Clerk of.Lexington and shall be open to public inspection and that notice of this decision shall .be mailed..fo.rthwith . to each party in interest. Board of Appeals of Lexington (Appointed under G. I. Ch. 40,sec. 27) Arthur N. Maddison. Roland W. Baldrey C. Edward. Glynn_ Curlys L. Slocum Theodore A. Custance. I, Roland W. Baldrey, .Clerk of the Board of Appeals of Lexinton, appointed under General Laws, Chapter 40, section. 27,. hereby certify that I sent. by registerd mail on..May_ 21.,_ .1930._ to Alfred L. Short, Isabella Fardy,.Antonio .J. Lima.,..Ethe.l-.L. Dailey, Jeanette M. Lawrence,Louis H. Lawrence Adm., Giovanni Ricci, Margaret R. Wright,.. Frank Dias, Johh Dias, Jr. William...&.Ruth Greer, Ambrose A. Ballou, John F. Holdway,.Leneler F. Pope et al and Salvatore Ricci and also. published.in_.the Lexington Times Minute Man on..May 23, 1930 a notice. of. .which the following is a true copy. Roland W. Baldrey., Clerk May 20, 1930. Board of . Appeals , under. the L.exington. Zoning By-law Town Off ice Building Lexington, Mass. Gentlemen: The undersigned proprietor of the premises at Waltham Street, Lexington, Massachusetts, near the Waltham line, hereby makes application under Section 9 (f) of .the _Lexington Zoning By-law for a permit for a roadside stant on the said premises for the sale of only the products of the land leased by the undersigned within the Town. Yours sincerely Salvatore._ Ricci (signed) NOT I C E Lexington, Mass. May 2.0., 1930. The Board of Appeals will hold._a_he aring on the matter of varying the application of_.the Zoning Law by permitting the use of the property situated on Waltham Street.near.the Waltham line on property owned by Alfred L. Short and. leased by Salvatore Ricci, under Section 9 F of the. Lexington Zoning By-law for a permit for a roadside standon the said premises for the sale ofonly the products of the land and in accordance with Chapter 133 of the Acts of 1924. The hearing mill be held on June 6, _1930_ at the Selectmen's $oom, Town Office. Building,.at._8415.P.M. Arthur. N. Maddison, Chairman Board of._App.eals.. The meeting adjourned:at 10 P.M. A true record., Attes erk. 51